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visit MIT OpenCourseWare at SRINIVAS DEVADAS: All right. Good morning, everyone. Welcome back from spring break. Hope you had a nice
time off and couldn't wait to get back to 6.046. So exciting second half. Going to do flow networks
today on Thursday. Next week, it's
linear programming, on to complexity, distributed
algorithms, cryptography. Topics going to come
fast and furious. Hopefully, they'll
all be interesting. So there's a lot
of setup associated with network flow, max flow. It's an optimization problem. And so I'm going to spend
like the first hour here-- and hopefully, it
won't be too boring-- setting up flow networks,
describing the max flow problem. As you can see, this
outline is fairly involved, talking about cuts in a
network, residual networks. And we'll, more or less, end
the lecture with the statement, though not the
proof-- we'll save that for next time-- of the
mas-flow min-cut theorem, which is really an iconic
theorem in the literature, and suddenly, the crucial
theorem for flow networks. And we'll take the
max-flow min-cut theorem and use that to get to the first
ever max-flow algorithm, which was due to Ford and Fulkerson. And that should be, pretty much,
at the end of today's lecture. And next time, we'll talk about
the proof of max-flow min-cut, talk about some of the
issues with Ford-Fulkerson, and then use max
flow as a hammer to solve interesting problems
in bipartite matching, baseball playoff elimination,
and things like that. So just like shortest
paths, can be used not just to compute the shortest distance
from point A to point B, you can imagine that other
problems, for example, scheduling problems,
time problems, could be solved using
Dijkstra-- and you've probably seen examples of
that-- max flow is another algorithmic hammer
that's being used to solve a wide variety of problems. We won't really touch
on that aspect today, but we'll spend a bunch of time
on Thursday talking about that. So let's get started. We're going to
start with defining what a flow network is. And at some level,
it's really simple. I mean, it's a graph. A graph is going to
have vertices and edges. We're going to only
look at directed graphs. And we're going to have a
couple of constraints associated with these directed
graphs that are going to make the algorithms,
and the proofs, and the notation a lot simpler. I'll get to that
in a few minutes. And the key thing with
the flow networks-- I mean, just like you have
a source and a destination for shortest paths,
in a flow network as well, you're going
to have a source, and you're going to have a sink. So we're going to have
distinguished vertices, two distinguished vertices. And we're going to call them
the source, s, and a sink, t. And so the basic idea here--
and just to sort of set things up right up front--
is that there's going to be some
flow coming out of s. And it's going to have to obey
some constraints associated with capacities of the edges,
in order to make its way to t. And along the
way-- this is flow. This is water. You can think of it as water,
or cars, or what have you. It's a rate. You're not going to
allow accumulation in the intermediate nodes. So you're going to have law
of conservation associated with this commodity
that's flowing, be water, or cars, or people. And that essentially comes
down to, for any vertex, other than s or t, everything
entering the vertex has to leave the vertex. So that's like Kirchoff's
current law, for example. So there's a lot of analogies
here with respect to real life, or electricity in this case. And you'll see that, I think,
over and over as we go along. So let's take a look
at a flow network. I'm not going to
draw it out here. I'm going to keep
this one example all through the lecture. But just to go off and talk
about edges and capacities before we actually
draw an example, we're going to have
edges, directed edges, u, v. So you have
an edge from u to v. And it's going to
belong to E, obviously. That's the reason the
edge is in the network. And this edge is going
to have a non-negative-- each edge is going to have a
non-negative capacity, C(u,v). Right? And if perchance theres'
no edge from, let's say, s1 to s2-- these are
different vertices from the source or the
sink, just as an example, you can say it's between
a and b-- then, we can assume that the capacity is 0. So if u, v does not belong to
E, then assume that C(u,v) is 0. So there's no way
of getting from u to v. This rate, wall
water, cars-- you know, there's no road that
gets you from u to v, OK? So let's draw an example
of a flow network. We'll talk a little bit
about what the flow is and what the max flow is
in example-driven algorithm design, if you will. So I've got a source, s. And I've got a sink, t. And then, I've got a bunch
of nodes in the middle. Just draw them out. I'm not going to bother
naming those nodes. Well, that might be a mistake. We'll see. So this is not like
it's an acyclic graph. You're allowed
cycles in this graph. But we will have a
couple of constraints that are associated
with this graph that I'll get to
in just a minute. So first, that's all we've got. You've got g,v,e,
directed graph. Can't have cycles in it. And I'm going to draw a
couple of numbers here. The numbers I'm putting up here
are the capacities associated with each of these edges. So those are just
the capacities. Those are C(u,v). And I said that, if u,v
does not belong to E, then you're going to
assume that C(u,v) is 0. So there's no edge, for
example, between this node and that node. So there's no way
that you can directly get from here to there. You can go like this,
like this, and like that, and get from here to there. And you can obviously go
like so, and like this, and like that, to get from
the one on the top left to the one on the
bottom right, OK? So that's essentially
the set up, except for the fact that we've
just talked about capacities. And this is sort of the
bandwidth, if you will. This is the amount of traffic
that can go through this road. And now, we have to talk
about the specific case where we're actually
going to shove things through the network. So we're going to
have another number. So typically, we're going to
have two numbers associated with each edge. One of them is going
to be the capacity, and the other one is
going to be the flow that goes through the edge. And as you can
imagine, we're going to have this constraint that
says that the flow can never exceed the capacity. And that's the local constraint
associated with each edge, OK? That doesn't mean
that there aren't variations possible with
respect to the overall flow of the network. Things can change. You obey the edge capacities. And there could be different
flow coming out of s and going into t, et cetera. And so there is going to be an
optimization here associated with the exact
numbers that all obey these edge constraints, so these
edge capacity constraints, OK? So let's take a
