15 Among Us SECRETS That You Didn't Know About!

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among us it's the game that went from zero to hero literally originally created in 2018 by inner sloth the game follows members of a spaceship performing various tasks on their voyage home the catch one to three of them are cold-blooded killers sorry i mean imposters it's now 2020 and the game has just recently picked up a serious amount of popularity seriously if you look at the active player stats it shoots up an astronomical level randomly but that's not why we're here today you have the game you love playing it and you want to know all the teensy little details well you've come to the right place today we'll be going over 15 among us secrets you didn't know about ranging from tips to sniff out the imposter to film and tv references to fun easter eggs hidden inside the game before we jump into our ideas give the video a like subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and click that bell so you never miss a video this is newscape games your source for gaming news leaks and theories number one clearing asteroids in among us you'll find yourself swiping key cards checking vitals uploading data and more as the imposter though you're really just standing there faking it most of the time this is simple but did you know that some tasks include visual indicators that they are being performed the first task is while clearing asteroids which is found on the scaled mira hq and polis outside the ship there are two large guns when an asteroid is struck the guns will fire see someone standing there and nothing is happening they're either an imposter or just have really bad aim next up the chute for this task you're clearing a small passage of leaves directly outside the ship lies the exit if you're monitoring someone and leaves do in fact dump out of the ship that player is in the clear if not well start running but we're not done with the shoot just yet a faster pull down want to complete this task more quickly simple whenever this task begins notice how the leaves start from the top cascading down to the bottom quickly pull the lever before the leaves have made contact with the floor and they will keep their momentum and fall faster okay back to our visual base tasks the scanned our last visual based task is the scan found in all three of the current maps this one's simple when the scan begins the character's model will be highlighted in a green mesh if a player is standing there and nothing is happening they might just be an imposter that being said you never truly know they could be afk they could have spelled juice on their keyboard whatever the case they might just be standing there but that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep an eye on them qr code this next one's just for fun in the office of polisk one task requires you to scan your boarding pass firstly the pictures on the card will change every time it is in use second notice that qr code that's not just an aesthetic conclusion open your camera or download a qr code app put it up to the screen and you'll be greeted with the message sub homes smell you later i'm not exactly sure why this was included but hey we're not complaining small fun easter eggs like this make the map more fun to explore and hey who knows innersloth could change the message in the future even potentially hinting at future titles who is among us this is one we can say we didn't truly know about have you ever stopped to think about what the imposter actually is originally our thinking was they were a rogue insane astronaut hyper focused on eliminating the entire crew this thinking came from the stabbing shooting and neck snapping animations one kill effect varied wildly though that's right when the imposter opens wide and stabs another player through the visor this clearly isn't a human right after reading up about the game on inner sloth's website our suspicions were confirmed the impostors are in fact not human instead being known as parasitic shapeshifters ugh that makes the game a lot more frightening reminds me of the xenomorph from alien and the monster from the thing which if you've seen those movies they're both terrifying date changes this next one will involve a small amount of tinkering outside of the game but can yield some fun results if you didn't already know among us features seasonal items within their customization menu this includes cosmetics like a santa hat elf hat candy cane topper and christmas lights yes christmas is approaching soon but if you're feeling super impatient follow these steps on your pc in the search bar in the bottom left type in date and time most likely you'll have your time set to automatic unclick that and you'll be able to set your date and time manually make the date december 24th at 11 59 pm now whenever you launch the game you'll have all of these cosmetic items okay moving on to our next among a secret this game is stuffed to the brim with movie and tv references some of our favorites include futurama this adorable green alien is not wholly original in fact it first made its appearance in the television show futurama called a brain slug they're first seen in the episode ahead in the polls these guys aren't as cute and cuddly as they may seem they are in fact a space parasite attaching themselves to the head of their victims to take control of their brains yeah i think we'll just go with the pet dog instead it's appearance doesn't stop there though since it's also seen on the key ring in polis i guess the imposters aren't the only bad guys on board terminator if your game is set to include eject confirmations you might have noticed a small detail when locating the imposter on polis the imposter will hit the lava float back up for a second and then give one final thumbs up yes it's an added way of knowing your judgment and choosing the imposter was correct but did you also know this is a reference to the film terminator 2 judgement day that's right in the climactic end scene as the t-1000 sacrifices himself in a pit of molten lava he flashes one final goodbye before engulfing himself in the pool henry stickman it's pretty difficult to talk about references without including henry stickman on the list mr stickman is the titular character of a point and click game made by innerslaw studios and its easter eggs are everywhere firstly a large amount of sound effects are shared between the two games from vents opening to kill sound effects you'll also find items henry uses like his teleporter in the garbage chute or the nrg drink in the vending machine there's even main characters from the henry stickman collection as cosmetic pets it's no surprise intersloth included so many nods to their previous work since the series is a large reason their team initially built notoriety on top of this they love love love including film and tv references in their video games so why not have easter eggs from their own work as well prime shields next up we'll be showing you a safer way of priming the shields on the scout most players walk to the corner directly in front of the prom screen to complete this task by doing this you corner yourself while also being right next to a vent instead you can do it by this railing making it easier to get away after completion and making you a riskier kill since more players are able to see you halloween like we discussed earlier changing your date and time settings can alter the features of among us and yes yes we know spooky season is already behind us the costumes have been worn the candy eaten but if you're like us you just didn't get enough set your date to october 31st and you'll retain all of the game's different halloween goodies now you can wear your jason s hockey mask year round stabilized steering this next secret is found on the scaled and navigation on the larger of the two control panels one task will have you stabilizing the steering of the ship this essentially boils down to a lining across to the center of the screen although your first instinct will be to drag it from its starting point to the center that just wastes time instead just click the middle just like that the task is complete saving you time and possibly your life why are you always lying this secret is a super simple one and transcends beyond just this one instance in among us watching the taskbar is vitally important both for the crewmates to win the game and for the imposters to know how much time they have left one instance of this is fixing the wires in the skeletal security if someone is supposedly doing this task but the bar does not go up then you have just proven they are an imposter hurry back to the cafeteria and call an emergency meeting april fools the final day change is the most interesting in our opinion and features the most fundamental change to among us navigate to the date and time settings again but this time change the date to april 1st that's right april fool's day once set relaunch your game notice anything different about the skelet that's right the entire map has been inverted for those who have spent a lot of time playing this can be a pretty trippy experience and super fun to set on unsuspecting friends and as long as you're the host the map will be inverted for the entire lobby okay everyone that's been 15 secrets in among us let us know what you thought of our list and if we stump to you on any of them if you have ideas of what we should cover let us know down below and while you're down there give the video a like if you enjoyed it subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and click that bell so you never miss a video this has been newscape games until next time i'll be an event [Music] you
Channel: NewScapeGames
Views: 255,622
Rating: 4.8829427 out of 5
Keywords: Among us, 15 Among Us Secrets, among best kills, among us best rounds, among us fastest rounds, among us funny moments, among us lucky moments, among us compilation, among us streamers, newscapepro, newscapegames, fortnite news, fortnite leaks, fortnite theories
Id: lsGS8kC6yR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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