15 Extinct Animals That May Be Alive

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death is a sad fact of life but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the end oh my goodness we've seen many dead in a water brands and characters we pull back from the brink of existence and apparently it's also something that happens with allegedly extinct animals on a regular basis from a tiger looka marsupial to a South African zebra there were 15 extinct animals that may actually still be alive like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bill right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you sleep in number 15 Tasmanian tiger pretty much everybody is familiar with the Tasmanian Devil if only because of the Looney Tunes cartoons but few people know of the Tasmanian tiger an animal that's been extinct since 1936 also we were led to believe when the last has manian tiger died in Hobart's beaumaris Zoo on September 7th 1936 the world or at least those that knew the animal collectively accepted that we had lost the species for good food of thought that almost a century later Australian citizens would be frequently reporting sightings of this extinct cat while technically speaking the Tasmanian tiger is in a cat so to speak but a carnivorous marsupial the tiger name comes from its unique appearance its body of yellowy brown fur with black stripes across its lower back a quick glance and it's easy to see how people could assume it's a tiger hence the many calls to officials it hasn't yet appeared in the Looney Tunes cartoon though Tasmanian Tigers tend to feed on livestock and wild animals such as kangaroos wombats and the occasional sheep if it feels so inclined so if these animals aren't extinct after all perhaps the Australian farmers should be on high alert otherwise that's all folks number 14 the quagga it can be hard to let go of an animal that you really love we're all familiar with the pain of losing a pet so it's pretty easy to understand why scientists get so devastated at the idea of losing an entire species however I don't think any of us have ever tried to genetically engineer our pet back to life at least not successfully the quagga is a zebra like animal native to South Africa or at least it was the quacker was long believed to have gone extinct around a century ago due to intense hunting by European settlers the not to worry because scientists are working to bring it back scientists have managed to replicate this through the use of DNA and selective breeding have created an animal that really does look very much like the original animal because it's a relative of the zebra it's not necessarily surprising to know that the quagga had stripes but unusually the stripes were only present on the front half of their body with the back half a pretty ordinary brown coloring while the Quackers have yet to be released into the South African wilderness it's only a matter of time scientists are hoping that this is the first in a series of conservation projects are designed to bring back extinct animals let's just hope they don't get around to Dinosaurs number 13 the baccardo how many types of wild goats can you name if you gave up after the one that screams to Taylor Swift songs however many you names there's one you almost definitely didn't the Pyrenean ibex or blue card are very visually impressive subspecies that's been extinct since 2000 but that doesn't mean all hope is lost for a sighted shortly after extinction was made public a biotechnology company called advanced cell technology and announced that they would begin a project to clone the Pyrenean ibex using tissue taken from the air of a specimen years earlier that process lasted for several years with varying results while most of the cloning efforts failed scientists finally succeed in the 2003 given life to a real reborn Pyrenean ibex sadly the success was short-lived with the goat dying several minutes after birth due to a physically defective lung but the brief success of the project means that it's possible to bring these magnificent horn creatures back and for all we know they may already have done so the revival of the baccardo was the first effort in history to revive an extinct subspecies of creature and while no news has been mentioned about further successes since 2003 it's entirely possible that this creature is no longer extinct hopefully with better lungs were number 12 the stellar sea cow apparently the ocean has long been the home to see equivalents of land-based animals though many of them are sadly now extinct or are they the Steller's sea cow got its name after it was initially described by George wilheim Stella in 1741 who was researching the wildlife on Bering Island after he was shipwrecked there for a whole year while his fellow crewmen would hunt the nearby animals to survive Stella was busy describing them in some detail accounts that would later become incredibly influential the sea cow weighed somewhere between eight and ten tonnes and could reach lengths of up to 30 feet making them a pretty hefty animal for something that was apparently so buoyant the sea cow went extinct just 27 years after Stella's description went public as hunters far and why began capturing the animals for their meat and hide yet despite their extinction in 1768 there have been many alleged sightings of the legendary creature including one as recent as 1963 it's hard to believe that an animal as big and slow-moving as this one could possibly be missed but then we've never gone looking for underwater farms number 11 the Irish elk some of you will no doubt be sitting there and thinking I've probably seen one of these Elks and you would be wrong for the Irish elk is not actually Irish nor is it an elk you know what this one is basically just a complete lie it's probably lying about being extinct - in reality the Irish elk is a species of big actually it's one of the largest beer that ever lived with some having antlers up to 12 feet wide that's the size of to average six foot tall human men laid into end in case your mass is bad and I remind you that's just the antlers as for the Irish moniker the Irish elk really has nothing to do with Ireland specifically while the creatures were known to live there they had also been found in North America China and elsewhere it's just that most skeletons of the creature have been found in Irish bogs though the reason for the animals extinction is unknown which certainly opens the door to the possibility that they're still out there somewhere