15 Amazing Homemade Inventions Made by True Geniuses

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not every genius needs to be working at a major tech corporation with access to a high budget to bring the forward-thinking inventions in their minds to life you'll be truly impressed at what some people are capable of creating from their very own homes brace yourself you're about to see some candidates for the title of the real tony stark these are amazing homemade inventions made by true geniuses number 15 assan's lion we're all here taking buses cars trains and bikes to work and this guy's in the next century taking a robotic lion to work we have to admit we're a little bit jealous while there's nothing wrong with good old-fashioned public transport there's everything right with spending hours building a mechanical lion then not having to deal with awkward small talk as you make your way to work sitting on top of it the lion is one of the best homemade inventions and we're not about to dispute that the man behind the invention can comfortably ride it which means he clearly did his homework on making sure it's strong enough while we're not sure of its inner workings because well we're not mechanics it's clear to see that a highly complex system has allowed all four legs of the lion to move while the speed isn't exactly lion space or even snail space to be honest there's no denying that it's a fantastic invention it's surely only a matter of time before everyone's taken to the freeways with their own robotic animals in some kind of futuristic zoo parade like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the odd topic back in 2014 in lijiasha village donchiaku city in the central china zubai province a farmer by the name of tanyang decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of building his very own submarine apologies if i pronounced any of that wrong by the way submarine did i get that right at the age of 44 lacking any formal education mr yang spent five months building a makeshift sub the final thing coming in at over one ton in weight a remarkable achievement which is why it's a shame that it failed in its maiden voyage but hey he tried right that's what counts remember to comment down below with the hashtag oddtopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number 14 new farming not every farmer in every country is equipped with the latest and greatest irrigation equipment in fact some farmers have more sense than money which means they can come up with fantastic ideas for managing their farms but don't have the money to invest in equipment that could take care of their everyday needs an example of this is a farmer who came up with a way to make use of a stream on his property and water his crops at the same time all it took was a little dingy boat with a handle an onboard generator and cleverly positioned pvc piping there was no multi-million dollar watering system in sight while the initial setup process took some time the farmer was able to pump out water through the pipes and direct it to his crops there was no need for water storage tanks on board the boat he could then pull the dinghy with a handle through the narrow stream making sure that all crops gained sufficient water the entire system may have only cost a few hundred dollars but this man just came up with a way to save himself millions number 13 homemade helicopter helicopters are not cheap if they were everyone would be flying around in them the least you can pay for a brand new one is about 250 000 with higher end models selling for about 700 000 or higher therefore it's safe to say that most of us are gonna have to put up with our bikes cars and public transport for now unless you're these guys it's amazing what plans can be made during a lunch break in the workplace these guys got together to build a homemade helicopter and it's nothing to scoff at it has a cleverly welded framework a powerful engine and a fast-moving propeller system there's even a seat for one person while it barely hovers a few feet off the ground this helicopter is proof that even those that lack funding but have plenty of drive can make incredible things happen of course even if it does fly more than a few feet in the air the men are likely to strike trouble there aren't any flight navigational equipment on board not to mention easy ways to fly it or land it this helicopter is as basic as they come but kudos for the effort number 12. homemade engine it's every person's worst nightmare your car has a problem you take it to the mechanic and they shake their head while telling you it couldn't be saved with a heavy heart you've just learned that your beloved vehicle's engine is on its last legs most people will mourn for a bit then set about trying to buy a new car that doesn't have a broken engine but if you're this guy a giant light bulb springs out of your head and you think of a way you can own your car forever call this man a genius for he's about to prove that he is he takes a white beaten up old vw beetle chops off its bum and installs a homemade crank engine for some reason he also completes the look with two old tractor tires because why not not only is the car now customized so that there's no mistaking it's his but it sounds incredible too it has a grunty croaky sound almost as if it's a far more expensive car roaring to life while this car is undoubtedly no longer road legal in most developed countries most people would drive it around with pride especially if they built the engine themselves number 11 homemade motorcycle um okay before we get into this we're gonna explain the simple anatomy of a motorcycle it has two wheels two same sized wheels a comfortable seat and handlebars but if you're an inventor you can throw that rulebook out the window and defy all convention whether or not we see these in mass production remains