12 Traits of Mediocrity | Bedros Keuilian | Mindset

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hello friends bedro school in here and I'm gonna talk to you about going from mediocrity to greatness hey check this out I thought I would do something really spontaneous for you and I made this list of 12 traits of mediocrity and then seven traits of badassery right and the reason I did this is I've got an upcoming keynote presentation I'm going to be doing next month and it's about greatness it's about going from mediocrity greatness and how entrepreneurs can really step out of this mediocre space and become the best versions of themselves then I started making a list of all the different ways we can be mediocre and I thought I'd share that list with you and so if you don't mind we're gonna do this right here now the 12 traits of mediocrity so here we go you're gonna see it right here behind me on this beautiful Azimut TV alright so trait number one of mediocrity is a lack of gratitude I got to tell you the type of people that I meet who are negative who are cynical who have low self-esteem who have low self-confidence even are those who don't show gratitude they the Elector attitude in life in general and they forget all the great things that they need to be thankful for instead they're always focusing on the things that they don't have or the things that they want or how they were a victim but that's a little further down the road here but if you are the type of person who doesn't show gratitude I can tell you right here and now that you are probably swimming in the sea of mediocrity thing number two that I found about those who are swimming in the sea of mediocrity is they tend to gossip they tend to spread bad news they tend to talk they tend to kind of get excited about either hearing gossip or spreading gossip if you're one of those people who kind of loves getting in the of gossip you might want to consider getting out of that because you're really doing a lot of damage to your own reputation and hurting other people as well thing number three a trait of mediocrity is the victim mindset so many people out there consider themselves a victim things always happen to them they have no control in their lives I got an idea you're not the victim you are the the outcome if you just take control and take ownership and responsibility of your life you realize that really there's no need to be the victim in fact things don't happen to you you let things happen to you you make things happen to you and you just have to reframe the way you look at things and so if you can get out of the victim mindset and get into the mindset of being a Dominator being someone who has full control of the outcome you will see that you have a lot more freedom and opportunity and money and impact in life right thing number for people who like personal responsibility and ownership definitely swim in the sea of mediocrity let me tell you some of the mediocre average regular people that I've met in life are people who are not willing to take responsibility take extreme ownership like Jaco willing says in his book extreme ownership extreme responsibility every single thing that happens in your life is a byproduct of a accurate decision that you made and if you're willing to take that level of ownership and responsibility then you now become a person who controls the outcome and I can tell you this the more you can control the outcomes in your life the better life becomes big number five a pessimistic mindset ask yourself is the glass half-full or half-empty you find yourself complaining about every little thing are you a whiner right if you are pessimistic if you're a negative mindset type of person why don't you start looking at the glasses half full instead of half empty right because when you start reframing things or if you see a half-empty glass you go that's exactly the amount of water I need it anyway right but it's about a positive reframe instead of a pessimistic or negative mindset thing number six trait number six of mediocrity is making assumptions I don't know about you but most of the time when I make assumptions about people or situations it's usually the wrong assumption and it makes me look like a right and so I'm challenging you right here and now if you go around making assumptions about people or things or opportunities maybe what you ought to do is open up the lines of communication and actually ask questions rather than making assumptions so going on thing number seven trait number seven of mediocrity a negative or low tone circle of influence there's a great book out there it's about tone matching and I think it's called find your people or choose your people the books out of print but you could still find it on eBay and it talks about people's tones and what's really neat about that is it explains how people who have like low tone kind of like Eeyore you remember do you remember Winnie the Pooh and Tigger was always happy and bouncing around and enthusiastic and then he R was just always down and lives bad well if you're hanging around with low tone or negative energy people your circle of influence are just kind of dragging ass and they're like yours soon you become like an Eeyore right because at the end of the day you show me your Network and I'll show you your net worth and if your circle of influence is broke and negative minded very quickly you become broke and negative minded as well trait number eight of mediocrity is the blame or scarcity mindset number is the mindset of you know