Solve the Mystery in 12 Riddles with a Fun Twist

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welcome to bright side u you've got one more final before break all riddles jot down your answers and we'll see what your score means at the end of the video the university president's looking nervous he gets to his office and opens the door it's the end of the semester and all the students are about to take their finals except intro to geography the teacher had to postpone that final for some reason when he sits at his desk he discovers that someone's been rummaging through his papers they've stolen the physics final how did they get in if the door and windows were closed i'll give you seven seconds for this one that ventilation panel above the president's desk it's been moved someone crawled all the way through there impressive but who did it to answer that you need to solve a bunch of other riddles first then maybe you'll figure out the mystery at the end of the video the president leaves his office and walks down the hall there's a loud crack and the power goes out all over the building someone must have flipped all the fuses he heads down to the break room to see what's up i mean he's the president after all yep someone's been messing around down here there's three suspects in the room the cleaner says somebody turned off the generator when he came in to clean rachel's a new transfer student she says she totally got lost and ended up in here by accident simon's a junior he has his phone in his hand says he was playing one of those video games where you have to find stuff which one of them shut off the power your seven seconds starts now it was rachel it's the end of the semester she wouldn't have transferred right before finals but why did she do it maybe she wanted to disrupt the physics final he turns the power back on oh hungry probably a good time to grab a quick snack when he gets to the cafeteria there's a new problem waiting for him someone emptied the whole bag of sugar into a huge pot of soup which student was it you have seven seconds all the suspects have bowls of soup in front of them but one of them doesn't have a spoon just a fork he was never going to eat the soup he knew it would taste disgusting just as the president finishes up his sandwich he gets a text it's from a professor he needs help in his office asap in the office are three students standing around and looking guilty the professor claims one of them graffitied the painting on his wall which one did it you've got seven seconds to figure it out it's that one she's covering her hands there's probably some paint on her fingers that she's trying to hide from you next stop the infamous physics exam the president heads over to the exam room everything's quiet in there looks okay all the students have their heads down staring at their papers but someone's cheating the president can sense it somehow help him find the sneaky student seven seconds to scan the room it's the guy with his legs crossed clever he wrote the answers on his calf muscle but where did he even get those answers after a brief shakedown he spills the beans he got them from a friend that hassle's over time for a coffee and a snack a big one but just then a piercing beep smashes through the silence the fire alarm oh come on students file out of their classrooms and the entire university has to be evacuated the students are standing outside looking at the building no fire no smoke even the president gets a text from the alarm company the alarm was triggered by a person not a smoke detector the president looks around time to round up the usual four suspects matt says he was in the bathroom when the alarm came on julia was taking the geography final clark and lex were studying strange green meteorites together in the science lab which one of them is lying you have seven seconds starting now it was julia the geography teacher postponed the final remember why would she lie unless she had something to hide today's not really his day someone cut down a tree right in the middle of the quad the caretaker saw four students hanging out under the tree this morning and now it's gone time to interview the suspects emily says she's been in the library all day loads of people saw her sam claims he was in the cafeteria having some soup lewis was in the physics final and michael says he's been hitting the weights all day trying to get buff for the beach who cut down the tree your seven seconds starts now it was obviously sam he said he was having some soup but remember if he had really been in the cafeteria he would have mentioned the whole sugar thing plus the president was in there and didn't see him he's lying on to the biology final they've got a new teacher who's giving a unique type of final the president sneaks in the back of the room the teacher explains that she gave her students ficus seeds at the beginning of the semester whoever has the most beautiful ficus plant will get the highest grade it's time to present the results the students start to file into the classroom half of them are holding pots with beautiful green ficus trees the other half have pots filled with plain old earth no leaves no nothing the teacher says the students with empty pots all get an a why did the teacher do that solve this mystery in seven seconds go at the beginning of the semester she gave everyone fake ficus seeds the students who showed up with full blooming plants must have bought a full-grown plant and stuck it in the pot busted last final of the day philosophy the young teacher is in there waiting for all the students to take their seats after that he puts a bust of an ancient greek philosopher on the table the teacher says write a short essay on the following topic why this bust doesn't exist the student with the most convincing argument gets an a while everyone else gets a c tough teacher after an hour the students hand in their papers most of them filled up the front and back but one student only wrote two words and she got the a what did she write i'll give you seven seconds to figure it out she wrote what bust the president heads outside again this time for the parking lot what someone took the tire right off of his car how's he gonna get home he still has a spare tire in his trunk but the thieves took the bolts too all four of them what can he do you have seven seconds to come up with a plan he needs to unscrew one bolt from each of the other three tires and attach them to the spare each tire now has three bolts that'll be enough to get to the nearest service station what an intense day the president's ready to kick back for a few but he gets another urgent text there's broken glass all over the quad someone broke a window up there the only three people around are a cook a gardener and a student the cook says he's been boiling up a new soup for the last hour since someone put sugar in the last one the gardener admits he was up in a tree cutting branches he saw a student break the glass the student says he was studying in the library i'll give you seven seconds to figure out who's lying [Music] the gardener's line how could he have been up in the tree it had already been stolen he broke the glass probably just by accident the day's finally over the president heads over for the best tradition on campus the post finals party it's in the basketball arena there are lights decorations and even a dj everyone's dressed up looking relieved finals are over the party goes all night but around 4 am someone accidentally slams the doors too hard and it triggers the automatic locks everyone's trapped the president can be the hero of the party he just needs to find a way out grab the spare keys from his office and open the door from the outside but how one of the students eric says he knows how to get out of the gym through a vent the president looks at him and his face goes red with anger why last riddle seven seconds you can do it eric just gave himself away he's obviously been in the ventilation shafts before so it was probably him who stole the physics final how did you do count up your correct answers and let's see how you fared on your final exam zero to three points looks like you'll need to sign up for some classes over break keep watching riddle videos you'll get better in no time four to seven points solid b plus but i'm sure you can do better next time eight to twelve points you nailed that final leave your books in your locker and enjoy your well-deserved vacation
Views: 828,399
Rating: 4.8740549 out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side riddles, riddles, riddles with answers, riddles and puzzles, logical thinking, logical riddles, logical puzzles, brainteasers, brain exercises, brain riddles, brain puzzles, detective riddles, solve riddles, mystery riddles, 7 second riddles, test your brainpower, test your intelligence, test your logic, boost your brain, hard riddles, riddles for smart people, IQ, how smart are you, how to increase iq level, riddles for teens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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