$135 vs $13 Dumplings: Pro Chef & Home Cook Swap Ingredients | Epicurious

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dried scallops dried scallops is it scallops or scallops i mean i know what a scalp is i just don't know how to say it hi i'm chris i'm a professional chef and in this box are all the ingredients for a batch of 135 dumplings hi i'm emily i'm a home cook and in this box are my 13 dumpling ingredients [Music] uh-oh [Music] bye-bye dumpling box [Music] okay all right something feels expensive okay i think i can work with this [Laughter] [Music] i love a dumpling i love a dumpling it's what i want most of the time i've always loved dumplings since i was a little kid they're a big part of my life i'm feeling that my dumpling making experience is suddenly incredibly lacking but i'm gonna give it my best shot this is a lot of stuff so for my dumplings i was planning on making king crab and heritage berkshire pork pot stickers i had some excellent ingredients to work with for my filling i had some beautiful berkshire pork belly pilot pork and some excellent king crab ginger and scallions fermented black beans i don't know how to use this soy sauce water chestnuts and oyster sauce i always wondered what's in oyster sauce it is oysters and everything i needed to make some homemade wrappers ap flour vegetable oil and kosher salt and of course a ton of special ingredients to make my favorite dipping sauce high grade dry scallops which is the thing i totally knew existed i had the rendered lard from the berkshire pork cool cool cool chin can vinegar soy sauce sesame oil chili paste sugar garlic ginger and scallions and cilantro this is cilantro this i recognize this this this one i know believe me these dumplings are going to be very very special if i were to describe my feelings right now in a word that word would be overwhelmed concerned with emily's recipe i have some simpler ingredients stuff you may find in your kitchen or at your local grocery store soy sauce ground pork sesame oil cabbage some beautiful ginger scallions which we're gonna cut up we have some eggs some rice vinegar dumpling wrappers and some garlic these ingredients may be simple but i think i could use my chef skills to make them even better if i had a guess i'd say this all cost about 15 oh so close so if i had to guess i would guess that this all costs like a cool hundo all right that's an expensive dumpling all right so i have my magic recipe book that chef chris sent to me it's just a list of ingredients no recipe as usual oh okay king crab and heritage berkshire pork pot stickers all right now i know what a pot sticker is so that's a good start i have never used pork lord well i mean i guess i have saved bacon fat lard is one of those things that people say oh my god lard what am i going to do how do i do it it's uh it's really just pork fat and you want to get the fat into a liquefied state lard is your friend and the dipping sauce okay so a lot of these things go into the dipping sauce that's news breaking down this dipping sauce is you're taking this beautiful pig lard and you add all those aromatics and then you can add your reconstituted scallops and then add your soy sauce and once you whisk all those things in they all kind of mingle together you're going to get a beautiful sauce okay so here's the thing i feel nervous but i'm going to do my best and my best includes talking to rose hi rose hello emily how are you hi so i i'm making king crab and berkshire heritage pork pot stickers wow one thing you want to do is make sure that you have the same amount of filling in all of your dumplings because they'll cook more evenly that way cool that makes sense all right for the wrapper i really don't know what i'm doing i'm going to estimate and say go with just shy of two cups of flour and then a little less than a cup of warm water and a little bit of salt and then you're going to want to knead it for a couple minutes and then let it rest after you rest it you're going to want to cut it into quarters and then take one quarter and roll it into a thin thin log then you're going to want to just cut off about an inch take it in your palm of your hand and like press it down a little first get a little bit of a circle going and then roll it quarter turn roll it quarter turn roll it quarter turn here's a little secret though i think the center should be a little thicker than the edges the edges are what you're going to crimp and the center is going to be you're going to actually flatten them a tiny little bit so that they can make maximum surface contact okay so with the dipping sauce for the sauce because the pork fat is solid at room temperature you want to heat it up and then pour it over your ginger and your aromatics and then you're going to add your other ingredients but what a fabulous flavor combination yeah i bet it'll be delicious fry them first and get a good sear on them and then steam them you want hot oil and you want to make sure you get a crispy crunchy brown on the bottom so you're going to want to let it sit there for a little bit i think this is going to be delicious thanks so much rose i'm always happy to talk to you emily thanks bye do i feel sure that i can do this successfully and well no but i feel like rose believes in me let's make some dumplings alright so the first thing that i have to do is of course make my dumpling wrappers so let's do that flour about a tablespoon of salt and a cup of hot water and no i don't know where this dog kettle came from all right so the next thing i'm going to do is pour my warm water in and just turn this puppy on oh i might need to bring the bowl up there we go so emily thank you sent me these great dumpling wrappers but i think it's going to be a lot more fun to make our own and it's really simple all you need is some flour some