14 Days Truck Camping in the Utah Desert (in winter)

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this week I'm taking a road trip down to Utah and bringing my dog and we're going to be truck camping at gas stations truck stops and in the desert so come along but the Story begins a few days ago at a gas station for the next 14 days I'll be making my way from British Columbia Canada to the desert of Utah in the winter it's a 20-hour drive so the first couple night night we're at some good old truck stops good morning good morning my handsome man was our first legit sleep in the truck got neighbors that was a successful night's sleep at loves now I'm just going to fill up some gas grab a coffee and take hero to the dog park and we'll hit the road okay Idaho with the mountain truck stop snack breaks with some really cool Idaho mountains in the background so it's about 5:00 in the evening and we have been driving since 7:30 this morning we found some BLM land in Nevada it's close to the Salt Flats in Utah so wasn't planning to come to Nevada but as soon as I entered it's just flashing signs and we're like not anywhere near Vegas all right this is my first time camping on BLM land we're somewhere in Nevada on the border of Utah close to the Salt Flat so we can head over there in the morning apparently there's a campsite down here I just found a Blog with random coordinates all right the road says to go down there a little bit more but I'm just going to pull off here because I can't see anything and I think this is good enough I'm facing the exit in case I need to leave in the middle of the night you got to go pee pee yeah okay we've got dinner for KIRO and our little light got our insulation up on the window so no one can peep in wow I don't know how to capture Stars yet but the sky is so lit up with beautiful stars it is so cozy back here so it is kind of late I guess I'm too tired to keep driving but I'm not too tired to fall asleep so what I've been doing when it gets dark and I cozy up in the back of my truck there's no one here to play cards with so I have to find things to pass the time and one of my favorite ways is learning French I've been doing this for the past couple of months I've spoken about this in one of my other videos in the fall really stoked to share with you guys Babble they are sponsoring this portion of the video they are one of the top language learning apps in the world and that is because they teach you through real life conversations I'll show you what I mean by that they've essentially made an app that makes learning a language like a game woo as a Canadian Living in a bilingual country with French and English we do have to learn French in elementary school but the classroom setting never really clicked with me and I it's been so interesting to learn it through this different style and how I'm picking up on different words that never would have retained In My Memory because I wasn't using them in a real life situation if you want to check it out there is a link in my description for 60% off and there is a 20-day money back guarantee so there's no risk involved and let me know in the comments what language would you choose to learn thanks again to Babel and thank you guys for being here and supporting my channel now back to the road trip oh she's Frosty we are actually in the middle of nowhere Nevada I think there's some mountains over there but it is just empty empty Fields okay you ready you ready to go yeah let's get out of here so we woke up to -7 that was definitely the coldest that we've slept in I did get cold in the middle of the night but I just had to adjust the sleeping bag and we were all set KIRO kept just his jackets on oh I think I'm supposed to be turning here oh that mud pit is what why my tire is completely covered in mud from last night I drove right through that oh he does not like this this is the first time I've taken the truck on this rough of roads and it is fun it can handle it those Springs are much bigger than the Subaru okay because kir doesn't like off-roading I'm going to lift up the middle seat so he can get right beside me yeah brace yourself good boy don't worry oh okay yep we're almost off the road the sunrise over there wow beautiful so we just pulled over at the Bonville Salt Flats and it's exactly what it is it is a lot of flat salt ground we're just walking on it right now to get Kira's exercise in and I guess mine and then we're going to see if we can drive onto it as well this is cool though it's not like soft sand it is crystally and very condensed and hard there's no water on it which I read that there's supposed to be be a thin layer of water over it in the winter but I guess it hasn't been that wet this essentially is a dried up ocean I don't know many more facts about it but it's pretty cool to walk on this place is right off the highway it's kind of weird to have this vast Barren land right beside the highway it just looks like it could go on forever and there's mountains back there but they're covered in clouds right now KIRO is loving all of this land after being cooped up in the car it's about 5° right now so it is very cold I have my MAV merch on shout out to one of my favorite creators for sending me his jacket and fleece I have not taken them off this entire road trip they are the two warmest pieces of sweater and jacket that I own it's so cool to see other creators branching out and creating products that perform well right on man congrats come here good boy ready let's [Music] go my tripod just broke so you're a bit crooked and my tono cover on the back of my truck when we were off-roading last night in Nevada it something in my trunk must have hit one of the latches and it's kind of Shifting so I have to fix that before we get back on the highway yep the back left one got knocked all right you ready let's go good morning we I drove all day yesterday it's the next day we I drove in in the dark we're in the moha area now and look at this I just opened the door oh my gosh are you joking I was driving along the Colorado River I had no no idea we got to get ready for this hike bundle up it's like a 4-Hour hike going on yay there is an entire family of deer just walking on the trail like that I can see from the truck like here how keep been warm eating his breakfast and I'm just getting dressed and having my breakfast it's about 7:45 yes I'm listening to amine in 2023 and -3 C yes it is a cold one but good thing I'm Canadian this is so cool and I've never been in any landscape like this before but I am lost I didn't download the map before we got out of service it's hard to see a trail when it's all smooth rock my iPhone and this lighting cannot show the true depth of the rock for me I mean I've seen photos and videos of this type of rock in Utah and the desert but in person it is just tfold it's a piece of art I wish I could bring you guys all here with me wow it's formed by wind and rain and whatever else but I've never seen anything like this this is so cool finally getting out of VC what does a Canadian girl got to do to move to Moab I don't know if I'm saying that right but so cool I guess live in my vehicle and live here part time I just spent half an hour looking for KIRO I can't believe he ran off like that he I've never almost lost him but another couple with a dog