13 Plot Holes You DIDN'T Notice In One Piece!

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after analyzing and rewatching one piece for hundreds of hours I noticed 13 things that don't make any sense for example we know that one piece characters come in all shapes and sizes but did you know that those sizes are changing every other Arc think back to Luffy's flashback when lucky Ru shoots the Bandit in this scene Ru is clearly shorter than Shanks and his height is probably around 5 ft however fast forward to the Marine Ford Arc and he has somehow grown to over 8 ft being significantly taller than his C it another great example of this is zoro's new sword enma you see when Odin and Zoro wield this sword everything seems to be normal right well yeah until you realize that Odin is actually over two times bigger than Zoro with this in mind enma should be gigantic when held by Zoro but for some reason it isn't does Emma just shrink and expand to suit the user let's finish this part with something fun what do you think is the height difference between Roger and rley think carefully believe it or not there's actually a 3T height difference between them this is only the first out of 13 plot holes we are covering today and the last one will completely blow your mind all right so back in alabasta a certain someone made an interesting statement after using his bird bird fruit model Hawk pel declared that there are only five flying devil fruits in existence although this seemed realistic during the early one piece it quickly became nonsense as there are way more devil fruits that Grant flight if you count pel's Hawk maros Phoenix kaido's Dragon King's trodan and Le's angelic Wings it's already five fruits but there's more of course for example Bion from the tonata kingdom has the bugb fruit model Hornet and kabo has the model rhinoceros beetle both of these obviously Grant users the ability to fly moving on how about Buffalo from Don Cote Pirates and his spin spin fruit it literally creates propellers around the user and gives them the ability to fly since Shiki is also a confirmed Cannon character we can also count his float float fruit which as the name suggests is all about flying and making things float I'd say this is more than enough evidence to debunk this statement it's most likely that at one point Odo really wanted there to be only five flying devil fruits but ditch the idea later on another thing that makes zero sense is how only 7% of people watching this channel are subscribed I mean seriously guys click the Subscribe button to fix this it's absurd anyway you remember how Viv was a member of Baroque works and worked under crocodile during the alabaster Arc at first you may think there's nothing unusual with this but I just have to ask how the hell didn't crocodile recognize her you can argue that he doesn't know the face of everyone who works under him and although that's true he must have known what Viv looks like considering she was one of the key members she didn't even wear the mask or disguise herself in any way are we really supposed to believe that crocodile who had all kinds of information about the royal family and had lived in Alabaster for over 10 years didn't know what the princess of the Kingdom looked like not only that but how is it possible that in the whole Baroque Works which has over 2,000 members nobody noticed that the actual princess is fighting alongside them to be fair we shouldn't go too hard on Baro Works members I mean she did have her hair in a ponytail when she was Miss Wednesday so maybe they just failed to make the connection during the wano AR the garos revealed that the real name of Luffy's devil fruit is hito honomi model naika and that it is one of the devil fruits they fear the most so my question is why didn't they get rid of Luffy earlier before he had a chance to awaken it and that's not all let's not forget that Luffy's first Bounty had the name monkey Duffy on it given the fact that members of Declan are always the ones who cause problems for the world government doesn't it just make sense to capture them while they are still weak and inexperienced and if you still think that's not a good enough reason in his Bounty photo Luffy also wears Roger's legendary straw hat which emu must have noticed immediately now to be fair they did send some people after Luffy but it never seemed as if they were taking it seriously it was like Luffy was just another random pirate to them which we now know is far from the truth however considering how Sabu managed to escape the room while G Ro and emu were around it seems that these guys might not be the brightest although there are some ways you could try to justify World government's actions this next plot hole about Sanji just straight up doesn't make any sense you see during sanji's fight against absolum back in Thriller bark we learned that Sanji used to be a massive devil fruit nerd he even read the entire devil fruit encyclopedia but for some reason during barati arc when Luffy fell into the sea he didn't pull him out it wasn't until zeff told him about the devil fruit's weakness that he jumped to save Luffy You could argue that Sanji didn't remember this fact about devil fruits but he sure as hell knew what he was talking about during Thriller bark although this is a pretty big plot hole it's nothing compared to the last one on this list and while we are on the topic of Thriller bark do you remember how most of the zombies there were bandaged this was because Hogback was conducting some serious experiments on them like taking them apart and putting them back together however for some reason when morya spawned his zombies during the Marine Ford War they were also bandaged which shouldn't be the case as Hogback never experimented on them it's possible that Oda just lik the way they looked with bandages and decided to keep them that way even though it doesn't make sense okay