salt and some water that i have simmering over there and it should be generally somewhere between simmering to not quite boiling you only really want to start mixing this at the lowest setting and then once it starts to knead you don't want to go anywhere past two kind of sounds like it's screaming so this is going to take a few minutes it's going to be about 10 minutes of kneading you could go on to other things or you can kind of just watch it mindlessly you think that might be a waste of time but what you're actually going to do is you're training your eyes to see what stage the dough is in so sometimes it's good to just take a step back and just watch the magic happen [Music] so the dough's been going for about 10 minutes now and that's what you want the dough will be fully kneaded and the gluten will be developed and it's going to look like this look at that it's built up pretty good like all those you're going to have to rest this for a little bit a few hours is great overnight is cool too wrap it in a little plastic wrap take it over to the fridge and we'll be back in a few hours all right so it's filling time so let's start with our cabbage it's a very sturdy vegetable i think one leaf should be fine and it's got a little stem in the middle and then we're basically going to mince it that's what you got so the next thing we're going to do is make our filling for our dumplings and we've got to start at the top so we're starting with the king so i am going to try to remember what rose said so you see there's a couple joints in the crab leg you can actually break those joints push them against the way that they want to kind of bend and then there's a slight soft part it's on the inside cut along there crab leg and you'll have this gorgeous piece of crab meat and then you're gonna probably want to dice it for your filling this may actually oh it does just break off oh okay all right yeah what's happening oh baby this is so intimidating and then this i'm guessing that there's good meat in here so i'm just going to go for it see there's meat everywhere so that's one leg's worth of crabmeat and i feel like that's enough for for my dumplings okay so let's get this crabmeat a shredding all right give it a try okay so crab all chopped and ready to go in dumpling filling look at that look at how much crab was in that one leg oh i'm gonna eat you soon let's move on to our aromatics and you just want to cut your skins nice and thin you can kind of go down a little bit to the white but this should be good ginger also cut it very thin lengthwise then across and last but not least clove of garlic you can crush it a little bit right in next step for the filling i have some scallions and my water chestnuts which i totally know how to prep and i'm going to just chop these up up next water chestnuts okay so i'm guessing maybe i chop this top off because it seems like a skin okay one and we have just some black pepper we have an egg and the egg is going to provide a little bit of richness and it's a little bit of a binder and then the rest of our seasoning so soy sauce a little bit of sesame oil this is a very strong oil a little goes a long way so we have our ingredients in the bowl and like i said you want to just mix this well it's as simple as that mixing well will clear out all the air from the filling all right so water chestnuts are all done and i'm just about ready to mix everything together here i only ended up using a pretty small chunk of that pork belly but for these dumplings this seems like about the right amount just making sure i have everything properly chopped so here are the things that are going into the filling obviously we have our beautiful crab we have our scallions i also chopped up some ginger i have my water chestnuts i have soy sauce and oyster sauce pork and then these are my fermented black beans and i'm going to mix them up and then dumpling time so rose said to chill this a little bit so i'm going to do that and in the meantime i'm going to get to work on my sauce the rest of the filling is going to go into the refrigerator to chill for about an hour and then we'll come back and start forming our dumplings and into the fridge it goes all right the first thing i have to do to make this into dipping sauce is start to shred these dried scallops i've got dried scallops whoa wow you can grate them first because they're dry and hard and then you're going to reconstitute them in some warm water not hot hot water and i would say because you're going to grate them first you would want to do it for maybe 15 20 minutes if you let them in the water too long they're going to get mushy so you really want to watch that i'm surprised at how soft these are actually i thought they would be like really hard to shred but this is super easy if you're ever asked to shred dried scallops say sure i can do that because you for sure can't okay scallops shredded and i'm just putting some warm water over them like rose said and then we wait it's time for the dipping sauce we're going to add some of the ginger and scallions and garlic and all those great aromatics and then i'm going to switch out this rice vinegar for something just a little bit more aromatic a little bit tastier and that would be this uh chin can vinegar it's darker it's kind of close to what you would think of balsamic vinegar so let's put that together now i'm going to keep my lard and i'm going to heat it over medium nothing bad ever happens on medium chef chris thank you so much for the lard this is a really complicated sauce i wish you were here to help we have these kinds and let's start cutting them up put the scallions in there we got to cut some ginger down ginger can be very fibrous so when you want to cut it quite small then the next we're going to put a little bit of garlic into the sauce we're going to move