12 Most Incredible Finds That Scientists Still Can't Explain

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if science had all the answers the world would be a boring place because there'd be no unanswered questions as human beings we thrive on mystery so we need questions to exist to keep us entertained fortunately for us science doesn't have all the answers it can't even answer some of the world's most ancient Mysteries as you're about to see in this video let's start off in conen India where archaeologists discovered an enormous collection of thousands of rock carvings in late 2018 they believe that the carvings might be the work of a previously unknown civilization that lived in the area 10,000 years ago our existing beliefs about history tell us that any culture that existed more than 10,000 years ago would have been little more than primitive hunter gatherers but could hunter gatherers have really created all this The Rock carvings evaded the attention of experts for such a long time because they were hidden beneath the soil but now the soil has been combed away and the complexity of the work has been revealed most of the carvings are petroglyphs of animals but the mystery is that most of the animals are native to Africa rather than India that's a clue that the people who made them must have migrated to India from the African continent and might have been the first human beings ever to settle in the area it's even possible that the petroglyphs could be up to 12,000 years old which would make them the oldest in the [Music] world the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo is a good place to go looking for animals but not animals of the kind you're about to see here they're toads and they were deliberately buried in what appears to be a purpose-built tomb around 4,000 years ago Stranger Than That is the fact that all nine of the Toads were decapitated before they were buried and then laid to rest along onside vessels containing myrtle bushes and date palms it's such an unusual discovery that its significance isn't known and might never be known even the myrtle bushes and date palms are a mystery because the place they were buried is not their natural habitat like the decapitated toads they were brought here specifically to be buried the only possible explanation that archaeologists have for the 2017 Discovery is that the Toads were an offering for somebody who was buried in the Tomb but there were no human occupants inside the tomb when it was open were the frogs considered so special that they merited a tomb of their own if so how would it make sense to decapitate them before burying [Music] them China is up next on our world tour of discoveries because China is where a monument described by archaeologists as an ancient Sun altar was found in the shin xang yuger autonomous region in July 2017 they believe the circle shaped structure which has a diameter of almost 500 ft to be around 3,000 years old it was most likely created and used by the nomadic tribes who roam this area back then the stone used in the three circled layers of the altar isn't local and based on barely visible trenches in the ground experts think the material might have been dragged here from Miles Away using a combination of men and horses its structure is similar to yurs in Mongolia which are known to have been used by Sun worshippers however nothing like it has ever been found in this part of China before historians say that the presence of the altar is evidence that the central plane culture had reached this area long before the Silk Road was established 2200 years ago the Silk Road is often credited with bringing culture to this part of the world but it's now apparent that there was culture here already ready it's said that the best way to get to know somebody is to walk in their shoes so what can we learn from the footprints that were found close to the old Doo langi volcano in Tanzania in May 2019 there are 400 human Footprints here in total and they could be anything up to 19,000 years old based on analysis of the prce they belong to 12 people who traveled through the area together the group included clud men women and children and the prints are so detailed that it's possible for scientists to identify that one of the adults had a broken toe the mountain is known by the local msai people as the Mountain of God what's curious about the discovery is that whoever these people were they were walking up the volcano in the immediate aftermath of a volcanic eruption there was a layer of Ash and dust at the site that was still soft enough to act like a printing mold thus preserving the footprints for all these years why would anyone choose to approach a volcano that was still smoldering might it have been due to Scientific curiosity there are many ancient Mysteries to be found in Egypt but perhaps none quite so bizarre as the unfinished oblisk of Aswan this is the largest of all the known ancient Egyptian oblisk and would have been even bigger had its makers ever gotten around to the task of finishing what they started the Quarry that the oblisk rests in is thought to have been the first source of granite the ancient Egyptians ever discovered and the oblisk itself is at least 4,000 years old it's impossible to know why the monument was left in an unfinish state but it might have something to do with the fact that the granite they were working with had begun to crack deciding they couldn't repair the damage they left it still connected to its parent rock several of the workers left maker marks and small carvings on its surface before they abandoned it sadly we'll never know where it would have been erected had it been finished but it would have stood almost 150 ft tall and would likely have been considered one of the Wonders of the Ancient World the game of sodoku is a popular way of killing time and keeping the brain active and that's been the case for centuries thanks to a discovery in India in April 2018 we now know that people have enjoyed the hobby for so long they even indulged in it on the walls of temples over 300 years since the handdrawn magic square game was chocked into the side of the temple it's been covered by several layers of limestone because of this the old game was only found while the temple which is in Palani was undergoing repair work the temple itself dates back to the 13th century but the sodoku like game was only etched onto it somewhere around the year 1700 the numbers on the Square are written in the Tamil language and add up to 15 in every direction the number has religious significance every God in the Hindu religion has a number and the number 15 belongs to Morgan the God of War it might not be precisely the same as the version of sidoku we enjoy today but it works with the same principles of logic the United States of America may not