12 Most Incredible Archaeological Finds

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an archaeological Discovery doesn't have to be famous in order to be fascinating if you're a subscriber to our Channel which you should be you might well have heard about all the most famous archaeological discoveries in the world by now in this video we're going to be checking out some of the Lesser known but equally fantastic archaeological finds think of them as hidden gems Legends don't come much bigger than the one attached to the sword of Peter which is held in The Arch dessin Museum of pnan in Poland and treated as a holy Relic Legend has it that this is the same sword that St Peter used to cut off the ear of a servant of the high priest when Jesus Christ was arrested in Gethsemane that sounds spectacularly unlikely to be true but let's examine the facts it's a wide tip sword similar in proportions to a modern machete the first verifiable historical mention of its existence came in 1609 when it was referenced in the writings of the Polish historian Yan Duos Duo said the same thing about the sword that people say now it's supposed to be a Roman sword used by St Peter and mentioned in the gospels however du GH noted that it may have been a replica of that sword made for Pope Steven II if we're to believe duh which we have no reason not to the sword first arrived in posan in the year 968 is a gift from the pope to Bishop Jordan there's no record of its existence prior to that and therefore no way of verifying the Fantastical story behind it the history of the ancient peoples and cultures of South America is shrouded in mystery we know very little about the Inca people and perhaps even less than that about the people who came before them that's why discoveries like the one that happened in 2008 in huaka pukana Peru are so important even if we don't understand them completely the discovery was the mummy of a female believed to be the prehispanic wari culture that once lived on the land before the inad she was buried with a wide-eyed death mask and was found alongside two other adults and a child possibly from the same family unfortunately it's likely that the child was the victim of human sacrifice perhaps to honor the Dead adults testing carried out on the body indicates that it comes from approximately the year 700 it's the first fully intact wari burial site ever found within the region although this discovery tells us a lot about the warry burial Customs there's still much to learn about their traditions and beliefs now we head to Romania for a moment because that's where we find a series of ancient sites that make up the decian fortresses of the orestia mountains recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site since 1999 there are six fortresses in total dating back approximately 2300 years and tucked away in the western Carpathian Mountains the Limestone and andesite walls of the fortresses are made of rocks that were transported from many miles away but that's not the most impressive thing to be seen here that honor goes to the ancient solar disc at the Sarma zega T Seria Fortress also made of andesite and split into 10 sectors it also features a long Arrow made from 16 stone blocks and some evidence suggests that it had an astronomical purpose nothing quite like it exists at any of the other fortresses nor anywhere else in Romania or even The Wider World quite who these ancient Fortress Builders were and how they seemed to possess such an innate understanding of the night sky is a mystery that still eludes us but it's an active archaeological site and research is ongoing perhaps the answer will arrive one day soon it's time for a tomb Discovery but we're not talking about any old tomb this is the tomb of a Kang to be more specific it's the tomb of Leu who ruled xiangu in the ancient Chinese Empire some 2100 years ago his tomb was found in shui County in 2014 and is one of three tombs that make up a site that archaeologists refer to as the king's Ma when the mausoleum was found there were signs that it had been looted by ancient tomb Raiders but the thieves somehow managed to miss more than 10,000 artifacts including many made of precious materials like lacquer Jade bronze silver and gold the E's personal tomb also contains several full-size chariots and a set of smaller chariots that were too small to be a practical use so they must have been designed for ornamental purposes it's likely that the entire Mausoleum was once covered by a massive burial mound but this had been destroyed by quing and so to might the tombs if they hadn't been discovered in time the presence of many weapons in the Tomb wasn't a surprise for a king who was known to be an admirer of physical strength but the multiple musical instruments found alongside them might suggest that he also had an artistic side that's absent from the history books [Music] we've spent some time talking about the ancient and mysterious civilizations of South America but now let's take a look at the history of North America we think we should talk about the petroglyphs at winnima Lake in Nixon Nevada there in the dry bed of what was once a much older Lake you'll find the oldest petroglyphs in the whole of the United States of America carbon dating had to be carried out to reveal the last time the level of the lake had been low enough to allow someone to make these carvings and the answer came back as about 14,800 years in American terms that's almost prehistoric some of the etge symbols are little more than lines crosses or swirling patterns but there are also some slightly more advanced representations of flowers and trees the question of how significant they were to the people who made them is unresolved but so is the question of who these people were Native American tribes have examined the symbols and confirmed they're unknown to them they're twice as old as any other Rock carvings that have been found in America so far and as such there's something of a historical anomaly when where and why did human beings start wearing clothes the answers to at least one of those questions might be found in the Contraband ear's cave in Morocco there archaeologists have discovered direct evidence that humans lived in the cave 120,000 years ago and skinned small carnivores using their skins for fur then turning their bones into tools that made pelts from the fur this amazing Discovery was first reported in September 2021 this is the oldest known evidence of humans making clothing using tools in the archaeological record Homo sapiens first emerged a little over 300,000 years ago So based on this evidence it appears that they might have been walking around naked for 180,000 years the Curious Thing is that historians have long assumed that humans first started making and wearing clothes in cold habitats but if this Moroccan cave is the origin of the process that's not the case none of the clothes that were made here have survived to the present day because they would have all been perishable but there's even some evidence that A Primitive form of leather