real simple example of a flow in this network. And ah, I have some
colored chalk here. So I can put down
the flow over here. And so this is flow. Wow. That is an ugly color. [LAUGHTER] But now, we're stuck for
the rest of this lecture. So I've got 2, 2, 1, colon, 3. So the first number is the
flow, and the second number is the capacity. Let me just write that out. This is-- and then,
this is 1, colon, 3. This is 1, colon, 2. So that meets the capacity. This is 2, colon, 3. And then 1, colon, 3, 2,
colon, 3, and 1, 2, right? So that's my first
example of a flow. And we want to make sure that
this flow makes sense, OK? And we're going to write
this down a little more precisely in just a minute,
but I've sort of given you the intuition already. I've talked about it's OK to
have a flow from the source. It's the mountain
spewing water, or that's the source of the river. And this is the
sea, for example. And the river flows into it. But along the way, you really
can't have accumulation, OK? Because when you think
about it as a rate-- and so this is sort of gallons
per second-- then maybe you'll have a little bit
of accumulation allowed. But over a huge
period of time, you can't have infinite
accumulation. So that's where the conservation
law kicks in, which says, anything that goes into
a node that is not marked s or t has to leave the node. So you look at this, and
you go, well, there's two things coming in here. There's 1 and 1,
which adds up to 2. And there's two 2 leaving. So we're good there. OK? And then pick another one. This one, for example. You've got 2 coming in, and
you've got 1 and 1 leaving. We're good there, right? For t, you've got 3
coming in, 2 plus 1. And another check to
do is, well, you've got 2 coming out of
the source, right? So hopefully, that
all will make sense. And ask questions
if you're confused. One other thing to look
at, which is interesting, is that you could have flows
that are essentially cyclic. You could have commodities that
are flowing in a little cycle. And can you see that? Can anyone see that over here? Yep? Go ahead. STUDENT: The bottom-right
Bottom-right triangle? This thing over here? STUDENT: Yeah. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Like that? Good. Right? So you see this one going
over this way, this way, and that way? And so there's nothing that's
stopping us from taking this and-- I had 1 over here, so
I'm going to make that 0. I had 2 over here, and
I'm going to make that 1. And I had 2 over here, and
It was 1 before? Oh, you're right. It was 1 before. So I should make that 0 then. Good. I wanted to subtract 1 from
what I had before, right? And I screwed that one
up, the simple thing. All right? Wow. No wonder I didn't
major in mathematics. [LAUGHTER] OK. Computer Science is
this forgiving field. So you can go 0--
well, this is 0. So now, let's take a
look at what we have here and check that nothing
went wrong, right? We want to check that
nothing went wrong. And so 2 coming in, 1
going out, 1 going out. And nothing coming in
here, so we're all good. And so on and so forth, OK? So there's interesting
things happening here with respect to the conservation
laws and having to obey them. In general, you can imagine
that what we're interested in is simply maximizing the
flow from the source, and getting as much flow out
of the source as possible, and pushing it into the sink. OK? Now, the flow here
into t, as you can see, is 2 plus 1, which is 3, OK? Can anyone take this
particular flow network and increase the flow? I mean, it's easy to
decrease the flow. You can make everything 0,
and that'd be valid, right? But can you increase the flow? Do you think that
this flow network allows for a larger
flow than 3, given that the capacities of
those edges are fixed and I'm not going
to change them? Let's see. I think all of you
have Frisbees, right? Yeah. Yeah, back there. STUDENT: I don't think
you can, because you're maximizing two edges, which
would have to be increased. Like, the bottom
one coming out of s would have to be increased. Or the one on the very
top would, too, also have to be increased. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
People agree with that? Over there? Yep? STUDENT: You can have
a path going along the top with a flow
of 2, so that s is the one on the top of it has 2. That, from that, to the
right, has 2, like it has now. From that node, the t has 2. And then, along
the bottom, we have another path that has 2, from
s to the 1 [? plot of it. ?] And then [INAUDIBLE]. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: OK. So-- [LAUGHTER] That made perfect sense-- to me. [CHUCKLES] It did. So one of the
crucial observations that [? Rajesh ?] made here--
and let me just focus in on that-- is-- and that's why I
think the other gentleman said no-- is that you can
actually decrease the flow in particular edges. And that's going to
help you increase the overall flow, right? And that's why this
problem is challenging. That's why we need so much
of a setup, all right? So one thing that I could do
is I could essentially say, I'm going to take
this and make this 0. So when I do that,
essentially what I have is I get to push more flow
out from here, right? So I get to push more flow. I can turn this into a 2. And I can turn this
into a 2, right? Am I done? STUDENT: No. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Not quite. I mean, I've got
one little bug here, but I can fix that, right? I've got one little
bug here which says, I've got 2 coming out here. I made this 0, so I have
to push something more. But hey, I'm lucky. I've got a s here, which is
giving me as much as I want, correct? So I can just make this a 2. And so now we get
a flow of 4, right? You both get Frisbees. Shall we do blue and purple? Here you go. Could you stand up? Oh, OK. Over there. So that actually
kind of summarizes, at some level, our
task ahead, right? So we have to find ways
of increasing the flow. And sometimes, we have to take
a step backwards in the sense that we decrease the flow
on a particular edge, right? So it's not this monotonic
increase that Dijkstra would do or a greedy algorithm, like
MST that Eric talked about. There's going to be something
a little more interesting here. We eventually are
going to end up doing things in a monotonic way,
in terms of the overall flow. So the max flow that
we're trying to get at is going to start
with the current flow. And we're going to improve
the current flow constantly. But that doesn't
mean that the edges are going to look
monotonic in terms of the flows on a
particular edge in relation to the capacity. You'll never exceed
the capacity. But as you saw in this
little example already, we increase from 3 to 4,
by taking that edge that was vertical up there,
which says 0, colon, 3, and that was 1, and we
shrank the flow on it. And so how are we going
to discover these paths, especially if we have a
5,000-node network and-- I don't know-- 10,000 edges? And so that's
essentially what we have to do for the
