12 Most Mysterious And Incredible Archaeological Finds That Really Exist

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[Music] people who lived long ago didn't have access to the same materials or pool of knowledge that we have access to today but that doesn't mean that they weren't smart or inventive in fact they were every bit as inventive as we are in some cases even more so there are some fabulous examples of our ancestors inventiveness in this video of mysterious archaeological finds [Music] if you wanted to find your way around the Pacific Ocean from the coast of the Marshall Islands hundreds of years ago you'd need a stick chart it's hard to comprehend complex charts were used by the Marshallese to work out not only where they were in relation to other Islands but how ocean swell patterns worked the stick charts were usually made from the mid-ribs of coconut fronds with each shell tied to the framework representing an island larger islands were represented by the junction of two sticks while threads represent wave crests and the directions they took no stick chart looks like any other stick chart so it's likely that each one was unique to the person who made it and could only be understood by them nobody knows when the Marshallese started making stick charts because nobody bothered to document the tradition until the mid-19th century but they remained in use until the end of the second world war when electronic navigation AIDS finally reached the Marshall Islands they might look primitive but they are thought to be the earliest known tools for mapping ocean swells [Music] when and where was the world's first robot invented well that depends on what you define as a robot robots are automatons derived from the Greek word automatos meaning animated the Golems of Jewish myth were said to be automatons as were the robotic Servants of Hephaestus however according to an ancient Taoist text called light sea written by the Chinese philosopher Lai yuku King mu of Xiao saw an automaton show performed by a man named Yen XI about 3 000 years ago Yen xi's automaton could sing dance Walk and move its head up and down the king ordered the automaton to be taken apart and found it was made only of leather wood paint and glue with artificial hair teeth muscles and Bones this would sound far-fetched if it weren't for records of King Lon Ling also seeing a dancing walking robot 2 500 years ago and daifang Ma creating mechanical Birds during the same era some of the tales perhaps even all of the tales are likely to be exaggerated but Lee Yuko wasn't prone to flights of fantasy and is unlikely to have made the stories up [Music] when you think of the kind of weapons that might be available to a modern Army rocket launchers are probably quite close to the top of your list it might therefore surprise you to know that variations on the idea of rocket launchers have been around since the 16th century they're a Korean invention and the Koreans called them huacha the English translation of the word is close to fire Chariot the invention of the huacha is a big part of the reason that Korea was able to repel the Japanese attempt to conquer the country in the imgene war of the 1590s there's some anecdotal evidence that fire chariots might have existed in Korea 100 years earlier than that but it can't be proven each watcho was basically a board full of holes on a two-wheeled cart the holes would be lined up with the Target and arrows would be placed into them each Arrow had a shaft full of gunpowder which was used as a propellant the earliest watcha could launch 100 of these rockets at a time but later models doubled that capacity and went even higher they were dangerous to use because of the risk of explosion but their deadliness made the risk worthwhile [Music] there are many myths attached to volvell paper Machines they're said to be able to calculate the date and time which seems reasonable but would you believe that they could also calculate the concept of absolute truth the man who invented them certainly wanted people to think so that man was Ramon lull of Mallorca one of the most respected scientists and philosophers in Europe during the 13th and 14th centuries in design and function they are a little like Astro Labs but Astro Labs were Clockwork and made of steel making a functional machine like this out of paper is astonishing aside from being a philosopher lull also saw himself as a religious Visionary and argued that Christianity Islam and Judaism should all be United as one Faith worshiping one God to use his volvelles the user had to align the machine with the pole star and center the crossed circles on the face of the volvell using this method it was apparently possible to determine your location the time and the date at the same time the newly oriented volvel would also display a compelling argument for the existence of God it's a very strange creation and it isn't surprising that 300 years later they were banned because people thought they were being used in dark arts rituals you might not think there's anything exciting about our next archaeological mystery when you first look at it to all intents and purposes it looks like a rusty old bolt possibly a discarded piece of machinery here's the twist this bolt is 300 million years old how is that even remotely possible the bull was found in the summer of 1998 at a site in Russia by researchers hunting for meteorite fragments near Moscow it's hard to disagree with the logic of their findings in this case the rock is 300 million years old and the bolt is so deeply embedded in the rock that the stone has grown around it the only conclusion that can be reached is that the bolt is also 300 million years old that would mean it existed not only before human life on our planet but before the time of the dinosaurs amazingly this find isn't unique examples of screws bolts gears and cogs have been found embedded in equally ancient rocks all over the world the official scientific explanation is that the shapes are actually crinoid fossils but surely that can't be possible in every single case [Music] our next Discovery isn't just one Discovery from the ancient world but several it's the Curious suggestion made by respected historical figures like petronius and Pliny the Elder that the ancient Romans were capable of producing almost indestructible forms of flexible glass we know that the Romans could make glass but around the time of Tiberius Caesar descriptions of unbreakable glass began to appear in ancient Roman texts the emperor allegedly wasn't a fan of the material though in fact it's said that he himself put an end to the practice of making it because he was afraid the new glass would become a more valuable material than gold and wreak havoc on the Roman economy on the surface the idea of unbreakable glass might sound too Fantastical to be true but there's reason to believe that the stories might be accurate the Romans were aware of and had access to the boric acid that came from the steam vents in the Tuscan marima outside Rome if that substance were added to a standard glass mixture it would result in a type of glass that would