15 Minimalist Home Goods That Add Value

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[Music] ryan i've got a list here of 15 minimalist home goods that add value to my life all right let's hear it i'm wondering if they add value to your life and if you're watching this on the live stream patrons let us know if uh you think these are minimalist items or maybe i maybe have too much now here's the caveat i own more than 15 things at least 19 things but only 15 of them add value to your life these are 15 things that certainly add value to my life i wrote down here i think people are going to be surprised by number five and number 15. number 5 and 15 will shock you that's right they shocked me as i was writing them down i want to be clear though there's no sponsorship here we don't do any ads on our youtube channel we don't do any ads on our podcast these are not recommendations either i'm not saying that you should own these now keep in mind i don't own much and that's because fewer things really helps me stay calm my physical space is a reflection of my internal space so if i have a calm exterior it helps calm my interior so when i own something as a minimalist it must add value to my life i'm constantly asking that question does this add value to my life and the truth is that something that adds value to my life today may not add value to my life tomorrow and if that's the case then i'm always willing to let it go i will say this all 15 of these things they enhance my life but none of them make me complete ryan i'm prepared to walk away from any of these things yeah at any time if they ever stop adding value in fact i'm going to talk about a story in a moment i'm going to prepare to walk away from all of my furniture um i'll talk about that here shortly ryan because this curveball was thrown at me recently i want to get your thoughts on it i'm flattered by it but also a little freaked out by it okay we'll get to that in a moment i'll say some of these items are essential in our minimalist rule book ryan the minimalists.com rulebook we have these uh 16 rules for living with less one of them is called the no junk rule everything you own fits in one of three piles it's either essential it's non-essential but value-adding or it's junk those are the non-essentials that don't add any value they simply get in the way yeah i don't own any junk okay and i make sure of it if something does become junk then it i get rid of it yeah another rule the 90 90 rule have i used this in the last 90 days if not am i going to use it in the next 90 days if not it's probably junk and i'm going to let it go and so all of these items are either essential or non-essential and the non-essentials still add value to my life i would say two of them are definitely essential number four and number eleven on this list are essentials for me but even essential is perspectival something is essential to me may not be essential to you and vice versa but all of these add value to my life jordan as we're going through this on the video if you could put sort of over my left shoulder here i put a link of each one a picture of each of these items in here we'll put a picture on the video version so you can see each of these items that i own ryan i want to see how many of these add value to your life or maybe how many of these things do you own number one is my sleep master sleep mask [Laughter] that one is almost essential for me yeah that's a good one i travel with it i see both seans nodding their heads right now yeah and uh the sleep i was gonna say josh this is podcast sean here yeah i am one that if prior to you and i talking about it yeah i always thought that was a frou-frou thing like this oh that's that's what that's what women do to keep their delicate features yes and then that's so funny after you and i talked about it i tried it after i bought mine that's the best sleep i've ever had in my life when i wear that thing yeah it's significantly different if i don't wear it alabama do you use a sleep mask hell no i toss and turn a lot they don't stay on my face so i like this one well yeah it does here's what i'll say about the the sleep master sleep master sleep mask is as soon as i started using i started traveling with i use it every night bex's sleep improved in fact most of not most several of the things on this list are sleep related i see other sean here i have three of those sleepmaster sleeves you do not one lives under my pillow one in my carry-on bag and then one in my backpack wow just in case i end up sleeping just in case the three most dangerous words you know i've actually this is going to sound even more maximalist but like i've considered getting like more than three of them because what i have i stopped wearing mine because i get styes in my eye and it's because of the sleep mask like that's what i have narrowed it down to so i can wear it one or two nights in a row but after that second night that third night like it just it's dirty enough to wear it so i was thinking about getting a few of them so you know like just like you know with underwear yeah exactly like you know you've got to have a few pair because you can't always have one pair of underwear clean um anyway so yeah so three that's not bad at all all right guys we can't enter we can't keep interjecting i want to get through this whole list here i will say that uh the sleep mask is essential for sleeping for me it helps my sleep significantly we'll put a link to all of these items in the show notes if you want to check them out on the private podcast number two jordan we'll put a picture here of the earpiece earplugs are these same ear plugs that you use no man i would be interested to see they're great earpiece p-e-a-c-e like ah peace yeah but they're earpiece earplugs and uh as soon as beck started using them she recognized like and people like drummers and stuff use these there's varying degrees of sensitivities you can block out virtually all of the hearing podcast sean i think you might use those at this point now or maybe your wife yeah after uh you but my wife especially like i tend to snore a lot and it drives her insane so between the sleepmaster sleep mask which she uses now as well and uses those yeah i don't bother her at all i have no affiliation to either of these companies by the way and again they may not add value to your life here's an item that my wife owns that i benefit from it is the marpack dome classic original white noise machine so all right sleeping and she turns on this white noise machine yeah it has this little fan in it basically and it it it's the best white noise machines from all the rev reviews i've seen and she uses