15 MORE Times The Simpsons Predicted The Future...

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please don't tell the supervisor i have the flu that new prediction comes as new infections of 19 are exploding nationwide now over to arnie pie with horny in the sky route 401 is going around and around and around and around good afternoon from new york we're coming on the air with breaking news that retired los angeles lakers basketball star kobe bryant has been killed in a helicopter crash it happened this morning a lot of people say you guys predicted trump's run i know we'll take credit for anything simpson's predicted the future shot by shot because we're part of the illuminati which is true we are okay who wants waffles i do i do i do the simpsons is the longest running cartoon series in history they started in 1989 and have been going ever since even getting a movie out of the deal and to that end the simpsons have predicted the future a few times to the extent that they are kind of freaking people out we'll show you some examples of this be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel number 15 2020 in general i know what you're thinking how can an episode of the simpsons predict a whole year especially one that isn't done yet well that's a good question but to that question i answer with the episode margin change do you want to win a brand new iphone or a brand new macbook pro maybe you'd prefer a 500 amazon gift card well comment the hidden message in this video for a chance to enter to win for this episode it predicts not one not two not three but four major things that happened in 2020 you ready okay first and foremost it predicted the virus of sorts via the osaka flute in short some people from another nation brought a virus to springfield via boxes of content and the joke was that they sneezed into the box and the virus lasted until it got to springfield which is impossible for the record so naturally the people are desperate for a cure but they don't listen to the medical advice of their local doctor while the only cure is bed rest which is the second thing via people not respecting social distancing and not wearing masks and that leads them to thing number three where they knock over a truck and release killer bees if that sounds familiar there was a scare in the united states about the arrival of asian giant hornets aka the murder hornets so what was number four in that very same and clearly jam-packed episode marge gets arrested wrongfully and that leads to civil unrest in springfield including burning down the police station this is very much like the riots and protests that happened via the murder of george floyd via police officers who used the force to restrain him for having a counterfeit 20 bill so yeah the simpsons had a banger of an episode don't you think imagine if they had an hour episode for that one we might have had a glimpse into the back half of 2020. number 14 president trump when it came to the 2016 presidential election just about everyone thought that hillary clinton was going to be donald trump some pundits even had their winnings with a 90 certainty but that was wrong and trump won and you could argue that we've been paying the price ever since no one saw this coming except the simpsons all the way back in 2000 the simpsons thought it could happen they said it was going to happen and they played it big for the viewers at home if you're curious as to when this happened this was in the episode bart to the future and featured a future timeline in which lisa was actually the president of the united states and she said lines that indicated that the billionaire businessman was indeed the president before her no we've inherited quite a budget crunch for president trump what was the intent of the gag though was it just a simple joke not according to the writers they actually did the episode as a kind of warning to america that just seemed like the logical last stop before hitting bottom the writer said it was pitched because it was consistent with a vision of america going insane matt groening was asked about this and he recalled why trump was picked then and why it's even more ironic now trump was of course the most absurd placeholder joke name that we could think of at the time and that's still true it's beyond satire indeed trump's current reign as president has been one full of controversy and chaos and that's to put things lightly and he could get another term which would make the simpsons predictions all the more hilarious ironic and scary number 13 lisa the greek predicting sports event outcomes is nothing new and it would have been interesting if the simpsons didn't try and do that but not only did they do it they did it correctly three times during the super bowl the initial airing of the football centric episode lisa the greek which is a reference to a famous sports reporter called jimmy the greek came only a few days before super bowl 26 where lisa correctly predicted the washington redskins would win the next year the staff decided to dub in the names of that year's competing teams wendell is cut rudy is cut janey you're gone steven i like your hustle that's why it was so hard to cut you and they were once again correct with their call of the dallas cowboys as victors the redubbings continued with moderate success over the next few years finishing with another accurate prediction of the san francisco 49ers over the san diego chargers in the super bowl 29. while they don't do it now to our knowledge that's cool that they were able to predict all those winners so accurately number 12 the higgs boson homer simpson is an american icon in the tv world but one of his biggest traits is his stupidity it's a trademark of the character no doubt however homer simpson almost predicted the mass of the elementary particle the higgs boson more than a decade before it was discovered yeah i can't believe it either the episode the wizard of evergreen terrace aired in 1998 homer becomes an inventor and is shown in front of a blackboard with a complicated equation a fake formula