12 Most Amazing Treasures That Have Been Found Recently

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treasure can take on many forms it can be large or small it can be ancient or brand-new it can be money art jewelry or simply a precious item that was considered lost years ago and then turns up in the last place you'd ever expect to find it we all enjoy a good luck story of incredible treasure being found and we've gathered plenty of them together for you in this video dear cans and bottles don't seem like the most valuable items in the world when you're drinking them but they might be priceless to collectors many years in the future there's a family in Kansas City USA who knows all about that the molder family was having renovation work carried out at their home when they discovered one of the columns that supported their front porch was hollow and full of whiskey bottles and beer cans from the 1940s they were all in immaculate condition and in the collection are some rare gems that are expected to fetch thousands of dollars on the collectors market the house was built during the 1920s so the drinking vessels weren't installed as a practical joke during its initial construction the molders have no idea who might have put them there when or why as a guess though the existence of a small opening at the top of the column suggests that a previous occupant may have been using it to hide the evidence of their drinking habit this next story isn't just one tale of good luck but to a young couple called Chris Lightfoot and Mandy flack both in their mid-20s bought a mind trap board game from a thrift store to play while mr. Lightfoot's parents were visiting when they opened it up they were stunned to discover a collection of six diamond rings inside the box including a wedding ring and an engagement ring they took their surprising fine to an expert who gave the Rings a combined value of eighteen thousand dollars their story made the internet and that's when widowed or landed revit saw pictures of them she immediately recognized them as her own wedding and engagement rings with the other four rings being gifts from her deceased husband thankfully the young couple hadn't sold the Rings before Orlando got in touch and they decided the right thing to do was to return their surprise jewelry find back to its original owner as Orlando said the Rings can't bring her husband back but they do give her back some precious memories as well as some valuable heirlooms nobody seems to know how a fifth-century gold treasure came to be hiding beneath the leaves of a forest in the northwest of Poland but Sir Igor's the man who found it while out on a winter's walk couldn't be more delighted about his discovery the ornate golden clasp would have been a highly prized piece of jewelry 1,500 years ago but what's really amazing about it is that it's still in such excellent condition despite having appeared to spend so many years lost in such an exposed environment drag ores shocking discovery led to an archeology scramble in the area which turned up three more silver clasps but nothing as valuable as the prized artifact that he'd found by chance the Museum of kosh Allen has since taken ownership of the clasp which they feel may have once belonged to the leader of a barbarian tribe they're going to examine it carefully but will eventually put it on public display the plugin stock treasure is a collection of diamonds so enormous that you could easily believe they're a movie prop but they're not they're very much real and their discovery is the result of years of work by crystal hunter Paul Vaughn kennel he'd first found fluorite crystals on the plumbin stock mountain in Switzerland in 1994 and his gut told him they were an indicator of something much more significant below the surface it wasn't until September 2005 11 years later that he finally found what he was looking for a cavity he drilled into the rock opened up to reveal two tons of perfectly clear Carn Gorn crystals split into 45 large formations it was the single largest discovery of crystals in the Swiss Alps for over 400 years the National History Museum of Barron acquired the collection in 2011 and has made the diamonds a prominent display feature but nobody knows how much they paid Paul to part with his discovery based on the size of the diamonds it must have been millions of dollars it isn't exactly surprising for a diamond mine to find diamonds that's the whole reason they exist it is however surprising when one of them turns up the second biggest diamond ever found in human history which is what happened in Botswana in April 2019 the Canadian company bukhara diamond corporation confirmed the finding of a seventeen hundred and fifty-eight carat diamond which weighs in at over 350 grams and is larger than a tennis ball if they sell it as one complete piece instead of cutting it up it's expected to fetch a price of more than 70 million dollars the company has been trialing brand new technology at the Botswana site which appears to be paying dividends for them the previous holder of the title second largest diamond in the world also came from the same site back in 20:15 and was sold for just under sixty million dollars only the legendary Cullinan diamond is larger which is a three thousand one hundred six carat stone found in South Africa back in 1905 and currently belongs to the British crown the smallest and most innocuous items can sometimes turn out to be incredibly valuable take this chess piece for example it was bought from an antique dealer for five pounds in Scotland in 1964 because it was an ordinate piece it was kept within the same family that originally bought it for more than 50 years passed down from generation to generation it was only in June of 2019 that one of the younger members of the family took it to be valued out of curiosity and discovered it was worth more than 1 million pounds the 8 inch tall ivory carving is actually a long-lost Lewis chessmen piece and has been considered missing for nearly two centuries the Lewis chessmen hoard was discovered on the Isle of Lewis in 1831 and dates back to the 12th century there were 93 pieces in the collection which represents an early version of the game we know as chess today five pieces were missing from the collection when it was discovered and this worden piece belonging to the Scottish family is one of them nobody has any idea