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it is just absolutely unbelievable what has changed in a year I mean look at the differences between this of over a year ago and this today and we did all this in like 10 minutes so the only thing better than a PIX Insight processing tutorial is a short one so that's what we're going to do here today I'm Chad this is the easy Aster images Channel we like to make things easy does it mean that we're lazy or we're going to make things bad but some of these tutorials can get pretty long and drown out and that's just not what we want to do here so last year we did the dark shark nebula here I get about 2530 hours worth of it in this picture right here and keep a good eye on this baby because this is what we are going to be working with here weighted batch pre-processing it has the dynamic crop it has the astrometric solution so we can do the spcc and all that kind of stuff so we are pretty much all set and ready to go but we're going to be using a lot of the new cool tools that are out there so let's get started on this like the video comment subscribe if you want to see the first time I did this I'll put a link to it right up here so let's get to it so we've got our main image right here and I do know that eventually I'm going to have to do a little bit of cropping on this because there's kind of like this weird edge up here that Dynamic crop just didn't take care of uh the auto cropping I mean so the first thing I'm going to do while all this is like this is I'm just going to go ahead and we're going to crop it a little bit and we'll go ahead and rotate the shark and all that kind of stuff the way that we want it to be just because we're going to have to do a new astrometric solution once we do that so we'll do that we want to rotate this all to 180° and let's go ahead and hit execute all right so we got that puppy done next thing we're going to do is we are going to go ahead and we are going to run the automatic Dynamic background extraction tool from CI Astro this is the way that I'm going to do it and it's going to work out just fine so we're going to find that under C Astro and and we are going to find automatic dbe now I've not really seen anything where it just doesn't work with Thea values if you want to you can increase your tolerance factor a little bit to like 2.5 or three but two seems to work really well so actually have to hit the execute button here and you can see we're doing this all in real time no crazy editing and we're still going to knock this thing out in a superior amount of time for you guys so that way you can practice all this yourself all right some people like to take a look at the gradient that was extracted and you can see we've just got like a nice smooth gradient going on there and this right here is our new gradient corrected image and we're going to go ahead and get rid of the old image here because we're not going to need that anymore so let's go ahead and take that and then what we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and run blur Exterminator on this and we're just going to use the correct only method here at the beginning just to basically correct Our Stars we're not obviously going to be worrying about any of the Stellar stuff we'll get into all of that here in a little bit all my stuff is running super fast of course because I've got the Cuda acceleration enabled I see pixon sight just released another new platform build version this morning and probably going to have to set that stuff up all over again but we're not going to worry about that right now so blur exterminator is all done it did its beautiful job as usual and now what we can do is we can you do the spcc but I'm going to need to actually fix this first so we're going to have to go to image analysis and we are going to have to go to the image solver and it should pull in everything that we have on this already yep everything like that looks pretty good so let's just go ahead and stick that on there and this might take a few minutes so we'll probably just go ahead and cut this out of the video all right that is all done that is rad so we are good to go so now let's go ahead and do some of this fancy color calibration stuff so I didn't use really any filter except for like a regular light pollution filter so I'm just using the AST astronomic deep Sky settings here and I selected the QE curve of my camera which was the ASI 2600 uh we want to use a region of interest uh we can just go ahead and make a quick preview instead of using uh CI Astro's wonderful uh script that he has that will find your background the perfect background for you so we'll just go ahead and just do it this way that way it's a little less complicated for you guys or maybe it's a little bit more complicated all right there's our graph that everybody loves to look like so we're pretty good on that and we can just go ahead and restretch that and I'm just going to get rid of the preview Windows because they all totally enorm when they're there so we'll make this a little bit bigger so you guys can see next thing we're going to do is uh we are going to actually run some star Exterminator on this so we we can get rid of our stars and start working on everything so we're just going to drag and drop that let it do its thing take these stars out for us and then we'll be left over with just our image to work on and we can put that back up there and let's go ahead and just rename this Stars so that we know know what we are dealing with and that is good and we'll go ahead and just put that right down here so here is our shark and all the good stuff inside we're going to go ahead and run a pretty aggressive uh noise Exterminator on it from the get-go we'll go ahead and just kind of drop the detail down a little bit because we don't really need it to Crunch everything out we we wanted to do is just kind of make a nice smooth linear image for us which is what we got so that way when we stretch it we can go ahead and get that under control so the other thing I'll do is I'll go ahead and just drag