15 Animals That Can Kill Themselves

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[Music] many animals have constraints in certain situations for summoners they're horns and for others it can be their coats whatever it is it can cause all sorts of health problems and even kill them have you ever seen an argali ramp horns get so long they end up puncturing their own heads what about when the wool of a sheep gets so long it cannot even walk anymore if you want to see some weird obstacles certain animals must face you're at the right place as you count down 15 animals that can kill themselves if they like if they yeah if it means anything to them number fifteen argali ran horms argali rams can weigh up to 400 pounds which makes them roughly twice the size of north american bighorn sheep with a light brown coat the animals are known for their impressive spiraling horns and our golly rams corkscrew horns can grow up to six feet long the problem is these rams butt heads often and sometimes the horns will pierce their own head during their running season these bighorn rams are provoking into a head-butting fight three rams battling finally turned into four with the sound of the other rams head-butting appearing to be the attraction there must be a lot of headaches in this neighborhood you can see clearly in this next clip how this horn has penetrated the sheep's head i'm just wondering how you avoid this from happening the only solution i can think of is cutting the horn a little but do not look at me because i am certainly no expert when it comes to horns well guess what i was right that is exactly what they do this does not look like it felt too good but the sheep was sedated this next video has a gazillion bighorn sheep attending a protest of some kind but these two in the foreground do not seem to care about anything else but budding hats is that all sheep do besides follow the leader number 14 antler deer the antler deer is called exactly that because it has excessively big antlers but they are extremely dangerous and cause death just like you see in this video these two antler deer stuck together and it looks like one of them is dead and it is missing half its body how in the world did that happen it could not have been the other deer because it has struck with its antlers it cannot free itself honestly i'm curious to know who took a big bite out of this dead antler deer the man begins to saw off the elder so the deer can be rescued and he manages to do so the deer runs and trips and runs as fast as he can as if it just saw satan in this next clip watch this sharpshooter free these two entwined deer with one shot from his rifle this was not the first time it had been done but every time it is it is spectacular our next sequence has two friends come across a weakened buck stuck next to a dead buck's antlers they decide to jump in and rescue the buck this time no saw is used these guys use brute force and they get the job done the minute the buck is free it runs away as fast as it can another buck is saved by humans who saw the antlers of the dead buck what i just do not get is how the dead bucks are always missing half their bodies what happens after they get stuck does the boogeyman come out and eat one of the bucks this next clip shows an elk stuck to a dead elk and three men contemplate how they can free the elk i do not think this one is going to be easy and unfortunately we do not see what happens next number 13. babarusa pig the babaroosa is without a doubt one of the most remarkable animals on the planet it can only be found on forced islands in remote locations where it is developed in isolation its life history and habits are still shrouded in mystery the most remarkable and noticeable feature on this big arts tusks it looks like his appointment at the orthodontist went sideways nothing else in the animal kingdom compares to them they are only found in males this noun's two upper canines pierce the skin and curve down towards the forehead the canines on the lower jaw also expand upwards the only mammal with vertically developing canine teeth is the babarusa you can see these two males fighting it out i would say it looks more like they are dancing the tango but hey i do not make the rules what is sad about these tusks is they never stop growing and they are not strong enough to hunt or forage with what is worse is sometimes they end up twisting and penetrating the animal's own skull not only does this pig have a face only a mother could love but it could also die because of what it looks like what a horrible set of cards this fellow has dealt the only thing scientists can confirm is that the bigger fangs attracts more mates so in this pig's world the uglier you are the more popular you are there is a massive positive in this pig's life number 12 sheep wool sheep have a lot of wool and sometimes it looks like they may have too much of it a property maintenance man discovered this overburdened sheep named barack wandering then the rugged victorian brushland and brought it to get a haircut barack struggles to brace himself under the weight of this matted and filthy wool as you can see in this clip how does a sheep end up looking like this there must be an infestation of parasites in the wool this reminds me a friend of mine who had dreads for like 20 years and then decided to have everything removed i just feel amazing seeing this and i'm not even the