15 Reasons Why JEWISH People Are RICHER

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no this isn't an anti-semitic video it's an educational one and we hope you'll learn something by the end throughout history jewish people have been perceived as being wealthy but where did that rhetoric stem from we know that jewish people like all people have their wealthy middle class and their lower income group so alexers today we're going to delve deep into this thought process welcome to alex.com the place where future billionaires come to get inspired if you're not subscribed yet you're missing out number one judaism and wealth judaism doesn't cast poverty as a sign of righteousness as other beliefs might instead they believe each person should avoid poverty and be gainfully employed to earn their own living this is a fundamental value that has led to a good work ethic and a personal responsibility for each person earning their own keep jewish people also believe in giving they believe that 10 to 20 of wages should go toward religious and charitable causes however they don't believe in relying on charity to lift yourself up and certainly not to become a burden on the community growing up with this kind of mindset makes for a solid foundation to see success as the only option number two european jews couldn't own land if you think anti-semitism was only popularized in world war ii think again jewish people have had a tough history including not being able to own land in europe from as far back as the medieval times but where there's a will there's a way so jewish people found alternative ways to build their wealth outside of property owning one of them being merchants and traders industries to this day where they still have a big footprint in most countries this created a safety net for jewish communities because where their services were needed they were safe number three religious opportunity was taken to christians in the middle ages charging interest was a sin this prevented them from holding any type of financial job leaving the opportunities in that field open to the jewish community who did not see lending in the same way jewish people became prominent in money lending businesses the jewish people's early success in this lucrative business was a forerunner for many of the stereotypes we hear today of jewish people number four opened the first banks it was a hop and a skip from money lending to opening the first banks in europe for the jewish community they could manage transactions transfers and day-to-day financial services plus continue to lend money and charge interest with their strong background in finance this was a much needed service on a developing continent and helped to fuel further growth but it wasn't all rosy this success also led to jealousy which fueled much of the anti-semitic sentiment throughout the ages number five the most educated religious group in 2016 the pew center released a study which listed jewish people as the most educated religious group in the world on average the jewish community receives 13.4 years of schooling when it comes to post-secondary degrees jewish people hold 61 of the qualifications what's more surprising is the vast difference between first and second most educated religions christians rank second most educated but compared to the average of 13.4 years of schooling among jewish people christians only rack up an average of 9.3 years at school more credentials lead to a higher starting salary and this immediately improves the financial status of jewish people right out of university number six they look after one another perhaps it comes from a long history of being marginalized or perhaps it's just inherent nature but jewish people have a deep pride in sharing their wealth to benefit their community this mutual aid mentality is a part of their ethos and ensures that each member of the community is supported to enable them to succeed if someone opens a new business the community will rally around them to support it if someone else falls on hard times the community will try to help them out judaic law instructs that poor people are to be respected and protected this strong focus on uplifting the whole community has meant that even shunned jewish communities have managed to survive the hardest times by investing in one another the idea of wealth is not just to accumulate wealth which is seen as vanity wealth is seen as a means to an end to grow a community it is highly frowned upon to not give generously to the social and spiritual needs of the community number seven their religion teaches good business practices the torah and many jewish philosophers leaders and writers have made it clear how jewish businesses must operate according to these teachings there's absolutely no room for dishonest practices any deception collusion or price fixing against a consumer is known as ona'a which translated means oppression fleecing the consumer is seen as an oppression of their freedom knowing that you're going into business with someone who's inspired to good ethics by a higher power makes jewish business people a very attractive business partner to many number eight resilience and perseverance are second nature despite extreme challenges jewish people have shown resilience throughout it's woven into their fabric and the focus remains on the spiritual and practical with this resilience and perseverance giving up is not an option when things go wrong in business which happens there's no self-pity but an attitude of happens let's figure out how to fix it as author of the money code become a millionaire with the ancient jewish code h.w charles wrote the jews are known for their perseverance and this is what helps them achieve their goals perseverance means continuous persistence in a course of action a purpose in spite of difficulties obstacles or discouragement number nine good financial education taught over generations jay-z got a lot of pushback for his comments on jewish people in his