14 things NOT to say in student visa interviews!

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hey guys a lot of you are preparing for F1 student visa interviews these days and we have done a lot of videos on it um right I mean we have a full playlist on student visa which includes videos on uh checklist of documents that you need to carry includes like full list of financial documents Etc uh we have done a tricky Visa questions uh video we have done like you know what are the reasons that can get you rejected in the Visa interviews um and other things we have done a lot of like you know real student visa interview stories Etc from last 2 years so I will be linking that playlist in the description box below but what I wanted to cover today was um maybe something that I've not done before and which is like you know what not to say in the US Visa interviews so think of it like this like us admission officers or VISA officers are specifically trained at detecting whether education is your real motive of going to us or not so obviously they don't want to see anybody who is potentially likely to immigrate to us and how do they detect this they detect this by your uh deciphering your body language as well as things you say so in this video I'm going to cover 14 such phrases that you should not say or you should avoid saying in the interviews because that can be a red flag to the Visa officer and they can reject you if you say one of these things so so yes do not say these things in your visa interview let's get started [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel and thank you so much for all your comments and feedback it really means a lot to me and helps me in creating all this content for you so all right so today's video is uh about student visa interviews for F1 category and what I'm going to talk about today is what not to say in these interviews now previously we have done a video on tricky Visa questions do go through it as well because that was very important as well but today like you know in any kind of questions when you're answering you might um inadvertently say something which you do not realize is going to harm your uh chances of getting the Visa so what are those phrases those sentences or those things that you should avoid saying in the Visa interviews so here are 14 such things number one is I'm hoping to find a full-time job in the US after graduation so while the American job market can be enticing and obviously you want to work there even if you are coming back later on but your primary focus should be on academics highlight your passion for your chosen program and how it aligns with your long-term career goals back home so do not say anything which um which is along the lines that you want to settle in us and work there or live there permanently number two I am not sure what I want to do after graduation but I'll figure it out again the US Visa process prioritizes Clarity of of purpose showcase a well- defined academic and career path link to your chosen program explain how your studies will equip you for your future goals number three I chose this program because it was easy to get an admission here with my profile this is such a red flag they want to admit those students who have clear goals and who know why they are attending this program even if your profile is weak and uh you are going to a low tier program never say that you're going there just because that is the only program you could get an admit to you should always showcase that this program is best designed to help you get to your career goals it goes it's it's obvious that you will go to the best admission that you could possibly have and if your profile is weak then it's okay to go to a ler program but your answer should revolve around how the program will help you meet your career goals and not just that it was an easy alternative to get into the us next phrase is I plan to take a lot of online courses to finish my degree faster F1 visas require full-time in-person enrollment emphasize your commitment to attending classes on campus and actively participating in the program next is I am planning to transfer to another University after a semester here this is again another red flag because you are giving the vibe that you're not truly going for this universities and that you have some alternative plans in your mind this can give the impression to the Visa officer that your real intentions are something else so you don't want to create doubts in their mind you should stick to be talking about the program that you are planning to attend and not talk about some alternative Pathways or leaving this program or moving somewhere else or doing something else other than the stated reason um on your applications right now number six is my family will be financially supporting my studies but they are sending most of the money in cash do not talk about undocumented or unverifiable sources of funding provide clear documentation like bank statements and sponsorship letters to demonstrate your financial ability I cannot tell you how many visas are rejected just because people do not show correct financial documents so definitely go through this uh previous video that we have done which covers all the documents that you have to carry in very much detail especially the financial documents so be very very careful about this all right next sentence is I don't have much money saved up myself but my parents will cover everything it's okay that your family is supporting you or your parents are sponsoring you but you must demonstrate some personal financial responsibility even if you do not have Savings of your own you should talk like you are grateful that they're supporting you and that like you know you do have a career plan in mind so that you can build a good life for yourself so it's better if you can show some documented funds in your own name even if it's a contribution to the overall budget so the idea is sound humble sound grateful that you are getting this opportunity and do not sound like uh somebody taking it for granted or that you will be careless about the money part next phrase is my cousin lives in California and I'm really looking forward to spending a lot of time with them while I'm studying so while obviously family and social connections are important but you do not really want to talk about your family too much because again that can give an idea that you have um stronger ties in US you might stay there after your studies as well remember us student visa is given because you want to go study there and come back to your home country at some point of time so avoid talking about family or social things um and just focus on your education and professional goals number nine is honestly the program in my home country isn't as good as the one here so focus on the unique merits of the US program and how it aligns with your goals but do not be little your own country or institutions explain how the US program offers specific elements that aligned with your interest but it should not sound like it's a escape from your current situation where you do not have good options in hand number 10 is I think I will Avail the OPD program but I I'm not familiar with it yet so F1 visas offer op opportunities uh which is optional practical training program and think of it like student work permit right because it allows you to work uh outside your campus and this is what allows us to do jobs in us before we get our H1B visas now you must research the opt eligibility criteria and how it aligns with your career goals if you show that like you really do not understand how the student work permits or other aspect of your F1 Visa work then again it raises a question mark whether you are really going with the genuine intentions of studying there or not next is I don't speak English that well but I'll learn more once I'm in the US this is definitely a red flag they will not allow you if they think you cannot communicate properly while you are there so English language proficiency is essential for F1 studies you must demonstrate your ability to communicate clearly and confidently during the interview and it does not mean that you just have a tol score and that you're good to go in your interviews also you must be able to talk clearly and articulate yourself uh properly next is uh I'm not sure what my Visa status allows me to do in terms of the travel so again the point is you must understand F1 visa and Associated regulations um with it so travel regulations are a big part of it research the permissible travel activities and any potential restrictions on leaving and re-entering the US do not sound careless or casual about it next is I'm sure we will be able to manage our expenses if required my spouse will take up some work so if you're taking your dependence when you're going on F1 Visa then know that dependents cannot work in the US they are legally not allowed to work in the US so do not say anything that gives them the Imp impression that your dependents are going to try to work in the US so definitely a no no and last one is I am interested in advanced encryption nuclear engineering bioweapons weapons development or Gene editing Technologies so due to potential National Security concerns it's best to avoid mentioning those research areas that could be considered sensitive in your F1 student visa interview so us is very particular about it they have uh alert list um they have a technology alert list or tal which is not a official document but everybody talks about it it's a list of technologies that US Government considers sensitive and if you're going to research in one of those categories then it might raise a red flag and mentioning these can lead to what is known as 221g rejection so be very careful even if your research area is around those things you can talk about other applications and avoid mentioning these sensitive terms all right guys so those were like 14 phrases that you should avoid mentioning in your student visa interviews because they can create a doubt on your intentions or your ability to properly do the student thing in the US um and obviously you don't want to get your visa rejected because first of all it's very expensive to reapply and the slots are not that easily available so you have got one shot at it I think think like you know do your diligence properly and be very very prepared for that interview so I hope this video was helpful would you like to add anything here did I miss something or do you have more questions about student visa things let me know in the comment box below and I'll try to answer them or create future videos for it all right so hope you're doing well I will see you guys next week with a fresh new video Until then take care bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Scholar Strategy by Nistha Tripathi
Views: 47,906
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Id: cbIEKwJBhRs
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Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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