rest of this lecture. Any questions so far? OK. So we've done flow networks. I kind of defined what
the max flow problem is. And let me just write
that out more precisely. Given a flow network,
G, find the flow with maximum value on G. And for
that, the max flow is 4, right? So that's another thing
we haven't actually done, which is obviously
important for us to do, which is we have to show
that the 4, in this case, is the max flow, right? So now, of course,
I've given that away. And so I'm not going to ask you
can you push this over to 5. But you might think that
5 is a possibility, simply because the capacities
of the edges that are coming out of the source
are 3 plus 2, which is 5, right? So it's certainly
possible that you could push at least, if you
only look at those two edges, that you could push 5
units from the source. But in this case,
in this example, if you obey the laws
of conservation, you cannot obey those laws and
get 5 units from the source to the sink, t. But we have to prove that. And we have an
algorithm that says this is the best that
you can possibly do. And the algorithm terminates
when that happens. And that's our Ford-Fulkerson
algorithm, right? Good. So that's what we have so far. I want to talk about
flow network assumptions. And I can do that over here. This is going to
make our life easier. One of the things that's
a little bit confusing sometimes is the circular
flow and the fact that we're going
to potentially have flows that correspond to edges
coming in and edges going out. So for example, if I had
something like s and u, for example-- and s could
be the source in this case, or it could be
another node-- suppose I had a little subnetwork
that looks like this. And I'm just giving you
what the capacities are. This is a bit
strange in the sense that you could have a
situation where you essentially have zero flow, really, because
you have one unit coming in here and one unit leaving. All right? And you can think of
this-- let's just call this s1, to make it
clear that it doesn't have to be the source, right? And so you could
have the circularity that you saw over there. And now you're
talking about, well, I might have 1, colon, 1
here, and 1, colon, 2 here, which is fine for
this subnetwork. But if I have stuff going
out, what happens with that? Well that's got to be a 0. I could have a 1 and a 2. And if I have a 2 here, then--
if I had a 1 and 2 here, then that doesn't
work, because maybe I need something else coming in. So you can see that,
pretty quickly, it gets kind of
confusing, if we end up having these cycles that
are such simple cycles, especially the ones where
you have Su and Us, OK? And so we're going to disallow
cycles of two kinds, right? The first cycle we're
going to disallow is this simple one where
we say, if I have a, then no self-loop edges allowed. So that would
involve accumulation at a particular node. And it's going to make
things really confusing. And CLRS disallows that. And most flow network algorithms
assume that you're just going to discard these cycles. This particular transformation
that I'm going to describe here is something that is
going to be forced on you. And this is for your benefit in
over 6 lectures and sections. But it's not actually
something that CLRS follows. And it's going to make
things simpler, though. And what we're
going to do is we're going to take any
pair of vertices that has this characteristic, where
you have s1, u, and u, s1, and they have
non-zero capacities. So s1, u has a capacity of 1. u, s1 has a capacity of 2. Both of these edges exist. And if these edges
exist, that means they have non-zero
capacity, positive capacity. And we're going to transform
that, very simply, into-- this is not changing the
generality of the algorithm, but all I'm going
to do is transform it-- call this s1--
into something that satisfies this restriction. So I could have 2
here, 1, and 1, OK? So all I've done is
introduce u prime, right? Then I can always
do this-- if this is trivial for any
pair of vertices, I can introduce
one other vertex. It all works out. Linear expansion, constant
factors, ignore them. Life is wonderful. So all I've done is
taken away the situation where I have-- you can think of
it as two-way streets, right? Two-way streets are annoying. You don't quite know
what the rate of traffic is from one end of
the street to another, because cars are going
in both directions. And you have to do subtraction. Subtraction is painful,
so we don't want that. So we're just going to
assume that this is u prime. And now, you're all set. We allow this. So we have to allow
for generality reasons. As we saw in that very
first example there, we are going to have
cycles here, OK? But we just don't want cycles
to be of length 1 or 2, OK? So that's essentially what
we're going to disallow. All right? The good news is
that, if you do this, then we'll only have a
single notion of flow. Whereas, if you go
read CLRS, you'll see that there's two
notions of flow in CLRS. There's positive flow, which
is different from net flow. And the positive flow is
different from net flow in graphs that have this
particular structure, or have nodes with
these properties. But if you disallow them, then
you can just talk about flow, and it doesn't matter. Positive flow is the same
as net flow, all right? So for the purposes
of [? 6 over 6, ?] for this semester, we're going
to simply think about flow and equate that to positive
flow, equate that to net flow. And it's all going
to work out, assuming your graphs satisfy these
two properties of the cycle lengths. All right? Cool. Good. So let's keep going here. So we're up to finished
up on max flow. Let me just give you
some sense of notation. I've talked a lot
about constraints. But we've got to
write some stuff out, because we're going to
be getting more precise and proving things in
just a few minutes. So what is a flow? Well, to be precise, it is going
to be a function that satisfies the following properties. It satisfies the
capacity constraint. This is the obvious capacity
constraint, intuitive capacity constraint. And then we've got
flow conservation. And the important thing here is
that I don't have it for all V, but I do have it for
vertices, V, that are not the source or the sink. And I'm going to require
f(u,v) equals 0, right? And the last one, which
I haven't talked about, but becomes easy to talk
about, given this constraint, is skew symmetry. So if you take-- this doesn't
have to be an edge between u and v. Now, I'm talking about
the flow, f, between u and v. And so the u could be
s, which is the source. v could be t, which is the sink. So in general, I'm not
talking about a flow. And there obviously has
to be a path from u to v, in order for there to be a
non-zero flow, f(u,v), right? If there's no path, there's
no way of getting there. But having said that, the
definition of a flow here in our network is the
straightforward definition, which simply says, if
there's a flow from u to v, regardless of what u and v are,
