Solo Island Camping FIRST TIME FISHING

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I've collected everything you need to survive and strapped it to this paddle board and my dog and I are off to find a remote island in British Columbia no on the wreck site where we parked is just behind me and the Sun is setting so we have to get to our camp quickly we have about an hour until the sun goes down it is so peaceful and calm out here don't even think about jumping Mister those lily pads will not support you that's the stance of a dog who sees an island looks like that's our home for the night okay we just got on to this first Island and I don't think we can stay here look at this that's somebody's grave I think on this island foreign it's like it takes seven minutes to walk one side to the other so I'm thinking we could camp here this is the beginning of every horror movie A Haunted one with all due respect I've got some Bushcraft shelters there is a fire pit I think the loons are doing a mating dance of course I put the tent at the very bottom just fits the best there KIRO is loving all the freedom he has there's no one else on this island he gets free roam of the place right now foreign but for some reason it feels more protective and safe when I have the fly on does anyone else feel like that ground is hard you have all this space to run around I'm keeping the food away from our tent it is a little bit safer with Wildlife to be on an island but they can still swim from the mainland but KIRO needs to eat dinner I'm not gonna fill up his water because he's been drinking like water okay go ahead we're on the side of the island that backs onto a bunch of crown lands so only the Bears can see us it's just about 8 30 now and the mosquitoes are really coming out so we're gonna set up the rest of the tent inside but first I have to hang my food so I whipped over here after work I finished work around three o'clock I was able to set up camp and everything by eight o'clock I ate dinner before I left so I'm not too hungry but I'm snacking on some steak strips it's dehydrated steak from Costco so good 10 out of 10 you have to try this oh you got everything so dirty we're blowing up your mattress first because if I blow up mine first You're Gonna Take It so I bring my old sleeping pad for KIRO and then for a sleeping bag it did say it was supposed to drop down pretty cold tonight I think I saw seven degrees so I'm gonna wear a sweater and pants to bed just in case and what I do is I open up my sleeping bag and I just put it over both KIRO and I and that's why I wear the sweater and pants because I'm not going to be able to fully wrap myself in the sleeping bag if I could go back a couple years I would actually purchase a quill over a sleeping bag but this this bag will be perfectly good for so many years so I have this book of every single plant in the southern interior British Columbia I've always wanted to find huckleberries so maybe we can find some of those tomorrow and I just want to be more aware of the the plants and animals around me and what they are everything has a purpose in the ecosystem and a reason for why it grows here it's okay go back to them [Music] I had some wild dreams last night my dreams are so vivid and real it's about 5 30 and I stacked both mattresses on top of each other don't mind how patchy his fur is I had to cut some sap out it's a little chilly this morning but not quite chilly enough to keep fresh food I was able to fit my 70 liter waterproof bag on the paddle board as well as this cooler which means I get fresh food so we are going to have a really good lunch after we do some fishing I can already see the fish jumping this is the sparta cooler bag and thank you so much to sparter for sponsoring this portion of the video This is my first sponsored YouTube video and it's going to allow me to create so much more content for you guys so thank you for watching but I'm really excited about what I can pack in here it's it's surprisingly really large so I've put all my dry food in it as well but the best part about it is it stays cold for 72 hours which is comparable to a Yeti soft cooler this is great for a family day trip or two people for a few nights it honestly fits so much I used it as extra storage as well I put these two Frozen water bottles in there about 20 hours ago and there's still pretty Frozen there and the inside is completely waterproof so if you did use ice when it melts it's not going to leak the link is down below if you're interested in checking it out it helps KIRO and I so much so thank you and now it's time for breakfast foreign so the thing with these guys is you have to pack them out I just have a big Ziploc as my garbage bag oh it's honestly really good some fruit leather I made at home with mango don't worry I will leave without you he knows the paddle board is our mode of transportation I love that platypus water filter it's so good for stationary camping not so much for hiking and filtering water on the go but so good for base camp and I have to get this huge negative 18 degree sleeping bag inside a tiny little stuff sack you gotta work quick because it starts inflating right away and this is waterproof as well oh man I'm just so stoked to be out here there's no one around