what there's not enough to go around if you win then that means I must have lost or blaming others for situations instead of again taking full responsibility the reality is scarcity is just a way of looking at things have you ever considered looking at things through an abundant filter right and most people don't realize this the scarcity mindset comes from parents and school teachers so if your parents were negative and they blamed others and they always felt like there was never enough to go around they instilled that doubt pattern in you and you're walking around with that thought pattern of scarcity and when you start thinking scarcity you start manifesting scarcity right and so really you can just start thinking abundance if I win doesn't mean that you lose we could both win together the pie isn't just so big the pie can become infinitely bigger if you're willing to look at it that way trait number nine of mediocrity is limited belief systems I mean so many people who right now where the economy is rocking are complaining about the economy they're complaining about competition the reason there's such competition right now is because people have more money to spend than they had in 2008 nine ten eleven twelve people have more money to spend today than ever before but people who have limited belief systems believe that the economy is tough the economy is not tough right now the economy is easy the economy is easy unemployment is that its lowest rates right the competition is high because people have money and they're willing to spend it and people are creating businesses to take that money in exchange for value so if you've got a limiting belief system about the economy or about money or about competition you might want to start doing the self-check am I really worried about the economy or the competition or do I just have a negative or low or limited belief system about how much money I can earn right maybe you put this glass ceiling on yourself and you just don't believe that you can earn any more money and so you want to blame the competition you want to blame the economy you want to blame the city that you live in you want to blame the industry that you operate in what if you just break through that glass ceiling that used to be a personal trainer and I still work in the fitness industry with our fitness franchise Fit Body Boot Camp and the reality is that I used to think that men most trainers make thirty to forty thousand dollars a year because on average that's what trainers made and so I only gave myself permission my limited belief system allowed me to only make thirty or forty thousand dollars a year it wasn't until my mentor Jim Franco who was a personal training client and he was a millionaire he said hey why do you live such a such a life of mediocrity you know why do you why are you always so broke I said well personal trainers man we're here to serve people but average trainer makes thirty to forty thousand dollars a year he said well who said that I said that's just what our industry does he was that doesn't mean you have to do that you can own five six ten twenty gyms and you can have personal trainers working for you and before long I had five gyms and I had personal trainers working for me and I was making seven figures and today we've got over 650 bootcamp franchise locations worldwide I've got thousands of coaching clients we're making tons of money and it's because I've removed my limiting belief system about the type of money that I can earn in the fitness industry most of the time you're limiting belief systems determine your outcome so if you change your belief systems you will change your outcome all right thing number 10 trait number 10 of mediocrity is poor or no communication and there was a Harvard study done a couple years ago in businesses in most small businesses they said 85 scent of small businesses erode or don't reach their fullest potential because of poor communication between the owner and the manager or the manager and its staff right so think about this where in your life are you being mediocre where communication is concerned is it your relationships is it work is it co-workers is it a business partnership whatever it is maybe it's time that you man up and start having clear open honest communication instead of holding it bottled up and instead of having passive aggressive energy towards someone instead of being resentful towards someone instead of being adversarial towards people if you just communicate openly and go hey man what you said hurt my feelings or what you said made me assume this is this how we were trying to make me feel and they're gonna say no then you've opened the lines of communication and you're gonna have a better relationship with that people or that person right so my big challenge to you is are you gonna keep everything bottled up and be passive-aggressive or are you gonna open up the lines of communication and get what you want out of life trait number 11 of mediocrity is emotional reactiveness right think about this all right the type of person that emotionally reacts when something goes wrong look this past Sunday we had a Christmas party we had a Christmas party for our headquarters at a beautiful restaurant in Southern California right Sunday night Monday morning we come to work and our headquarters has been broken into you oh that sucks now I could either emotionally react and freak out and put my entire staff into frenzy and no one's gonna get done or I could react or actually I should say I could respond