then the value of that flow is simply the
negation of the value of the flow from v to u, which
makes perfect sense, right? And this all works out under
the definition of net flow. And so this is essentially
what the definition of net flow is in the textbook. But for our purposes
here, we don't have to add that adjective. We just are going to
be talking about flows. Positive or net, they're
the same, all right? All right. Good. So one of the things you
can do with this notation-- and we're going to use what's
called implicit summation notation on top of this-- is to
prove some interesting things, interesting theorems,
that give you some intuition as to how
algorithms on flow networks are going to work. And in particular, we're going
to use this notation when we talk about the value of a flow. So the value of a
flow, f, is denoted-- you can think of it
as a cardinality of f. And f is v, belonging
to capital V, f(s,v). And that is f(s,V), so
what I have written here. Well, given a flow network, I
want one particular quantity that I want to maximize. And that particular
quantity is going to be defined, based on how much
I can push from s, how much can I push outward from s. That's the crucial quantity
that I want to maximize. That quantity is-- you
think about everything that is going out of s, and
you add it all up together. So from s, you look at any other
vertex, every other vertex, and you say, what is f(s,v)? And I'm not talking about just
the edges that come out of s. A vertex, v, small
v, can be any vertex. If I add up all of the flows
that come out of s, then that is the flow that
responds to my flow network. That is everything that's
getting pushed out of s, OK? Now, it may be the
case that-- remember, I'm talking about
flow here-- so it may be the case that you have an
edge from s coming in from v4. And there may be a flow
associated with that. This is maybe something
like 1, colon, 2, all right? So what this means is that
f(s,vr) is-- this is f, remember-- so this
is minus f(v4,s). And in this particular
case, this is 1. So this is minus 1, OK? So keep that in mind. When I talk about the
flow of the network, I'm going to be
looking at the source. And I'm going to be looking
at all of the flows that are going outward. And I have to keep in mind the
skew symmetry relationship. I obviously have to obey
capacity constraints and the conservation
laws, all right? So given that, let's use this
implicit summation notation and show some simple
properties of flow. So let's look at--
one thing I want to emphasize is
what I've done here is use this implicit
summation notation, which simply says, if I
see a capital letter here, that's a set. And I'm going to
have to enumerate all of the members of that set. And it's implicit summation. So as I enumerate
those members, I'm going to add up all of
these quantities, right? So that's really
what this means. So the sigma here gets
embedded into this capital V. So two things going on. The small v turned
into capital V, because I'm looking
at the entire set. And the sigma gets in there too. And that's why it's
implicit summation, not just implicit set notation. So some simple properties. I can say, f(x,x) is 0,
where x is an arbitrary set. All that says is, let's say,
x has a single member in it, which is a. Then f(a,a) is always 0, because
if you don't allow self-loop edges, and that's pretty
much all you need. If you have a pair of
vertices here, a and b, then what you're saying is
f(a,b) plus f(b,a) is 0. And that's true, because
of skew symmetry. Right? We just wrote that out. So f(x,x) is 0. And in general, you can say,
even though X and Y are sets of vertices, I'm going to
be able to use skew symmetry to say that f(X,Y) is
minus of f(Y,X), all right? Similar argument. And then, lastly-- there's
any number of these, we just do three of
them here-- X of f(XUY, to Z) is f(X,Z) plus f(Y,Z)--
we've got to use these properties to prove our first
theorem here on flow networks-- if X of X intersection
Y is null. So you don't want
to double-count. So that's all this is. Make sure you're
not double-counting. You've got f(XUY),
and you want to look at that entire set,
the union, and then look at the flow from any member
in XUY to any member in Z. And you can do that
by breaking it up, provided you're careful
about double-counting. And the fact that the
two sets, X and Y, do not have an intersection, or
they have a null intersection, implies that you're OK with
the [? write ?] inside. All right? So you might be going,
why are we doing this? Well, here's a good reason to
like implicit set notation. You can prove some interesting
theorems in a very elegant way, using this notation. So let's do one example of that. You'll probably see
others in section. So one of the things
that we'd like to do is prove a pretty
important theorem, which I think all
of you probably can assume in your heads, given
all of the properties of flow networks that we have. And it's a very simple
theorem that simply says, I have the law of
conservation that is applied on all of these
intermediate vertices, and I've got a bunch
of commodities, I've got a flow going
out of s, right? So where can this flow go? Where does this flow end up? It ends up at the
sink, at t, right? So the point is that, if you
have all of these properties that we have up here, you're
going to be able to show-- and you want to show this,
you want to prove this-- that the value of a flow, which
is defined as what gets pushed out from the source, is exactly
what goes into the sink, right? If that's not the case,
there's been a violation of some property, perhaps a
capacity constraint, perhaps, more likely, a conservation
constraint, OK? So the theorem that we'd like
to prove is simply that f is f(v,t), right? That's the theorem. And there's a lot going
on here, so it's worth spending 30 seconds looking
at what exactly this means. What I have here is that,
if you just look at this and that, I'm saying
that f is what gets pushed out of the source, OK? And now what I'm saying
here is that f, the value, is exactly what gets
pushed into the sink, OK? So this is what I
have to prove, right? And I should be able to prove
that, by invoking my laws. That's it. I mean, that's my
axiomatic system. I've got those laws. I've got a definition of a
flow that may not necessarily be the max flow. It might be something much
less than the max flow, it might be the max flow. Regardless, what gets
out of the source has to get into the sink, right? So how are we going to do that? And the implicit
summation notation is going to give
you, essentially, a three or four-line proof,
which is very intuitive, right? So let's do that. And maybe you can help me. So we're going to start
with what we know. So that's the proof. f equals f(s,V). Right? So that's what we've got. That's the definition
of cardinality of f, or a value of f, OK? What I'm going to
do is I'm going to say this is the same as--
I'll give you the first step, and then let's see
if you can help me with the remaining-- is