the Irish elk is one of many creatures that has been earmarked for future biological de-extinction which would mark the return of another once extinct creature to the world but for now we just have to trust that these animals are in hiding somehow number 10 a bargee white dolphin there's no question that the Pacific is the place to be if you're hoping to see dolphins or whales but apparently it's also a great place to go if you want to see extinct dolphins or whales or should we say critically endangered since nobody actually knows for sure for almost 20 million years China's Yangtze River was populated by a freshwater dolphin known as the bajji white dolphin a beautiful animal that had been heralded as the goddess of protection by local fishermen but as China began to increase industrialization across the country transforming the river into a hot spot for fishing hydroelectricity and general travel use the Dolphins started to disappear a 2006 expedition confirmed that there were no bargee remaining in the river whatsoever and the body was declared functionally extinct the first dolphin species in history to be driven to extinction by a human behavior or did they since the alleged extinction they have been several reported sightings of bargee dolphins in the Yangtze River leading into another series of expeditions to investigate as yet there have been no confirmed sightings since 2002 but what do you think are they still out there let us know in the comments number 9 Tara skink with a name like Tara skink is fair to jump to conclusions about what you're going to see maybe you think is going to be some horrific looking badger or a demonic horse actually it's just a tiny lizard although it's also a really skilled predator with some very long curved teeth so you probably shouldn't get too cozy with it throughout history there was only one reported sighting of a Terris king after someone claimed to have discovered the animal in person in 1876 years went by without another sighting leading to the decision to place the skink on the extinct animals list but in 2003 the creature was somehow rediscovered in New Caledonia living its life alone on an uninhabited island given its small size and isolated home that's not particularly surprising but it does raise questions about just how many of these extinct animals are still around while only one was reported to have been rediscovered it stands to reason this island had many more showery start calling it Tara Island number eight jarvan elephant when it was around the jarvan elephant was a very popular animal the story goes that one Sultan of Java was so fond of the animals that he often gave them out as gifts to his fellow Sultan's which actually may have contributed to their ultimate extinction it's also kind of fun fear because what do you get for a guy who gives elephants as gifts sometime in the 18th century the jarvan elephant slips into extinction a tragic loss for the Sultan of Java and to a lesser extent the world then we come to the Borneo pygmy elephant or something of a question mark in the animal kingdom its look is different than that of other Asian elephants and its behavior is also something of an anomaly as these elephants live in one tiny area of their Island as opposed to journey in the crossing line other species all of that has led to some speculations that these elephants are in fact the closest relatives to the jarvan elephant and DNA tests have confirmed that this is possible if unlikely hypothetically the borneo elephant could be related to the jarvan elephants due to the jarvan's being transported by their wealthy Sultan owners as gifts but are they really related or are we just suggesting that all elephants are alike you can tell us in the comments number 7 Cuban so laden with only two species left in the world the sole Nodin is incredibly close to extinction but for all we know one of those species may well be extinct already and nobody has any way to confirm him if that's how hard to find these things could be the last remaining species of Salone aden the Hispaniola in solonian and the Cuban cilona two are considered to be two of the most evolutionary diverse mammals on our planet today these are creatures that lived alongside the dinosaurs 76 million years ago and is easy to see how they survived for so long they're basically impossible to fight the cumin Stallone Anton prefers to hide out all day inside natural environments like trees rocks or burrows feasting on insects or small reptiles because they tend to be so well hidden reported sightings are basically unheard of leading many to assume that they've been extinct for some time scientists continue to dispute the extinction claim believing that they're surviving as they always have by hiding however the constant threat of deforestation and logging does pose a threat to the creatures habitat which means we'll likely soon find out either way hide-and-seek can't go on forever number six the dam gave way stub foot toed the wheeler stub foot tote or Atelopus ever noids if you like hard to pronounce names is a hard little creature to find native only to Colombia it has long been disputed where exactly the animal lives within the country and as of late has been speculated to be long gone yet people continue to cite them which makes the whole extinction thing a little tough many animal experts have concluded that the primary population of the wheeler stubbed foot live among the southern Andes but even that is a controversial statement others have noted the presence of these creatures in the north of the country which would typically contradict that first statement except for the fact that these northern toads are apparently a whole other species still their location is irrelevant as the creatures have seen a substantial decline in population for decades the southern species has been missing since 1992 the last recorded sighting while the northern population have been missing since 1995 until a 2006 citing shocked the animal world into rethinking his conclusions it's believed that the toad died off due to an infection called chide sri daya mycosis yet these animals are still being cited how is that possible well maybe they never went extinct after all number 5 the night parrot sure name sounds like a very comical superhero but this bird is truly one of the most elusive and mysterious animals in the world so much so that it could well be a superhero if it wanted to be a native bird to the Australian continent that night parrot is a pretty controversial