something to tease the nerds it may have felt that way at first except it was real and in 2012 it was almost spot on for the actual formula that predicted the mass of the higgs boson particle that equation predicts the mass of the higgs boson writer simon singh said if you work it out you get the mass of the higgs boson that's only a bit larger than the nano mass of a higgs boson actually is it's kind of amazing as homer makes this prediction 14 years before it was discovered this is one weird and freaky coincidence it's been proven multiple times that there are plenty of math geeks on the simpsons writer staff but to be able to basically predict the mass of a particle over a decade before accredited scientists could figure it out give them a noble prize am i right speaking of which number 11 nobel peace prize lisa martin database and milhouse had a betting pool for the nobel peace prize in a 2010 episode of the show if you look to the right of the red circle you'll notice milhouse picked bank or holstrum to win the prize for economics in 2016 holstrom actually won that prize that's one heck of a coincidence and obviously when it comes to the nobel peace prize certain people are nominated year after year for their accomplishments sigmund freed for example was nominated 13 times though he never did win anyway it's kind of funny to see that they were able to pick a winner from the future especially for a prize as grand as a nobel peace prize it helped cement that not only are they making predictions they're going in all corners to make it feel like they're looking at everything 10 smart watch let us not forget a simple thing about the simpsons mainly the show premiered in 1989 when a lot of key technology was still in its infancy so when they did things about future technology they were looking at what they had then and seeing how it could grow for example in 1995 cell phones weren't really a thing in the mass market yet and the idea of a phone being put into a watch was unheard of except for in the simpsons during season 6 a future timeline showed lisa with a husband and that husband had a smart watch on and that smart watch had the ability to take orders from hugh lisa's husband and give orders to other people fast forward to 2014 and the first smart watches were born and released to the public and with each passing year they get stronger in function and are able to do more and the sky is literally the limit for them right now who knows what they might be in another 10 years obviously the writers of the simpsons couldn't have known about this back in 1995 but maybe they just felt that this was where everything was going and thus they decided to do their own spin on things weirder things have happened in television and movies and beyond number 9 greasy monkey one of the constant themes of the simpsons is that homer is not afraid to go and do things to get quick cash one of homer's many get rich quick schemes involved siphoning grease from various establishments and then selling it to make profit it was a plan so prolific that delinquents were using it in real life as reports show people stealing grease from restaurants around new york city to sell the irony of this is many fold because you would think that grease from things like restaurants wouldn't be that valuable and you would be wrong because later on the show mythbusters showed that strained cooking grease is not only valuable it's a legit substitute for your diesel-powered vehicle and has basically the same gas mileage imagine if homer knew that during the episode he might have honestly made a killing and then people in real life would have done the same number eight i didn't vote for him when it comes to the elections who wouldn't pass up the chance to make fun of them in some way in 2008 the simpsons decided to do an episode that featured not just voting but voting via an electronic machine this was a big step for the world following the 2000 presidential controversy in florida where votes were recounted because of incorrect marking and so surely an electronic solution would work better because technology is meant to make our lives easier isn't it well the simpsons team knew the flaws in that system so during the 2008 election they had homer use one of those machines to go and vote for barack obama except when he pushed the sensor for obama the vote tallied up for john mccain instead whoops hilarity was of course brought upon by this fast forward a mere four years later to the 2012 election and a very similar thing happened in real life one of the electronic voting machines wasn't calibrated properly and due to this it took a vote for barack obama and tallied it for his opponent mitt romney instead obviously this is a big scandal and it had to be fixed which would have been fine on its own but to happen almost exactly the same way the simpsons predicted it wow there are such things as small coincidences in terms of guessing like a voting machine having issues but both homer and the real person voted for obama and the machine checked it as the other person is that really a coincidence number seven fan mail when you were a kid did you ever send mail to a person that you really admired from the celebrity world it's totally fine if you did many people have done that over the years including marge simpson who in the episode brushed with greatness revealed that decades previous she sent a painting to none other than ringo starr of the beatles she never heard back from him though until that episode when he finally sent a response to her painting and in a true case of life imitating art fellow beetle sir paul mccartney did a similar act to a fan who had sent him a letter 50 years previous and he finally got back to them i'm sure some will state that he should have sent it earlier but come on just be happy he sent it at all he's a busy guy who no doubt got a lot of fan mail during the peak beetle year number six autocorrect shout out to all of you out there who have had frustrations with autocrat and just trying to get your device to understand what you're saying or