the same as f of v minus s capital V, right? So if you're having trouble
differentiating between my cap V's and small v's, holler. I'm trying to write
them as big as possible. Yeah? STUDENT: Could you maybe put
little hats on the top of them? SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Put
little hats on them. Yes, I will put
little hats on them. I'd put little Frisbees
on them, if I could, but-- I like Frisbees
much better than hats. All right. That's good. That's good to do. So yeah. So I think, hopefully,
I'll keep doing this, and it won't be confusing. So what I've done here
is invoke, essentially, this, except it's not
exactly that, in the sense that it's written a
little bit differently. But if you see what's going
on here, what I've done is look at this s, and
I've said, think of this s as being cap V minus s. Right? So that gives you s. And those are clearly
disjoint, right? Those are clearly disjoint sets. There is this one and this
one are disjoint sets. That's what I mean to say. I mean, these two
aren't disjoint, but this and that are disjoint. And that's what
you need, in order to invoke the little
property that you have here. And so that all make sense? You see why I did that? OK? What can I say about either
of these two quantities? Can I say something about
either of these two quantities? Yeah? STUDENT: f(V,V) is 0. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: f(V,V) is 0. That's exactly right. f(V,V) is 0. There you go. Yep. So this is simply I'm
going to invert that. I'm going to write this
as f of V hat minus s, OK? I'll just flip this. I had a negative sign here,
but I've flipped that. And skew symmetry tells
me I can do that, right? All right. So I'm up to this point here. Now, what I'm going to do
is I'm going to do f(V,t). And the reason I want to
do this is because this is where I want to get at, right? Eventually, I want to show
something that corresponds to f(V,t), right? And what I have here is V,t. But now, I could do
plus f(V,V minus-- cap-- minus s minus t) right? So what I've done here
is taken V minus s and pulled out t from it. Remember, t is
part of cap V. Cap V contains all of the vertices. So I've pulled out t
from it, but that implies that I have to do a V
minus s minus t over here. And again, they're
disjoint, so it's all good. What can I say about this? Yeah? STUDENT: It's 0 because
of flow conservation? SRINIVAS DEVADAS: It's 0
because of flow conservation. That's exactly right. We didn't quite
write it that way. But if you look at what the
implicit summation notation would mean for that, you
look at it and you say, maybe one more step would
be, let me think about this as being, f(V,t). It'll become more obvious
if I write it this way. f(V-- I'm putting
a minus in here-- V minus s minus t and
cap V again, right? So all I've done here
is flip these two. Skew symmetry allows
me to do that. And now look at
what I have here. I'm talking about a
flow that corresponds to some-- for any
vertex, I pick-- and it's not an s vertex,
it's not a t vertex, so it's an intermediate vertex. And if I look at an
intermediate vertex and look at the flow that
goes out to all vertices, conservation says that
has to be 0, right? So that's exactly
what this says. For any u that's neither s nor
t but in V, the sum has to be 0. So this is zero, and we're done. All right. Oh, you-- a Frisbee? Who is that? Ah. Here. So that's the power of
implicit summation notation. So we could invoke these
different properties. It was fairly straightforward. Your first example of this. You'll probably see a few more. All right? Any questions so far? OK. So as you can see, as I
promised, or threatened at the beginning, but
followed through on my threat, we have a lot of
notation, a lot of baggage here before we
get to algorithms. But we're slowly getting there. The next major concept
is the concept of cuts. So a cut, you think
of a cut as being, well, a cut through paper, a
cut through the air, whatever. It turns out that notion
of a cut in a network is more general
than that, right? A cut is basically a partition. A cut is a partition of nodes. And a partition means
that you can't have a node in both sides, right? So a cut is going to give
you two disjoint components at the end of it. But the cut doesn't have
to be something contiguous. It doesn't have to be a
line through the network. And everything to
the left of the line is in one half of the
cut, and everything on the right of the line is in
a different half of the cut. I can just break up these
nodes into two disjoint parts. And the only constraint
that I'm going to ask for is that s, which is the source,
is on one side of the cut, and t, which is the sink, is
another side of the cut, OK? That's it. And given that, I'm going to
say interesting things, really interesting things, about
the flow through a cut, OK? And so let's do that. Let's define a cut. So a cut is (S,T) of
a flow network, G, is a partition of V, such
that small s belongs to cap S, and small t belongs to
cap T. I don't know. Do you want hats on the T too? I'll just write them large. If a flow on G-- if
f is a flow on G, then the flow across
the cut is f(S,T). OK? So again, implicit
summation notation here. The flow across the cut
is as the sum of the flows corresponding to each
pair of vertices, such that the source vertex
is part of capital S. And the destination vertex is
part of capital T. All right? That's it. I'm just going to
add them all up. That's the flow across the cut. So what I can do now
is just talk about-- let's just go up
here back to this. And I'm going to look at
exactly what I have here. Is that right? Not exactly. I'm going to change
this a little bit, because I want to
make sure I don't have to add up numbers
and do that incorrectly. So I need a 1. Yup. That's all I need
to do is change it. So I'm going to change
our example here, not the topology of the
example, but the actual numbers. And you'll need to verify that
what I have here satisfies our flow network properties. And there's one more. OK? So I think I'm good. All right. So this is going to be
an example of a cut. I haven't defined the cut yet. Let's get rid of that. Holler if you think there's
something wrong with this flow. All right? I think I got it right. It satisfies
capacity constraints. It satisfies flow
conservation constraints. The flow that is
going into t is 4. This happens to be a max flow. Doesn't really matter. So what we're going to talk
about with respect to cuts, it doesn't require the
flow to be maximum. Keep that in mind. What do I mean by the flow
across a cut via an example? I'm going to simply say that
the shaded nodes, two of them, are part of capital S, OK? So as you can see, I
just arbitrarily picked a couple of nodes. And that not necessarily
something that can be easily partitioned using an actual
cut line, a physical cut line. I just picked that one over
there and the one over here with S. And so, I can now look at this,