that every night and it just creates this calm white noise environment yeah that sort of helps promote sleep yeah number four on the list i have a sort of cheap mattress it's a extra firm mattress because i had a bad back for a long time and so i found this beautyrest mattress which if you're watching the video it's right here somewhere jordan um and that that mattress what i learned from it i bought it i just checked the price on it recently i think it's 699 bucks when i bought it back in montana it was 400 and that mattress has been amazing for me but i know for other people it would be terrible it'd be way too far other people lay on and they're like what is this rock that i'm laying on but for me it really helped with my back pain before i found a gasket therapy and really fixed my my back problems number six ryan oh by the way i got one more bonus sleep item at the very end this isn't part of my 15. i got an extra bonus sleep item which is my favorite sleep item out of all of them so i'll talk about that at the end but number six perfect pull-up bar yeah it's like 30 40 bucks but it is the best 30 bucks i've ever spent is that the one that drills into the door frame it does drill into the door frame and so every time it's a good one i've had right over my my uh bathroom every time i go to the bathroom i just bust out 10 pull-ups really quickly yeah i go to the bathroom a lot so every day is like 70 80 pull-ups you and mariah both shows 80 pull-ups today at least the pull-up bar because it's these simple habits and before i used to need some sort of amazing trigger to in order to do pull-ups you have to go to the gym and lace up your shoes and you have to have the right workout shorts on and now it doesn't matter i can be butt naked and just walk right in the bathroom and i'm doing pull-ups thankfully no one's around seeing me doing naked pull-ups number seven only your only fans your only fan members get to see that oh yeah we should film that number seven [Laughter] number seven is a uh plain white dining table from hermann miller a lot of our studio furniture is from hermann miller they make really solid furniture that lasts a long time and it's relatively inexpensive this one was a few hundred dollars and i think it'll probably last me the rest of my life as opposed to buying something from ikea that will break down after three or five years so it costs more upfront but probably costs way less in the long run yeah it's just a real simple white dining table from herman miller and that adds immense value to my life because i'm sitting at that table every single day eating meals but also i prefer often to write at the dining table if i'm writing something creative i don't know why that is if i'm getting regular work done i can go to office or whatever but when i'm doing creative writing i think because for many years that's where i started doing it i associate the dining table with creative writing and so having a nice table that isn't from ikea or somewhere cheap really worked well for me yeah oh you know i mentioned i missed number uh number four number five here we'll just put it back here i have a cheap but minimalist bed frame from amazon and so i do have a thing from amazon i generally don't buy things from amazon if i can buy them locally first but i bought a relatively inexpensive bed frame yeah it's just a simple slotted bed frame it was like 110 bucks from amazon mariah and i have the uh it's the adjustable oh yeah frames those are tempurpedic i am so old man like we are old because we talk a lot about how to get good sleep and i remember you know when i was a teenager i got good sleep regardless i used to sleep on your floor all the time yes uh in the cabin in lebanon and now like every time i go camping i always swear i'm like i'm never gonna go camping again because i wake up with such bad back pain but that adjustable frame uh and then you know add the mattress to that like it really helps me get some really awesome sleep and uh very minimal minimal back pain um but yeah yeah it's and this is how normal too mariah and i we have uh it's two twin beds that go together so technically we sleep in separate beds [Laughter] [Music] we just push them together like a 50s couple on tv exactly exactly wow and so what's nice about this and this was the one the ones this was number five i said i think this would shock some folks because i'm shocked that i would even buy a bed frame from amazon but i had someone recommend this one to me they're like it's great you've got to check it out and and then i stayed at airbnb and they had the same exact one and i slept in the bed and i'm like oh yeah this works really well and not only does it look nice but it's really simple and so yeah i have a inexpensive bed frame that works well for us and i no i didn't buy it locally although i buy most things locally it's the one thing on this list that i bought from amazon oh no there are two things i think the perfect pull-up i either bought straight from the company or from amazon yeah anyway uh number eight probably what was number five the bed frame was number five oh okay we did six and seven already i backtracked number five number eight is probably the most expensive thing that i own in my house is my couch and it's from bow concept and it's called the caramel couch it's in beige or i put a picture of it right here for jordan and um what i'll say is this couch that i bought is i realized ryan when we were on tour in 2014 we didn't own a couch when you and i lived together right at all right and as we were touring we stayed at a lot of airbnbs and i realized oh i miss having a couch and a living room in which to congregate with friends and family when we are meeting and it was the one thing i missed and i recognized we're on tour i'm getting value from this i don't want to deprive myself of it and so buying the couch that i want for the rest of my life yeah took a lot of figuring out i have a couch that's like it wasn't that much like it was uh i don't know it was 900 bucks or something um but because of our cat like i refuse to spend any more money on a couch god love mac love him so much but man he loves the claw at the couch like we have to put up no we have to put like a cover over it yeah so um yeah that's a purchase that i won't be making you know for at least five years but i do admire a good couch yeah i mean i enjoy it's a rather firm couch i enjoy sitting on it i enjoy spending time with my wife on the couch i enjoy reading on it it's multi-function i just like being on that couch it really does add value to me and to our space number eight on the list is oh it's number nine actually the bookcases