12 Useful Woocommerce Tricks & Hacks to Use on Your Store

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although woocommerce is a really great ecommerce plugin there are some things you cannot change by default for example you cannot hide this default and categorized product category from the archives or from the widget and also if you search for something it shows you no products for a found but you cannot change the content of this site and so on therefore in this video i'm gonna show you 12 woocommerce related hacks you can use on every site before we start though i have to tell you that i have much more woocommerce x in my collection so if you're interested then let me know in the comments and maybe in the future i will make the sequel to this video now if you're interested then jump in and go to the dashboard plugins and add new although you don't have to install any additional plugins i would suggest you to install the plugin called code snippets it allows you to insert all the code snippets i'm gonna provide you today in a way that if you switch teams all the hacks will work without any problems if you don't want to use the code snippets plugin then add all the snippets i'm gonna provide you today in the functions.php file of your team one more thing though all the snippets i'm gonna show you the link to the snippets are in the description of this video now it's all the code snippets activate it and after that you you'll see the snippets menu on the left click on add new and first thing we're gonna do we're gonna lose the uncategorized category from the archives and from the widget therefore i'm going to give it the title hide and categorize products and paste this snippet here this part hides it from the category shop page and this part hides it from the widget choose only run on site front and save changes and activate and let's see what happened well it's hidden from the widget and archive now the hack number two as you see the belts and clothing and all the categories they have a product called near the name belt says one closing as 13 and so on with this hack we're going to hide the product count therefore i'm going to give it the title height subcategory product count and i'm going to paste this snippet here only on the side front and save changes and activate refresh and looks much better now let's open up some kind of product here and as you see there is a reviews tab i don't like the reviews tab on my sites because they attract the spammers therefore i'm gonna remove it so let's go to snippets add new give it a title remove reviews tab paste this snippet here only run on site front and save changes and activate refresh and it's gone by the way i have made an extra video about custom tabs how to add them and how to remove them and how to reorder them so if you're interested then take a look at the description of this video the link to the tutorial is there now hack number four let's activate the catalog mode that means we're gonna hide the add to cart buttons and show only prices in order to accomplish that add new snippet give it the title catalog mode and paste this snippet here these three rows will hide the add to cart buttons and this function here adds the inquiry form to the product page i'm using the fluent forms for it the shortcode goes here so once again let's activate it and open up a product here as you see the no add to cart button is shown there is only an inquiry form and if you refresh the archive page there is no add to cart button only read more button so easy way for you to activate or deactivate the catalog mode at the moment i'm going to deactivate it and refresh the page and as you see there are some out of stock products here i would like to show the out of stock products last down bottom here there were hack number five is how to show out of stock products last so let's add a snippet here give it a title and paste this snippet here only run outside front end save changes and activate refresh and as you see all the auto stock products are shown last let's modify a bit the products not found page as you see i'm searching for apple iphone there is no phone here and no other helpful message or products are over here therefore we're going to hack it a bit we're going to add a snippet here give it the title show future products or contact form on products not found page paste this snippet something for you to point out this shortcode here shows the featured products four of them but you can add whatever shortcode you want here it may be the woocommerce related shortcode or contact form for example i added the contact form here let's see what happened i'm going to activate it refresh the page and as you see i added this text with featured products and also can find your product send us an inquiry if i don't want all this i can just delete some part of it for example i'm gonna leave only the inquiry form here now let's move to the checkout page there is a ship to a different address i wanna hide it therefore i'm gonna add a new snippet give it the title paste the snippet run it on front and only activate it refresh checkout page and it's gone as you see there are lots of fields here and most of them are required fields therefore with this hack we're going to make the fields optional so let's see how does it work we're going to add a snippet give it a title optional checkout fields and now i'm going to paste this code here some explanations for you this here shows what is the field name for example first name and true means that this field is required so as you see there is a company we set to optional we set optional address 2 city state maybe you want the phone to be also optional therefore set it to false now run outside front and activate it refresh and as you see we set the phone field optional and all other fields here optional this way okay i can make the all the fields optional if i want but yeah just remember this is a field name and if you want the field to be optional set it to false next one there are lots of fields here and maybe i sell products that don't need the company name or address we only need the first name and last name and the phone therefore we're going to use the hack number 10 and that means we're gonna remove checkout fields paste this snippet here and some explanations as you see there are lots of fields here and once again this one means the field name billing first name last name company and so on i have commented out those fields i want to be left alone and uncommented are fields i'm going to remove i'm going to remove the company field address 2 country and state fields once again i'm going to run it on site front end save changes and activate refresh and already much better this way i can remove the street postcode tone let's do that i'm gonna remove address city postcode and save changes refresh and there you go only first last name phone email and if i place the order everything works now we want to hide the shipping fields then this part is for shipping fields just unzip the ones you want to remove and you don't have to paste all it here you can paste only these lines you want to unset now let's move to the back end we're going to go to the old products and as you see i have some featured products here currently i have only 18 products and there is no problem with it but let's imagine that i have a thousand products here and approximately 30 of them are featured products it's going to be really hard for me to find them inside those 1000 products therefore i would need to use a filter but as you see there is no featured product filter here well let's fix it we're gonna go to the snippets add new give it the title and paste this snippet here this time we're gonna run it only in administration area save changes that activate let's go to the old products and as you see we have a featured product filter here filter and there you go only featured products next one as you see we have a sale products here once again no problem with the 18 products but if we have 1000 products here and we would like to filter the on sale products there is no way we can do that therefore let's fix this one also snippets add new and as a hack number 11 we're gonna add the sale products filter we're going to paste this code here only run in administration area save changes go to all products and we have a price filter here show only on sale price products filter and there you go so these were the 11 packs the last hack i'm gonna show you is about removing the analytics or so called woocommerce bloat maybe i have a small site and i don't like the analytics here it has lots of menus here it's at some other stuff here let's see what does it mean we're going to open up the extension which measures the requests as you see let's refresh it i have 186 requests and loading time basically three seconds now let's remove the menus here we're gonna go to the snippets and that new give it a title for example disable woocommerce plot paste this here activate it on backend and now let's go back to the products page 152 requests with a 1.9 seconds here 133 requests and two seconds so i removed the bloat that means that i speeded up a bit my back end but let's make another test it's gonna go back to the products page open it up the snippet is activated 151 requests with two and a half seconds loading time go back to the snippets deactivate the last one we added go back to the all products page again and let's see once again 187 requests and more than three seconds of loading time so basically we cut one or one and a half seconds of loading time and 20 percent of requests now those were the 12 simple hacks you can use on every site as i told you before i have more of those in my collection if you think that i should make another video on it on it then please let me know in the comments now before you go take a look at the video shown on the screen right now it's also full of useful content and if you find this tutorial helpful then press thumbs up share it to others subscribe to this channel and you will be the first to be notified about new tutorials meanwhile take care
Channel: WP Simple Hacks - Wordpress tips and tricks
Views: 4,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woocommerce tricks, woocommerce hacks, woocommerce tricks and tips, woocommerce tricks and hacks, woocommerce tutorial, woocommerce tutorial 2021, how to use woocommerce, woocommerce wordpress, woocommerce checkout page customization, woocommerce checkout fields, remove woocommerce checkout fields, make woocommerce checkout fields optional, optional woocommerce checkout fields, woocommerce catalog mode
Id: k8tWLU8cNkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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