and I can compute numerically, for this example. And it's worth doing
at least once what the flow across
this particular cut is, defined by the particular
choice of cap S and cap T, OK? And that's what
we're going to do. So f(S,T) is-- I'm going to
have to look at pairs of nodes, such that I've got a shaded
node on the left-hand side and non-shaded node on
the right-hand side. And I'm going to have
to go through all of the combinations, right? So if I look at
this, I can first knock off this one, and
that one, and that one. Let me actually put in-- let's
call this a, b, and c here. And we can call that d. So we have s and d as
being part of the cut, in terms of s, capital S. And
the other ones are in cap T. And so what I have is
I could do Sa and Sb. So I've got 2 plus 2, all right? And this would
correspond to Sa and Sb. So those are going out, right? So far, so good. And then, I'm going to write
out a bunch of numbers here, minus 2 plus 1 minus 1 plus 2. And the minus 2, where
would the minus 2 come from? Well, an a,d, for example,
is a minus 2, right? Because d is part
of-- it would be d, a. So a, d has a flow
of 2, correct? And so d, a has a flow
of minus 2, right? And d, a is part of
what I have here, because d is part of capital
S, and A is part of capital T. You guys see that? So this is not trivial,
so pay attention. So this would be, for
example, the minus 2 would correspond to d, a. That's what I need here. And I could also have--
what do I have here? I have something
is going into d. So a c, d is 1. So d, c is minus 1, right? Make sense? d, c is minus 1. What about the plus 1? Where do I get a plus 1 from? STUDENT: d, b. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
d, b is going out. That's exactly right, d, b. And the plus 2, it
would be d, T, right? And so you have to
do the enumeration. It's worthwhile doing once. And then it gets kind of boring. We won't to do it again. But you have to realize that
you have to absolutely look at every pair of vertices. And you have to
use skew symmetry and ensure that, even
though there's actually no edge going out, if
there's an edge coming in, you've got to count that. And that's going
to get a negative. Whatever is coming in,
you've got to subtract, OK? So it's not that complicated. Yeah, go ahead. STUDENT: Do we
not consider S, c? SRINIVAS DEVADAS: I'm sorry? STUDENT: Do we
not consider S, c? SRINIVAS DEVADAS: So
the beauty of this is that, when you don't have
a particular edge from S to c, you can use skew symmetry
to argue that S, c and c, S cancel out each
other, all right? So that's the good part, right? And thanks for
asking the question. That's a good question. All right. Here you go. So you can do that by
just looking at the edges. And you can add up the
numbers, all right? And so I don't
think this is going to be absolutely
crucial to understand the rest of the lecture. Keep this in mind, that
there's a process by which you define the value of a cut. And we're going to
get back to this, when we prove the max-flow
min-cut theorem next time. But at this point, I want
to say something actually much more straightforward,
which is going to be important when we look at
residual networks, which is the last concept that
we need to get at before we get to an algorithm. And that is simply that
the capacity of a cut and the relationship between
the capacity of the cut and the flow of a cut. So the capacity of
a cut is c(S,T). Oops. I didn't draw that properly. Open brackets,
capital S, capital T. And we can do it exactly
the same way, except this is a lot simpler, because
you only look at edges and you only have
positive quantities. So in this case,
you'll simply say it's 3 plus 2, corresponding
to-- what did I have here? I had d, a-- S, a and S, d. And then, the
capacity is you only need to look at the edges
that go from a node in S to a node in capital T.
And so those are 1 plus 3. And this simply would
be the 1 would be d, b. And the 3 is d, t. So you don't care
about the other flows. This is not about flows, this
is simply about capacity. So this adds up to 9, OK? And so we have, at
this point, we have defined the flow through a cut. And we know the
capacity of a cut, OK? It's more or less obvious--
though you could certainly prove a theorem which is going
to take a couple of lines-- to say that the
value of any flow is bounded by the
capacity of any cut. And sorry, I lied. It's not a trivial proof. And that is actually something
profound going on here. And so I'll have to explain
exactly what this means. And then we'll take a look at
how we could prove something like this. So what's cool about
this is that you're saying that it's the
value of any flow is bounded by the capacity
of any cut, OK? And so that's an upper-bound on
the maximum flow value, right? So I'm saying there's
all these cuts that are possible in the network. And I'm making a statement
about what the maximum flow can be, based on the values
corresponding to the capacities of any cut, right? So why is that the case? Well, we're not going to be
able to prove that fully today. That's the max-flow
min-cut theorem. But you can certainly
get a sense of it, by looking at a different
characterization of the flow value. So I'm going to give you one
half of the proof, at least, and intuition about
the other half. And we'll finish it next time. But here's another
characterization of the flow value. So our lemma here,
which is going to lead us to this statement,
is that, for any flow, f, and any cut, (S, T), we have
a really powerful dilemma. Maybe you should
call it a theorem. But it essentially
says, look, it doesn't matter what
cut you choose, you've got a flow
on the network. And when you look at
the flow on the network, it's going to equal the
flow across the cut. And the only reason
for this is simply because you've got the source
on one side of the cut. And you've got the sink on
the other side of the cut. That's it. That's the only thing
that you need, right? You dump these vertices
these into two bins. You know, dump the
source on the left, and dump the sink on the right. And you compute the flow
the way we've defined it. That's the flow. It doesn't matter how you
partition these vertices, as long as you've got the
source on the left and the sink on the right, OK? And so we can prove this using
implicit summation notation. We'll do that. And that'll give you a
really good sense of why this statement is
true, because we know that, for any given
cut, the flow that cut is bounded by the capacity
of that cut, right? You know that. But to show this, here's
how we could show that, f(S, T) is f(S, V) minus f(S, S), OK? So I'm playing around,
just like I did before. I had taken the cap T-- I know
that S union T is cap V, right? This is a partition. So I know that S
union T is cap V. So I can put a V here
and an S here, right? And that's a subtraction
over there, of course, right? So put that up here and finish
this, a couple more lines. And what can I say
about either of these? I could say something
