144. The tidal River Thames by narrowboat - Limehouse to Teddington

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hello and welcome to a very special cruising vlog I'm not going out in this one cruising on my own boat nor indeed am I actually going out cruising on lorna's boat but together we're going out on narrow boat perseverance otherwise known as the home of Joe and Michael from minimal list and it is going to be quite the adventure a couple of short train trips from Lorna's mooring and we have arrived at Limehouse Basin which is right next to the tidal River Thames and here on the visitor moorings Joe and Michael's boat narrow boat perseverance all checked over and ready to go we're going to go into the lock and up the Thames with and following this wide beam which conveniently is going to have a pilot on board so that's helpful and this is Limehouse Locke which we will be going through in about an hour from now taking us through to the Thames that you can see at the end there just being in this lock is going to be quite terrifying let alone going out onto the Thames will you just look at the size of these gates this is some fantastic engineering and no you don't have to crank a windlass to open them all hydraulic of course I think this shot possibly gives you more of a sense of scale of that lock it's quite big not like your normal canal lock and oMG when we come out we will turn right and head up that way suddenly narrowboat perseverance just looks very very tiny I wonder how my traveling companions are feeling about the trip fine I'm really not worried about I'm worried that I'm not worried about it honestly I'm so excited it is now 2:35 and as you can see the traffic light for the lock has gone green so we'll be going in there in just a second and we are off we've tied the boat on to these riders down the side these metal horse are things there's the low key operating the gates go to vote now departs and we will follow them unit [Music] Londyn bps perseverance we are just exiting Limehouse proceeding to Teddington / s construction is part of the New London super sewer I think I was watching a TV program about this lately it's costing several billion pounds involved something like a seven mile tunnel underneath the city and then outlets which previously just dumped sewage into the Thames are dumping into this new sewer this is part of it our captain has just steered us accepts me well out of the lock through some unexpectedly choppy water given that it's not that windy you may not believe it from the audio but it isn't that windy it was very choppy and I think we're relaxing a tiny bit now but nonetheless caution to be advised now coming into sight of those famous London landmarks Tower Bridge the shard this is gonna be awesome that might look like a little weight but believe me we're going to feel that these will be worth a couple of quid I imagine and there's my next boat right pop quiz who owns this boat anyone no answer in the comments below please to continuous orange lights on the bridge means you can go through the center span so that's where we're heading if it were white flashing lights we'd have to go over to the right of the center span it looks like we're okay Michael and I both discussing just now the the sheer scale of this bridge and we've both agreed the only apt description as you go under it is holy with apologies for the profanity but truly that's what you're thinking and coming out the other side the gherkin and that's a some old historic Carsley thing you know I've got so many here it's just another Castle in it now there's a message I think we can all approve of and not just the Thames but all the canals and rivers as well forget that last boat this is gonna be my next one not bad we are getting jostled a little bit trying to work out what ship this is on the bank again answers in the comments below please these little ribs cause a hell of amount of wash and we get the full brunt of it and tape modern which I once abseiled down the side of not the big tall chimney much to my disappointment but the side of the building itself that was scary enough for a first abseiling just coming into view there the London Eye on the south bank had a better view of that in a minute I think and there is the oXXO Tower now that building is the I think former now ITV building I think they've sold it off now where I used to work where programs like GM TV and this morning and loads of other TV shows came from you get a super view from the top floors up spent many many overnights working in there on the overnight shift for GMTV back when I was freelancing as the I with the Royal Festival Hall building on the left there the number of times I've walked across this bridge and in fact being across it in the railway there we go promise you a better view of the London Eye there is now we're coming up to Westminster Bridge next next to the houses of parliament which again we'll get a better shot of in a minute you can't go too close to them otherwise they'd shoot you somewhere underneath that scaffolding there's a clock and Annabel big Bell never in all my born days did I think I'd come past Parliament like this Wow the light being the way it is that is a better shot of Parliament very good so for a little bit of chop at the beginning a little bit of chop whenever the beat bottom boats come through every bit of traffic on the radio but no basically it's been it's been fine just a little bit of a learning curve right off the beginning enjoying it I don't know if I'm gonna get shocks for filming me mi6 building but let's find out or let's not actually I should probably show you this map which refers to all the bridges and shows which spans are supposed to go through and where you're not supposed to go it's very useful it's like a rallying map as well known by any Pink Floyd lover Battersea Power Station well the most tumultuous bit of it is over we've done central London effectively now gently heading out towards Putney and Richmond and Kingston places like that the suburbs it's all calmed down quite a bit it's turning into quite a civilized afternoon so I've come forward to the well deck how has the experience been from the bow I loved it it was so good when the gates first opened on the Lark I may have said some naughty words it was it was a lot worse than I was expecting and I'm that first bit like that was quite scary but then I got into it and it was really cool and there were some big waves late so my head's had a little bit of a wash it wasn't as bad as I was I mean expecting it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it was fantastic brilliant just seeing everything from a different angle I'm so used to walking up and down the river and spend a lot time in central London but to see it from a different point of view of brilliant I've got bug I have to do it again roundabout Putney now and this is what you have to be careful around here lots and lots of rowers two and a half hours after we started we're just cruising through Chyzyk there's barely any traffic on the river here the Sun is out it's calm it's just fantastic wonderful wonderful afternoon [Music] dead ahead there is Oliver's Island apparently named after Oliver Cromwell and we shall steer as that wide beam craft has done over to the left to go past it very nice to be cruising past Kew Gardens the world-famous Kew Gardens cruising past them in a boat this is Brentford which is where you would come out of the Grand Union Canal onto the Thames if you were going to come out head up towards Teddington and then go up the Thames towards well a/k/a I suppose and blech late so you'd come out of that opening there just coming past Twickenham now and on a sunny Saturday afternoon the banks are packed as you'd expect well what do you know there is the site of a rather large lock now I'm presuming that's Teddington lock and that we know we don't appear to be going into it oh it's double-sided lock apparently I did not know that so okay so I was actually reading the sign I'd see that it indicates us to go to the right never come on on the Thames with me so we are gonna go into Teddington lock and then after that just look for somewhere two more I believe the end of our voyage is in sight Joe's just gone up to catch a rope wrap it around a bollard and then keep us tight in the lock yeah we go and now with the lock open we can go forward and Joan Michael have decided they will pay nine pound fifty for one nights mooring she asked a little bit further on which is paid to the lock-keeper yeah well that was fantastic we made it and we're moored up just above Teddington lock so let's find out what everyone else on board thought of that journey well for me doing the driving there were about 15 minutes in the beginning of of a little bit of concern after that once we get basically once we made it to Parliament I guess maybe it was a little bit more than 15 minutes but once we made it past Waterloo Bridge in Parliament that I was no longer worried about sort of traffic as much it became really easy and so the rest of the way has just been really lovely oh I loved it it was a lot less choppy than I was hoping it was going to be and I I have to do it again I can't wait again mr. Joe will up but the rest of us yeah yeah where are you transport oh yeah I'll come back down you [Music]
Channel: CruisingTheCut
Views: 324,144
Rating: 4.9497828 out of 5
Keywords: narrowboat, canal boat, barge, barging, narrow, canal, boat, the cut, widebeam, liveaboard, continuous cruising, continuous, cruiser, RV, motorhome, campervan, sailing, tiny house, houseboat, house boat, vlog, River Thames, Thames, river, Minimal List, London Boat Girl, London Bridge, Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, London Eye, Richmond, Kingston, Kingston Upon Thames, Brentford, Teddington, tidal, Limehouse, Putney
Id: C7QkbWT09Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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