and drop Bill uh Bill's uh scnr green and we'll just go ahead and get rid some of that green right off the bat so we don't have to worry about stretching all that either and we will get rid of the stretch on that we're going to go now and start stretching this we're going to be using seti Astros statistical stretch program which is just simply amazing so we're going to make this here a little bit bigger so we can see what we're doing we're going to be doing a link stretch I'm going to have my target median going up to 0.25 and we'll probably do I like to do like a little bit of a brighter curves boost right at the beginning just because you know why not and you could do a preview on this and everything but I know that that is going to get us exactly where we're at so already if you just look at that compared to that I mean look at how much more stuff we have got inside this image it is just incredible everything looks real good and let's just keep on pressing away here so next thing that I want to do is I'm going to go into curves transformation and we'll go ahead and give it just a little bit of a saturation bump not too much because we don't want you know it's kind of up to you just kind of how much of this blue and kind of you know brownish colors and stuff that you want so I'm okay with that right there and then what also what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch back into RGB K mode here and we're going to kind of find our dark background levels here which are all down here so we're going to pin that and we're just going to lift things just a tad and brighten things up again a little bit more so again just kind of do this all as much you want to to your taste we're literally just pulling out more and more stuff and everything is just looking totally sweet so I mean at this point I'm like totally happy I'm ready to throw the stars back in and say hey let's just freaking put this out to the world and make them happy but what we're going to do is we're going to make this better so you know it's pretty crunchy you know we can obviously clean this thing up a little bit with some more noris exterminator and all that kind of fun stuff uh first thing I'm going to do though is I'm going to do the little trick where we actually pull out the luminance on this baby and what we're going to do is we're going to work on the luminance and make it like really awesome and then we're going to blur the color information and then we're going to put this over top of it so the first thing we'll do here is let's do um a curves transformation on that and I got rid of it so let's go ahead and add that back in here and don't really want to like go crazy just want to kind of pick everything up a little bit here and just brighten everything up it just kind of seems to work a little bit better when you add this back in and the whole goal of this really is just to get rid of a lot of the color modeling and stuff like that in the main image here that you just cannot get rid of you can start running all these different AI tools and pushing noise exterminator uh to its Max and all that but that's just not the best way to do it so on this one now what we'll do is we'll get a little preview going on here and take a look at how far we can push uh noise Exterminator on this now and we'll pull the detail up a little bit too and crank the noise all the way up because I want this to be really nice and just totally smooth so that looks uh pretty good to me let's go ahead and back out and let's just do uh let's do one more preview just to make sure that we're not losing a lot of stuff with that noise correction we are trying to protect the details on it so we don't want to like smudge everything out but I'm pretty happy with that so what we'll do is just apply that to the entire image and that's going to give us our nice and smooth luminance information to work with going to delete all these previews and we'll park this baby back over here we'll go ahead and just change this identifier to loom so that way we don't get confused and we're going to take this and stick it right here and then we're got our main image so what we're going to do with this image is we're going to actually use the convolution tool so instead of deconvolution we're actually going to use convolution so we're going to blur this thing a little bit and you can see uh let's go ahead and reset this now you don't need to go like super crazy crazy so let's just see what uh what a four gives us and we can go maybe to a four and a half I mean you could go like all the way up and make it super blurry but there's really no need to so I think I'm going to go to about a six and that should go ahead and do what we needed to do so now if we go ahead and get rid of that and close the preview you can see that we've completely eliminated like all of that little speckling and all that kind of stuff that we just don't want inside of our image so we'll go ahead and just change this to color make that nice and simple so we can keep track of all that and then we're going to open up the lrgb combination tool and what we're going to do is we're going to grab the loom and we're going to drop it right there under luminance you want to make sure that all of these right here are unchecked um we don't really need to do anything with weights or anything at all we could probably increase the saturation like a little bit so let's go up to like uh six. 65 and let's see how that looks so what we should get now is a beautiful image that is color corrected and has all of the detail dropped back over top top of it and we shouldn't have any of that like speckling or any of that kind of stuff so that's what we're looking at right there so it did kind of take away a little bit of the color information but no big deal because we can add that back in and just take a look see we don't have any of that crazy modeling and we can still sharpen this up a little bit more so let's go back in to Curves transformation again and we we'll do this time is we'll just kind of add a little bit more saturation back in so