strategically so you got two choices anytime poop hits the fan and there's an entrepreneur as a high performer as someone who's trying to launch a business or get an idea off the ground things are always gonna go wrong there's just that's just the nature of it are you gonna emotionally react or are you gonna respond strategically and so we created a plan hey we're gonna respond strategically let's get that broken window fix let's get the cops out here and take inventory of what got stolen the rest of you go upstairs and work let's make money let's change lives and make an impact right but the more you can control your emotional reactions and take a step back and instead look at is a respond instead of a reaction again you take control back and when you take control back you become more successful in life finally the twelfth trait of mediocrity is a closed mindset see there's the open mindset the type of person who goes you know what I mean I'm an open vessel I'm willing to learn I'm willing to change my belief systems I'm going to change my actions I'm willing to change my habits and there's a closed-minded person who goes bro I'm just this way this is how I was raised this is how my culture is this is how my nationality is people like that are let me tell you right now right if you're closed-minded you're an because the world evolves people change someone who is a jerk to you once could now be a decent person but if you're closed-minded you've written them off right or or if you're not open to learning new technology like Instagram and snapchat and the new ways that Facebook is marketing you're close-minded okay I'm still gonna do direct mail well guess what your industry is gonna leave you behind so you've got to be open-minded in learning new things otherwise you suffer in mediocrity now so you know the 12 traits of mediocrity and if any one of these traits or if any 12 of these traits resonate with you do something about it go to people that you trust and say hey man I want honest feedback I have a feeling I'm scarcity minded I have a feeling that I communicate poorly I have a feeling that I emotionally react can you help me through the process can you give me honest feedback can you call me out when I emotionally react can you let me know when I'm not communicating openly honestly and if you ask for feedback you'll get it but the trick is to not look at the feedback as personal criticism because if you take it as personal criticism then you go fists up and you get defensive instead look at feedback as an opportunity to make corrections and to evolve as a better human right so now let's go and talk about my favorite thing the 7 trait of high performers right there's seven traits that high-performing humans have and I've had the good fortune over the last decade to hang out with some of the badass people in the planet I mean just amazing people and so I've seen the commonalities and I want to share these seven of high performers so that you can begin to cultivate these traits in you ready trait number one high performers are always optimistic they are positive optimistic high energy people the glass is always full not just half-full the glass is full that's that's overflowing right that's what you want you want to be an optimistic person who sees the world as opportunities instead of challenges and adversities trait number two for high performers they are always grateful even for the little things I'm man listen I am grateful that I woke up this morning I am grateful that I was able to go get a workout in I am grateful that I've got an amazing team who I can trust with my business I'm grateful that I've got my health because without my health all the money in the world means nothing because the moment you stop showing gratitude is the moment that you start taking things for granted and you can't take a relationship for granted you can't take your health your finance your mindset any of it for granted because the moment you do you start slipping into mediocrity so show gratitude and show it off and that's what the high performers do trait number three of high performers is they are open to feedback right we talked about the closed mindedness of mediocre people well guess what high performers are open to feedback see I read a study that something like for every five miles that you drive on a highway you do about a thousand micro corrections on the steering wheel to stay between the lanes so think about that for every five miles that you're driving there's about a thousand micro corrections to stay on that highway to stay in your lane that means the road is giving you feedback delaying the curves the bumps the potholes everything's giving you feedback and you're making those micro Corrections well holy hell if you were on the road and you're open to feedback on the road so you can stay between the lanes doesn't it just make sense that in life mentally emotionally ethically relationally that you should be open to feedback from others who are willing to help you so that you can make those micro corrections and become the best version of yourself well the high performers are open to feedback they take feedback they process it they course correct and they move on and dominate their path thing number four trait number four of high performers resourcefulness see mediocre people and people who are looking to blame others you know I didn't have the opportunity I don't have the resources I never went to college I never had the rich parents I never I never had access to the Internet resourceful people