14 Signs of autism in toddlers all parents should know/ Autism in toddlers.

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everyone and welcome to Mighty kiddos in today's video I will be discussing early signs of autism in children 12 to 24 months autism spectrum disorder is nonetheless a spectrum condition which means that it presents itself in a range of forms and severity levels as you may notice autism is being diagnosed more frequently in children now and adults as well now it is believed that one in every 44 children is diagnosed with autism that is why it's very important to know the early signs to look up for because early intervention is key in these situations now in terms of communication and social interactions some of the signs that we start noticing with kids this age is that they are not pointing or bringing objects to share with you or any caregivers so we're seeing lack of look mama or bringing you toys to share with you we also notice that kids this age are not doing any gestures or they're inconsistently doing gestures such as clapping or um waving goodbye right another sign is that we notice kids have a very difficult time imitating action so for instance they won't pretend that they're talking on the phone or they don't imitate you brushing your hair and they also don't smile back as frequently to their parents or caregivers or any familiar person right there have been autistic kids that smile at the mama but brother and sister other people that he sees often might he might not smile as often with those people by 12 to 24 months kids should already be babbling right but kiddos on the Spectrum don't typically Babble often there's some delays in babbling and when they do Babble we may also hear a monotone type of babbling so for instance we are missing that inflection patterns such as right that we normally see with toddlers like they're telling us a story we we sense excitement and we extend questions so when autistic kiddos our babbling is more just mellow monotone it could also just be open vowels like but not any more variety in their inflections and we also notice that they have very difficult time following simple spoken directions for instance give to Mama throw it away we definitely see this happening very often with autistic kiddos another sign that we see is that kiddos enjoy their independent play which means that they are not seeking out peer interactions as often as their non-autistic counterparts and they have very difficult time protect with pretend play and imaginary play so we basically see an absence of a child roaring and pretending he's a dinosaur and eating you or pretending that his stuffed animal is alive we don't typically see that with kids that are autistic so I know that a lot of parents don't typically know what's expected at a certain age that is why I have a developmental milestone checklist in the link below please feel free to download it and use it as a guide so you can know when you should be talking to a healthcare professional regarding your kids Milestones whether they're attaining them or they're missing them now in terms of behavior we tend to see a lot of intense repetitive behavior and special interests with kiddos on the Spectrum which means that some autistic kiddos just have a very limited um type of toys that they like I've had kids that love cars and that's all they want to play with or they just want to play with letters or numbers and you can just feed them numbers and letters all day long and they could just play with that instead of wanting to move on to a different type of toy we may also see that they interact with objects around them in very unexpected ways for instance instead of playing with the actual car they'll just flip it over and spin the wheels and they could just do that all day long or we see kids turning on and off light switches all the time and or closing and opening doors so any repetitive behavior that they do with objects that is unexpected can be a sign of autism now another thing autistic kiddos do is that they tend to line up objects so they either line up their cars they line up their dinosaurs or they group things in their own way only they know what the rules are but they interact with their toys in this way another thing that we see is that they enjoy the same shows the same movies over and over and over again it's almost soothing to autistic children also kids that are autistic tend to have a difficult time coping with changes in the routine so if something if there's a break in the routine will very often see meltdowns or tantrums and that's a sign of autism now repetitive movements to look out for in in autistic kiddos can be anything from flapping their hands rocking their body back and forth to constant constant spinning another sign is also sensitivities to their environment so these sensitivities can present themselves by you know objections and wearing certain clothes right so they don't like to feel tags other kids don't like buttons other kids don't like zippers on their clothing they also have sensitivities in their food right so we see oftentimes autistic kids have a very limited diet if you have any other questions regarding this topic please don't hesitate to leave them in the comments down below or feel free to send me a direct message on Instagram thank you so much for watching guys and I will see you on the next one bye bye
Channel: Mighty Kiddos
Views: 19,337
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Keywords: autism signs in 2 year old, early signs of autism, autism signs in toddlers, autism, signs of autism in toddlers age 2, signs of autism in toddlers age 1, signs of autism in, early autism signs in toddlers, autism spectrum signs in toddlers, mild autism signs of autism, what it autism, autism signs in toddler video
Id: A-kaZp60YuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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