about one of these terms. Yep? STUDENT: The one on the
one on the right is 0. So call this f(S,V). Right? And now, I'm going to break
it up again, make it small s, big V, plus f(S minus s, cap V). So broken this up into
small s, which is just joined from cap S
minus s, clearly. And what can I say about this? This is a little more
subtle than, perhaps, the previous question. What can I say
about that quantity? I mean, the answer is not
subtle, but-- yeah, go ahead. STUDENT: That that
is equal to 0. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: And why? STUDENT: Because the
cap S doesn't contain t. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Ah. Beautiful. That's right. So that's what I wanted. So this does not contain t. And so, now you can use
flow conservation, right? And that's the important thing. You can use flow conservation,
because this does not contain t. And then, it clearly does not
contain small s, because I just took it out of it, right? So that goes to 0. And voila. That's simply f(S, V),
which we know is f. We proved that. Our first implicit
summation proof was showing that-- well,
this is a definition. Excuse me. So we did it for the sink. But this is simply the
definition of the flow value, right? So this is beautiful. I mean, it's like
fantastic, right? Why aren't people excited? [LAUGHTER] Because I put people to sleep
before, in the hour before. But this is
absolutely fantastic, because this says that I
have ways of figuring out what the maximum flow
of the network would be, by making arbitrary cuts
through this network and looking for capacities
of these cuts, right? Because I know that the
capacity of any cut-- and now you see why min cut
is interesting-- but you know that the
capacity of any cut is going to bound the
flow of the network, because the flow
through a cut is the flow through the network. So if I go through and look
at the min cut corresponding to the minimum capacity
associated with the flow network, that's going to
point me to my max flow, because that going to be
an upper bound on the max flow, right? And so now you see why the
min-- not the min flow, sorry-- the min-cut max-flow
theorem is an interesting one. But it relates-- and this is the
beginning of that relationship, we're not quite
done to prove it-- but the beginning
of the relationship is that you can look at any cut,
and you can look at the flow through the cut as being the
flow through the network. And then you use the
second part of it, which is the capacity
bounding-- of course, in a very simple way, because of
edge capacities-- the flow through the cut. And you can put those two
things together, all right? We still don't quite know how
to find these cuts, right? So we don't quite know
how to find these cuts. And that's the last
thing that we're going to do today,
give you a sense of how we're going to find
these min cuts, so we can find the max flow. All right? Cool. So the one last
notion that we have here that is going to allow
us to go into the algorithm domain, as opposed to the
analysis domain-- all we've done so far is analysis,
analysis, analysis-- is the notion of a
residual network. OK? And a residual network,
as its name implies, is something that has
residual capacities. It's the network that
points you to places where you can increase the flow,
because there's capacity left. Your flow is less than
the edge capacity. It's a local notion, so
it's easy to compute. There's a capacity of 3 on
this edge, there's a flow of 2. The residual
capacity is 1, right? 3 minus 2. And so the residual
network Gf (V, Ef), right? So the actual
network is G(V, E). And the vertices are
going to be the same. The graph is
obviously different, but the edges are
going to be different. There's going to be a
different set of edges in the residual network, as
opposed to the flow network, OK? And you have strictly positive. That means greater than
0, strictly greater than 0, residual capacities. So Cf ) equals
c(u,v) minus f(u,v). And that's strictly
greater than 0. I'm going to put an
edge in there, if there is a residual capacity. 0 doesn't mean there's
any residual capacity. Edges in Ef admit more flow, OK? And one last thing. If (V, u) does not belong to
E-- so we are talking about the original network here, E
means the original network-- then we know c(V, u) equals 0. That was our definition. If you don't have that
edge, the capacity is 0. But we are talking
now about f, which is a flow, which
doesn't necessarily require that there be an edge. And we are simply going to use
our skew symmetry relationship. And you'll see that this may not
be completely clear as to why I wrote this at this moment. But as I draw the
residual network, you'll see why
that is important. It's going to be
the case that we're going to have extra edges
in the residual network that don't exist in the
original network, because of that last
line there, right? So let me clear that up. So we're going to draw
a residual network for-- I'm going to
change that yet again-- but we're going to draw
the residual network for our example up there. Topology is going
to stay the same. Numbers are going
to change, because I want something slightly
more interesting than what we have there. So I'm going to take
this out-- 2, 1. 1, 2-- go back to what
it was before, I think. 1-- all right. Good. So I want a 1 over here. I want a 1 over
here, a 2 over here. And keep checking to make
sure I'm not messing up here, in terms of flow constraints. But that's pretty
much all I got. OK? So the flow here and the s and
t don't particularly matter. The max flow is 4. The flow that you
see up there is 3. This is what we had right
at the beginning, all right? So what I want to
do now is give you what the residual network
is for this particular flow. Remember, the residual network
is defined, based on a flow. That's why you have
Gf, G subscript f. f is a flow. So you're going to have a
different residual network, if the flow is different. So that original
example that I had would have a different
residual network. This one is going to have
the one I'm going to draw, all right? So the residual network has
the same set of vertices. So I can go ahead and
draw these vertices. I'll just mark T
and S over here. Those are exactly
the same as before. And this is Gf, OK? That's a residual network. And the edges are
going to be different. All I have to do is
look up there and say, look, I'm going to have a
residual capacity of 2-- let me use a different
color, since I have them-- corresponding to that
edge from S to a, because I clearly
have a capacity of 3, and I only have a
flow of 1, right? So that's all there is to it. Now, the interesting thing
is that, because of this line over here, I'm actually going
to define an edge in Ef, in Gf or Ef, that corresponds to this
edge that didn't exist in E, because I can shrink
the flow from 1 to 0. And that essentially says that
that shrinkage is represented in the residual
network by an edge that goes from this node, a,
