(1424) Challenge: Headphone Revenge

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I am having a pretty bad week the last two locks have been whipped it's and like a dummy I grabbed this guy this is a package from Norway I should have known there's only one thing that can come out of a Norwegian package and it's gonna be bad and I think we're looking at strike three here at Rio vieng i have trouble with these when they're not challenge box they should have known better only bright side i get a dollar out of it this is the says the key wrapper is yours to keep oh that's the bright side all right it says um as promised here is the revenge of the headphones this is from cage a lock-picking as I said in Norway he says you will find some elements of broken headphones in a lock and he's kidding with me because well maybe not kidding a while back I had a little trouble regulating the volume on lock lab a YouTube channel and she says I blew up his headphones and his ears so hopefully we won't find pieces of his eardrum in here but maybe some I don't know Springs or coils or whatever headphones are made out of let's try it let's get this out of here I just hope this is not strike three man that would be great well not such a great way to end the year all right top of the key way obviously and I can already tell this is not a normal traveling we knew that as a challenge lock but apparently headphone parts have a lot of slop in them because look at that core moving around you wouldn't normally see that on at riving I'm gonna try this guy think he'll fit I've used these before never with a heck of a lot of luck with these locks though it's try and I'll go clockwise so let's slide them all the way in there light tension and see if we can figure this out that was pin for that was the - it was like to pin one's giving me a little counter rotation there felt like it anyway yep still okay good that was pin Juan Ben for get into there it's a little bit of counter rotation on him here we go I got a click I don't know if it's D click the one we need but I'm looking for feedback of any kind there right there pin two very slight counter rotation come on come on I hope that's a pin and not the warning I'm trying to pick man thank over set - let's do a reset let's try this again okay pin one as our call was the first one all right we got him that was pin to pin for get under there counter rotation okay here we go something fell though was checked there was been one in wanted fall one in three little click it's five counter-rotation no fault set avid oh I'm not sure if that's counter rotation or not let's call it counter rotation let's give it a shot spin to a little click alright let's do another reset come back pin one counter rotation pin two and four get in there pin1 again can five and check pin one again there we go when one looks like a gate keeper let's check pin one again no he's still up in one again watch that guy it was four five felt a little turn the core oh that was probably an over set let me check pin one he's good come on give me some feedback there it is pin three like that pin two check one ah there it is he's back down yeah eight minutes Mike you know traveling's always make you feel like you're right on the verge of getting them back to pin two and one I don't feel any feedback I think I over said pin for everyone and rotation on three Maxwell set can rotation on three more deep deeper false at eleven minute it's counting part of the intro though let me give it one more minute I forgot to set the timer again I'm going to temp number two I'm going to be forcing them around that warding I do have a fault set I'm just trying to force that tip of that pick up there so I can maybe that's it right there there we go got a little bit of deeper faults at there force it up there around that warning to hit the pin force it to give me feedback and there we go all right about 12 44 let's call that the second attempt that's tough lock those headphone parts are gestate beep yep alright we do the key and we do have a dollar yeah Mon oh wait a minute dude I was gonna say two dollars yeah there's what the bidding looks like that is awesome nice low cuts here protecting that's probably what the trick is getting that darn pickup in their past that warding all right let's make sure it works headphone parts and it does Staggs a little but does work valid challenge yeah it's get we'll just leave that on there pop that off that was easier and usually is okay we're gonna do a little shim in action maybe it's really tight alright let's use it as a bridge see if that'll work very tucked wow that's tight there you go they're all bare fully populated I don't see anything oh look one of those is threaded every single one got a thread job and every single one of these is a ass opinion I don't feel bad I feel lucky yep every single one of those was a stock a SAP in and these are a wait a minute no that's not true that is not stock that is not stock and I think that is this is a Christmas tree pin this is a homemade Christmas tree pin that also I believe is homemade so maybe I lied to you I usually only make it a habit a light lying to my wife oh and of course my brother-in-law when I say hey man it's good to see you again you know like that okay here we go let's see what we got upstairs that is a barrel pin stock a saw and that is also threaded my goodness all right this is a homemade one very nice very sharp alleges and let's see if he's threaded - somebody get a brand new tap for Christmas I think so threaded number three look at that man all these sharp edges he was in there like that all right number four i sharp edges on that guy too okay let's flip him around and go from this side cuz I like to see what I'm doing number seven very nice little T pin action home made out of a key pin and there's a spring in there he's just buried and maybe caught yeah oh here we go oh that's why it's a doubled up spring all right number six homemade serrated beautiful work by the way and the last one look at that he's just barely breaking the shear line talk about variation and in spring homemade yeah homie out of a torpedo pin I would have kept a torpedo pin those are hard to find and the last spring is a little bitty thin one every single chamber in this is threaded all seven of them every single one of them same in the paint in the core all seven of them are threaded and you can see every single one of these pins you know I made a mistake I thought these are so well done I thought that these were factory pins but in fact these are they might have been factored pins of course but they've all been modified see the light up here if that's a little better a lot of serrations the only stock pin I believe is probably that as a barrel pin all the rest of these are homemade lots of sharp edges to get caught up in all of those serrations in both the core in the Bible awesome awesome KJ lockpick and super super work and I am so lucky that this was not strike three I've had like I said it got had run a bad luck and this had every possibility I don't know how I got it open quite honestly but anyway I did it counts good luck good open appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal [Music]
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 29,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: (1424) Challenge: Headphone Revenge, Challenge: Headphone Revenge, Headphone Revenge, bosnianbill 1424, locklab challenge, LockLab, Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, bosnianbill challenge, bosnianbill whipped, lock picking lawyer, lock picking, electric lock pick gun, how to pick spool pins, how to pick a lock for beginners, challenge lock, lock tube
Id: IoEyeUnb2LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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