let's just go ahead and just turn this up a little bit all right that looks good about right there and we'll go ahead and double check our image here and make sure we didn't reintroduce anything which we did not so everything looks super good and that's basically where I'm going to leave this thing so we'll go ahead and get rid of that let's bring up Our Stars and we need to basically stretch and do the color on our Stars so the first thing I want to do on the stars is go ahead and pull the green out of those as well just because they'll match up a lot better when it comes to what we're doing and we're going to use one of SEI Astro's statistical star uh star stretch actually is what it's called and I just love the way this thing works pretty much with theault like you can put the color boost in there um and it'll go all the way up to two I'm going to go to like 175 just because when I made this composition I really wanted the Stars to have a lot of color to them because it really adds to this image just having all of those nice colored stars and making everything pop so even if I look at them now they look a little they they look to me like they could still use a little bit more color so I'm going to pull up curves transformation again and we'll just go ahead and add a little bit more color into the Stars you know you can go as crazy as you want um I'm going to go a little bit aggressive on it just because I think overall it makes the composition look just a lot better so we went ahead and applied that and that's what we're looking at so we've got that and we've got our color image now at this point we're going to get ready to merge these two together one thing you can do if you kind of want to like back this off a little bit is just go ahead and pull up histogram transformation and you know you can see that we're kind of over on you know away from the Peaks and everything but we've got all this beautiful detail and dust and we put the stars in here it's going to look super cool but some people like a darker background image like uh you know like the one that I made here before which is hidden behind everything so you can kind of pull this back a little bit if you wanted to and it's not really going to like it's not going to hurt you it looks actually it looks pretty good like just pulling that back just a little bit and then you know you can always just keep on doing what you want to do here you can pull it back stretch it a little bit I'm going go ahead and leave it with that right there I think that looks pretty freaking amazing so now for the party trick this is under toolbox and combine images and we are basically going to rescreen Our Stars so we're just going to select Stars I love this is literally like the best thing ever that they added back in the Pix andite I absolutely just love this tool so you can adjust the amount so if you want to you know you can bring your stars down a little bit and it will auto update and you can kind of see in the preview um you know I don't like that I kind of want to add in my stars and make them a little bit more prominent don't want to hide the nebula but again like this composition to me is just all about how these Stars blend in with all of the awesome things that are in here and then we can turn our Vibrance up on it which I don't really see it do a whole lot when I turn the Vibrance up on the Stars like I really want powerful star colors I'm just going to go ahead and turn it all up for this one just for the heck of it and I'm going to hit the checkbox and the magic is literally going to happen it's going to combine everything and we let's just get rid of these and get put those down there and just make this baby big and I mean just look at that image I mean look at that compared to that I mean I don't can't believe I even wow it's such a difference and I mean all of the stars and everything just look really good everything's integrated perfectly it almost looks like the stars are being held back by the dust so and the the the this really right here when it comes to the shark looks like he's really popping right at you and then what we can do is we can actually run another uh noise Exterminator on this uh if we want to to just kind of clean things up a little bit more we don't need much so we could probably just drop this down a little bit and what it should do is we'll check it on this preview here it should just kind of give us a little bit more of a detail fix I can see it here I know a lot of you guys probably can't but you know it's a little bit of a detail fix and look at looking at this a little bit closer looks like maybe I was a little bit aggressive with some of the stuff because I see like a little bit of modeling and stuff but it's not horrible at all I mean I it definitely from a distance does not look like a painted picture you can zoom in pretty close and this all looks pretty foggy to me doesn't look you know super crazy but again it's kind of up to you this is like a five you know 10 minute process here as far as what we did showing a lot of the awesome new tools that we have in pixon sight and you know that's what we did over a year ago so I would say there's one hell of a difference there and this thing just looks absolutely amazing so I hope you guys like that picture and this demonstration please let me know um I'll put a link to the data down in uh the description if you guys want to play with it yourself cuz some of you guys might not be able to capture this I live in decent B like bort 5 sky so I guess that's why I was able to get all that and I can't wait to go back and start working on some more data so love all you guys peace
Views: 1,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astronomy, astrophotography, astro imaging, eaa, cloudy nights, nsn, night skies, milky way, zwo, skywatcher, orion, telescope, telescopes, beginner astrophotography, pixinsight, pixinsight tutorial, APP.asiair pro, astrobackyard, visible dark
Id: jfyomsGo_bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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