15 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Prefer to Be Alone

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Hey everyone, and welcome to TopThink. Today, we  will learn about 15 reasons why highly intelligent   people prefer to be alone. Now, let’s begin  1. The One Percent For highly intelligent people,   many social situations are surprisingly  isolating. They socialize and meet new people,   just like anybody else, but they rarely encounter  others who share their extraordinary intellect.  Let’s say one out of every 100 people is  considered highly intelligent. If you met any one   of those 100 people, what are the odds you would  encounter the one person who thinks like you?  This is a dilemma that highly intelligent people  face every time they socialize with anyone. It’s   easy for the average person to meet someone  who shares their intellect, but it’s very   uncommon for highly intelligent people to  meet their match. They rarely come across   individuals who truly understand them, so it’s  no surprise that smart people prefer to be alone.  2. Erratic Routines Some of the most brilliant   people keep the most unpredictable schedules.  They work at all hours of the night and sleep   late into the day. Their jobs are unusual,  their hobbies are out of the ordinary.  As a result, many highly intelligent people  keep schedules that don’t align with the rest   of the world. Some are night owls. Some are early  birds. In either case, most brilliant people live   according to a schedule that only they understand. 3. The Pickiest Friends  Smart people are very picky about whom they  spend their time with. This is especially   true of introverted intellectuals. By default,  they may judge and criticize the people they   meet. They look for problems in everyone, and  they usually find something to complain about.  That’s the downside of being clever and  perceptive. A highly intelligent person   can quickly and easily imagine a dozen  reasons why any person is not a good fit.  Most of the time, their pickiness is a form  of self-defense. Intelligent people are   accustomed to knowing everything, so they may  use their brainpower to avoid social risks and   vulnerability. In other words, highly intelligent  people prefer to be alone because they know how   painful a bad friendship or relationship can be. 4. Intellectual Stimulation  Many brilliant people prefer to be alone because  they find it more fulfilling to converse with   themselves. After all, who understands you better  than you? For many highly intelligent people,   self-talk is not only therapeutic  but also intellectually stimulating.  It may look and sound strange to the average  person, but this is surprisingly common among   the world’s brightest people. They talk  to themselves almost every day. Why?   Because they rarely encounter other people who  engage them on a similar intellectual level.  5. The Odd Man Out Many people socialize because they’re afraid to   be the odd man out. They don’t like missing things  that other people get to experience. They feel   jealous when they see friends and even strangers  living more exciting or fulfilling lives.  But highly intelligent individuals don’t mind  standing on the sidelines. They don’t envy   friends or strangers or wish they were living  someone else’s life. In other words, a highly   intelligent person will happily be the odd man  out because their interests often lie elsewhere.  6. Extra Weight Around the world, people rely on   teamwork and cooperation to solve problems. It may  require a group of like-minded people to tackle   a single task, but highly intelligent people  don’t require the same level of social support.  That doesn’t mean highly intelligent  people aren’t team players. In challenging   high-level environments, intellectuals flourish by  cooperating with people of similar intelligence.   But when it comes to low-level problems, the  most intelligent people would rather work alone.  When a basic problem must be solved, the most  competent people find a quick and efficient   solution without asking for help. In  group projects and team environments,   many intelligent people feel like their team  members are slowing them down. In other words,   most people don’t see problems as clearly as they  do, so it’s no surprise that most intelligent   people prefer to work alone. 7. Frivolous Interactions  Socializing has many advantages for many people.  For some, socializing is a form of entertainment,   relaxation, or social connectivity. It can lead  to friendships, business connections, and romantic   relationships. But most of the time… socializing  is not the most productive thing you do.  Highly intellectual people try to be productive as  often as possible. They don’t like to waste their   time, so they don’t leave much room in their  lives for frivolous social interactions. The   smartest people prefer solitude because they’re  most productive when left to their own devices.  8. Patterns of Strangeness It’s safe to say that only a tiny   percentage of people in the world qualify  as highly intelligent people. Similarly,   only a tiny percentage of people enjoy solitude  more than socializing. Both qualities are uncommon   in the greater population, so it makes sense  that the two occur so frequently together.  