animal with scientists often disputing whether it's extinct or just endangered between 1912 and 1979 sightings of the night parrot were basically unheard of nobody had seen or heard from this mysterious animal leading experts to presume that this beautiful bird was completely extinct but just as the extinction news came out a sighting changed everything confirming that these animals were actually still out there in hiding then the creature vanished again for many years making this animal one of the best creatures to play hide-and-seek in history sightings since 1979 have been patchy at best and only in 2013 did the first photographic evidence of the animals find its way online confirming that it does actually exist to make matters more complicated in 2018 a man staged a fake finding of a night parrot to generate some media attention this controversial fake news has led many to question whether the reported sightings were even real or just another bunch of misleading lies so to sum up we don't know if this exists next entry number 4 erican forest turtle there are an incredible amounts of animals in the wild whose existence is at best questionable while most of these animals are likely extinct savages apparently very good at hiding until of course they found and sold in Asian food markets like the erican forest turtle the erican forest turtle is a semi terrestrial turtle capable of surviving on land or in water although it prefers land because who doesn't a native resident of myanmar the turtle was long believed to be extinct due to a very very extended period of time between 1908 and 1994 this saw absolutely no sightings of this unique animal but in 1994 a number of Eric and forest Turtles were discovered for sale in an Asian food market again raising the possibility that these creatures were not exactly extinct but in hiding several years later an expedition revealed that the animals were not totally extinct but there weren't many however since 2009 they have been little to no reported sightings of the erican forest turtle though is continued presence at Asian food markets would suggest that it's not actually extinct at all number three philippine naked backed fruit bat you've heard of a bat but have you heard of a mega bat the philippine naked backed fruit bat is one of these legendary creatures that apparently nobody has ever heard of okay that I have never heard of and probably for a good reason is extinct or maybe it's not look we have to build tension somehow this species of bat was most common on Negros Island where it could often be found in caves with very little light the reason for it choosing this home over all others comes down to a very simple factor the food Negro Island was the home of sugar canes as well as a gross fish poop fertilizer known as Guana which bats apparently love providing a quick dose of food for Sun deprived bats unfortunately the sugar cane plantations were all but gone by the 1980s leaving the bat hungry and his search of a new home between 1964 and 2000 the bat was not sighted whatsoever and ultimately believed to be extinct in 2000 the bat was sighted once again in its new home of Cebu Island making it most likely a critically endangered species rather than an extinct one of course all that is guesswork and there's really no way to know if the analytics or endangered put some fish poop out and see if they turn up number 2 West African Cola cents we don't tend to consider fish much when we think of extinct animals but there are just as many marine creatures that have been lost to Tymers land dwellers case in point the West African Cola Kanth an animal with a name that's fun to say in just about every accent the african kohler camp has a pretty incredible ancestry dating all the way back to the age of the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago after a lengthy period of absence the african cola 'can't was presumed to be extinct only it wasn't or maybe it was but it discovered time travel it's possible whatever happened in 1938 the African Cola cans was rediscovered albeit it's slightly different since its evolution from the bony dinosaur like animal it's believed that there's a tiny isolated species alive in Tanzania which would explain the finding of this particular animal but are they still around well like just about every Alvar apparently live in extinct animal we don't know which is here to make videos man in 2016 the Cola cans was officially listed as a threatened species which is a pretty bold move given that we don't even know if it's extinct number one taka Hebert's New Zealand is one of the most gorgeous countries in the world bustling with color life and culture and apparently their animals are very much part of that vitarka Hebert is an indigenous creature to New Zealand a flightless vegetarian bird that could at one time be found all over New Zealand now that veganism is a popular thing they'd probably love modern New Zealand the species was first discovered in 1847 by Europeans who collected several species for further study that was probably a good idea given that they were all but extinct by 1898 with seemingly no further reported sightings for years until 1948 after a well researched and carefully planned expedition Bush Walker and dr. Jeffrey Bell discovered the taça hey alive and well in an isolated Valley on the South Island the discovery was shocking to many but very well received the targa hey is now considered to be an endangered species though they have a growing population that will likely prevent any repeats of the period between 1898 and 1948 thanks to Jeffrey or bells find the creatures are alive and well and far from extinction one of few formerly extinct animals that has any confidence behind it which of these animals would you most like to see in person let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 255,619
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Keywords: Extinct Animals, Animals, Extinct, Extinction, Creatures, Prehistoric Animals, Animal, Alive, Facts, Prehistoric, Endangered Species, Species, Education, Animal Extinction, Endangered Animals, Extinct Animals Found Alive, Extinct Creatures, Extinct Animals Alive, Ancient Animals, Discovered, Rarest Animals, Endangered, Biggest Prehistoric Animals, Extinct Species, Extinct Animals Rediscovered, Strange Animals, Animal Planet, Extinct or Alive, Science, Best, Still Alive, Exists, Rare, Nature
Id: lHc2cvmY8N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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