thinking school bullies kearney and dolph take a memo to beat up martin on a newton device in an episode of the simpsons that aired in 1994 the memo gets quickly translated to eat up martha an early foreshadowing of autocorrect frustrations this simpsons was lampooning apple's underwhelming newton the iphone's ancient ancestor that had just been released and included shoddy handwriting recognition according to fast company the ironic thing isn't just a prediction it's the fact that to this day this is still a problem for technology you'd think that we would have gotten this resolved by now but nope number five us wins the gold in curling in one of the show's many international trips homer and marge get drafted into the u.s curling team for the 2010 winter olympics despite the odds against them they are able to sweep sweden and win the gold it took eight years before this stone reached its target as the recent 2018 winter olympics in pyeongchang featured the same matchup and result this is one of those things where it may seem like it was destined to happen but remember it wasn't just the us won gold and curling but they did it by beating the swedes just as margin homer did that's quite a specific prediction to come true number four disney buys fox disney is king whether you want to admit it or not they are but that's honestly because they've been buying all sorts of extensions for themselves over the last 10 plus years they bought marvel comics they bought lucasfilm and now they officially own fox and all of its properties which is a huge get and one that would be shocking if this instance didn't predict it in 1998 yup they did that the episode when you dish upon a star has homer making a movie script and actually getting picked up by ron howard and brian gazer as they go to the movie studio we see that it got backing from 20th century fox but under the logo are the words a division of walt disney co they knew this would happen two decades before it did what crystal ball do they have that makes this all work number three nsa spying on us hey tell me do you think the government is spying on you if you did you wouldn't be alone a lot of people think that they are through our phones our computers even our televisions at times and all these spying endeavors can often be traced back to the nsa more times than not anyway in the 2007 big budget production the simpsons movie homer and the family have to go on the run after an incident at a nearby lake but while they're fleeing by bus the nsa actually hacks into the bus driver it was a robot just you know so that they could listen in on their conversation six years later in 2013 edward snowden revealed to the world that the nsa was indeed listening to people's conversations and that drove the world nuts in many ways yet fans of the simpsons were like they predicted this would happen makes you wonder number two ordinary astronaut well i'm never gonna let something like that happen again i'm going into space right now in a famous simpsons storyline nasa elects to send an average person into space to increase ratings for shuttle launches if you haven't seen the episode they select homer and hijinks ensue surely no one from the real world could do such a thing right well in 2013 the united kingdom held a contest to turn an ordinary person into an astronaut which consisted of multiple interviews and rigorous testing in cape canaveral the winner was 25 year old oliver knight who beat more than 250 candidates to take a trip into space with 23 other winners it's safe to say nasa learned from their source material and chose to not stock potato chips or ants on the shuttle but if they did we wouldn't judge them too much number one game of thrones finale game of thrones for years was the best show on television the adaptation of the works of george rr martin had many fans gripped for years and frequently tuning into hbo when the new season dropped so that they could watch in the next episode however by the time of season 6 and 7 they had run out of source material because martin hadn't finished the book series thus the show runners and writing team finished it themselves and it didn't end well and the series finale is rated one of the most hated series finales of all time which is saying something when you think about shows like lost how i met your mother gossip girl dexter and so on and so forth in 2017 on a season 29 episode of the simpsons titled the surfsons which spoofed various aspects of game of thrones homer revives a dragon that proceeds to incinerate a village up until that point the dragons of daenerys had only burned certain things not whole villages but this was clearly different and the positioning of the shot is not unlike the shot cersei lannister had when she watched the dragon drogon burn down king's landing in season 8 of the show i'm sure fans were roaring with laughter when the episode aired and then were horrified when it came true with the game of thrones finale season way to go showrunners and there you have it a look at the simpsons and how they have well and truly predicted the future of the world 15 times trust us we couldn't believe it either which of these predictions did you think was the most insane which ones do you feel was fair for them to predict what do you think they'll predict next let us know in the comments down below be sure to subscribe and i'll see you next time on the channel
Channel: Viral Vision
Views: 1,606,657
Rating: 4.7365623 out of 5
Keywords: simpsons predictions most amazing top 10, simpsons prediction, the simpsons predictions, the simpsons predicted, the simpsons, simpsons, simpson predictions, predicted the future, screen rant, simpsons trump, simpsons 2020, 10, top 10, the simpsons full episode, simpsons future predictions, 15 times the simpsons predicted the future, simpsons predicting trump, most amazing top 10, simpsons predictions, mostamazingtop10, the simpsons 2020, 10s, predictions, simpsons predict, predict
Id: kp6zRUDsxxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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