one getting the haircut ba rock must feel like a million bucks without all that wool covering its body our next sheep with a need for a haircut is chris this sheep set a world record with over 80 pounds of wool removed the kangaroos in this big look at chris thinking it is an alien from outer space shrek is another sheep with a ton of wool to spare so much so his eyes were completely covered with wool this sheep escaped the farm and did not return for six years i guess he just snapped out of it like forrest gump and decided it was time to return home he was able to enjoy a life without having to endure this heavy load kudos to shrek the runaway sheep number 11 donkey with overgrown hooves most donkeys need a foot trim every 6 to 10 weeks but older donkeys who fail to lift their limbs should be handled with caution during trimming you can try to keep limbs as low as possible if a donkey's foot becomes overgrown like the donkey in this video an x-ray should be taken before trimming to ensure there are no modifications to the bone inside the hoof this donkey looks like it went shopping at macy's and bought a new pair of pointers check out how these people cut the hooves if they know how to do it why did they wait so long i guess people get lazy and want their donkeys to look like cinderella's stepsisters when they're trying on cinderella's lost slipper there you go all four hooves cut off and the donkey is ready to go that was not so hard was it donkeys can be abandoned and the pain of overgrown hooves can become excruciating look at this donkey in this video it took these people more than an hour to get this donkey back to normal people should really understand what it means to take care of an animal before getting one number 10. turtle shell occasionally a tortoise owner will come across their beloved pet struggling on their back looking pathetic and helpless some pet tortoises find themselves in the situation often it makes us wonder how it got there whether it can ride itself and if it will die if it can't believe it or not science has investigated this and has a solution for you what is even better is that we have a clip of an actual turtle that falls on its back so let's see what happens next it does not look like this turtle will be able to turn itself over and this could threaten its life well guess what the turtle manages to turn itself over it is easier for a turtus to turn itself over if the shell is round but it is more difficult if the turtis is big or sick an upside down tortoise is frequently due to a tortoise's poor climbing ability rather than something else tortoises were not designed for speed or agility because they are small stouts and strong animals that does not stop them from exploring their surroundings these next two turtles look like they are fighting it out for possession of this log they push one another and they both fall into the water but one of them falls on its back in the water it is impossible to get back on its feet is it drowning can anyone help it or is this something this turtle enjoys your guess is as good as mine in this clip another turtle helps its buddy and turns its back on its feet saving its life in the process it is great to see how these turtles help one another whenever they see a friend of theirs in trouble in this next clip we can see a turtle whose shell is cracked now that's an entirely different story and you can see blood between the crack this does not look good but this man did everything to help the turtle he found and i think it will be alright i guess the shell of the turtle is not unbreakable as this dog's bite proves you can see the shell is cracked and without any help i don't think this turtle can survive number nine honeybee stingers did you know that only female bees can sting honeybees are the only bees with barb stingers the venom glands has more time to pump its contents when a barb is securely inserted in the enemy's clothing the bee sting is cruel because it causes the bee to die by ripping a part of its internal organs from its abdomen as it flies away however the worker does not die right away some may live for hours or even days after the incident you can see it in this video with this close-up of a honeybee stinger it does look like barbed wire there is a small drop of liquid on the stinger it is probably the venom the b injection to its victim look at this bee looking for a spot to inject its stinger on this human arm it turns in circles until it finds a sweet spot and prepares to sting the arm next you see what is left of the honeybee under the arm so yes it is confirmed that honeybees leave a part of their body on the victim so they also die you can see a honey bee stinger in action in this clip it is quite long and pointy if you ask me that makes me want to run away from bees even more than before and i was already running like usain bolt when i see a bee so imagine now number eight snake auto cannibalism auto cannibalism is a rare occurrence in snakes and it is normally caused by overheating when a snake's enclosure becomes too hot becomes disoriented and its metabolism speeds up it gets so hungry that it tries to eat the first moving thing it sees but is normally its own tail because captive snakes seldom have mice running around it may even happen while the snake is shedding since the old scale covering its eye obscures its vision in any case it's a disaster you can see this snake in