to be seen but we're guessing not instead of building a regular bike this guy took what looks like an old tractor and transformed it into a custom bike because that's what you do with old tractors right build motorcycles the front wheel is a giant tractor wheel while the rear wheels yeah more of a trike than a bike look to be from a trailer unit or a smaller tractor the chassis if you can call it that are long pieces of steel connected to the center cap of the front tractor wheel instead of a handlebar this motorbike has a steering wheel when you see how it handles that's probably not a good thing now let's talk about the speed this thing is fast so maybe not motorcycle fast but definitely not tractor fast either this guy is clearly a genius number 10 homemade ultra light airplane mark iii what's the bet that the last time you took a plane trip it cost you several hundred dollars why are we still paying so much for air travel especially since we've now got advice from this guy who shows us how to build our very own ultra light airplane mark iii who knows with enough motivation we could all be flying planes to work and on vacation saving thousands of dollars over our lifetime youtuber peter stripple has posted up several videos on how to build your own plane okay so it's not a five minute job and most people would rather pay a professional to build a plane than book a seat on it through a company but for those who do want to build their own well here you go peter's plane is incredibly simple it's fast light and is made with items and parts you can mostly buy online and in stores even better he doesn't keep these a top secret he literally posts links to where you can get them yourself to build your own plane i don't see boeing doing that number nine creative people transformers is a film series that many people adore some people love it so much that they'll put up a poster on their bedroom wall or by the complete movie series then there are people that build their own transformers because why not if you've got a scrap yard full of parts a few clues in your head and a passion for robotics then there's every reason to skip the bus build your own robot and take it to work or school instead this guy did just that and he didn't just build a small transformer either but one that looks like it might have even been in the movies it features lots of moving parts four individually moving legs and a control system which he accesses from a chair on the top this creative guy could have also made this transformer look pretty rough and ready but as far as recycled robots go it is all class all four of its feet look like they're from elephants and the middle is perfectly welded for strength if you're gonna build a transformer you definitely want to do it like this guy number eight disney at home these parents would have won the parent of the century award if such an accolade existed most kids are pretty happy if their parents buy him a swing set a trampoline or even a cardboard box with a marker pen so they can make their own car some though make their kids a backyard roller coaster if you can't take your kids to disneyland take disneyland to your kids so these parents did just check out how happy that kid is rather than a rusty old swing set this kid has a full roller coaster complete with a sense and descents and it's not even made in true diy fashion it is a fully constructed roller coaster with a rail system for the platform and a harness system for the child it speeds along the platform curves around a tree then avoids all obstacles in its path as it makes its way back to the starting point it might be time to teach your children a lesson and that lesson is find the kid in their class with a roller coaster then befriend them that way you don't have to fork out for a trampoline for christmas number seven the self-propelled car you might dream of owning a flashy car like a lamborghini or a porsche but how many of us can actually say we have the money to get one unless you can find a spare hundred grand and change under the sofa you're destined to drive that rusty old toyota for a while yet or you can think smarter and build a car that only looks flashy but doesn't even have a motor this guy has made the best of his retirement and created a vehicle that relies on pure momentum and a touch of pedal power to get going it has an extended body about as long as a ferrari or porsche and a super flash nose so that it looks like a supercar even its color scheme is distinctive with vibrant orange and black detailing to show other road users that he means business but instead of roaring off at a set of lights you won't hear this car making any noise at all the man behind this wheel makes a few weird and wacky rowing motions to get a bit of momentum and then off he goes number 6 mechanic horse many people have a love-hate relationship with horses they might like the idea of them but the very thought of riding something that could bolt throw you off or bite you can put them off not to mention how much care they require horses need both fresh and dried food someone to care for their teeth and hooves and someone to ride them so you can like horses but that doesn't mean you want to own one this guy got around that slight inconvenience you see he owns a horse but one that doesn't need any medical treatment or food it is made purely from metal with welded frameworks shock springs in the four legs and a seat with a steering wheel some parts look as though they may have come from a tractor instead of grain and grass this horse gets its energy from a generator that sits up around the rider's legs and instead of a saddle he has a much more comfortable seat what's also quite clever is that he can move each leg individually while turning the horse with a steering wheel did someone say genius number five use your tractor farming used to be