track the story of oj the controversial line was you want to know what's more important than throwing away money at a strip club credit you ever wonder why jewish people own all the property in america this is how they did it it was seen by many experts as reinforcing the stereotype that jewish people have some kind of global control of property and banks however jay-z defenders saw it as a shout-out to jewish success and a hint to the black community to follow similar business ventures and invest in each other the kind of generational knowledge and market confidence in the areas of finance and property that the jewish community has is enviable no matter who you support number 10 parents teach their children the value of money in many households speaking openly about finance is taboo parents try to protect their children by not sharing if they're having financial troubles or if they're wealthy displaying that it's okay to splurge by using five jars many jewish parents teach their children how to be money-wise each jar is labeled tithe giving and offering saving investing and spending children are given 10 shekels and the child puts one in the tithe jar one in the giving and offering one in the savings two in investing and five in spending the giving jar is opened up on sundays the tithe which means 10th in hebrew is opened at the end of the month the savings is opened on special occasions and investing is only opened when full parents don't intervene and the child is responsible for the money but the children learn from their mistakes and take ownership of their decisions number 11 wealth is managed effectively sages of the talmud the lives sayings and stories of four hundred rabbinic masters a book written by mordechai javoditz is a great read you can also hear it on audible and it shares many words of wisdom including how to manage money with spiritual motivation the book also touches on finances and diversification what diversification means is that capital is allocated in a way that doesn't expose too much to one particular risk or asset but rather spreads it out to reduce the risk to sum it up in its most basic form don't put all of your eggs in one basket number 12 networking is important hey luxers we all know how networking opens doors and business opportunities and only by actively engaging with others can we grow our business and wealth people do business with those they know trust and who are genuine with jewish communal life there is ample opportunity to network the sabbath synagogue and jewish celebrations help to build long-lasting relationships both business and personal number thirteen look at the past to plan the future hey luxers we've all heard the saying history repeating itself the jewish community are aware that any circumstances arising now are not new by looking at similar situations that have happened in the past it's easier to make better business and financial decisions for the future patterns repeat themselves wealth is gained by learning those patterns or trends understanding market cycles and gaining a foothold on worldwide currency kalso kukrikorn author of the secrets of jewish wealth revealed beautifully writes until now your money has told you what to do and how much to work now you're going to turn that around you'll learn how to tell your money what to do and how much to work for you number 14 advice from one of the richest mark zuckerberg was raised in a reformed jewish household he had a star wars themed bar mitzvah he was just 19 when he started facebook in 2004. zuckerberg says he's become more religious since becoming a father and often dispenses great advice for up-and-coming business leaders he says some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard for it to help you along your financial journey we highly recommend you watch our video 10 life hacks that actually work where we explain an interesting concept called parkinson's law check it out number 15 the simple truth hey luxers it is true there are a lot of jewish people that are rich but it's also true there are a lot that are poor the same goes for every other person jewish or not the torah does teach beautiful principles for success in life which we can all learn from self-learning education and a hunger to learn will set you on the right path to becoming financially secure robertson dana weinberg orthodox jewish rebetzin and founder and dean of ayotte college of jewish studies for women in jerusalem shares advice we can all take in there are no problems only opportunities for growth well alexers what lessons can you take away from today's video share your thoughts with us in the comments below and for sticking with us until the end here's your bonus there is a long history of why jewish people and money have been portrayed the way they have been some believe there are secret jewish societies running the world behind the scenes controlling all the money and elixers it's up to us to stop fueling these stereotypes we need to speak openly about our differences privileges and historical legacy we need to educate ourselves and acknowledge the journey that jewish people have undertaken until next time alexers remember to click subscribe for more thought-provoking videos every day and hit us with a thumbs up if you enjoyed this one you
Channel: Alux.com
Views: 2,531,464
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Keywords: Alux, Alux Youtube, jewish people richer, jewish, jew, jews, judaism, judaism history, persecuted jews, jews and money, money, fortune, richest jews, jews are rich, why jews are richer, rich jews, history of jews, history of the jewish, mark zuckerberg jewish, judaism teachings, judaism religion, jewish holidays, jewish secret societies, zionism, jewish wealth, jewish rules of money, torah, israel, jews documentary, judaism documentary, jewish entrepreneurs, jewish business men
Id: GeSrp-7TYGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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