2 PixInsight Scripts = Perfect STRETCH !!!!!

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when it comes to stretching you know that I love ghs but what you do in these cases where ghs simply doesn't work well and what if it takes too much time and effort for you to use ghs and what if you don't give a damn what I like and you simply don't like ghs well for all of these cases I found the perfect solution and we look at that right after the trailer hey this is VI into space I'm Sasha from Switzerland so good to meet the on and thanks for watching my channel yes there are A Million Ways How you can stretch and by the way if you want to know the full million there's the stretch Academy of atom block but what if you don't really feel like going back to University and you as stated also get confused by ghs for these cases we have some automatic stretch scripts and processes in place and the quality of them is rather mixed now I found mostly by accident two scripts which work perfectly together and give a rather good result I wouldn't say as good as ghs but almost so the one script is really new and is from Frank from setti Astro another YouTube channel and he created a lot of YouTube videos in the last two few weeks about his new tool which he calls statistics iCal stretch he by the way joined my patreon channel and we had in the last weeks some very good discussions how to improve his tool so very good things happen when you join my patreon channel if you're interested link is in the description below but back to his tool his tool is nothing spectacular in the sense of AI exterminate or whatever but that was not his intent his intent was to create a tool to do a base stretch in an easy way and in a controlled way and I think that's the big difference to the auto stretch function which you have in pix inside which is really hard to control and so it was quite amazing in the last weeks to see the Improvement the tool went through and I think it's at a really good stage already now it does the stretch based on statistics it doesn't clip anything you can tell how much it should stretch ahead you can even emphasize on the brighter parts so as a base stretch tool I really like it and I will put the link to the repository and also to the recent video of Frank about it in the description below now but as stated it is a base stretch tool so it's not intended as a oneclick solution you click on it and you have the perfect stretch so what comes afterwards and there you have two choices one is ghs because from my point of view ghs is really difficult at the start at least with some pictures and once you have a base stretch in place to actually do to do the emphasis on the weaker nebulosity and stuff like that it's quite convenient to do with ghs but for this video I want to show you a different again easier way to do it and that's another script which actually by accident encountered in the Pix inside Forum where they have a section where they introduce new scripts and it's called ihdr and I think the intent of it is not really a pure HDR script but it's a mix of HDR and stretching but funny enough when I played around with it using it from an unstretched picture I found didn't really work well and I think also that was not the idea you needed the base stretch you see where I'm coming from we have now the script for the base stretch the statistical stretch of Frank and now we have the script to complete the stretch and that's ihdr and using these two scripts intertwined gives you really good results simply by applying in two scripts that said both scripts are not AI both scripts are not one button tools you still have to know a little bit what to do so I don't want to lie what I will show you now in pix inside I tried that before already a little bit what works what does not work that I get the right value so if you like these scripts it will also need a little bit of working with it a little bit of getting the experience which settings work for your pictures for your style also of stretching personally this is not something I just will demonstrate now here for you but that's also which in some situations I will use but before we go to pix inside a short word from my sponsor which is me did you actually know that I have another YouTube channel I will bet you didn't it's called 10minute B and it's about short concise to the Point videos about business topics like project management program management organizational change management and whatever else I feel in the business frame might be interesting and it's called 10 minute bills because I guarantee that no video will be longer than 10 minutes so if you're interested in business if you like my style of creating videos please hop over to this channel And subscribe we'll be really happy to also have you on board there and with that let's jump to pix inside and have a look at these two scripts welcome to pix inside we have three pictures we want to stretch the first one is a regular nebula which I shot myself that's the Pac-Man nebula that's how it looks like with the auto stretch activated I will now create a clone so that we can compare it afterward to the outo stretch we remove an out the stretch and we get now in utilities the statistical stretch that's how it looks like quite easy you have here the target median so they say for about Ena this should be okay the number of iterations if the whole process here should run multiple times I usually leave this at one the curve boost that actually boosts the brigh part for example the nabola you can also deactivate here a normalization and you can choose between a link stretch and unlink stretch now the 25 here 0.25 is actually intended if you want to use only that tool to stretch and even then I feel it's usually a little bit overboard so you probably would have to lower it down to about a 20 if you want to use only this tool but we actually want to use another tool in addition to that so we go down to about 0.15 the curve boost we can absolutely use a little bit but also here less is more I would say about 0.05 is the max that I would use you can always choose here a preview and from my point this looks exactly what we want so I click execute and here is our pick so now that looks already very good but now comes the little choker so the next tool we're going to use is an HDR tool called ihdr so also here less is more especially because we already stretched quite far so forget the high and medium HDR even the low HDR is too much in such a situation so you see it actually changes here the stretch intensity so we have to go down here even more to about 0.10 is usually what I like and for the mask strength which protects the highest part we also have to go a little bit up with that we execute it okay so let's have a look now and compare it with the auto stretch so that's Auto stretch and that's our now stretch picture it's quite amazing the difference obviously the background is much darker but not too dark and when we look at the neocity I can barely see it here and here it's very nicely visible so I think this is a very nicely stretched so with that let's go to number two which is the picture we already looked at in the sh tutorial the eagle nibula and if you remember I told that I was not able to actually do it with ghs so I had to you use the auto stretch and then ghs afterwards to tone it down again so let's see if with the tools if they can do it because it's quite difficult to stretch and how it will look like so as before I create a clone now we deactivate the auto stretch and also here we tune it down to 0.15 also here we can boost a little bit the bright parts and that's fine we can have a look and that looks actually for our purposes again very good so execute okay here we go and that looks already pretty cool still a little bit dark but really nice now again let's slam the IH HDR tool on it but here we have to go even more down so we go down to a open .1 and we app The Mask strength again and then we say execute okay and this is our result here let's compare it again with the auto stretch and while the difference is subtle still we have especially here in the middle it's quite faded like blown out with the auto stretch and here we have much more detail much more contrast and also the rest the colors are much more intense so look looks much nicer so this is a very good place to start and do the rest of the processing let's open the last one that's a Galaxy Andromeda so let's again do a clone and also here we go down to 0.15 but here we do not want to increase the core it's actually intended that the core is not so strong so we say execute okay and I think you agree there's more out there to see so it's not all yet there but that's intended so we again go to script ihdr here we can leave it on a low so 0.17 but with the mask strength we go up massively because we don't want that it blows out the core okay and now we're talking now we see all these spiral arms so let's put again the auto stretch on top of it and do I have to say anything especially here in the core area it's completely blown out by the outo stretch and here nicely just in the middle glowing and here all the structures are very well visible so again this is a starting point for processing in a nonlinear stage but for that it's a very very good starting point okay that was the demo I'm curious what you think personally I really like the three results again I might be able to get it a little bit better with ghs again you might use only the statistical stretch for a base stretch and then use ghs and make yourself already a little bit easier with that but I think these are definitely two scripts which might come handy and it's worth to actually include it in your pix inside and I was it already see you next time and clear skies [Music]
Channel: View into Space
Views: 6,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PixInsight, Stetching, Astrophotography, Astrophotography stretching, Pixinsight stretching, Pixinsight scripts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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