1258 How To Make A Supercapacitor From An Egg Whisk

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[Music] hi so in video 1256 we actually made an electrolysis cell for urea electrolysis using an egg whisk now xyloscope suggested this and it was a really interesting idea who said rob how do you think that's going to work if you use it as an electrode for a supercapacitor and what xyloscope is planning on doing getting a whole load of activated carbon and ramming it in here and giving a go and seeing what happened and i think that's awesome and i'm looking forward to his results and finding out how it goes but i loved the idea so i thought i'd give it a go myself now um i'm not planning on using activated carbon because i have a whole load of this stuff this is activated carbon felt makes it much easier for me so i'm sorry cytoscope i've got an easy job matt it was going to be a little bit more difficult anyway the plan is to use a strip of that and wrap that up in here but i don't think that'll be enough so i'm going to use the wild wool remember this is stainless steel it's a bit like a sock so it unwinds until this sock shape so i'm going to stuff this in the sock rewind it then stuff it back in there and that's going to be my electrode so let's get this stuffed so to speak and a couple of minutes later and that's my egg risk electrode so i put it in this glass jar they're a bit closer i've wrapped some kitchen towel around that one just to stop them touching now what we're really interested in this basic stage is not how well does it perform but can it perform we want to know if we can put some energy in there and get some energy back out again it's the first question you ask yourself so i'm going to use a saltwater electrolyte just ordinary sodium chloride pour some in there and then stick it on charge and see if we can get a charge in there now obviously it's got salt water so the voltage is going to be 1.23 volts at maximum otherwise it'll start giving off chlorine gas and hydrogen and we don't want it to do that so let's charge that up at a volt or so certainly no more than 1.23 and we'll be able to see if we can get that to do something so there is my egg whisk super capacitor now clearly there are improvements to be made on this so we'll give it a go see how it works then discuss some of the improvements okay so that's it filled up with just ordinary salt water now i made a saturated solution and there's about a liter in there saturated solution load of salt in there stir until it stops dissolving and you've got yourself a saturated solution it is obviously symmetrical so it doesn't matter which one is negative and which one is positive and we're going to charge this at 1.2 volts it's actually drawing half an amp that's amazing actually so it is working in so far as i'm getting some power being put into there and i'm gonna test it on this little motor and we'll just see if we can get some power back out of it okay i've given it about 10 minutes and actually it is accepting the charge i turn the voltage down to one volt just to make sure there's no electrolysis going on that it is in fact all that double layer formation and now we give it a go we're going to just try and spin this little motor with it actually and there we go we do in fact have power coming out of that thing so we know we can put a charge in we know we can get a charge out there are going to be problems with this i mean because they're far apart then the effective series resistance is going to be high but it is a really simple solution and we're going to be able to store a lot of power in there it's just that the coulomb efficiency won't be great however there are things that we can do to improve it i mean if you remember what we did with the lead acid battery in plaster of paris it might be an interesting idea to mix your activated carbon with some graphite with some plaster of paris uh bundle up some steel wool inside the whisk pop the whisk into a former and pour all of that mix in and then you'll get a quite a solid uh well permeated electrode that may work really quite well i'm certainly excited by the idea so we have to thank xyloscope for suggesting it because that motor is still running all of this time i've been talking which is really awesome so a really easy way of making a super capacitor out of egg whisks which i think is well worth passing on so thanks again xyloscope and you posted the uh the thing there as a suggestion to everybody else and i loved it so much i picked it up for the video so i hope you enjoyed the video i hope it helps use our scope and thank you very much for watching oh please remember to like and subscribe
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 5,465
Rating: 4.9709725 out of 5
Keywords: egg, whisk, supercapacitor, how to, diy, energy, robert, fwg
Id: cXOI91auqNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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