might have been made from wild cattle [Music] Kwa kiswani once stood at the heart of the greatest Empire in Eastern Africa today the site is little more than a collection of ruins in what's now kilam masoko on Soo Manara Island Tanzania Kwa kiswani was founded during the 9th century and quickly became one of the most important ports in the region raising money and bringing in Goods to the Swahili civilization which by the late Middle Ages controlled territory that stretched all the way from Kenya to mosambi the most impressive of the ruins here is the great mosque which is the oldest mosque on the east African Coast that's still standing its 16 domes are supported by a lattice of pillars and arches making for dramatic scenery the Palace of hus aoba is almost as impressive and was the largest building in subsaharan Africa when it was new local Legends say that the Empire that once existed here was was established by a prince from Persia who bought kilwa kissani from a king in return for an enormous amount of cloth the prince then destroyed the bridge that connected the island to the mainland and set up a kingdom of his own is that true probably not but we can't disprove it if you were digging through an archaeological site and came across a cluster of little clay balls you might be inclined to disregard them or mistake them for broken pieces of pottery it takes a specially trained eye to understand what they really are the balls of which there are more than 900 were found in an ancient kitchen at escalera alello Yucatan Mexico in 2012 when examined they were found to contain traces of squash beans Maze and other root crops that's a giveaway that they were involved in food processing but the question is how the clay is been fired so it's likely that the balls were involved in the cooking stage of the process the property they were found within was an elite residential settlement that was abandoned close to the end of the Termino classic period in the early 10th Century one theory is that the clay was fired and then placed into pots of food to cook the food around it another is that the balls were placed at the bottom of a pit to cook food that was layered on top of them this would have been much slower than cooking with fire but perhaps the process was easier to control must Farm Cory in Whitt say close to petersboro in England is one of the richest archaeological sites in Europe it's even been described as the British equivalent of Pompei countless archaeological artifacts have been found there over the years but one of the most remarkable is a Bronze Age wheel that was recovered from the site in 2016 scientists have been able to date the wheel to between 3100 2800 years ago it's 3 ft in diameter and has been preserved so well by the silt and mud at the bottom of the Quarry that it still contains part of its axle this is the most complete example of a Bronze Age wheel ever to be discovered in Britain other discoveries made at the same time as the wheel included small bowls and jars along with a wooden platter all of which contain traces of the barley wheat Pork and Beef that the ancient inhabitants of the land lived off the presence of the wheel is a strong indication that the people who lived here 3,000 years ago had contact with other communities who lived on drier land and may have traveled to trade with [Music] them our next Discovery is a little more famous than the ones we've examined so far it's an ancient sculpture known as the jockey of artemisian this helenistic era bronze statue is so named because it depicts a small child riding a m much larger horse and dates to somewhere between 150 and 140 BCE very few original Bronze Statues from ancient Greece have survived to the present day and none of the others depict race horses most statues like this were melted down so their raw materials could be reused many centuries ago the jockey of artemisian was protected because it was trapped inside a shipwreck off Cape artemisian not to be rediscovered until 19 1926 the same shipwreck also yielded the artemisian bronze the statue of the horse and its young rer was broken into several pieces when it was found but was reassembled and restored slowly and carefully over a period of many years before going on display within the national archaeological Museum in Athens Greece in 1972 historians have speculated that the work of art might have been plundered from Corinth by the Roman general mummus during during the aan war in 146 BCE but that can't be proven it's thought that the site of marinsky Maiden in Ukraine is a piece of land art made by an ancient civilization looking at pictures of it it appears to be a reasonable conclusion to reach it's just a shame that we have no idea which civilization created it or why they did it the landmark is in the dppr Travis region and is popular with tourists who like to come and try to solve its Mysteries with their own eyes many people comment on the fact that it appears to be a representation of a crab but it's also been proposed that it's an interpretation of an alien creature there's more to the Wonder of the site than just the strange Landmark though trees won't grow on the land water runs off it quickly after rain and the Acoustics around and within the sculpture have been compared to those of a cathedral there are some historians who will argue until are red in the face that it's an ancient defensive Fortress and others will argue just as passionately that it's an ancient calendar Observatory from which the solstice could be observed we have no way of knowing who's right and who's wrong our final Discovery is the metal detector find of a lifetime it's called The Crosby Garrett helmet and it was found by an anonymous amateur metal detectorist near the town of Crosby Garrett in Cumbria England in May of 2010 the finder was immediately aware that he'd potentially found something unique but it wasn't until experts were called that it was identified as a copper alloy Roman Calvary helmet dated to approximately 2,300 years ago based on its design its function might have been ceremonial rather than military and the design appears to more closely resemble the traditions of the Trojans than the ancient Romans that's not necessarily a surprise though the Romans copied many Trojan traditions within their Calvary tournaments controversially the helmet was sold into the hands of a private collector for $3.6 million 6 months after it was found as it isn't made of precious metal its Discovery wasn't covered by the British treasure act so the sale couldn't be prevented fortunately the owner has allowed it to be displayed occasionally at exhibitions subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Inforado
Views: 106,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Incredible Archaeological Finds, archaeological finds, ancient finds, mystery, mysterious finds, archaeological discoveries, ancient artifacts, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: iBrFSdrlWsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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