up there, to s, right? And that is going to have a
residual capacity of 1, right? So that's it. That's the only
extra thing that you have to remember when you
draw the residual network. You not only can increase the
flow, you can also shrink it. You have to represent
the shrinkage of the flow by an edge in the
residual network. And you obviously represent
the increase of the flow by an edge in the
residual network. And now you see why this
is all going to make sense. Remember, way back, eons
ago, only an hour ago, but we had this
example where we had to shrink the flow
in a particular edge, in order to get the overall
flow to increase, right? The residual network
is going to point us in the direction of,
potentially, those edges whose flow has to shrink. But they're going to be
represented, in effect, as these reverse edges with
positive numbers associated with them. So there's a 1 here. It's positive, because
it goes from this node, call it a, back to s. And if I shrink
this from 1 to 0, that is, in effect,
taking what I have up here and making this 1 as 0, OK? That's the way you want
to think about this. So that's pretty much it. I could draw out
the rest of this, and it should all make sense. I have an edge like that. So the edges that are
at capacity up there aren't going to show up here. The edges that are not at
capacity end up with two edges down below, if they have a
flow that is non-zero, right? If you have a 0 flow
up there, you're only going to get one edge. Obviously, you'll get one
edge, because the capacity is non-zero. But the ones that are
not quite at capacity end up to two edges, right? Think of that as
being the simple rule. And make sure that I'm
following this rule. Good exercise is to check
for bugs, lecture bugs. Best way of understanding
the material. OK? So that's my residual network. And let me just point--
I'll put in some numbers. Or maybe you can tell me what
some of these numbers are. What is this number? STUDENT: 2. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: 2. Right? Now, this is a
little more tricky. Take a look at the
number that goes up, versus the number
that comes down. What is this number? Goes up. STUDENTS: 2. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: That's 2,
because I can go from 1 to 3. And this number would be? STUDENTS: 1. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Beautiful. All right, you guys got it. Did my job. All right, so that's
our residual network for this particular flow. So a mechanical way
of computing it. And you should be
able to do that. Now what exactly can we do
with this residual network? It turns out that
the algorithm now can be described in a
couple of sentences, right? Essentially our
Ford-Fulkerson algorithm-- I'm not going to bother
writing this out, because I'm going
to have to prove the max-flow min-cut
theorem next time. And we're going to talk about
the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm and issues with it next time. But I'm going to show you how
the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm works on this
particular example. And it's only going to
have one step, all right? So it's going to
converge in one step. So it's going to
be relatively easy. But the bottom line is the
the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is going to look for
augmenting paths in Gf. Augmenting paths are defined
in the residual network. What is an augmenting
path, you ask? Well, an augmenting path is
simply a path from s in Gf to t in Gf, OK? That's it. That's all there is to it. If you can find a path, you
could use depth-first search, you could use
breadth-first search, you could use
whatever you wanted. You find a path from s to t, OK? If you find such a path,
if this path exists, it means that the flow
is not maximum, OK? If no path exists, the flow
is maximum, and you're done. If such a path
exists, you will be able to increase the flow,
in this case, because we have integral quantities,
by at least one, OK? And you will be able to
increase the flow by one. And not only that,
the augmenting path is going to tell you exactly
what to do with respect to what edges to change,
sometimes subtract the flow from, sometimes
increase, right? So the augmenting path is
going to take care of it. But you've flipped it, so
everything is positive. You know, life is great. Positive numbers. Just look at s to t and
give me any path from s to t here in the
residual network. So let me just call
them a, b, d, and c. And we don't care about
partitions or cuts at this point. That's required for proofs. But give me a path from
s to t Yeah, go ahead. STUDENT: S to a, a to b-- All right a little
bit more slowly. s a, OK. And then? STUDENT: a to b. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: a to b. Beautiful. STUDENT: b to c. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: b to c. STUDENT: c to t. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: And c to t. Wonderful. And I have a capacity, a
residual capacity, of 2 here. I have a residual capacity of
1 here, 1 here, and 1 here. And so the value of this
augmenting path is 1, right? It's not 2, because the
minimum value is what I can push through the network. And I just need to
take the min of all of the residual capacities
corresponding to the edges that I traversed,
that correspond to this particular path. And that min value of
2, 1, 1, 1, is 1, right? So what this means is I've
discovered an augmenting path of residual capacity, 1. Now I can go back to
this thing over here. And these edges are going
to point me, in some cases, to complimentary edges, in some
cases to the direct edges that are going to have to have their
flows changed, either increased or decreased, to increase the
flow in the original network. So you're guaranteed
now that f, which caused this residual network to
have an augmenting path in it was not maximum. You're guaranteed that, because
you found this path, OK? So what happens here? Well, you go back up
and you say, remember, I'm going to
increment by plus 1, because that's the
residual capacity. So I'm going to go up
here, and I have s to a. You'll need to
help me out again. So I'm going to make
this 2, because I needed to add a one to it. What happens here? This is the key step. STUDENT: Subtract. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: Subtract
and make this a 0, right? We're not quite done. What's next? I have b to c, right? Right? You're still on the hook. STUDENT: [LAUGHS]. SRINIVAS DEVADAS:
b to c becomes? STUDENT: 3. SRINIVAS DEVADAS: 3. Right. And then, lastly,
this becomes 2. OK? And at this point, if you
create a residual network for this new flow,
you will not be able to find a path in that
residual network from s to t. And you know you're done, right? So all of this works. We haven't quite shown that
it works, because we haven't done enough of the proofs. But you have a sense
as to why this works. You could probably code this up. It would all work. A couple of issues
in applications. See you next time.