15 Awesome Presidential Vehicles

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when it comes to protecting a country's most important person they spare no expense today we'll be taking a look at some of the most advanced vehicles on earth here are the top 15 most awesome presidential vehicles number 15 the audi a8l w12 security being the head honcho of germany is no easy task and this is something that angela merkel knows all too well after all she's led the country since november of 2005 and while the job certainly has been tough she's been able to have a stylish ride the entire time that's because she's the proud owner of an audi a8l w12 security while it may look slim and sleek it's an absolute unit on the road and it can not only defend against a barrage of heavy bullets but can also protect merkel from hand grenades explosive charges and noxious gases this is further complemented by its bulletproof windows which has an impressively sturdy thickness of 62 millimeters and its complete set of aluminum body armor thus as far as presidential vehicles go few can match this awesome audi number 14 the boeing 787 8 dreamliner well mexico may not be known for being a particularly rich country in 2014 its former president splashed some serious cash by buying the world's most expensive plane now in the eyes of most aviation experts it was a thing of beauty after all it not only could fit 250 passengers and fly for over 000 kilometers straight non-stop but also had a high scale main lounge fake fireplaces a master bedroom with a luxurious king-sized bed and several fully equipped bathrooms it because this plane was rumored to cost anywhere between 215 and 600 million dollars this purchase didn't exactly sit well with ordinary mexicans as a large portion of the population lives in poverty and could really use a chunk of that money as a result current mexican president andre manuel lopez obrador is looking to sell the aircraft and donate the money to the people however as of yet he's still been unable to find a suitable buyer number 13 the mercedes-benz s600 turkish president tayyip erdogan is certainly one of the more controversial world leaders out there yet despite his infamy he's the proud owner of a mercedes-benz s600 this vehicle has all the specs that a head of state could ever want or need as it features a reinforced titanium body 13 centimeter thick bulletproof doors the ability to completely isolate itself from outside chemical attacks and reinforce tires with internal steel cables thus if someone were to try to do harm to erdogan they would almost certainly be unsuccessful in their attempt 12 the sultan of brunei's car collection at first glance it may seem strange that the sultan of brunei makes it onto this list after all brunei only has about 400 000 people is relatively small in terms of its size and isn't exactly the most influential asian country out there however despite this the country is very rich in oil and as a result brunei's sultan is extremely wealthy while most would hope that he would spend his money on the people he most certainly has an eye for the finer things in life and this has led him to a massive car collection that's over seven thousand vehicles strong and that's worth an estimated combined value of over five billion dollars now it goes without saying that we can't list all of his cars in this video however some of the highlights of his collection include his three mclaren f1 lms six ferrari testarossa f90 specials and a one-of-a-kind bentley buccaneer as such we think you'd agree that the sultan's vehicle collection is second to none number 11 the conrad atanawa put simply germany's government air fleet is nothing short of impressive yet even amongst international competition the conrad adenauer truly stands out named after the first chancellor of west germany this 300 million dollar plane is a beauty to behold now on the practical side of things it's a wonderful aircraft not only has the capacity to fly for 13 000 kilometers non-stop thanks to its added fuel tanks you can also seat 143 and travel at a speed of 912 kilometers an hour yet despite this efficiency it's also quite luxurious as it has multiple bedrooms offices and even a soundproof room thus it goes without saying that angela merkel's government plane truly is top of the line number 10 the honky l5 chinese president xi jinping is certainly one of the more influential men on the planet and thus it makes sense that his car is a top-of-the-line vehicle and while car manufacturer hong ki may not be familiar to those in the west it is in fact one of china's premier luxury car brands you see hong ki has a storied history of supplying the chinese government with high-grade vehicles as it was the car of choice for chinese leader mao zedong and his party leaders throughout the 1970s and 80s and while the brand began to fall out of favor in the 90s xi jinping has nonetheless made the bulletproof chinese-made honky red flag limousine his vehicle of choice now without any upgrades the car comes in at a cost of about eight hundred thousand bucks but xi jinping's was certainly a lot more due to its extra special specifications in particular it has a powerful 4 liter v8 petrol engine a chrome dipped grille and body armor that can withstand an impact of multiple types of bombs and bullets and while this may be incredible in and of itself most of the truly impressive features of the vehicle are kept top secret xi jinping doesn't exactly want the public to know too much about this secretive car therefore while we can provide you with the basics no one outside the communist party of china can really give you the entire picture number nine jaguar xjlwb sentinel as prime minister of great britain boris johnson is nothing if not important and his vehicle certainly reflects that known as the jaguar xj lwb sentinel it's the perfect blend of classiness and effectiveness as it can securely get the prime minister to where he needs to go in style now this custom built armored vehicle features a powerful 5-liter v8 engine and sports a number of advanced security features such as 13 millimeter explosive resistant steel plate flooring bulletproof polycarbonate hardened glass kevlar and titanium fortified cabins and run flat tires in the event of a biological or chemical attack the interior can be completely isolated as it has self-contained oxygen that can keep the prime minister safe in nearly every circumstance yet beyond the safety features the car also has a number of more luxurious bells and whistles these including heated and cooled rear massage seats a 20 speaker dolby 7.1 surround sound system two hd televisions and a state-of-the-art communication system for conference calls as such this english