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Channel: Mr. Inventor
Views: 7,103,295
Rating: 4.4647474 out of 5
Keywords: simple inventions, how to make, life hacks, mr inventor, smart ideas, top 13, 13 ideas, hand made, useful things, diy, awesome, homemade inventions, inventions, crafts, ideas, tricks, اختراعات, genius ideas, invenzioni, life hack, creative ideas, diy ideas, inventions 2020, ideas man, crafting, useuful, helpful, tools, smart product, satisfying video, fai da te, اختراعات, domowe wynalazki, awesome ideas, do it yourself, how to, top 5
Id: y6KGBWx95u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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