go you know what I found a way I found a way I'm gonna make it happen I know a person who can help me make it happen and so you're either going to be resourceful or you're gonna cry about not having resources the high performers always resourceful in finds a way mediocre people cry about not having resources trait number five this is my personal favorite one of high performers and and I have a little story that I want to share with you about resilience the the best most high-performing people I know are resilient they overcome all types of in adversity and for me I call myself a wheat right and you're like a weed what does a weed well do I look at it is the everyday weed that grows out of a concrete dirt cement the side of the side of a telephone pole I've seen just your everyday weed garden weed growing out of a side of a telephone pole like that's how resilient it is right I've seen it growing out of snow and Home Depot or Lowe's they can't sell they can't sell weed spray that can actually kill weed and keep it killed because it will come back bigger meaner angrier right I mean it is one of the most resilient living things on this planet the weed what else is a very resilient thing the cockroach they say a cockroach can survive a nuclear holocaust and so the way I look at it is I see myself as a cockroach and a weed a weed right I am the most resilient person I will take any adversity and I will turn it into my advantage I will turn take any adversity and reframe it and find something profitable find something meaningful find a learning lesson from it and if I constantly look for resilience and an advantage and adverse in the adversity then I will always thrive because if you choose not to be resilient then you're really accepting mediocrity and death right that's that's the only difference so think about resilience emotional resilience mental resilience entrepreneurial resilience and all the different ways that you can overcome challenges if you just reframe it hey this challenge that just happened this adversity that just took place in my life is really an advantage now I just need to figure out where's the advantage so I can take advantage of it you got that right number six high performers commit to constant growth there are always reading studying getting mentors going to workshops going to seminars right listen to the podcast what are you doing for constant growth because you're either growing or dying there is no I've maintained my EQ IQ and a Q does everybody knows about the IQ right the the intelligence quotient but what about the EQ are you growing your emotional quotient are you getting more emotionally resilient so you don't overreact and instead you over respond right what about your EQ your adversity quotient are you growing your ability to deal with adversities and challenges constant growth there's so many great books out there like the big leap psycho cybernetics the one from Napoleon Hill but not the one you're thinking of the one I'm thinking of is uh hey what's the one that drew where he outwitting the devil yes outwitting the devil this is a great book about taking control taking responsibility as from Napoleon Hill it's the less popular book from Napoleon Hill but I believe it is the best book from Napoleon Hill outwitting the devil I mean if you read outwitting the devil psycho cybernetics and and the big leap by gay Hendricks just over and over again you will have so much constant growth in your life right the question is are you willing to do that high performers are willing to do that and finally the seventh trait of a high performer their service driven their service driven they want to give back they want to add value right they're not all about taking they want to serve others because they understand that the more they give the more we get so my challenge to you is what are you doing - put your selfish animal aside and instead go out and serve right and serve your customers or your families through your community just when you think you're giving enough I challenge you to give more and the more you give the more you serve the better you become and there's really a term called the servant leader I've adopted that term to myself I really want to be the servant leader and both here at work with my family with my businesses with my business partners with my clients the people I serve I want to make myself available and give give give because the more I give the bigger the impact I get to leave and at the end of the day we're looking for four things in life four things that will make us ultimately happy can you guess what those four things are and I'm gonna wrap it up with that happiness is having money as having meaning as having health and it's having relationships people to share your money and your health and your meaning with write and if you don't have those four things then what's it all for right so I hope you got a lot of value out of this video in this live cast that we're doing if you have any questions leave them down in the comments below thank you so much for watching thank you so much for reading my stuff and watching my videos and all the great comments and feedback you guys give me I love you all the pieces have an awesome one take care bye
Channel: Bedros Keuilian
Views: 60,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Traits of Mediocrity, 7 Traits of Badassery, take control, Stop making excuses, high performance human
Id: IWF_S5i6kDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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