prime ministerial car is absolutely incredible we are constantly adding more people to the top fives production team to bring you all the best content be sure to subscribe with notifications on and hit the like button number eight the peugeot 5008 while france's car manufacturing industry may not be too highly regarded outside of europe the country's iconic peugeot brand is easily one of the most recognizable across the continent as a result it shouldn't be a surprise that emmanuel macron drives a vehicle made by this manufacturer and his custom-made pujo 5008 is nothing short of impressive built with the help of sentagon security group the special 5008 gets features not seen in any other cars in its class with these including add-ons such as armor plating a one-off second-row seating package upgraded brakes emergency lights and sirens and the presidential seal it's also been deemed to almost be completely blast proof and bulletproof with a special safe even being installed in the vehicle in order to keep macron's documents safe during potential attacks and when you consider that it takes about fifteen hundred parts and a grand total of three thousand workers to make just one rendition of his car we'd say it's safe that not much could hamper this one-of-a-kind vehicle number seven the putin mobile vladimir putin is easily one of the world's most notorious leaders and thus it shouldn't come as a surprise that he has a presidential car with several seriously cool bells and whistles known as the ara senate it was made by nami which is russia's car researching department and was first presented to him at his fourth inauguration now in terms of its specs it has a 598 horsepower 4.4 liter v8 engine a 9-speed automatic transmission which allows it to accelerate from 0-100 kilometers an hour in just 6 seconds it's also 6.7 meters long weighs in at a colossal 7200 kilograms with its weight being so large primarily thanks to its armor plating and six centimeter thick bulletproof windows it also sports run flat tires that work even if punctured an air compression system to resist gas attacks a tv entertainment system to keep the president occupied and an emergency rear exit if things really get messy all in all it has the features that any high profile person could ever ask for yet while this car may be the property of the russian president you can quite easily get an unarmored version of your own however at a cost of about 160 thousand dollars it's certainly on the expensive side with additional security add-ons being even more costly if you choose to have them included however it certainly is a secure car so if you're looking for a top-of-the-line protection and luxury in one package you can't go wrong with the aura sanat number six the popemobile while pope francis may not be a politician many forget that he does in fact lead a country of his own after all he is the head of state in the vatican city and also leads the 1.2 billion person strong roman catholic church as a result it should come as no surprise that pope francis needs a special vehicle to keep him safe and thus has the privilege to ride in a famous car known as the pokemobile and while many luxurious iterations of it have existed in the past the current pope likes to keep things fresh that's because while many past popes have traveled in luxury from place to place pope francis has chosen to go the more simpler route you see rather than spend big bucks on a fancy white car he is content to go with more simple models and has been seen in a ford focus fiat 500l cheap wrangler and more often than not in a 1984 renault 4. this makes sense for a simple man like pope francis as he never had a history of going about in luxury in fact this is so much so that he would apparently take public transit when he was a cardinal and even when he was elected pope he chose to travel back to his hotel with the rest of the cardinals in a minibus rather than take the papal limo and while this simplicity may put him at a bit of a risk after all these less high-tech cars seldom have as many safe features it nonetheless sets him apart from all the other leaders on this list 5. the s 600 mercedes maybach when you think of north korea things such as food shortages labor camps human rights abuses and extreme poverty probably come to mind and unsurprisingly these terrible things have all led to north korea being heavily sanctioned by the rest of the world as they refuse to trade with countries largely due to its authoritarian regime yet despite this north korean leader kim jong-un somehow managed to get his hands on an armored s600 mercedes maybach limo now put simply this car is absolutely incredible after all not only does it have a sleek look but it also comes fully equipped with things like two-way radios external communications flashing lamps and sirens yet the more pressing question that many have asked is how such a high quality foreign vehicle entered the country now mercedes itself denied selling the vehicle to the supreme leader as they run an extensive background check on anyone buying their armored cars and while such a claim may be suspect the american center for advanced defense studies certified this info as being correct then began a thorough investigation into the matter interestingly enough it turns out that an unarmored version of the car first arrived in the netherlands in june of 2018 where it was then shipped to china japan south korea and russia before secretly being shipped to north korea in october of that year once it arrived it was likely outfitted with armor and made to kim jong-un's specifications and then began to see regular use soon afterwards as such while this vehicle is certainly impressive it took quite a while for it to reach its final destination number four queen elizabeth's car collection while boris johnson may have an impressive ride to bomb around britain the queen's car collection can more than match him that's because the royal family has access to a fleet of cars that are fit for the best of the best with these including three rolls-royces three daimlers and two bentleys all of which are kept in the royal muse at buckingham palace now of all of them the two bentleys are by far the most impressive custom made for the queen they measure in at 6.2 meters long and have a unique monocoque construction that increases the strength of the vehicle rear doors that are hinged at the back to allow the queen to stand up straight before stepping out and a strong 6.7 liter twin-turbo v8 this is then complemented by an extremely comfy riding experience as the rear seats come with hiled lambswooled sateen cloth while the rest of the interior is made of a light gray connelly leather hide to top this off both bentleys are also