13 Plot Holes You DIDN'T Notice In Demon Slayer!

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these are the 13 moments the Demon Slayer story just didn't make any sense and let's start with this one where Tundra literally did something impossible during his fight with a swamp demon after some battling Tantra eventually ends up in a swamp and is unable to breathe so what does he do next he breathes yeah that's right inside of a muddy swamp Tantra somehow manages to breathe and perform a breathing technique I mean look I know tantra's sense of smell is comical sometimes but come on breathing underwater really the plot holes throughout the video are only going to get more and more crazier from here and some of them later on completely changed the direction of the story anyway let's continue with this one during tantra's fight against doci in season 2 at one point he manages to cut off her leg however when Doki regenerates something weird happens instead of just regenerating her flesh like any other demon she somehow regenerates a part of her outfit as well I mean it's not really a groundbreaking plot hole but it's pretty interesting but definitely not as interesting as this one about previous water hashira it's a konji so you all know how sukunji's top Tundra how to use water breathing nothing unusual with that but he also did something else that was quite fascinating he managed to hypnotize nezuko to see all humans as her family and to suppress her demonic urges although this is something you most likely didn't think too much about I can't help but wonder how on Earth did he pull that off I mean in the entire series we've never seen anyone else doing something like this so did yurokodakis have some special psychic abilities what's even weirder is that this was never mentioned again during the course of the series I guess that we should just forget this ever happened in season 3 of Demon Slayer we were introduced to swordsmith Village and we learned just how hard it is to get there first you must get blindfolded and then someone will carry you there so you don't know where you're going but even the people who carry Slayers don't know where the village is they follow a bunch of different crows for days until they get there anyway the point is the village is super well hidden so how did gyoko manage to find it it's surely explained somewhere right no we literally watched two full minutes of detailed explanation of how well the village is hidden just so Kyoko can mysteriously find it moments later this just makes The Village's whole top secret status seemed like a joke there was another thing that didn't make sense in season one specifically during the final selection you see while Tundra was trying to survive in the woods in order to become a Demon Slayer we learned that this huge demon lived there for a long time and was way stronger than any demon in there should be so my question is how didn't the gore know about it this demon was there for at least 30 years and in all this time nobody who passed the final selection said anything to the core like hey guys there's a demon down there who is like too strong you should check it out I mean I agree that Tantra killing it was way more satisfying but come on this doesn't make any sense okay you all know how tantro trained really hard to cut this Boulder in half but fortunately he had someone to help him out sabito and macomo who were well ghosts anyway since this is a Shonen anime Let's ignore the Ghost part for now as it's pretty usual for these types of shows however the important question I have to ask her is how in the hell did the ghost manage to inflict visible physical damage to tanjaro check out this scene right after sabito knocks hondro out it's clear that Tantra is injured from the attack and is even bleeding I guess we shouldn't think about this scene that much we still have six plot holes left to cover and these next ones will definitely blow your mind for example take a look at this one regarding nezuko she went from being a Charming teenage girl to a demon forced to live in a box but some things about her demonic nature don't make much sense for example why did she go from being intelligent to having the mind of a toddler or why did she lose her ability to speak you could say that a demon transformation made her that way but so far in the series we've never seen a demon with these symptoms even much weaker demons than her are capable of thinking and talking so why is she an exception and yeah I know she talks a bit later on in the manga but why wait so long didn't she want to say something to her brother during all those years there is another character that chose not to tell anything to Tundra and it is Tamayo okay let me explain at the beginning of the show we didn't know much about tomayo so her conversation with Tundra seemed pretty normal however after reading through the whole manga and learning who she really is there are a few things that don't add up since tomayo lived during urichi's era she must have known about Sun breathing in Demon Slayer marks but for some reason she chose not to reveal any of this to tanjaro some of you may say that she didn't remember it since it was a long ago but come on tanjaro and yurishi literally have the exact same earrings and Demon Slayer marks there's no way she didn't notice that she was also muzon's close servant and probably knew much information about him that she could share as well but she didn't this really makes you wonder if her backstory was planned from the beginning were just added later speaking of first meetings let's talk about the one between muzon and Tundra when the two first met things went weird for some reason muzan didn't even attempt to attack the boy and instead turned this random guy into a demon and then just casually walked away do you see any problem with this okay let me help you out with that despite his cover being blown by a demon Slayer despite that Slayer having the same Mark as yurishi and despite seeing the earrings worn by a man who almost killed him the best he could do is just walk away you may say he didn't want other people to see who he really was but that also makes zero sense he's a demon king if he wanted to he could group of people around tundra in second and nobody would know what happened but no I guess just casually walking away would make much more sense right but did you know that there is a huge huge plot hole in inosuke's backstory you all know Haley was raised by the boars and trained by himself in the wilderness nothing wrong with that but there is one little detail pretty much nobody noticed how the hell did a nosuke manage to develop his breathing style it was clearly stated in the manga that anosuke had no teacher and that he taught himself this breathing style while fighting for survival in the mountains but do you see a problem with this explanation the only guy in the entire series that managed to learn a breathing Style by himself is yorichi sugikuni the guy who invented them is the show implying that inosuke is just as talented as yorishi I mean it's either that or the boars taught him before we cover the absolute biggest plot hole in the entire Demon Slayer we first need to talk about Wisteria poison out of all the Slayers in the show shinobu is the only character using this poison during combat although this makes sense considering her medical background and status as the insect to Shira I just can't help but wonder why are the other demon Slayers using it in their battles there are literally no downsides to this they can all still continue to use their normal weapons and just lace them with poison this would instantly make them many times more powerful as they could paralyze demons just by touching them with their swords even the upper Moon six youthrow was greatly weakened for a short time when tandro stabbed him with wisteria kunai so just imagine if every Slayer could paralyze a demon like that it would make their job so much easier another thing they could do is make long-range weapons something like bows or guns lace bullets with wisteria and use them to fight demons from a distance the possibilities here are endless and who knows if the Slayers utilize this simple trick maybe rangoku would survive his battle against akaza and finally let's talk about the biggest plot hole in the show throughout his life muzon had only one goal to find a blue Spider Lily and get immunity to sunlight however no matter how hard he looked he could never find this mysterious flower not even after 1 000 years of searching the explanation for this can be found in chapter 205 where it was revealed that the flower only blooms for a few days every year and only during sunlight but again like with all the plot holes so far this just doesn't make any sense is the show trying to tell us that in over a thousand years of searching muzon didn't attempt to gather information from humans what about the countless people he consumed did none of them have any memories of seeing the flower what about all the other demons in the world are we really supposed to believe that none of them tried to make humans look for the flower during the day the entire Army of demons searched 1 000 years for this thing and the explanation we get is oh it only blooms during the day so muzon never found it it makes no sense click on this video where we explained all eight Demon Slayer gods in Demon Slayer
Channel: Yeagerists
Views: 404,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, plot holes, tanjiro, inosuke, muzan, yoriichi, zenitsu, fan facts demon slayer, secret things demon slayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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