be extremely difficult to shatter we're not sure it would have been flexible but it would certainly have been tough humans have always enjoyed wearing jewelry rings are among the most common discoveries made at ancient archaeological sites and the oldest rings ever discovered were made over ten thousand years ago this ring isn't quite that old but it's very unique and ingeniously evil it's a 14th century Bulgarian ring discovered in an old medieval Fortress in Cape kalykra in 2012. at the center of the ring is a tiny hole which would normally be used to affix a ring Stone there's no stone in this ring though instead there's a tiny cavity to hold a few drops of deadly poison the contents of the Ring could be tipped into an enemy's food or drink without their knowledge as the Fortress was the home of the Region's aristocracy during the Medieval Era it's likely that it was used in politically motivated murders there was a Spate of them in the 14th century and clever weapons like this one might have had something to do with it it's more the sort of Gadget you expect James Bond to be carrying around with him than a 14th century Bulgarian assassin and yet here it is [Music] next up we have a staggeringly beautiful well a near Miracle of 16th century architecture and Design This is pozzo di San Patricio in orvieto Italy as if these photos inside it weren't dramatic enough the whole thing is right on the edge of a cliff the well was built during the early 1500s by order of Pope Clement VII he was hiding out in the city at the time as Rome was under attack and he knew that orvieto would quickly run out of water in the event of a Siege his solution was this 170 foot deep well complete with 70 windows and dual staircases specifically designed to ensure that pack animals could run up and down the well without colliding it was a Monumental task and took a full decade to come complete by which point Pope Clement was dead anyway despite its breathtaking Beauty and the fact that it functions perfectly as a well it was declared obsolete from the moment it was finished and it's barely been used the upside of that is that it's still in excellent condition at least the people of our vieto know they'll be able to drink if a Siege ever comes along [Music] King Tutankhamun might not have been the most significant ruler of ancient Egypt but he's one we know a lot about thanks to the discovery of his undiscovered tomb by Howard Carter during the 1920s we're still finding out new information about him now including the fact that he might have spent his nights sleeping on the world's first fold-out camping bed their 10 a penny at places like Ikea nowadays but it must have seemed like a technological Marvel 3300 years ago there were five beds inside his tomb when it was opened but this one wasn't like the others it's smaller sits lower to the ground and is made of three separate moving pieces that could be folded away into a z shape quite why the most important man in Egypt would have needed this basic convenience is unknown he was very young when he passed away though so perhaps he still enjoyed inviting his friends around for sleepovers a few two-fold beds have been found in Egyptian tombs before but King Tut's three-fold bed is the only one of its kind to be discovered so far [Music] although the religions of Hinduism Jainism and Buddhism differ from each other they share some key beliefs one of them is that the vajra is the chosen weapon of the Gods you'll find mentions of vajra going back as far as the rigveda the first part of the four known Vedas from an etymological point of view there are two ways we can understand the word vajra both of which come from Sanskrit the first is as lightning and the second is as diamond in both instances it's thought the intention of the word is to represent the weapon as an irresistible Force according to mythology Indra was told directly by Vishnu that a weapon made from the bones of the Hindu Sage dairichi would be capable of destroying the serpent demon known as ritra the weapon in question was created by the Divine artisan dvashtar and proved to be successful Indian traditions hold the vajra as the most powerful weapon in the universe that's a bold claim for a weapon that's basically a club with a ribbed head but there's no shortage of people who believe in it what historians know about the ancient Hopewell culture of North America could be written on the back of a cigarette packet but archaeologists are hopeful that the discovery of some drilled bare teeth in Kansas in March 2022 might help them to shed new light on this mysterious culture the Hopewell culture spread across the east of North America between the first and 5th centuries but left very little behind in terms of artifacts or cultural relics to help modern day experts to get to know them we know that they valued copper seashells and Mica but these drilled canine teeth are a whole new kind of Hopewell Discovery they belonged to a black bear and as they were found in Kansas they placed the Hopewell culture significantly further west than we tend to imagine they traveled it's likely that the teeth were drilled so they could be strung together into a necklace or perhaps even a belt but we have no way of knowing for sure the boundaries of the Hopewell interaction sphere are hazy and discoveries like this one only serve to make them hazier [Music] what can you tell about an ancient Culture by looking at their tools in the case of the tiny tools of the ancient Indonesians the answer to that question is quite a lot the stone and Bone artifacts are known as Point tools and were developed on the island of solawasi by the tolian People based on what we think we know about them they first appeared on the island as hunter-gatherers roughly 8 000 years ago the tools they made are unlike any other tools developed elsewhere in Indonesia or in fact the rest of the world just under 1 800 examples of the tools have been identified and collected by archaeologists so far with more likely to be found in the future it's likely that they were used for hunting fish although a variant of the tool known as meros points might have been mounted on shafts and used as arrowheads it was once thought that the talians were connected to the Aborigines of Australia but such is the uniqueness of their tools that we now believe them to be a separate culture having concluded that the Italians didn't come from Australia the experts now have to come up with a new theory about their Origins that might take a while subscribe to the channel turn on the notification Bell and enjoy watching new videos on my channel thanks for watching and see you soon [Music]
Channel: Lightning Top
Views: 209,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Mysterious And Incredible Archaeological Finds That Really Exist, Scientists Still Can't Explain, top 12 Unexplained Mysterious Finds, Mysterious Finds, Unexplained Mysterious, Unexplained Discoveries, 12 most, top 12, lightning top, compilation, lightningtop, EverSeen, Mysterious
Id: e6Xi4iGBrPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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