14 Stunning Facts That'll Make You Fall In Love With Numbers

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[Music] fourteen statistical world facts that'll make you fall in love with numbers even if you're not that big on statistical data some facts can simply blow your mind do you know how many hamburgers McDonald's sells every single second the answer will amaze you so before we dive right in be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you'll always be the first to see our new videos number one there are less stars in the Milky Way than there are trees on earth while it definitely wasn't an easy task tons of volunteers environmentalists and students join together with scientists to try and count the number of trees on the planet as for the number of stars in the Milky Way that job was left just to the scientists themselves putting all the information together they got really shocking results there are almost three trillion trees on our planet and only 400 billion stars in the Milky Way now three trillion trees might sound like a lot but you also have to consider that 15 billion get cut down every year so that's why scientists reassure environmental organizations to continue their hard work trying to protect and preserve the trees on our beautiful planet number two Germany has the lowest share of child population in the world according to the distribution of population by age only 12 percent is under the age of 14 in Germany the biggest portion of the German population belongs to people between the ages of 25 and 54 they form the prime working age group and take up 40% of the whole population of the country but in Kenya for example the situation is completely different it's children under the age of 14 that make up 40 percent of the population but who knows maybe the situation in Germany will change significantly with time number 3 Mary and James are the most popular baby names over the last century from 1917 to 2016 Mary and James held the record for the most favorite baby names for many parents almost 5 billion boys were named James and three and a half million girls were called Mary the runners-up are John and Patricia and the bronze medal goes to Robert and Jennifer a lot of seemingly popular names didn't make it to the top of the list though for example the name Justin took only 38th place what are your favorite baby Nate's tell us in the comments below [Music] number four China can also be called the Golden Republic the People's Republic of China is a truly golden Republic since it's the world's largest gold producer a study concluded that for the last ten years China has been producing approximately 440 tons of gold each year not to mention China's gold mining industry has received multiple foreign and domestic investments leading to further improvement hmm maybe if I booked my ticket now by tomorrow I'll strike gold number five there are more than 200,000 Carlsen's in Sweden wait who's a Carlson Oh apparently it's a lot of people in Sweden it's the third most common last name in the country the first two places are occupied by the surnames Anderson and Johansson but it was a really close race there are over 200,000 Carlson's and almost 240,000 Anderson's in the country looks like my chances will be good if I go to Sweden walk up to every guy I see and say mr. Anderson number six over the last millennium the Earth's population has become over 22 times larger according to the statistics on July 1st of the year 1000 there were only 275 million people on the planet but the situation significantly changed in the year 2000 when the whole population of the earth reached over 6 billion people there are currently 7 billion people on the planet and this number increases every second it's hard to imagine how many there will be in the year 3000 still seeing how fast this numbers growing is strangely fascinating number seven in a lifetime you walk a distance that could wrap the earth four and a half times wondering how they got this statistic well the average person takes 7,500 steps a day the average life expectancy in turn is 80 years based on this information researchers calculated that we walk nearly 110,000 miles over our lifetime and if you were to go around the entire earth at the equator four and a half times you'd walk almost the same distance freaky number eight people in the US watch over four hours of TV a day Americans clearly love television more than any other nation in the world it turns out they spend one-fifth of their day or 270 minutes watching their favorite programs the runner-up here is Poland where people enjoy TV almost just as much they spend 264 minutes every day in front of their TV set so where do you stand do you watch a lot of TV what shows can't you live without sound off in the comments number nine Saturday is the least common birthday researchers have recently conducted an interesting survey to find out which day of the week is the most common birthday Thursday shattered the competition with almost 18 percent of children born on this day of the week Tuesday took second place with about fourteen percent of newborns and the last place in the top three was taken by Wednesday with approximately the same results Saturday is the least common birthday with 12 percent of births pretty crazy right number 10 90 percent of the emails people receive as spam according to a report from Cisco about 90% of all emails sent worldwide is spam and guess who's putting most of it out there believe it or not the United States is the biggest source of spam sending almost 18% of the world's junk mail Turkey and Russia came second and third respectively sending the world nine percent and eight percent of its spam a lot of these spam emails contain links to dangerous websites which can infect your computer with a virus so be careful out there and think twice before visiting an unknown site number 11 Denmark has the most working mothers in the world the OECD conducted a worldwide study on women aged 15 to 64 with at least one child and Denmark has the most mothers in its workforce 82 percent of them work after having a baby Swedish moms are close behind Danish women with nearly the same results women from Slovenia the Netherlands and Austria also made it in the top five Greek moms however came last with a little over fifty percent of them working after having children number 12 McDonald's sells 75 hamburgers every second McDonald's has many fans all over the world so it comes as no surprise that the company sells 75 hamburgers every single second they even have a website where you can see how much of each menu item they've sold worldwide in real time you can find a link to this site in the description box below definitely worth checking out ww every second do slash McDonald's number thirteen seventeen hundred people become millionaires in the US every day now those are some statistics I'd like to see the number of millionaires in the United States literally increases every single day according to Bloomberg and based on projections by the Boston Consulting Group by the year 2020 3.1 million new members will join the Millionaire's Club it's already grown by 2.4 million from 2010 to 2015 and this growth just isn't stopping so is my turn coming soon it's okay I can wait what about now No okay [Music] number fourteen Bangladesh has a bigger population than Russia believe it or not Bangladesh a country about the size of Iowa has a lot more people than the biggest country in the world Russia has a population of about 144 million while that of Bangladesh is nearly 165 million that's especially shocking when you think about the size of these vastly different countries Bangladesh has a total area only fifty six thousand nine hundred eighty miles squared which is 116 times less than Russia's Bangladesh is able to sustain such a huge population because of the fact that it's located in an incredibly fertile region plus there's a massive river system in the country which is extremely useful as well go Bangladesh which of these facts surprised you the most tell us in the comments section below don't forget to share this video with your friends and family to talk about your favourite facts together remember to always stay on the bright side [Music]
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Keywords: interesting facts, things you’ve never seen, unusual things, facts about planet, facts about humans, facts about space, facts about earth, facts about people, amazing things, amazing facts, statistics, statistical facts, population, popular names, baby names, common birth day, spam, working mothers, hamburgers, millionaires, population of the world, Germany, Bangladesh, Russia
Id: WUlYsXJuX_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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