let's now talk about hockey and what the hell happened to it during pre-time skip ideally we should have learned about hockey in zoro's fight against mihawk or maybe heard about it from zeth but we didn't Luffy then fought against one of the seven Warlords crocodile and somehow hockey was never mentioned during that battle even during the en's lobby when the straw hats spot against cp9 we still didn't learn about it you could say that pre- time skip villains were pretty weak and that's why they didn't know hockey but what about Blackbeard versus Ace then surely these two used hockey during their battle nope still nothing it wasn't until saow Arc that we finally got to St hockey consistently with rley and Luffy using it although you could come up with many explanations as to why this is the case it's most likely that Oda didn't plan to include hockey when he initially started the series and that's why the pre-time skip seems a bit off sometimes another thing during pre-time skip that doesn't add up happen during episode 314 when we were introduced to the four Emperors for the first time if you look at this picture there seems to be something wrong with kaido he looks nothing like himself he looks more like an evil Mage with a wide face and a beak-like nose even hundreds of episodes later during episode 570 kaido's silhouette still looks completely different it wasn't until chapter 693 was released least that kaido started looking more like himself and later his design was set in stone during his first appearance so what exactly happened here well although it's not technically a plot hole Odum most likely had second thoughts on kaido's initial design and wanted to change it and since these two scenes are almost a decade apart it didn't impact the story in any meaningful way which can't really be said for this next one so in the show it was explained that the world government erased all information about Rox D zc but don't you still find it a bit weird how no one has ever mentioned the the guy before I mean even Luffy still hasn't heard about him Rox was the captain of the most dangerous pirate crew as well as Captain of three former Emperors everyone in the world must have known who he was so why does no one talk about him we know the world government didn't literally erase him from everyone's memories because kaido and mini Marines still remember him really well I know Oda is making him out to be all mysterious but still the one piece World should be more realistic than this only four more plot holes are left to cover and let's talk about Sky Island next next Luffy and Zoro were absolutely humiliated for even thinking that Sky Island exists they were literally beaten up and laughed out of the bar but as it turned out the sky island actually does exist as the story progressed and we were introduced to more characters it seemed like everyone went to the sky island even if we don't count the top tiers like Roger and kaido urug gay was seen praying on the sky island and even good old Bellamy found his way up there despite everyone making the sky island seem like something super mysterious it's not not it was even stated that there's a much safer way to get there somewhere in the new world so it really doesn't make sense how more people didn't at least hear about it well since we gotten this far how about we discuss Chopper's ridiculously low Bounty next I know his Bounty is used as comic relief but after all this time shouldn't the world government have realized that Chopper is more than just a pet you could say that the world government never seen Chopper's real strength but that's not really true for example during the en's lobby Arc Chopper defeated kumadori a cp9 agent working directly for the government this alone should earn him a sizable Bounty I'm not going to spend more time talking about it since it's obviously just a gag but come on give the little guy the proper Bounty he deserves before we cover the biggest plot hole in the entire one piece let's quickly cover this one that I'm sure none of you noticed in chapter 605 the monster Trio is equipped with swim coating which was supposed to allow them to breathe underwater kind of like a diving suit there is limited air inside these bubbles so it is to be used wisely however Luffy immed immediately ignores the science and somehow uses Gear 3 while inside the bubble this obviously shouldn't be possible as there's no additional hair for Luffy to use what's even funnier is that only a few panels before Frankie refrained from using cou to burst because their bubble Air Supply was limited I guess the same exact logic doesn't apply to Luffy devil fruits are pretty straightforward you eat them gain some absurd ability and you cannot be in the water for the rest of your life however there have been a few characters in the show who completely defied this Logic for example when boa was taking a bath she wasn't feeling weak it was a calm and relaxing experience for her this is a bit weird because in reality she should look something more like Luffy in this photo when he tried to take a bath but let's forget about boa for now what the hell happened to Mr 3 on this panel you can clearly see that he is knocked out but is somehow floating on water instead of drowning however the funniest mistake has to be this one in episode 989 when kinamon literally hides underwater to be fair this is not mistake as this specific scene doesn't exist in the manga but still you have to admit that it looks pretty funny click on this video where we covered six mindblowing one piece theories
Channel: Yeagerists
Views: 314,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, one piece plot holes, kaido original design, luffy gear 5, who is joyboy, female shanks, straw hats, one piece haki, gorosei vs luffy, saturn vs luffy, dragon devil fruit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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