its tiny bowl filled with water eating its own tail i wonder if it tastes good sometimes the snake's tail unintentionally ends up in the snake's face and the snake might think it's a prey so that is why it ends up chewing on it in this next clip this black racer is enjoying its dinner the only problem is it will not be able to enjoy for very long because it is eating itself when does the snake figure out it is eating its own body and stops before it disappears i guess it has finally figured it out our final clip shows the same phenomenon but this time with a king snake its owner courageously tries to remove the snake's tail from its mouth but it isn't as easy as it may look number seven chicken feathers poultry mites are flat fast-moving insects with round heads that only live in chickens and their feathers they're beige or straw colored and they're usually located near the vent at the base of feather shafts dead skin and other wastes such as feather quill casings are fed to poultry mites in this clip you can see that all the chickens are missing feathers and this is caused by the mites they just eat through the feathers and keep feeding until they are killed by treatment a few mites can quickly transform into an infestation if not addressed and because the chickens become anemic and susceptible to infection this may result in death if you have a chance to breed they will always be causing problems for your chickens imagine being stuck in a small room with mosquitoes attacking you and having no way to get out this guy uses diatomaceous earth to kill the mites if you have ever wondered what a chicken looks like without feathers but alive well take a good look at this chicken it looks exactly like the chicken you buy in the grocery store except it is moving around this chicken's name is buell and it is a rooster who lives in west sumatra indonesia he lacks feathers and is susceptible to colds beule is lucky enough to be the son of an adoring farmer named fauzon who looks after him and interacts with him through rooster-like tripping sounds beule is well known in the neighborhood and he receives a steady stream of visitors at his farm daily at least when its owner decides to eat it he will know exactly what he is getting we have more featherless chickens like bull for you on the menu i must admit these chickens look like they came straight out of a cartoon they are hilarious to watch apparently these chickens are born without feathers these two are siblings so it runs in the family number six human tongue the human tongue is often taken for granted until it makes its presence known for anthony jones talking and eating is out of the question he wasn't even able to shut his mouth anthony was diagnosed with macroglossia an excessively swollen tongue that makes swallowing and speaking difficult for three weeks he lay on his stomach for 12 hours a day to rebuild his lungs although his health and breathing improved because of the procedure his tongue remains swollen extending past his lips and chin anthony's tongue cannot be diagnosed or healed by any of the doctors in hometown nobody was sure what to do it wasn't until anthony found a surgeon 800 miles away that he could begin to hope for a better future one in which he could smile again doctors eventually removed part of his tongue to save him and he's now living a normal life like you can see in the end of this clip some people think it is possible to swallow your own tongue but it is impossible to do so during a seizure a person's muscle function is severely compromised but tissue under the tongue keeps it in place so no need to put your fingers in someone's mouth because you think they are swallowing their own tongue in this next clip bolin's tongue began to expand out of proportion when he was 5 years old his parents took him to several hospitals but none of them could diagnose or treat his condition his tongue would swell to five times its usual size if he had even the tiniest infection it looks like he has a ball inside his mouth that is some bad disease to have i don't wish it upon my worst enemy oral tumors may affect a variety of mouth structures including the lips gums bones and tongue and are often benign oral cancer is the term used when these tumors are malignant tobacco alcohol radiation and human papillomavirus and other carcinogenic agents are examples of causes carcinogenic agents work on cells altering their genetic material and causing mutation resulting in cancer in the body these damaged cells will divide and multiply excessively the body normally regulates cell division and development but if the balance between cell division and death is disrupted a tumor may develop number 5 sloth the sloth is the world's slowest animal however as odd as they seem sloths are perfectly adapted to the surroundings and are slow for an important reason sloths are far from boring and are far more severe than they seem with a thriving world on their backs scientists say they might be able to cure cancer they also put their life on the line to poop and when they do they poop more than 30 percent of their body weight because they are so slow many predators jump them when they're on the ground away from the safety of the branches and the high trees where they usually stay you can see the sloth climb a tree and i can tell you right now it isn't going to break a high climbing speed record they love chewing and feeding on leaves