on to the seasonings put the soy sauce in a good half cup of soy sauce sesame oil use it sparingly and a little bit of the vinegar the vinegar is going to cut into the saltiness of the dipping sauce and it's going to provide a nice little acidy vinegary pop and here it is this is the dipping sauce for our dumplings so here i have my minced garlic my minced ginger and some sliced scallions that i'm just gonna put in this bowl and then i'm pouring my lard over it wow oh it smells like bacon thanks a half a tablespoon of white sugar and then i'm gonna do one tablespoon of sesame oil tablespoon of this sambal chili paste two tablespoons of this vinegar smells like balsamic and three quarters of a cup of soy sauce i'm just gonna go ahead and give it a little stir with my fork smells really good it smells really good and now i'm going to chop up this cilantro and toss this in and i'm just going to drain my reconstituted scallops and then pop them in here and we'll just give this another stir and we've got our sauce i can't wait to put this on my dumplings and then put them in my mouth we're going to start folding our dumplings now the fun part i'm going to go for like a third of this dough and then i'm going to wrap the rest of it back up so it doesn't dry out because dumpling dough can dry out pretty quickly we're gonna take our dough and we're gonna make our circles we're gonna cut these into quarters and you're gonna make your logs out of these let's get logging about thumb size you're going to spread the flour and put some on your rolling pin and you're going to make your dumpling balls now just boil them up in your hand a nice little ball right there and then right down on the table and you have a little circle and so just back and forth with the rolling pin get yourself a nice little dumpling circle all right so i'm just turning this into a little ball and then i'm gonna roll it out roll turn roll turn rose said to aim for a thicker center and thinner sides so i'm going to do that or i'm going to try to do that that's the aspiration anyway and she said about four to six inches in diameter all right i'm going to say that one's good one [Laughter] eight hours later so a little bit of uh filling again one of the things to really focus on is the same amount of filling per dumpling and you want to try to make as much filling in the dumpling as possible to kind of squeeze out all the air oh boy emily come on get become a circle become a circle oh boy that's fine so you have your filling in the middle and you want to kind of fold it up like like a taco once it's folded off then you're going to take one side and you're going to pinch it and then you just make the pleat you kind of put the excess wrapper on the side on the right side to the top and then you kind of do it again and then you do it again and then you just form the dumpling and that's all she wrote that's it that's the dumpling i'm gonna put my scoop of filling we're gonna see if that's enough filling too much filling i don't know yet i'm gonna pick it up like a little taco and then i'm just going to start [Music] did i make these too small nope i'm doing a terrible job okay that's terrible well i guess technically that's a dumpling pretend you never saw this usually i watch tutorials while i do this sort of thing i don't have that luxury because i am the tutorial right now so uh we're just gonna do our best so if pinching and then you're pleading all right dumpling number two getting better every day okay well that one's kind of a mess but you know i hear that the third time is the charm all right this is the time i can feel it this is gonna be a good one i've definitely lost count quite a while ago but uh i can say we have made up to a thousand dumplings a day okay this is going to be the good one if i got this in like a dumpling order from a local chinese food place i'd be like yeah that's what a dumpling looks like i have no questions that one's almost kind of right well eight dumplings made so i have done my best i'm not gonna say it was good but i did it my dumplings are made and now i am required to cook them i think number three is my best maybe number four so we've got a half dozen dumplings um that's good for right now we could definitely start cooking and let's do it all right let's see what happens so it's time to make the dumplings what we are not going to do is we are not going to put our dumplings in the water walk away and then let them turn into pot stickers today we're going to put our dumplings in the pan and i'm going to take some tapioca starch and we make a batter out of it and we're going to pour that batter into the pan and as the dumplings cook it's going to make this really beautiful crust let's see how it goes all right so a little bit of vegetable oil i'm going to lower this heat we're going to put our dumplings in the pan and now we're going to make our tapioca batter so this is a half a cup tapioca starch and then you're just going to add about three quarters of a cup of water mix well and then that's going to go into the pan with the dumplings you don't want to pour it on top of the dumplings you just want to pour it in the pan and then let the batter do its own work swirl the pan just a little bit and then you're going to add water so you can start to cook the dumplings and the water is going to cook all the way down and then we'll lift the top and you're going to have a beautiful plate of dumplings all right so the first thing i'm gonna do is turn on my stove put them on medium because nothing bad ever happens on medium and i'm going to add my vegetable oil to the pan all right it is time to do this and now i leave them alone for several minutes i have no idea how long to let these cook i just i feel like i've lost all sense of time you want a high flame now to bring the water up to a boil