15 Surprising Facts About Albert Einstein They Don't Teach You In School

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to most people Albert Einstein is synonymous with e equals MC squared Einstein was a german-born physicist who came up with many groundbreaking theories he was even awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his services to theoretical physics but do you know the man behind the genius make sure to keep watching until the end to see why Einstein family life wasn't as picturesque as his career Before we jump into it click on that red subscribe button to be up-to-date with all the latest content from the richest now let's take a look at 15 surprising facts about Albert Einstein that they don't teach you in school although Einstein was a man of science he didn't want his brain or body to be studied because he didn't want to be worshipped his brain was taken by the pathologist on call at the Princeton hospital dr. Thomas Harvey he did not have permission from Einstein or his family when the realization hid that Einstein's brain had been stolen Harvey was luckily able to elicit permission to investigate the brain further we know what you're probably thinking his Einstein's brain really different from everyone else's in 1985 Marian diamond an American scientist found that that geniuses brain did not contain more neurons than the average person however it did have more glial cells than the average male brain which can lead to a more complex brain structure just like many people assumed Einstein's brain had more neurons there's this widely held belief that Einstein was bad at math sadly this is nothing more than a misconception Einstein was always top of his class in math and had even mastered differential and integral calculus by the time he was fifteen this rumor might have come about due to the fact that Einstein failed the entrance exam to the Federal Polytechnic School the first time around when he was just 16 years old while he did remarkably well in the physics and mathematics portion of the exam he didn't excel in language botany and zoology sections he did pass the test on his second try however you might be wondering how his fascination with math and physics began in the first place according to the author of the biography Einstein his life and universe Einstein received a gift from his father when he was five that was tiny but life-changing a compass his mind was blown by the fact that there were invisible forces at work making the needle move this gift is what many believed caused him to develop an appreciation for the unseen laws of nature Einstein himself even admitted that the experience made a deep and lasting impression on him although there was no doubt that he was brilliant no academic institution would hire him for almost a decade he was known to skip classes in school and was a bit of a rebel which meant that he didn't get the best recommendations from his teachers upon graduating after spending two years searching for an academic gig he settled for a job as a technical expert at the Bern Patent Office though he referred to it as his cobblers trade it was at this job that he hatched the ideas that led to his four groundbreaking papers published in 1905 Einstein was finally offered his first academic position in 1909 well you most likely didn't know that Einstein worked in a patent office you probably also didn't know he was an excellent violin player he even once reportedly threw a chair at his teacher during a lesson because he was tired of doing drills while Einstein owned several violins throughout his lifetime he always affectionately called his current one melina which was short for violin while this genius was praised for his smarts he admitted himself that his violin is what brought him the greatest joy in life Einstein's son claimed that music helped him to resolve all his difficulties one of the greatest difficulties that he had to face was no doubt the question of his citizenship Einstein was born into a secular Jewish family in Ulm Germany back in 1879 when he was 16 he moved to be with his parents in Italy however if he didn't report back to Germany for conscription by the age of 17 they would have accused him of desertion to avoid going back to Germany to serve in the military Einstein renounced his German citizenship what she was released from in January 1896 a few years later he was granted Swiss citizenship in 1940 he was granted American citizenship Einstein never wore socks something that he seemed to take pride in he even once wrote in a letter even on the most solemn occasions I got away without wearing socks and hid the lack of civilization in high boots the reasoning behind his sock lessness was simple his big toe was always making holes in his socks so he stopped wearing them and tie according to his secretary Helen Einstein didn't care much for grooming and he didn't even wear socks when he was invited to the White House by President Roosevelt he seemed to do just fine without the common commodity maybe his lack of socks was what prompted the FBI to survey him for decades they first opened a secret file on him in 1932 right before Einstein moved to America the file had only 16 pages at the time a document outlining why he shouldn't be allowed into the u.s. by the time Einstein took his final breath in 1955 that FBI file had grown to be over one thousand four hundred and twenty seven pages long according to the agency director at the time J Edgar Hoover Einstein was an extreme radical that he suspected might possibly be a communist though some people were convinced that Einstein was a spy this investigation didn't turn up anything of value another little known fact about Einstein is that he developed a modified fridge in the 20s it all started in 1926 after Einstein learned that a Berlin family had suffocated from toxic gas after their refrigerator seal leaked shocked by the news he enlisted the help of his friend Leo Szilard to create a safer fridge they created an absorption fridge without a compressor to eliminate the possibility of leaks though they submitted dozens of patents for this fridge it never became a consumer product sadly the discovery of freon made the Einstein silard fridge an even tougher sell while Einstein created his fridge for the sake of protecting humanity he wasn't always so noble in 1939 he wrote a letter to US President Franklin Roosevelt that helped to push the u.s. to build an atomic bomb Einstein warned Roosevelt in his letter that the Nazis were already working on this new weapon however the physicist was deemed too much of a security risk to work on the manhattan project himself when the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 causing unspeakable destruction Einstein instantly regretted writing that letter you might be imagining Einstein to be the type of person who dedicates his entire life to working on his theories indoors but the physicist did allow himself time to go sailing he learned to sail when he was a teenager but never really mastered the skill but his lackluster skills as a sailor never stopped him from going out onto the water and neither did his inability to swim Einstein rarely wore a life vest and often needed to be rescued by nearby boaters it's interesting to hear that Einstein was bad at something but sailing wasn't the only area in which he didn't excel he was reportedly slow to talk to he had a lot of difficulty getting a handle on language and his mother feared him to be mentally slow but at two-and-a-half years old when he saw his baby sister for the first time Einstein exclaimed in disappointment but where are its wheels some of his earliest childhood memories involve him practicing entire sentences in his head only speaking them aloud once he got them right when Einstein's first marriage with Mileva Maric started to turn sour Einstein outlined some conditions for her to follow these conditions included among others you will stop talking to me if I request it and you will leave my bedroom er study immediately without protest if I request it unsurprisingly the two divorced soon after he even once wrote to his cousin Elsa with whom he had an affair and ultimately ended up marrying that he treated Maleeva as an employee that he could not fire Einstein continued to have affairs even after he remarried Elsa have you heard about Einsteins illegitimate daughter and schizophrenic son in 1902 before Einstein a Maleeva were married Maleeva secretly gave birth to a girl that they named Wiesel nobody even knew about her existence until decades after Einstein passed away based off a sentence in a letter that Einstein sent two Maleeva in 1903 some believe that Liesel passed away from scarlet fever then there was the genius's schizophrenic son Edward whom Einstein considered to be most like him before he was taken by the incurable mental illness in his 20s after Maleeva Edwards primary caretaker passed Edward was institutionalized like we mentioned earlier Einstein was Jewish the state of Israel's first president Haim Wiseman even once called him the greatest Jew alive when Wiseman passed away in 1952 Einstein received a letter asking if he'd accept the presidency of Israel if it were offered to him the letter indicated that his acceptance of the job meant that he'd have to move to Israel and become a citizen however he would have been given complete freedom to continue to pursue his scientific work while deeply moved by the offer Einstein did not accept it that's all for 15 surprising facts about Albert Einstein that they don't teach you in school what other fun facts do you know about this physicist let us know in the comments below thanks for watching and don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 661,824
Rating: 4.8155513 out of 5
Keywords: Albert Einstein, The Richest, TheRichest, Nobel Prize, State of Israel Presidency, E=mc^2, theoretical physicist, theory of relativity, smartest person in the world, genius, Einstein bad at math, Einstein’s brain, brain, interview, biography, Inventions, IQ
Id: 1F-VyeRWSvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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