eating for this sloth is a slow process it will take two weeks for the sloth to digest this meal because of this they don't eat much so they have to expend as little energy as possible which means they are always sleeping or resting ah the life of the sloth number four fish gills there are certain fish with excessively active mouths they are constantly opening and closing their mouth as though they are gasping for air some do it on the top while others do it deep inside the tank is that typical no way the fish is in serious danger there are several explanations for this the trick is to act quickly before they die there are different techniques you can use to solve this problem this next clip you can see large quantities of fish swimming around enjoying the day in the grand canal in ireland in this next clip you see a tornado of fish in this impressive show of courtship a large school of jack tuna swarmed together the scuba divers dwarfed by them many people thought octavia alberto photo david goliath was staged or altered when he published it after seeing his video it is difficult to ignore this natural wonder the tornado of fish the tarpon which you can see in this next clip also known as the silver king is a multi-purpose fish that lives mostly in oceans but also in freshwater environments such as rivers and marshes watch as it swims through massive populations of fish and gobbles them all on its way through i guess you could call this the fish version of a drive-through number three horse hooves horses have the same problem as donkeys when it comes to their hooves if they're not cared for they will grow forever look at this poor horse's hooves which have grown so much they are curling up that is like never cutting your toenails this horse was rescued and was found with these hooves but some nice people took care of the problem and the horse is once again a horse and he can walk run play and talk well i'm getting a little ahead of myself here this next clip shows you how to clean a horse's hoof properly pay attention if you own a horse or if you intend to buy one it looks quite easy all you must do is scrape all the dirt out of the hoof there it's not as difficult as you thought i'm sure number two buffalo horns buffalo also have horns and in this next clip it seems like the horns have been redirected so they turn back into the buffalo's head don't ask me why because i haven't got a clue this next buffalo seems to have the same problem as the argali ram we saw earlier its horns are curling into its head but its owner has decided to act and as you can see in this video he is sawing off part of the horn i'm not sure if the buffalo feels any pain but i'm guessing there must be nerves going through that horn so probably it will feel something when the man removes the tip of the horn you can see it had already perforated the buffalo's head leaving quite a big hole in the process the man proceeds to cut the end of the other horn and this stud will be able to enjoy life again number one deer on ice have you ever been to the ice capades if you have i'm sure you have seen some wonderful performances well what we have for you today is not exactly the escapades but it is still spectacular watch these two deer on this icy lake they just cannot move because it's way too slippery these nice men will try to help them out however this will work the deer are nervous but this is the only way out they tie the deer and they pull them with their ice bow towards dry land it's tough but the deer finally gets there this next deer saved by having a rope tight around its antlers and pulling it to safety at least the antlers are useful for something other than getting them stuck in another deer's antlers boy do these deer look weird on the ice pushing themselves with their legs when you think about it when the deer find themselves on ice they're almost doomed if no one finds them this next clip shows a deer stuck on thin ice this is more challenging because the ice can break at any moments but the story has a happy ending and this deer will live to see another day we have seen so many animals on this countdown who don't need help to die because they can do it on their own my favorite was the sheep going to the hairdresser because i got such a feeling of liberation seeing the sheep's skin finally being able to breathe which one was your favorite why don't you let us know in the comments below well that's our countdown of 15 animals that can kill themselves if you enjoyed this video please give us a like and let us know in the comments what you think check out our other videos and subscribe to be part of the fun click on the notification icon so you can see our new videos as soon as they're uploaded that's it for now
Channel: The Fanatic
Views: 218,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 15 Animals That Can Kill Themselves, animals, wild animals, animal attacks, animal fights, animal attack, interesting facts, wildlife, facts, top, lion vs tiger, fearless animals, wild animals attack, aggressive animals, lion attack, amazing facts, dangerous animals, wild life, tiger, lions, wild animal attacks, wild animals fight, lion vs crocodile, buffalo vs lion, education, animal, animals that can defeat a lion, animals that can kill a lion, elephant vs lion, male lion
Id: HO9-xj04pM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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