15 Minute Asparagus Lemon Basil Pasta

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today we're going to make a really really simple delicious summer pasta so we're going to use asparagus which i have right here has a little bit of lemon basil garlic this whole recipe only takes about 20 minutes so what i recommend you do first right now when you're going to make this is get your water up to boil i'm going to use deco deco is probably my favorite brand for the price i'm going to do this with a half a pound you can easily scale this to a pound two pounds whatever first thing we'll do is take about about three cloves of garlic and just slice the garlic really thin would use a juice of one normal size lemon this is a tremendous lemon here so we probably need about half of this lemon so you could use one of these zesters or you can use like a microplane if you get these long strands here you can just kind of cut them up a little [Music] bit what you can do with the asparagus you can kind of snap it right there and that's the part you don't want that's like the hard part or you could just kind of cut them maybe two inches back [Music] so do two cups worth like this the asparagus is done it's right here maybe a little bit more than two cups here's a lot of basil i'm not gonna wet it now but just give it a little rinse right before you're ready to serve it and then just you can chop it up or you can do chiffonade you can do really whatever you want and throw this in right at the end when the heat gets turned off and one more thing here's parmigiano-reggiano cheese right here this is a big block you can cook the cheese in here with pasta water you can you know do a little flip for emulsification or you can just serve it on at the end i kind of like it on at the end more than mixing it in here i like this pasta to be a little bit more on the lighter side this is like strictly personal preference thing though if you want to put it in while you're cooking do that i just like to serve the block on the side for anybody who wants it the asparagus and the garlic is only going to take you two minutes get your pasta in wait a few minutes before you start sauteing and i'm gonna put in two tablespoons of kosher salt you always want to add your salt in right before you put the pasta in [Music] okay so two tablespoons and you can put in three tablespoons it'll be fine too just just put enough in and put that pasta in and then right away stir it so it doesn't stick and you want to stir probably for like 30 seconds to a minute and then when we're ready to pull the pasta we're not going to put it in a colander we're just going to pull it wet so we're going to take our toms now if you don't do that and you want to dump into a colander make sure you save a lot of your pasta water because there's no sauce in this in this pasta it's just the pasta water and the olive oil combination but you need enough pasta water [Music] and ideally you're cooking on a real stove regular four burner stove that not this not these two portables here but i really want to show you demonstrated it's been a while since i made a pasta dish like this probably the most popular one that i have of a quick one like this is the spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and basil that's like another kind of summer dish that one is yeah 15 20 minutes also that's really good one too so the pasta is probably maybe four or five minutes away let me heat this pan up to medium low and we'll coat the bottom with olive oil probably about a quarter cup to start this is extra virgin you can use regular as long as at the end if you finish with really good extra virgin you'll be fine and that's a good olive oil it's from costco it's a spanish extra virgin it's really really good it's actually very close to this frantoya here which is one of my favorite olive oils it has a very very similar taste to it and while your past is cooking you can taste it make sure that you're not over cooking or anything you want to basically get it maybe even a little bit tarter than al dente because we want to finish it in the pan for about a minute to a minute and a half if you do what i just did and you put it in the pasta water make sure you dry it off before you put it in the oil or you're going to have it bubbling and splashing [Music] i'll let the garlic cook for about a minute until it gets slightest golden [Music] all right all right that's looking good right there and i'm gonna get all the asparagus in asparagus is gonna turn bright green probably about maybe a minute to two minutes of cooking and that's pretty much all you need to cook it for pasta still needs a couple minutes if you want hot pepper you can add it now [Music] i'm adding about a quarter teaspoon [Music] my pasta's not done yet i don't want to kill the asparagus i'm turning it off and i'll just pull it right off the heat just so it doesn't have any residual so it's not doesn't get soft pasta is now almost done so i'm gonna take a little bit of pasta water put it right in there you could turn the heat maybe to medium there's on medium low a little bit salt [Music] keep your pasta water you might need it and this is very al dente the pasta you gotta let this cook in in the olive oil in the pasta water it's a little dry i'm gonna add a little bit of pasta water okay and then you can do start flipping it to emulsify [Music] give a little bite make sure it's done make sure it tastes look good [Music] okay when you're satisfied with it turn it off add in the lemon zest and the lemon juice okay and then just mix it around once more toss once more and just finish it with all the basil now that's really good it doesn't need any more salt if it's a little dry right now you have all your pasta water just add a little bit back in now i'm going to add a little bit [Music] and i'm going to just put a little bit more of the olive oil on [Music] foreign [Music] i know it's great because i've made this one before i don't know why it took me so long to make it for this channel [Music] um so i can share this and i'll see you next time
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 4,919
Rating: 4.9521914 out of 5
Keywords: 15 minute pasta recipes, asparagus recipes, asparagus pasta recipe, spaghetti with asparagus, linguine with asparagus and lemon, pasta with asparagus, pasta with asparagus lemon and basil, jim delmage, james delmage, sip and feast
Id: 2_l82RTxSnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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