12 Tricky Riddles to Help You Become a Problem-Solver

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[Music] well it's time to exercise your brain and freshen up your mind and what's the best way to do it right to crack some fun but tricky riddles remember to check your results at the end a car accident January was incredibly cold in the town with temperatures falling way below zero all the roads were covered with ice and snow one day a man called the police to report a car accident a police officer arrived and was about to start an interrogation when he had a coughing fit the driver opened his car and gave the officer a bottle of water after calming down a bit the officer began to ask his questions I parked the car near my house yesterday evening but when I came back today the hood was badly damaged the man explained I know my neighbor was cleaning the roof I'm sure he dropped some ice on my car and ruined it I want to file a report the neighbor who heard this conversation argued I cleaned the roof this morning but your car wasn't here when I was doing it the police officer figured out who was lying right away can you do the same the car owner was plotting against his neighbor if his car had been outside for the whole night the water in the bottle would have been frozen a caring friend Larry called the police because he had some concerns about his friend Brandon he said Brandon has recently returned from Chile and has been behaving strangely since that I've just received a weird phone call from him I think it would be better if you came with me when the police officers picked him up Larry gave them the address he explained he'd never been there yet Brandon rented the place soon after he came back from his trip when they arrived at the house everything was a mess inside there was some paint spilled on the floor and one police officer accidentally stepped into it Larry noticed it how unlucky let me show you to the bathroom after that he immediately got arrested why larry said he'd never visited Brandon's new home before then how did he know where the bathroom was lost in a jungle Sarah got lost in a jungle hence the title of this story after wandering for hours she finally came to a clearing with three narrow paths it's always three unfortunately one of them was blocked by massive bushes with sharp thorns the second was covered with trash and broken glass and the third path was guarded by huge scary-looking mantises which path should Sarah brave the girl should choose the third path even though Manchester's look threatening they're totally harmless a confusing number it's a five-digit whole number it reads the same forward backward and upside down its second digit is half of the third one the fifth digit is the product of the first and last ones and the sum of all the digits is 10 what number is it it's one zero eight zero one a lost phone police detective Liam was at a mall when he heard someone shouting he rushed there and saw a stressed shop assistant and several people around it turned out the shop assistant had found a smartphone and made an announcement now several people were claiming the phone belonged to them one man said the phone must have slipped from his pocket a woman argued it was her husband's device and a teenager said the gadget was hers suddenly the phone rang and the shop assistant gave it to Liam he glanced at the screen and immediately handed the phone to the man how did the detective understand it was his device wife that's what was written on the phone screen three staircases Eric got lost in a museum while he was trying to find a way out it got late all the doors were closed finally he saw three staircases yep three again the first one was all covered in bizarre nettles with razor-sharp leaves and long spikes the second had giant stinking flowers with a stench almost impossible to bear and the third staircase was an impassable jungle of cacti what staircase should Eric choose he should run down the second staircase even though the flowers are gross they're relatively harmless a jailbreak John had been in jail for a year all this time he'd been waiting for an opportunity to escape when summer morning he finally managed to break free but it didn't go unnoticed several security guards started to follow John and the man had to hide in a ladies room look at the picture and try to figure out where in the John John is John's hiding in the third stall he wouldn't have had enough time to get a pair of woman's shoes a fishing trip david was crazy about mountain climbing it was his biggest passion in life but his wife Jessica hated his hobby she thought it was too dangerous once David's friend Oliver invited him on exciting rock climbing trip David knew his wife would be against this idea so he told her he would go fishing to the nearest lake for a couple of days Jessica agreed but asked her husband to send a photo of him fishing once David arrived at the foot of the mountain he photoshopped a fishing photo and sent it to his wife as soon as she saw it she immediately realized it was a fake how come Jessica knew it was snowing outside it means there had to be snow at the nearest lake to an epic rainstorm someone got into Matthews house during a severe rainstorm and took a lot of expensive stuff the man called the police they came over and started to interview the neighbors Nicole said she lived alone and worked from home she was inside the whole day Gerry explained he was a chef in an Italian restaurant he came back from work only a half an hour ago Sofia told the police officers she hadn't left home because she was ill who was the intruder it was Nicole she claims she had been inside the entire day but there was a wet umbrella in the corner a hitchhiker Chris was a truck driver one Friday afternoon he left Orange town and was driving along the highway when he saw a man lying on the side of the road Chris stopped and ran toward the man after some time he managed to bring the man around his story was rather dramatic he was a hitchhiker who tried to get to orange town but half way there he had an argument with a driver who had picked him up and was thrown out of the car the hitchhiker hit his head and lost consciousness now he was begging Chris to give him a lift to the town Chris didn't believe the man's story and refused to help him why the hitch-hiker was lying on the right side of the road but if he was going to Orange town he would have been on the left side a missing dog Jason agreed to look after his friend's dog while the guy was away he fell in love with a cute little Pomeranian but Jason's wife and kids didn't like the pooch one evening the man came back from work and discovered the dog was missing Jason called the police when they arrived they started by questioning Karen Jason's wife the woman said she had been sleeping all day then the police officer asked and what were the children doing they were playing in the yard then I told them to go inside and do their homework well well well and now tell me please why did you kick out the dog how did the police officer figure out it was Karen well the woman claims she had been sleeping the whole day but then how could she tell the kids to go inside a forest accident Stephen called the police to report his valuables were missing when the police arrived the man told him his story I went on a camping trip alone I had just got there and set up my tent when it started to rain heavily I hurried to find some dry firewood I left my bag with my wallet and all the documents inside the tent when I came back everything was gone the police officers didn't believe Stephen and fined him for making a false call how did they understand the man had lied Stephen said he had set up the tent before started to rain but then why was it wet inside the tent well I've bet you've been waiting for this part if you've got zero to four points your riddle cracking skills need a little polishing try to take more time to think each riddle over watch more videos with puzzles this way you're bound to improve your level is your result 5 to 8 correct answers ah you must have been practicing it's great but could be even better don't hurry to check the answer and pause the video if you need more time to think it's likely to boost your results and if you have 9 to 12 points it doesn't mean there's no way to improve yourself keep cracking the hardest riddles to keep your mind sharp and active [Music]
Views: 708,562
Rating: 4.8122559 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, bright side riddles, bright side puzzles, detective riddles, riddles, brainteasers, riddles with answers, puzzles, test your brainpower, test your intelligence, test your logic, logical riddles, test your critical thinking, boost your brain, increase your brainpower, hard riddles, hard riddles to solve, hard riddles to test your brain, riddles for smart people, IQ, how smart are you, how to increase iq level, how to increase iq power
Id: WCTqoUJCs-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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