#126 - SoundTools Update w/ Dave Rat @ NAMM 2019

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check this out you got the world's most powerful drunk bumper doesn't work this week we're back at the 2019 NAMM show visiting the crew from sound pools they got a saying before the show opens this morning for a special look at what they're up to this year let's have some fun all right check it out I made a really powerful drum thumper I took the motor from one of these an m4 motor big 50-pound moving magnet linear drive motor and I attached it to a seat now check this out hold on look over here alright so that's got some juice give it a shot it kind of blurs your vision when you hit it we're gonna kick down now I think so thirty inch subs behind you it makes for a real art mover it's kind of like riding a roller coaster it's exciting alright so we made this little toy just to keep things interesting the booth not actually sound to us stuff but why would we not want to have loud and fun toys with us at all times this has done some stuff I've set it out before that thing's too heavy to move this one here is more reasonable I made with the prototype of a new device South powersoft is making and I may make that into something marketable but I haven't decided yet right now I'm just making fun toys Oh new sound those buttons the least exciting we rebuilt the NL four so it's now disassembled repairable before we use it he sifts update broke there's an issue which was rare but it wasn't fixable we're really in there not wasting yeah yeah the packaging as well we made the packaging more beautiful and then again to reduce waste we've before we had cardboard boxes they were just utilitarian but now we build everything so that this can be used as a separate yeah something you want to keep yeah just something to keep so we've really kind of pushed more into reducing waste or at least making things have longer legette longevity or longevity and usefulness a lot useful lives and then what else so these are new cuz the other ones got a housing to get to the NL with a female we put a male on there and the big problem is terminating cat series cable into separate tails is there's not a separate ground wire for each pair but this cable we actually manufacture with a separate ground wire for each pair so that it can be terminated like a standard audio snake and nobody's doing that because nobody has the cable that does that it'll be less expensive than the other one cuz not the machined housing and there's a fairly inexpensive oil nitric barrel which will turn this into a female that's kind of neat and fun variety of stuff it used to be almost all in-house and as we've gotten bigger we started these contract manufacturers and we do some assembly custom assembly we do the early stuff the short runs and then as it gets bigger we use contract manufacturers everything we do is made in North America we're conovan to this close by camaraderie thing we like made the US but we also like made Mexico we're like maybe Canada we like made with our friends and not wasting a lot of transport time to other faraway places what else wall cat this one's another one we took our four channel and still four channels we heard a male and a female on there so you could in Warren out this is still a prototype it would make some changes to it with the cat box as well yeah this way you just use a bunch of inexpensive shielded cat5e cable and strip it all around a student studio or a building and he's plugged these in to get analog audio everywhere or comm lines or DMX what else do we got oh we got new boxes whoo but we've got two more of these check this up red boxes so when we're making the packaging I make the packaging so that three of these is the width of one of those and then truck back and then look these will even open with with this well it's up against it and these just happened to be exactly the size so just making everything looking at all these little details making it fun but we were looking more people are hopefully going to save these boxes and if they're gonna save them it would suck to have them all various sizes but if you could fit them all nicely into rows and use them as organizational tools rather than going to the Container Store this video is made possible in part by our good friends at electro sound systems bringing world-class attention to detail to events every day you can go along with them on the road behind the scenes and in the shop and their new live sound video series on youtube find them on Facebook Instagram YouTube and on the web at electro sound systems com be sure to tell them we sent you so we now have a Ethicon sniffer Center they're building a prototype now that'll be out soon that checks there's other companies that make rj45 sniffer Sanders we have remote ends but nobody that I know is making one with Ethicon barrel so you have to unassembled in order to test so we're using the same concept of all our other testers and making a cat5 checks the ground as well for a standard cat 5e cable where it has all the twisted pairs and a single shield over it shielded cat5e the concern would be crosstalk because the pairs are not shielded from each other with a balanced line those twists are so good in the cat 5e and above cables that the rejection is is quite good first up can be an issue with unterminated lines so if you have a you're using three of the lines and the fourth ones plugged in and there's nothing on the other end of it it can act like an antenna and you'll start to hear crosstalk from the other lines bleeding into this antenna since you terminated those go away if you're in situations that are truly concerned cat 6 and above has individually shielded pairs even though they have a common ground and this stuff this super cat cable with the individual shield and drain wires just like an audio snake so this is the internals of the super cat and you see their end of it like a standard audio snake and they need to on is stripped with the wire and in fact this can be used as standard for channel audio snake even though it's got cat better than cat 5e spats may be wired up using this audio cable but it's just got a much higher frequency response so then it becomes a non-issue now the common ground the challenge with common ground is if you have disparate audio sources like clear column plugged in over here and a lighting DMX line plugged into somewhere else at a audio line plugged into somewhere else you're running them all down the same common shield you can get ground with but you can get ground loops anyways for audio lines the mixing board shorts all the grounds together anyway so it doesn't matter if you're going into the same so with disparate sources I'm using two different cat lines rather than one for highly disparate ground sources is wise it's hard to do though because you don't know these long lines in the field in the despair of power but I mean just carry an extra cat 5e shielded cable if you have to break up those grounds it was super easy the ml 8 sniffer sender which didn't get finished for this the circuitry is done but it'll be based on two NL four sniffers in a single package with some extra circuitry to make sure that crossover between the first and second circuit aren't interacting it'll check every possible Fault in the NLA instantly and it'll also check nla to duel an elf or breakout so you take two NL four sniffers and put them on an analyte sender and check your nla denno force thanks so much to Dave and the whole team at sound tools for showing us around the booth it was an absolute ton of fun to spend time with everyone and to learn all about all the great new ideas you're working on it's really impressive to see the consistent improvement development and the execution coming out of the sound tool shop right now I know I'm always looking forward to seeing what they're working on next Thanks to everyone who supports the channel directly with one-time contributions through PayPal or the ongoing support through patreon you can find links to both of those down below along with affiliate links to all the gear we looked at here using those as bookmarks to your favorite shopping sites help support the channel at no extra cost to you don't forget to Like and subscribe and turn on those notifications to stay up to date with our latest videos we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: DcSoundOp
Views: 4,788
Rating: 4.9692307 out of 5
Keywords: dcsoundop, livesound, audio engineering, proaudio, audio pro, prosound, electronics, audio gear, tech review, soundtools, ratsound, dave rat, the namm show, namm 2019, live sound engineer, soundguy, soundgirl, soundgirls, m-force sub, powersoft, cat tails, rat sniffer sender, audio over cat5, cat sniffer, electro sound systems
Id: g6KMV3BZmcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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