how it became separated from the original collection and ended up being sold in a shop over 100 years later a Welsh woman with poor eyesight was about to throw out a priceless gold art deco handbag last year but was saved from making the expensive mistake by her optician who'd come to help her sort through her unwanted trash before she got rid of it Linda Pritchard says that the handbag was once the property of her sister who was gifted it by an elderly gentleman she used to care for in her capacity as a nurse as it turns out the elderly gentleman's wife was Dora Jones a well-known socialite of the 1920s who enjoyed travelling on cruise ships and mixing with rich and famous people not only was the bag of valuable item but it also contained dozens of rare photos taken during her voyages which included time spent on famous luxury yachts like the RMS Elizabeth the designer bag was made by Immanuel Joseph and is still in good condition after spending the past 90 years stored in a safe place the bag and the photos together went on to make $5,000 when they were sold at auction if you your parents or your grandparents have any old looking religious paintings hanging around in the house double check them just to make absolutely sure they're not missing masterpieces from centuries ago a young man in France did exactly that in October this year and found out that the yellowing artwork that was hanging above the hotplate in his grandmother's kitchen in compain France was actually a 13th century pre-renaissance work of art by Florentine master Kim abou the senior citizen liked to the small 10 inch by 8 inch painting because she thought it was a Greek religious picture but it was actually the long lost portrait known as Christ mocked which seemed abbu completed in 1280 including this rediscovered painting there are only eleven surviving examples of his art known to exist in the world although it was coated in dust and a little worn by its exposure to heat the gold background and the traces of the original frame quickly confirmed the authenticity of the work the family were quick to cash in on their unexpected windfall and sold it for twenty eight point six million dollars sometimes you have to search high and low to find treasure other times it literally falls out of the sky and lands at your feet all you have to do is dodged the falling rock and lava to pick them up when the Hawaiian volcano Kilauea erupted in 2018 Ash and rock weren't the only things that spewed out onto Hawaii's Big Island it also started raining gems thousands of pea-sized minerals known as olivine were blasted into the air when Kilauea blew its top landing in the form of lumps known as peridot it's thought the crystals were formed when magma from the volcano was fired into the air by the explosion where the magnesium ikon silicates in the lava reacted with other elements to create the olivine sadly nobody on the island got rich on the back of this discovery when there are gemstones literally everywhere you look nobody needs to go out and buy them many countries all over the world including the United Kingdom and the United States of America have a television show called the Antiques Roadshow the idea of the show is that members of the public turn up with potentially valuable items they have at home and antique experts value them and try to buy them if they're worth anything usually those items are worth a few hundred dollars the item that James keener from Houston Texas took to the show was not one of those usual items what he thought was an ugly old sculpture turned out to be the work of the internationally famous French sculptor and artist Auguste Rodin James had inherited the piece from his great-aunt and didn't even like it but his opinion quickly changed when he was told it could be worth up to half a million dollars the piece was made by Rodin in the year 1900 and was called eternal spring for James it turned out to be a source of near eternal wealth when he sold the bronze statue to a French Museum even people who don't know much about art or antiques have a vague idea what a Ming Vaz looks like so here's an idea if you own something that looks like a Ming Vaz don't use it as an umbrella stand the owner of the vase bought it under the impression it was an 18th century piece and therefore wasn't worth much more than the 150 dollars they paid for it and over time for reasons best known to themselves they started leaving their umbrellas on it only when a friend suggested they might want to let an expert take a closer look at it was the true origin of the vase revealed it was an exceptionally rare example of valuable Chinese porcelain dating back to the earliest day of the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century and it was worth 20 million dollars it could have been broken or damaged by a badly placed umbrella at any time but fortunately it was rescued before that happened we can be sure it isn't being used for such an unsuitable purpose now if you are living in an old home but you've never renovated it since you moved in you might want to think about doing so not only will you have a nicer looking house but you might also find some secret treasure hiding in a secret location like under the floor or in the roof a couple doing some home improvements in Cleveland Ohio recently found a green suitcase waiting for them when they ripped open a false ceiling in their basement and in the suitcase was twenty three thousand dollars in old banknotes carefully wrapped in wax paper helpfully there was also an old newspaper in the suitcase with the money dated March 25th 1951 all of the notes were dated between 1928 and 1934 which suggests that they'd been hoarded for some time before they were put in the suitcase with the paper and interred into the ceiling they've had to report the fine to the police and have also consulted a lawyer to help them work out whether they'll be allowed to keep the old cash subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 1,507,904
Rating: 4.6645317 out of 5
Keywords: Most Amazing Treasures That Have Been Found Recently, treasures, amazing treasure, valuable things, expensive treasure, found recently, incredible treasure, gold found, gold, gemstone, jewelry, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: oRwObG5BAWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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