were holding him he went he ran back the other way oh that was so scary I debated on just going back but I guess we'll spend another hour going back up into this Canyon what that is so w wild these are not your typical blueberries wouldn't want to eat those desert berries let's keep going apparently there's a ladder that might be our turnaround point it's not really good at ladders this is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen I imagine I think I've already said this that this is what the Grand Canyon looks like hero I don't want to lose you again come on oh my gosh this video is just going to be me gasping just so cool all right this might be where we have to go a different route because you have to climb down that ladder and then go up there and little boy just can't do ladders do you want to try okay come on I could potentially let you down over there too dangerous whoa oh yeah you don't like that how can we get you down okay no ladder for you it's so silent out here there's no animals no wind this sun on my face right now is so warm it was7 last night and it's warming up to like 11° today and it's super gray and BC all winter so this is such a nice treat this was a good decision back at the car we're going to make some coffee I'm trying this Duncan iced coffee French vanilla it's really high in sugar so just a couple sips but I'm going to make an actual coffee and for breakfast we have Tostitos and nacho dip leftover from dinner last night I don't necessarily like going to fancy restaurants food out of the tailgate of the truck just tastes so much better I can't believe this is the road I was driving down last night and I had no idea I couldn't see anything except for the road it's so incredible this is so awesome what okay we're headed to the Moon Overlook and this is the start of the rocky road arm City okay I'm okay you can see every time I go offroading my tono cover one of the latches won't stay on and it the corner comes off it's still really sturdy like it's not going anywhere but it it shifts I don't mind bumpy at all this is actually better than BC back roads because I'm worried about clearance half the time but there's no rocks really to clear on this type of road it's just bumpy getting car SI there buddy you want to get out W oh my gosh there it's a Tuesday there's only one other car up here right now we'll see if anyone else comes up I cannot believe where we are there's actually a ton of spots to park in campfires can't fire spots wow come on oh oh jeez he was too excited to get out got my keys I always have to double check what the heck can just Camp right here wow oh my God is called Moon Overlook for a reason we're going to be sleeping here tonight in my truck are are you kidding me be careful puppy oh my God that's too close to the edge guo where are we we're on the moon that's why oh just going for a little walk is that a okay don't know if it's a the edge of the cannon or more sand about 5:30 it's been dark for half an hour just trying to wear cira out before we go to bed oh gosh that's creepy KIRO is just laying there life doesn't get much better he's just having a chill morning enjoying the view making some coffee and some peanut butter sandwiches so excited okay here we go the off-roading begins we have an hour left on the GPS still an hour and 20 minutes so wait sure I'm going the right way put KIRO in the back right away this time so he's not flopping around on the front seat and he's got a good hold of his pillow he was napping I don't know why I get nervous on there's a lot of people saying that this is a tough road like you can't just take a four-wheel drive van you need a high clearance four-wheel drive so let's see look at the size of those Boulders they are massive whoa oh my oh my God it sounds like even in a car wash it's the dirt flying up under my truck oh and it's slightly raining which is not good for the ground it's going to soften up and become mddy so meeting up with a friend who has skateboards so let's hope that we don't need them but I don't have any myself so insane these are definitely the roughest roads I think I've been [Music] on so it looks like I don't know what that is it's probably not good though I just looked back at the footage it doesn't even look that bad it was hard in person okay and my tires are still inflated the Sun is setting though we only have like 2 miles left Hero's having his candl light dinner over here oh yeah he was hungry good morning from the back of my truck time to take the window shades off and see what it looks like out there it's the first morning that my front window has frosted over oh my my God oh my God this has got to be in my top five favorite sunrises oh just cinched my knuckle hair this is a vanilla latte you can just mix this with water and it'll be one drink but if you add it to coffee it's just a nice sweetener and it Foams up oh my gosh look at like powel down there the Solitude of the Utah desert for over a week week was amazing and one of the best trips I've ever done by myself but a fellow YouTuber and truck camping Creator was in the area so we met up one of the main reasons I always film solo as a Creator is because I'm such an introvert so filming in front of others can be really awkward for me but seeing how others film and tell stories it's really inspiring especially in a line of work where you don't really have any other co-workers so this is Jake from Salvage to Nick if you haven't seen his YouTube or Instagram you should check it out he built out a scrapyard Tacoma and sleeps in the cab with a shed in the back for gear and other fun toys yeah so at this point I've been in Utah for over a week by myself and it's been really amazing spent the night at this beach on Lake Powell but one thing I needed to do before I left Utah and kept heading south to Arizona was hit up a Slot Canyon because this has been on my bucket list wa my face is red I got burnt yesterday wow it's so weird how the trees have fallen what oh my God it gets cooler I got you come on good boy good boy oh no you did it you're free you're a free boy landforms like that are one of the reasons why you need to get out of the house more it was so cool but onward to Sedona Arizona honestly we went to really popular spots and they were beautiful but I would much rather drive deep into the back country and avoid the busy Trails so KIRO can roam off leash yeah there's just no feeling like the Solitude of the desert we are currently at one of the busiest hikes in Sedona kir is eating something I don't know if I ever mentioned this but Kira doesn't do well with a ton of people on in a small space so we are we're pulled off the trail and we're going to have to steal some footage of the actual Lookout of Subway cave from Jake we're hiding out off the trail I've been on a lot of solo trips with my dog in the middle of nowhere but something about Utah the vastness the bitter cold of winter it was one of those trips that change you not to be dramatic I don't really know how to explain it but thanks for being here I'll be back in the snow in Canada next week and I'll see you then bye
Channel: Madison Clysdale
Views: 263,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1mJL8vsOJoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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