14 Signs of Emotional Abuse In Relationships

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(soft music) - [Narrator] Do you think you're in an emotionally abusive relationship? According to One Love organization, emotional abuse is any abusive behavior that includes verbal aggression, intimidation, manipulation, and humiliation. Does your partner, friend or family members show signs of emotional abuse? Here are 14 subtle signs of emotional abuse in relationships. One, they blame you for things. It's a sign of abuse if your partner blames you for the things they've done. They avoid responsibility and say things like, "You made me do it." Or, "It's your fault this happened." Two, they avoid certain topics. Does it feel like you're walking on eggshells around your partner? It's a sign if you have to stay quiet about things that bother you, and fear it will trigger your partner. Three, they control how you act. Abusers might control how you act by telling you that they're just being helpful. Even if it sounds like they're being supportive, they're still trying to manipulate your behavior. Four, they change your plans. Abusers will change your plans without telling you to keep their control over you. It may surprise you when you're supposed to be meeting your friends, so you have to cancel. In time, you might find yourself dependent on them on what to do. Five, they're emotionally available one moment and distant the next. Is it hard to talk to them because they keep shifting from being emotionally available to unavailable? They don't offer any explanation or they deny their behavior. It keeps you guessing and in fear of them. Six, they say hurtful things as a joke. It's a sign of emotional abuse when they say things they know will hurt you but then play it off as a joke. They ignore your feelings and make you doubt yourself and your self-worth. Seven, they make you guess what they want. You're not a mind reader, and having a partner that expects you to know what they want all the time is childish and immature. Healthy relationship is built on open communication, not assumptions. Eight, they ignore your feelings. Instead of recognizing when something hurts you, they say that you're being too sensitive or emotional. This form of abuse may leave you feeling confused and you may start to doubt your own feelings. Nine, they gaslight you. Gaslighting is when someone lies about what and how things happen so you doubt your own reality. They may say things like, "This never happened," or, "You remember it wrong," to confuse you. This form of abuse will leave you dependent on your partner for everything. 10, they act differently when you're with other people. There are two ways your abuser may act: They may be caring and considerate in the public to fool everyone, or they might be a distant and unloving as a way to control how you behave with your friends and family. 11, their love is conditional. Saying they don't love you when you disagree or argue is a sign of emotional abuse. And bases the relationship on validation instead of connection, and implies that you're only worthy of love when you do what they want. 12, they ignore your accomplishments. Abusers may feel threatened by your accomplishments. And so, instead of recognizing the work you've done, they downplay or even ignore it altogether. They might say things like, "That's easy, anyone can do that," or, "It isn't a big deal." 13, they imply you're not helpful. Abusers will tell you what to do and what to think to control your thoughts and behaviors. They hide this by making it seem that you aren't helpful, or that you're selfish. And 14, they need to know where you are. Would they constantly asked you where you are and who you're with? Constantly checking up on you is a form of control since they wanna know all of your movements all the time. It shows that they don't trust you or your judgment. Do you see any of these signs in your relationships? Let us know in the comments below. Also, remember to like and share this video with those who might benefit from it. The references and studies used in this video are added in the description below. Thanks for watching. And we'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 558,896
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Keywords: emotional abuse, mental health, abuse, relationship abuse, what is emotional abuse, emotional abuse signs, signs of emotional abuse, psychological abuse, narcissistic abuse, covert emotional abuse, emotional abuse video, emotional abuse in relationships, emotional abuse warning signs, signs of emotional abuse in relationships, depression, anxiety, emotional abuse red flags, emotional abuse relationship, verbal abuse, abusive relationship, psych2go, relationships, psychology, emotional
Id: rFHWnAn9ULk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 13sec (253 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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