fitted with a unique removable roof covering which gives the queen a way in which to wave out to her adoring fans yet that's not to say the other cars in the fleet aren't as impressive as well for example the queen is known to have an affinity for land rovers and reportedly often uses the defender models on hunting parties she also sometimes drives in a bentley bentayaga which is an extremely elegant and easily one of the most expensive suvs in the world at a base price of about 225 000 bucks if the most expensive car in the fleet is the aston martin volante db6 that queen elizabeth bought for prince charles on his 21st birthday which is not only a rare vintage model but also runs on wine-based bioethanol as such it goes without saying that the queen's royal car collection is simply incredible number three air force one the president of the united states typically has to visit multiple countries during their term and thus he needs an airplane that is both sophisticated and secure in order to get the job done and while air force one can technically refer to any plane that the president flies in the title is most often designated to one of two very highly customized boeing 747 200b series aircraft now these aircraft are perhaps best known for having virtually an unlimited range as they have the remarkable ability of being able to be refueled mid-air the two planes are also extremely secure as they have onboard electronics that protect against electromagnetic pulses and coated communications equipment that allow the aircraft to function as a mobile command center in the event of an attack on the united states yet besides the intense security the plane is also extremely luxurious that's because the inside of each is composed of about 370 square meters of floor space spread across three stories with this including an extensive suite for the president that features a large office bathroom and a conference room air force one also includes a medical suite that can function as an operating room and a doctor is permanently on board in order to serve the needs for all on board if the plane's visitors get hungry they can rely on air force one's two food preparation galleys which have the capacity to feed 100 people at any given time best of all when you consider that the plane has separate quarters for the president's advisors and a detachment of cargo planes to provide the president with everything you could ever need it becomes clear that this plane is the epitome of luxury number two marine one when traveling between cities sometimes a car isn't all that practical after all american presidents typically need to have a large motorcade around them and in all honesty it's often easier and less expensive to simply let the president travel by air as a result a helicopter that goes by the code name marine one is often used to transport the president from place to place with a helicopter by the code name of marine 2 often being used in the same capacity for the vice president technically speaking any aircraft carrying the president or vice president can get their marine code names however the helicopter in question are typically the hmx-1 nighthawks which consist of either a large sikorsky vh3dc king helicopter or the newer smaller vh-60n whitehawk helicopters in either case there are usually as many as five helicopters used as all the ones not carrying the president will typically act as decoys shuffling around with the presidential helicopter in order to obscure which one he's truly in yet the security measures don't stop there that's because marine one is also equipped with anti-missile countermeasures such as flares to counter heat-seeking missiles chaff to counter radar-guided missiles and an am al-q-144a infrared jammer in order to protect against infrared missiles in addition to this every member of hmx1 is required to pass a specialized yankee white background check before touching any of the helicopters used for presidential travel ensuring that both the helicopter's equipment and the president himself cannot be tampered with when considered in tandem it is these countermeasures that ensure the presidential flight from place to place is as safe as possible number one the beast the president of the united states is easily one of the most influential people in the world therefore it shouldn't come as a surprise that he is transported by a top of the line vehicle nicknamed the beast the presidential limousine is made to look like a cadillac but outside of its headlamps tail lamps and the grille design the car is far from your typical caddy you see the beast takes things up a notch by sporting a chassis diesel engine and transmission that are similar to those that used on gm heavy duty commercial vehicles as a result the beast comes in at a whopping 000 kilograms has a max speed of just 100 kilometers an hour and an efficiency of about 3.4 kilometers per liter however outside of its rather poor specs the beast is by all accounts a world-class vehicle for example the car's doors are reportedly 20 centimeters thick and weight as much as the doors found on a boeing 787 airplane meaning that they are nearly impenetrable against outside threats this security is reinforced by the car windows which are bulletproof and about 13 centimeters thick and the underbody which is made out of a reinforced steel plate that can fend off roadside bombs the tires are reportedly run flat made from super high strength kevlar which means that they function even after being punctured interestingly enough the car's protection even extends to his interior as if faced with a chemical attack the inside of the car could be completely contained and the fuel tank can surround itself with a special foam material in order to insulate it from outside threats and if the president ever gets in a really messy situation the trunk of the car is fully stocked with tear gas canisters shotguns grenade launchers oxygen tanks night vision cameras and a cache of the president's blood type in other words the car really is ready for anything yet it's also important to note that the beast has its own fair share of problems that's because despite being as tough as it is it's notoriously difficult to drive and is prone to breaking down as a result it's only ever released on rare occasions that require added security watch our vehicles playlist for more top 15 videos about amazing vehicles sit back relax and binge watch all of our best vehicle videos you
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 339,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Awesome Presidential Vehicles, Presidential Vehicles
Id: 7FFyq1MwBJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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