quite a labor-intensive job in some countries it still is but as the tractor took over the horse as man's best farming friend a new world of farming began machinery took over most of the hard stuff and all farmers have to do now is keep everything running smoothly even when it comes to yard cleaning the tractor can come in quite handy as this guy found out he built a contraption that connects to the tractor's power supply that acts similarly to a wood chipper but instead of large chunks of wood however it can take care of small branches and twigs from trees that have fallen in storms or have been felled by the farm owner while the volume it can handle is quite conservative it can save farmers a considerable amount of time and effort instead of carting off the branches to dump on an unused part of the farm it can be turned into wood chip for barn flooring or something similar how clever is that pretty smart if you ask us number four a moving boat if you've watched people speeding along the water in their fancy boats and gone green with envy then don't those are the same people that argue swear and stress themselves silly trying to reverse a boat trailer into the water then get the boat off without damaging it they may even be the same people that appear in those blooper videos where the suv ends up in the water with the boat so you might be envious but only once the boat is actually in the water we think this guy might have had a similar experience to those blooper videos because he has come up with a solution it's a boat that has road-going wheels he can drive it into the water of its own accord pull up the land motor then set the water motor into the river there's no fuss and no hassle with trailers whatsoever when all that fun is over and you want to head home you can drive the boat out of the water and back to where it came from this guy's going places number three handmade invention the electric vehicle market is growing quite quickly in this day and age with more and more people looking to reduce their carbon footprint it also doesn't hurt to save money on fuel where possible too but the price tag of electric cars is still quite high which means gas guzzling vehicles are here to stay for quite a while longer if the price of an electric car is a bit out of your price range but you still want to help the environment then you might be like this guy and use an electric bicycle instead of spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars on one you can build your own this guy proves it's not impossible he has taken a regular bicycle and motorized it imagine not having to tackle those challenging hills on your own steam the complicated setup is probably not something that everyone can do but just look at how fast it goes who knows given the right conditions he might even overtake a low-powered electric car on the road number two home-made hovercraft imagine this for a scenario and it's probably not that hard to do as it's most likely your reality you're stuck in a line of traffic and it's not moving and there's no way out of it most people would just sit and idle away for hours but you might not have to in the future colin first from youtube has created a hoverboard that can lift him off the ground it has no steering no brakes but two accelerators a seat and handlebars to hold while it took several weeks of planning changing and fixing not to mention learning how to control it the results were incredible and this actually came from someone with no experience or engineering qualifications there were definitely a few teething issues but there's every reason to believe that colin and even others will be able to hover above that frustrating line of traffic in the future and get home just in time for dinner the hovercraft is not colin's first brush with weird and wacky creations though he has also been responsible for a jet cart 70 mile per hour scooter 600 cc tuk-tuk a motorized horse and a 50 mile per hour pram number one homemade car livio de marquis was tired of getting pushed around in waves on the grand canal in venice in his paddleboat he longed for the days when the pace of the canal was a little slower rather than a freeway that he said it became and what belongs on freeways cars it made sense then for him to build a car and take it on the canal it took livio 5 months but he successfully carved a ferrari f50 out of pinewood installed a yamaha boat engine and took the two thousand pound vehicle onto the canal he is the only man to drive a car in the canal and chose to craft a ferrari because he said if he can't afford one he'd build one but the likeness is unlike anything you'd imagine everything from the buttons to the logo are in line with what you'd expect with a real ferrari so much so that his creation has now been welcomed into a museum in america along with several other cars and a horse coach he is crafted just like it we should all be pretty ashamed of ourselves when we need something or want something we buy it already made but some people actually put in the effort to build it themselves have you ever invented something or built something from scratch tell us about it also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 725,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, homemade, inventions, how to, crafts, tutorial, tips, life hacks, lifehacks, useful things, tricks, homemade inventions, how to make, tools, do it yourself, technology, craft, 5-minute crafts, diy projects, diy activities, handcraft, gadgets, amazing homemade inventions, invention, handmade, tech, amazing idea, tool, ideas, genius, cool inventions, new tech, amazing inventions, best inventions, awesome inventions, awesome homemade, new homemade, science, product, true geniuses, made by
Id: kDZiqRbwMuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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