15 Best Android Libraries for Developers | Top Android Libraries 2021

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welcome to my poor programming maybe simplify programming for you with easy to understand whiteboard videos and today I'll be sharing with you best Android libraries that you can use as a developer so let's get started number one moshi-moshi is a library that converts json into java and coughlin models a lot of people refer to moshe as jisan 3.0 well this library is superior than jisan in every aspect like it's faster it includes Kotlin support throws predictable exceptions and it doesn't use broken date/time adapted by default further converting JSON into Java model and vice versa is quite easy with motion number to retrofit retrofit allows you to define your rest api as an interface you can flexibly manipulate the API requests body header query parameters and much more via annotations which can make everything clean and simple lastly it also allows synchronous and asynchronous API call execution which at times is a lifesaver number three Clyde as you already know Android image loading and handling API is quite terrible to use it's a nightmare to even resize an image without getting the famous out of memory exception well light is an image loading library that exposes a very nice API allowing you to transform your image however you wanted this library allows you to easily load a remote image into your image view define fallback images scale your images and much more number four timber timber is a powerful yet simple docking library built on top of android log plus it allows you to easily turn logging on and off in your application it also offers nice support for logging formatted strings and exceptions because of all these benefits timber is one of the core libraries that you can use for almost all your Android projects number five room room is an official Android ORM and includes great support for Rx and live data so you can decide to use it however you like it the main benefit that room offers over other over ends is that it's simple and flexible other OEMs can come with much more complex api's that require to read all the documentation thoroughly before you can use them whereas room uses standard SQL syntax that is incredibly easy to understand allowing you to dive in without spending hours reading the documentation number six Chuck Chuck is an HTTP inspector for Android that allows you to dig into your applications HTTP history on your mobile device the HTTP log is displayed as a notification which you can expand to open full Chuck UI by using Chuck you will be able to see whether an issue persist on Android or on the backend side of the application which becomes quite handy while managing quality assurance teams number seven Android KTX Android kdh is a set of 14 extensions that wraps Android API making it more user friendly for you the whole purpose of this library is to make Android API is more pleasant to use it adds a lot of methods and cool new features to Gotland such as ability to use named parameters lambdas and default parameter values to your development process number eight Picasso Picasso is another great image library for Android by using Picasso the process of displaying images from external location is simplified it also supports complex image transformations automatic caching to the disk image view recycling and also download translation in an adapter what's unique is that this library handles every stage of the process it starts from handling HTTP requests and also handles the caching of the image just like light does number nine exoplayer XO there is an Android media library developed by Google it provides an alternative to Android media player API for playing audio and video both locally and over the Internet exoplayer supports features that are not currently supported by Android media player API like - and smooth streaming adaptive playbacks number 10 J unit now J unit is a framework used for unit testing the flavor contains a set of methods will check an expected result against the actual results and makes a heavy use of annotations number 11 espresso espresso is a great test framework which is a part of Android testing support this test framework allows you to create user interface test for your Android apps this means that with espresso we can write test cases that can check if the text of a textview matches from another text a special test run on both actual devices and emulators and behave as if an actual user was using the app number 12 calligraphy calligraphy is one of the popular custom font libraries available to your Android development process and it is quite easy to get along with it with this library we can easily declare a single font across all our Android application or even defined fonts individually to a text number thirteen Android job Android job is an Android library used to handle jobs in the background instead of using separate api's with one for base and checking for API versions to know which scheduling API to use Android job reduces the code size altogether with stress and does this automatically for us number fourteen camera fragment camera fragment is an implementation of fragments which allows you to easily integrate a camera functionality to your app it previews directly the camera view and provides an easy API to capture or manage your device also you can set up your own layout and control the camera using this library number 15 dagger in a nutshell dagger is a fully started compiled time dependency injection framework when developing large application you don't want to handle dependency injections yourself because the code will grow quickly and become extremely difficult to maintain the other helps you avoid this because it creates dependency injection graphs in compile time via annotation processing with that I hope this video was helpful to you and served value be sure despise that like button and subscribe to my channel for future updates [Music]
Channel: Learn with Whiteboard
Views: 12,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android libraries, best android libraries, best android libraries for developers, best library app for android, best libraries for android studio, android libraries github, latest android libraries, android studio libraries, best android studio libraries, top android libraries, best android libraries github, android library, top android library, android libs, best android libs, Retrofit, Moshi, Glide, most popular android libraries, top android libraries for developers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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