Intelligent people are more likely to have  uncommon social preferences when compared to   someone of average intelligence. For example,  the smartest people may not crave or idealize   social relationships as much as the average  person. It’s not because they’re antisocial   or socially awkward. They don’t benefit from  social connections in the same way as most people.  Everyone knows brilliant people are outliers  for their IQs, but the same is true of their   sociability. You and I might think their  social habits are out of the ordinary,   but why would the world’s most intelligent  people think or act any other way?  9. Small Social Circles Intelligent people may seem shy or introverted,   but their antisocial tendencies may stem from  a greater appreciation of their friendships and   relationships. In many cases, the most intelligent  people don’t want to create more connections   because their social needs are satisfied by the  few strong relationships they regularly maintain.  Many intelligent people are skilled at  creating deep, personal connections. They   would much rather bond closely with one person  than establish shallow relationships with many   people. That’s why most intellectuals keep  very small groups of friends. They don’t   bother expanding their social circles because the  friends they have are all the friends they need.  10. Unusual Expectations The most intelligent people see   the world in an unusual way. Whether they  are hyper-logical or profoundly artistic,   their perspectives don’t always align with  normal social expectations. As a result,   many people find highly intelligent individuals  to be strange or difficult to understand.  But highly intelligent people feel the  same way about everybody else. In fact,   many of the smartest people crave  solitude because other people’s   habits and decisions tend to drive them crazy.  11. Everyday Misunderstandings How would you feel if everyone you   met had trouble understanding you? That’s how most  of the smartest people feel every day. They may   have above-average IQs, but highly intelligent  people aren’t always the best communicators,   especially when talking to people who  don’t share their intellectual interests.  It’s common, for example, for intelligent people  to think quickly, often skipping a few steps ahead   in the conversation. They assume that other  people can keep up with what they’re saying,   but people are often confused and unsure what  to say. When you struggle to communicate with   everyone you meet, spending time alone  does not sound like such a bad option.  12. Solitary Stimulation Intelligent people spend   most of their time alone because many of  their favorite activities don’t require   more than one person. For example, intelligent  people see value in many private, intellectual,   and creative activities like reading and  writing. They enjoy getting lost in a good story,   learning about a new subject, and challenging  their minds to think and solve problems.  These are all solitary activities, which  bring intelligent people a kind of stimulation   that’s hard to find in many social settings.  Highly intelligent people like to be alone,   but they don’t do it on purpose. They simply  can’t enjoy their favorite hobbies any other way.  13. Tedious Explanations Working with others can be challenging,   especially when people don’t see things the  way you do. Instead of solving new problems,   highly intelligent people spend much of their  time explaining their decisions to their   teammates and coworkers. By the time they’ve  adequately explained the problem, they’ve lost   their momentum and wasted valuable time. Working alone allows the most intelligent   people to accelerate ahead of the competition.  They can make quick decisions and produce a   better final product because they don’t  have to justify every move they make.  14. Real Social Value Some people rely on the opinions of others to gain   confidence or self-esteem, but intelligent people  gather more meaning from their accomplishments,   passions, and intellectual pursuits. To  someone with above-average intelligence,   achieving something remarkable is far more  meaningful than impressing a group of people.  So, they keep to themselves. They don’t need to  get out and socialize because it doesn’t bring   them the same confidence or satisfaction.  That doesn’t mean intelligent people don’t   enjoy compliments, good conversations,  and emotional connections. But the most   meaningful things in their lives have  little to do with their social value.  15. Pointless Conflicts Highly intelligent people dislike pointless   social conflicts. They don’t want to cause drama  in their lives, and they have little patience for   the drama of others. Why? Because they see most  social conflicts as petty and unnecessary. They   don’t see the merit in arguing for social  gain or squabbling over ranks and titles.  Instead, the most brilliant people  take a hands-off approach to social   conflict. They keep to themselves so that  drama never interferes with their real,   meaningful goals. While others are stirring up  disputes and jostling for social status, highly   intellectual individuals prefer to be alone. Thank you for watching TopThink and be   sure to subscribe because more  incredible content is on the way.
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Keywords: why highly intelligent people prefer to be alone, why smart people prefer to be alone, introvert
Id: PeOwTtF5Sd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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