i have the people always ask about my bookcases because i've seen the home tour or whatever it's called the tall story bookcase it's from design within reach they're relatively inexpensive but they stack 40 to 60 books on them and they kind of look like a piece of art because the books vary in color and it adds some variety to the space number 10 ryan i have two paintings from beulah beulah helped design this studio space that we're in but she also did two paintings for my daughter ella and so in her bedroom she has these two pieces of artwork from beulah that are just beautiful we were moving she was i'll ask i don't want to keep all my toys but can i can i please keep these paintings from viewers i'm like ella we're not going to make you get rid of anything oh except all your toys that's right you're nine now grow up already that's cool she's that young and can appreciate art that's awesome absolutely number 11 on the list to me this is truly essential for me it is the brio prism reverse osmosis tankless water filtration system it's an under-the-counter filtration system for drinking water yeah if you go to ewg.org tap water let's put a link to that in the show notes you can see all of the horrible toxins that are in your drinking water i don't know if i'm grateful for you introducing me to this website or not because it's terrifying it is terrifying and as soon as you figure that out you'll find ways to filter your water now ryan you use a berkey filter yeah and the reason i use reverse osmosis is berkey doesn't get out enough of the things for me for my preference and reverse osmosis is also more aesthetically pleasing you have to have someone come out to actually install it although you can do a countertop one as well so there's a countertop option although in my last apartment i had a plumber come out and install it under the sink there as well because i wanted access to clean drinking water every time i wanted water and i didn't want to just drink straight from the tap and that was the most cost effective that way you're not buying these giant five gallon uh like we have them at the studio here because we don't have a water source here in the studio but i didn't want at home to constantly buy in these five gallon glass bottles i wanted to filter out the toxins from the drinking water so to me that of everything on this list that is the that in my mattress the two most essential things in my home yeah number 12 and 13 go together uh we finally upgraded ryan after our kettle died to the fellow kettle congratulations thank you mine has not died yet i finally feel complete right no my kitchen uh kidding obviously but my kitchen has nothing on the counters except a really beautiful grinder and a really beautiful kettle both are from the company fellow again no affiliation with them they just look like pieces of art and everything else we put into the cabinets there is a storage space for everything so we have nothing else on our counters except two very beautiful appliances number 14 on the list is the i adapt hepa uv air purifier now this served an even greater purpose in los angeles we have one that's right behind you you can't see it on camera but we have one in the studio we have one in the writers room downstairs i have two of these at home to filter out any of the toxins that we breathe in i could certainly make a case for this being essential in our tox toxin ridden environment yeah especially if we're living in a big city the the pollutants that enter our homes but also just the air in our homes that is constantly being cycled if we're not leaving our windows open it can be toxic finally ryan number 15 this is the one you were all waiting for it's the elchem professional salon salon ceramic hairdryer i have a salon great i mean clearly if you're watching the video version a salon grade hair dryer i know what you're thinking that's not very minimalist of you and i would agree the more minimalist route would be to look like jordan or new sean over here but i just don't have the head for it i shaved my head once i saw a picture of the back of my head it looked like a picture of the moon hey the moon's beautiful [Laughter] oh it's funny man yeah i uh i have a hairdryer i hardly ever use it though i i use it uh when i'm in a pinch and i gotta like dry my hair real quickly usually i just let it air dry but yeah i've got like the the one that actually you entered the one you used to have the one he introduced me to with the retractable cord and it folds and the travel one yeah yeah finally ryan i got a bonus item for you what's that the bonus item is we had clint ober on the podcast a month or so ago i have a grounding mat for my bed i was wondering if you were gonna yeah bring those up now everyone in here sleeps on a grounding mat except for maybe new sean he hasn't gotten one yet but the fine folks over at earthing.com they never gave me mine i paid for mine just to be clear but they gave everyone on our team a grounding mat to sleep on and i can tell you that everyone in here has said something uh positive about the way that that has improved their sleep danny was actually talking to me this morning about he said did you start having more more vivid dreams yeah and the truth is that if it balances out your sleep maybe you weren't getting enough rem sleep that's the sleep in which you dream more maybe you weren't getting a enough rem sleep and this has helped balance out your sleep it's helped my sleep immensely my wife it's helped her sleep significantly it's helped her nervous system as well and so being grounded at night on a grounding mat from earthing.com here's a picture of one right here again no affiliation i don't get any money for telling you that i can just tell you that it is truly essential for me now whenever i travel i bring that grounding mat with me yeah those are 15 minimalist home goods that add value to my life did you enjoy this standalone patreon highlight if so you can listen to full episodes of the minimalist private podcast available exclusively on patreon visit patreon.com slash the minimalists or click the link in the description your support keeps our podcast and youtube channel 100 advertisement free
Channel: The Minimalists
Views: 129,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decluttering, finances, health, minimalism, minimalists, passion, purpose, relationships, simple, simplicity, the minimalists, podcast, Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus, useful tips, tricks and tips, personal growth, finance, more with less
Id: qbGhPJrCFn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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