in the quickest amount of time when the water is almost all the way cooked down you're going to lower the pan so you can control the heat of the pan which totally controls the cooking of your dumplings doesn't take long at all maybe eight minutes after you pour the water in okay these are looking nice and brown on the bottom so i'm gonna toss my water in and steam them [Music] it'll be fine it'll be great everything's good so i can hear the water at a full boil right now and you know obviously you hear the water in it you want to lift the top and you want to peek but uh give yourself a few more minutes i wonder how they're doing in there they're beautiful little dumpling friends are they good are they well do they have love so you should have a clear cover here because you really don't want to lift the cover until the water's practically gone all right so now the water is gone and you can see the crust forming and you'll see the dumplings in the pan surrounded by this beautiful white tapioca bata crust and now we just have to play around with the heat a little bit to develop it and then the dish will be done i guess i'm going to open them up and just peek at them i just want to see how they look like they're doing oh they're very soft so these look i think pretty close i'm just gonna add a little more water and skin though a little bit longer because i think they could use just another minute or two that might have been more water than was new this is like a tablespoon of water i think it'll be i'll be okay if it isn't okay then it isn't okay but i think it'll be okay as grandfather always said and so this is almost done and you're gonna see the tapioca uh starch forming that crust basically when you eat it it's gonna have that crispy but chewy texture that kind of stick to your teeth kind of thing and it's really fun to eat let's just finish this off and just take about another minute i would say the water is very close to all evaporated all right my friends i think it is time let's check these puppies out yeah all right i'm gonna turn that off because the water seems to have pretty much evaporated i'm going to take my little spatula i'm gonna get in here oh boy oh boy all right i just have to put these together with the sauce and we're good to go all right so these are just about done you're going to turn your heat off and uh you're going to do the fun stuff you're going to slide the dumplings off on the plate which means that you're almost ready to eat [Music] so it's time we're ready to plate let's cut some scallions the long way simple thin cuts and some of the ginger sprinkle over the plate and we're gonna spoon some of our sauce over it and there you go the last thing i have to do is plating so pleated i hope that chef chris is not disappointed in me i think they're good but i also know that they're not perfect but i think they're good and i really can't wait to eat them they smell really good all right these are my version of chef chris's dumplings i hope that he's not disappointed and this is my take on emily's dumplings pretty proud looking pretty sweet first time i've ever made dumplings [Music] all right it is time to taste my dumplings this is the moment of truth that looks pretty good right that looks like a dumpling i'm just gonna dip it into my sauce [Laughter] i did make the bottoms kind of thick and crispy so there's a chew to them like a crunch a little bit but it's i think it's good the scallion and ginger and garlic bring their deliciousness and then the sauce has so many more flavors and they're all good i gotta go lie down i've been on a roller coaster okay if mine are this good his must be like off the charts off the charts so here we have a pot sticker with a lattice crust and a sauce of chin can vinegar and soy i can't wait to try it that's good they're real good chewy but very crispy fillings beautifully cooked nice and juicy crispy crust scallions ginger what else can you want looking forward to checking in with emily and see how she did hi hello nice to meet you emily how you doing so i hope you did you know some good stuff with the recipe do you want to see them sure you can see the little bottoms they've got a nice sear on them that's great and they look tight it's a nice tight seal the skin looks good thanks i'm hungry i can definitely get to those your recipe came out great can you see that yeah those are your dumplings emily they look great they look so much better than my dumplings take it from somebody who makes dumplings all the time you know you should be proud i think it turned out well i mean it tasted delicious but i was like my folding is so bad and i'm so sorry no sweat no sweat see i always try to like tell people you know you're doing the dumplings it's all good it's it's all good everybody tries to make them perfect it's one of those things you're never going to get perfect on the first time you only keep practicing it and it'll happen but keep practicing you know you can and i will you know i'm sure you you did great thank you so much so great to meet you i appreciate it thank you bye bye [Music]
Channel: Epicurious
Views: 1,527,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ingredient swap, epicurious ingredient swap, epi ingredient swap, dumplings, dumpling, dumpling recipe, dumplings recipe, how to make dumplings, pot stickers, pot sticker, how to make pot stickers, homemade dumplings, homemade pot stickers, chinese dumplings, scallop dumplings, east wind snack shop, chef chris cheung, gourmet dumplings, soup dumplings, dumpling soup, chinese pot stickers, seafood dumplings, make seafood dumplings, epicurious dumplings, epi, epicurious
Id: odetbOeMHa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 17sec (1517 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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