15 popular books I WILL NOT READ

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popular books i will not read yeah  i don't know what that was sorry   hi guys my name is leonie welcome back to my  channel today we're gonna talk about popular   books that i'm not gonna read even though there  are a lot of other people that absolutely adore   these books i'm just like no oh it's popular  i happen to not be interested in that   that makes me cooler... no that's not that's not  gonna be this video this video is not gonna be any   negativity. i see this as honesty. i think it's  a good thing to just be honest to yourself and   accept that sometimes there are books that you're  just not interested in and that you're just never   gonna get around to reading. if i don't think  that a book is gonna be a four or five star read   i'm not gonna start it even if it's super popula.r  if i don't think i'm gonna absolutely love it i'm   not gonna do it just because it's popular. that's  why i really like the idea of this video you know   just be honest to yourself you don't have  to read something just because it's popular   read things that make you excited so  today i'm gonna talk about all the books   that are very popular that i have no interest in  reading and at the end of the video there's gonna   be two books that you yes you watching this video  can still change my mind about also by the way   this video is definitely inspired by the  tag that was made by nicole... by nicole... well made by nicole from nicole and her books  which is the anti tbr tag. i'm not gonna follow   the tag exactly but i just took some inspiration  from the questions to come up with my list so i'll   leave a link to that tag in the description.  i highly recommend checking out her video!   okay let's begin! let us start with a book that is  very often recommended to me in the comments of my   videos um but that i'm actually not interested in  reading i'm very sorry but that is the raven boys   by maggie stiefvater. a lot of people recommend  this to me because i say that i love atmospheric   dark and eerie stories and this is like an urban  fantasy about a bunch of teens that are looking at   ley lines and there's like a king and there's  some witchy stuff going on... it's apparently   very atmospheric and mysterious but the thing  is i actually started reading this book once   and i dnf'd it after 50 pages and i know what  you're thinking: 50 pages is not enough to dnf   it but sometimes you just notice that the  book's vibe is not your thing and in those   cases i'm just like just gonna let it go. so i  don't think i'm ever gonna read the raven boys.   next up we have anything by sarah j maas. ho!  stop! i know what you're thinking, don't worry   this is not going to be a bashing of sarah j maas.  i know that it's become kind of popular to hate   on sarah j maas because she is so popular even  though i'm pretty sure the majority of people   still love her. i don't hate her books ...  let me just give you a quick history lesson  of my experience with sarah j maas books:   i read throne of glass - yes i did hate that book  - somehow i did continue to read crown of midnight   and i absolutely adored that  book. moved on to heir of fire,   realized the story was going into a direction  that i really didn't like and then abandoned the   series. i did read a court of thorns and roses,  enjoyed it but definitely didn't love it. i did   again move on to the second book because it  was so hyped, a court of wings... a court   of mist and fury, and i never got around to  finishing that book so i'm also abandoning   that series and i have no interest in continuing  those series or reading one of her other works.   i've just noticed that i don't really vibe with  those books the same way other people do so   not gonna read them. next one is city of ashes.  i've talked about it a lot so i won't linger   on this one too much. i read city of bones  enjoyed it, never got through city of ashes   and i have no interest in reading any of cassandra  clare's other books because... there are so many!   there are so many shadowhunter books i just can't  handle the commitment. next up we have a serpent   and dove. i've seen enough readwithcindy videos to  know that this YA romance is not gonna be my thing   even though it has enemies to lover trope which  i love because it's a romance between a witch   and a witch hunter. this is one of those books  that a lot of people adore and a lot of people   hate. i just don't want to subject myself to  something that i could potentially really hate.   then we have literally all the books by adam  silvera. he's a super popular YA contemporary   author. i've just recently made peace with the  fact that YA contemporary is just not really   my thing anymore. i noticed that i can't  really relate to the characters anymore.   also adam silvera's stories are supposedly very  tragic and... ew emotions. next up we have the a   song of ice and fire series. now i did watch the  show and really enjoyed it but i just don't think   that the books are for me. they're very bleak,  very long, also there's like eight books:   again intimidating, and i know that this whole  fantasy series kind of hinges not on magic   and magical storylines but more on the political  intrigue and as you know i'm just not a fan of   political intrigue in books. i like it in tv shows  but for some reason not in books. definitely never   gonna read that entire series. then we have  in the same vein outlander by diana gabaldon.   um i think we're sensing a theme here and  that is that long series just intimidate me   and i don't wanna even start them. and i'm gonna  say something very sinful right here but it is   one of those books that if i ever want  to experience the outlander story...   i'm probably just gonna watch the tv show. sorry. then we have the very popular science   fiction stories illuminae and aurora rising.  i can't really explain why but there's just   nothing about these two series that really  attract me. maybe it's just the space science   fiction thing because i'm not very familiar  with it but i do know that if i ever want to   get into space science fiction i'll probably  start out with like a more classic story like   the hitchhiker's guide of the galaxy. i don't  have any funny or eloquent arguments for why   i don't want to read them other than i'm just  not interested. okay next up we have one that   might surprise a lot of people. as you all know  i'm a really big fan of leigh bardugo's books.  