have a ston hand hinge but it does have an outstanding triple wood hinge known as the Morehead Circle it was created 2,000 years ago in the middle of the fort ancient Earthworks in Ohio very little of the site is visible to the naked eye today but what's left of it was discovered in 2005 by the archaeologist Jared Burks according to his measurements the circle is around 200 ft in diameter and would have once contained 200 wooden posts marking out its outer most Circle we don't know what the site was used for but we know that it remained in use for a long time carbon dating test carried out on the remnants of one of the posts suggest it was erected in the year 40 BCE but burned Timber fragments found in a pit in the middle of the circle can be dated to the 2 Century that places the creation and use of the Morehead Circle within the time of the Hopewell culture so it seems they were here before the fort ancient culture arrived in the area millions of people enjoy crossword puzzles but comparatively few of these people are aware that the history of creating crossword puzzles can be traced back thousands of years here's one from the ancient city of Smyrna you'll find the ruins of the settlement within the boundaries of the modern aan city of ismir in Turkey where it appears on the wall of a 2500-year old basilica the cross word appears to have been written about 500 years after the Basilica was built it contains Greek words that can be read left to right and top to bottom it would technically be more correct to call it an acrostic than a crossword but it's effectively the same thing making sense of the crossword is difficult because it contains the names of people as well as seemingly random Greek words but there are some who believe it contains encoded information used by early Christians to communicate with each other in secret there would have been stalls obscuring the wall here 2,000 years ago so the words would have been hidden on the other hand it's just as possible that the crossword was created for the same reason we create crosswords today as a form of entertainment there's an ancient mummy in China that has absolutely no business being in China he's known to us as churchin man and his remains were found in the taklamakan desert the desert's name when translated into English means you enter but you never leave that seems to have been true of church and man there would be no mystery here if this man were an ancient Chinese person who'd perished in the desert because of exposure but he isn't he looks very much like a Bronze Age European and that's exactly what he is his DNA confirms that he's of Celtic origin he was found with three women and a baby and all of those bodies are of Celtic origin too the desert is thousands of miles east of the eastern most known ancient Celtic settlement so we have no idea how he and the women and child who presumably made up his family got here obviously they must have traveled from Europe but did they come alone if they didn't were there more Celtic people in China during the Bronze Age how could that be possible when no other trace of them has ever been found these days displaying your middle finger to someone is considered offensive but that's not why Galileo's middle finger is on display at the Galileo Museum in Florence Italy under normal circumstances we'd refer to this artifact as reliquary but such objects usually contain body parts taken from a saint it's perhaps ironic that the owner of the Bony finger in this egg-shaped object belongs to a man who many of his peers thought of as as a heretic the circumstances of Galileo's finger ending up like this are a little shady it said that a man named Anton Franchesco gory snapped it off his hand in 1737 by that time Galileo had been dead for almost a century other pieces of Galileo have subsequently turned up with private Sellers and later found their way to the museum including his thumb index finger and one of his teeth there are two ways of interpreting Galileo's finger in this pose you could say it's pointing to the heavens which he spent his whole life watching or perhaps he really is telling his critics in the church what he thinks of them after all there are three names for our next artifact it's most commonly known as the mpta steel but it's also known as the Israel steel and the Victory steel of MPA the manpa part of the name comes from the fact that it Bears an inscription recording a military victory over the libyans by the armies of the Egyptian pharaoh MPA who ruled Egypt 3200 years ago it's the connection to Israel that might be more historically significant though some Scholars have interpreted a line of hieroglyphs in the 27th line of the inscription is the word Israel if they're right this is the oldest written reference to the name in history it would also be the only written reference reference to Israel to come from ancient Egypt there's some controversy about the finding though because it's possible to interpret the symbols in different ways this is a debate that's been ongoing since the day the steel was discovered by fenders Petri in 1896 and it's not likely to end anytime soon this is the problem with translating ancient languages even when you can translate the words you can't always understand their meaning why is there a series of tunnels carved into the hillsides of kushu and tamana Japan well if you can come up with an answer to that question you'll win a lot of new friends in the Japanese archaeology Community they've been trying to uncover the secrets of the tunnels for decades and they've had no success so far the tunnels show clear signs of being made by humans but are so small in some places that only a child could fit through their narrowest points confusingly they then expand to Heights up to 14 ft in other places the tunnels run for500 ft and have the appearance of being ancient but nobody knows when they were built or why they've been named the tonin but nobody remembers where the name comes from either it's close to the Korean for a stone thrown into a tunnel but it's not a perfect match to add to the mystery elements of the stonework are similar to the style seen on the Great pyramids of Egypt but entirely dissimilar to any other known ancient Japanese construction to top it all off there's a shrine at the end of the tunnel but we don't know who it's dedicated to subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 23,266
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Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Finds That Scientists Still Can't Explain, mysterious finds, mysterious artifacts, archaeological mystery, archaeological finds, ancient finds, artifacts finds, mystery, scientists still cant explain, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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