right now I just love it oh the sun's coming out I have never fished before not even when I was a kid so I've been watching a bunch of YouTube videos I don't even know if I like fishing yet so I bought a really cheap one from Walmart not until after I started Googling how to use one of these did I realize that it's actually it is good for beginners but it's also good for children so I may look like a six-year-old out there I think this entire setup was under 30 bucks and that includes all of the hooks and plastic bait rather there is rainbow trout in this Lake all right so in our starter pack plastic bait kit we have we've got some worms and some minnows got a couple Bobbers which after watching a few videos apparently some of the biggest mistakes beginners make is using too large of a hook did you guys see that bald eagle that was just in the tree above me the whole time it was beautiful I freaking love it out here what am I doing here okay I think I'm gonna start with little hooks and I'm gonna pre-jig my own worm so I strung it through the end twist it like one two three four you have to wet the string apparently and always tighten it from the main end oh I didn't go very far oh oh that's my farthest one yet you can see some fish jump out in the middle of the lake so we got to get out on the paddle board I don't really trust my jigging yet so I'm gonna try a pre-jigged worm with a little whatever these are called [Music] hold on my line got tangled oh my God I think I got it woohoo oh that would be so freaking cool if I caught something on my first try so it's the middle of August right now I turned 27 tomorrow and the older I get the more I appreciate life is what you make of it I've prioritized more time in nature this year and this is exactly where I want to be oh you stink everyone in their YouTube videos makes it look so easy it is hard some of you may laugh but I'm eating veggie dogs they're actually packed with protein and a bunch of vitamins and minerals I wish I could cook them on the Fire I'm cooking it right beside a fire pit but there is a fire bin even though we're on an island you know we're not gonna burn down the city but we I'd hate to be the one to burn down this beautiful Island we have ketchup and mustard mixed together no utensils necessary there you go Gourmet veggie dog good enough for me I was feeling lazy on this trip I wanted to focus a lot on fishing so I just brought easy can't food because if I did catch and cook that would just be extravagant however it's hard to plan a catch and cook episode because that requires you to actually catch so maybe one of these days Sushi Nori do not buy this little pan and pot set from Walmart what you should buy is one of these little scrapies so we're gonna pack everything up now and go explore some islands and maybe do some fishing along the way curious to see if this board lost in the air overnight nope it did still full strength yellow is it's not filled up enough and red means it's about to pop so to shop everything on I mainly use two NRS nine foot straps these I will be brand loyal to these these have been so good so far [Applause] this is my favorite part about this new setup I cannot access this big bag during the day and this is still strapped in by the sides but I can have full access to food that I want to pack and I added Carabiner so I can add my bear spray water bottle a little bivvy bag for extra batteries why do you insist on standing on the very edge oh you're making me nervous I've got a new rubber bait on it and there's a loon over there so our hopes are so immersion here oh I hear something in there I heard some branches break like it was something heavy it's moments like these I'm glad there's no alligators where we live that would be an alligator right there but I used to rock good boy at the opposite end of the lake where and I'm also just let the current take me so now I gotta go back Upstream it's the afternoon and the winds really picked up so I have to paddle with all my strength but we have all our camping stuff so we just have to get to shore that took us about two hours my legs were crossed for most of it gotta stretch them out for dinner tonight I pre-made couscous you've seen me make it if you've watched any of my other videos sun-dried tomatoes olives carrots cucumbers these reusable bags are awesome you can actually pour boiling hot water in here if you had like Ramen or something that you wanted to cook or oatmeal straight in the bag it's much lighter than Tupperware and obviously less bulky so a few things I learned about fishing I used to have some sort of weight to keep the bait down I need to get better bait the waves have not died down at all I did explore a few other islands and this the one I stayed at was definitely the best so because I'm on the same spot I I think I'm gonna try and brave those Waters it's only getting colder and it's the evening now the sun will be going down soon this was an awesome 24 hours oh there's the wind we were we're in a little Cove oh I didn't realize there was rocks here oh all right
Channel: Madison Clysdale
Views: 16,646
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Id: cZBX44aHA7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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