should i just stay like this for the rest of the  segment just carrying these books just like hello   let me continue to talk. anyway, the books that  i will not be reading are the language of thorns   and the lives of saints. the lives of saints  - i don't know if it's out yet maybe it's just   out or it's gonna be published soon - but  basically these are both short story collections   about the grishavers by leigh bardugo. i  kind of feel like a fake fan for not buying   these books but here's the thing okay, these  are short story collections and i just know   that i tend to not read short story collections.  i'm not a huge fan of reading short stories,   i like finishing full novels, i'm just not  really interested in reading these short stories,   so i'm not gonna buy them. i don't know does  that make me a fake fan i i don't know. and i   don't really get enough satisfaction out of  just owning them for my collection which i   know could be a reason for people to get them  but for me that's not enough of a reason so   yeah these are gonna be some grisha books that i  will never read and that is painful to admit but   sometimes you just gotta be honest with yourself  okay. next up let's talk about a classic or like a   collection of classics that i will  probably never read and that is anything   by our mr shakespeare. here's the  thing okay i know if i'm gonna be   fully honest with myself i am more interested in  the idea of having read shakespeare than actually   reading shakespeare, if you know what i mean. like  i would love to be able to have read these stories   but um i've tried reading the merchant of venice  once and i just i can't, i can't get through it,   the stories don't interest me enough and  also like the old-fashioned english...   i just... it feels really stupid to admit  it but i just i can't really understand it.   just the fact that it's shakespeare shouldn't be a  reason for me to force myself to read them just so   i can say 'oh i did read the merchant of venice'  so just gonna let it go. then we have another very   very popular series just like every book on  this list and that is the millennium trilogy,   more well known as the girl with the dragon  tattoo. this is like the swedish crime novel   that is hugely popular and i'm just not really  interested in these kind of like crime books.   i did however watch the swedish movies and  i did really like them. you know that's the   thing with like crime is one of those genres  where i really like it in movies and tv shows   but not in books... don't really know why. why  are there certain things that i enjoy on screen   but not really in books? like the same thing  with political intrigue, i don't know what   it is. it does happen apparently. and then  the last one before we get to the ones where   you can still change my mind on, is children  of virtue and vengeance. you may know that   i really really loved children of blood and bone,  the first book in this series, but i've heard so   many people being just completely disappointed  by the sequel, children of virtue and vengeance,   and i just don't want to like ruin a good  experience with a disappointing sequel   so that's why i've just accepted that i'm not  gonna continue this series even though i did   really love the first book. and speaking  of disappointing sequels, that makes me go   to the two books that you can still change my  mind on because they are both sequels to books   that i really loved that do get kind of bad  reviews or very mixed reviews. the first one   is a vengeful by V.E. schwab because vicious is  actually one of my favorite books of all time   when i first heard that there was gonna be  a sequel i was so excited and then when it   finally came out... just negative reviews flowing  in. some people say that it's good, just not as   good as vicious, and then other people have said  that you know it doesn't exist and they pretend   it just doesn't exist because i really didn't  like it so this is one that i'm like you know i   just don't want to ruin vicious for myself. on the  other hand it feels weird to not read the sequel   to one of my most beloved books. so please let  me know do you think i should read vengeful or   should i just join the group of people that just  pretend this sequel doesn't exist. let me know i'm   undecided on this one. and the next one that i'm  a little bit on the fence about is actually king   of scars. we have the original grisha trilogy, the  six of crows duology and then we have the king of   scars duology. i'm going to be honest: even though  i love all the other books in the grishaverse   this story didn't really attract me in its premise  and then on top of that it didn't get very good   reviews like people who loved the other grisha  books didn't really love king of scars. because   here's the thing okay king of scars follows as  the main character a beloved side character of the   original trilogy, nikolai lantzov, he's a prince,  beloved character, i loved him and he's the main   character in king of scars. but here's the thing  okay please don't hate me but sometimes there   are characters that work really great as side  characters that i'm just not really interested   in seeing as a main character and that's what i  had with prince nikolai. i loved him as a side   character but i'm just not really interested  in reading a book completely about him,   sorry. so this is also one that i was like maybe  i should just let it slide but that yeah on the   other hand you know it is the grishaverse you know  one of my favorite... how you call that, like book   universes? so let me know, do you think i would  like king of scars or do you think i should just   you know skip it. let me know in the comments  what you guys think. please let me know what some   popular books are that you have no interested  in, really i love knowing that i don't know   why i love watching other people's videos about  popular books i don't plan on reading. definitely   again check out the video made by nicole in the  description. if i ever do end up reading like one   of the books on this list i've been exposed as  a fake, i think. if you like this video give it   a like and subscribe to my channel if you haven't  already. you can follow me on my social media at   thebookleo. i really hope you enjoyed this video  and i will see you soon in another one goodbye
Channel: The Book Leo
Views: 62,388
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, booktube, reading, booktuber, peruseproject, paperbackdreams, review
Id: uwi44jmFqPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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