12 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds

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if we asked you to imagine an incredible archaeological Discovery what would it look like would it be a thousand years old or just a few hundred would it be enormous or would you be able to pick it up and carry it the truth is that it could be any of those things any archaeological find has the potential to be incredible and some of the best of them are here in this video The sigtuna Box gets its name from the fact that it was found in sigtuna Sweden in August 1911 it's a copper box notable because of a runic inscription that was engraved into its surface during the early 11th century the box is physical evidence of a trading Network that spanned the Baltic Sea during that era but historians are more fascinated by the engraving which takes the form of a poem more specifically it's an old Norse poem written in a specific meter that was used when scald poets wrote praise for their rulers in it a cuckoo chases a thief and then eats him it's a bizarre image but it might have had a symbolic meaning at the time which has subsequently been lost in the passage of Time the Box likely belonged to a merchant who would have used it to carry scales so they could weigh gold and silver no matter where they were a second graffiti-like inscription on the box translates into English as vermund colored these runes but it isn't known whether vermund was the original owner of the box in October 1975 a team of workers found a brick walled grave chamber inside the bar fuser Church in basil Switzerland during a renovation project within the grave they found a pair of well preserved coffins and within the coffins two sets of human remains one set was nothing more than a skeleton but the other set was the mummified cadaver of a woman who went on to become known as the lady of bar fuser Church research later identified her to be Anna Katarina Bishoff who was born in Strasburg France in March 1719 and died in basil in August 1787 she probably owes the location of her burial which would typically be reserved for people of high social status to the fact that she was the wife of Pastor Lucas gerer who served at the church for many years in 2015 another series of scientific tests revealed something far more surprising it turns out that Anna is a very distant relative of Boris Johnson the disgraced former prime minister of the United Kingdom we wonder what this pastor's wife would make of Boris Johnson if she'd been alive to see him four goat Square zoon might sound like a grouping of random words we've forced together but it's actually an ancient Chinese ritual br 's vessel specifically it's a zoon vessel which is a ritual wine vessel historians in China believe the artifact to be more than 3,000 years old which makes it a relic of the late Shang Dynasty era as is strongly implied by the artifacts name the vessel is surrounded by four horn curled goats making it utterly unique in the archaeological record you'll find it on display inside the national museum of China today but it was first discovered in hang Kai town Hunan Province in April 1938 by a pair of brothers digging for sweet potatoes on the side of a mountain this is the largest square-shaped zoon of its era ever to be discovered and also features a relief of four intertwined dragons to go with its four goats the four goat Square zoon actually went missing after being hidden to keep it safe from harm during the second world war but it was eventually relocated in 1952 it was sent to the national museum of Chinese history 7 years later but was passed on to the national museum of China later the same year much is known about Stonehenge the famous English stone circle but it's still a place of great Mysteries one of them is the matter of just over 40 of the site's smaller Stones known as blue stones they don't come from anywhere in the surrounding area instead they were quarried from the Pressley Hills in P Brookshire Wales that's almost 200 mil away and begs the question of how anyone could have transported them so far 5,000 years ago in 2019 a new study pinpointed the precise location in the Hills from which the stones were taken academics have determined that the Rocks were eased Away by using wedges to open up vertical points between each natural pillar of rock at the sights human-made Stone and wood platforms have been found in the valley beneath the site of K godog in the prelli Hills they were presumably made and used by stonehenge's Architects this might finally explain precisely where the stones came from and how they were broken from their native hillsides but it doesn't explain why or how they were transported across such an enormous distance The penrith Horde is so named because it was found dispersed across a number of fields in penrith Cumbria England over the course of more than 200 years the amount of time that elapsed between the discovery of the first artifact in The Horde and the discovery of the most recent makes it one of the most unusual treasure horde discoveries in British history The Horde comprises a set of silver penan brooches manufactured during the 10th Century the first item a large thistle brooch was discovered in 1785 a second brooch almost identical to the first was found nearby in 1830 most of the items in The Horde were found by two teams of AR archeologists working in close proximity to each other with metal detectors in 1989 historians think that the large broaches were originally deposited close to each other deliberately in the year 930 but they're less sure that the rest of the items were abandoned on purpose or buried at the same time the pieces are of a style that first became popular during the Roman British era but the style was adopted by the Vikings and these broaches are in fact almost certain Viking in origin you might have heard of the beo tapestry but it's less likely you've heard of the samol tapestry it's an ancient wall hanging made from wool and was discovered at the ancient tar Basin settlement of S Pool in Lop County Chin Chang China in 1984 when it was found it had been fashioned into a pair of men's trousers but that's not how it was initially designed and his historians find it very strange that it was butchered in such a fashion for so basic a purpose the tapestry is fascinating because of the many helenistic era features on it including a diadem and a Greek Centaur indicating that the piece might originally have come from the Greco trean Kingdom however the human figure in the tapestry might be a representation of a UEI soldier of the first century in which case the tapestry would contain both ancient and ancient Chinese elements making it a very challenging artifact to comprehend the identification of the figure as Chinese is controversial as he has blue eyes and cocko features it's only his dress style that appears to be non-european suggested dates for the tapestry range from the 3r century BCE to the 4th Century CE the tomb of minres also known as the Monument of minres is a cotap in Corfu Greece that dates back to the Archaic Period of around 2,600 years ago it was found by chance when the British army demolished a Venetian era Fortress in 1843 which uncovered the senot beneath it the sculpture of a lion that accompanies the monument is one of the oldest funerary Lions ever discovered in Greece this area was once part of the necropolis of Kira and it's likely that the tomb of manres was the largest and most visually impressive tomb in the whole necropolis the name minres comes from an ancient Greek inscription found within the tomb which identifies it as a structure built to honor menes ambassador of cor Kyra to ortha who was lost at sea the tomb was built with the assistance of his brother praim menes who came from ortha specifically to assist the people of cor Kyra with the construction of the monument the tomb is made of local Limestone which is soft so it's remarkable that it survived for so long in such good condition it now receives regular maintenance from the Greek Central archaeological Council moving from Greece to Italy we find the tombs of the reliefs of ceteri this is an at truscan era tomb created 2,400 years ago but discovered in 1847 the tomb is unique because almost every atrust era tomb that's been discovered to date is covered in frescos this one is instead decorated with stucco reliefs our understanding of the at truscan written language is imperfect but it's been possible to translate enough of the inscription inside the tomb to identify it as the private family Tomb of the matuna family it contains no fewer than 32 spaces at its lowest level above which a further 12 oblong niches were carved into the wall at some later point to allow more B IES to be added either the matuna family was very large or they continued to use the tomb for several Generations the presence of a lus horns and an ivory folding chair within the tomb suggests that they were a family of magistrates but the presence of shields armor and weaponry implies that they might also have been Warriors given that they live 2,400 years ago there's no reason why they couldn't be both now we head back to England for a look at the hve Amber cup which was found appropriately enough in hve East Sussex in 1856 the Bronze Age Relic was found inside an enormous round Barrow but the method used for Excavating the Barrow was crude and much of the archaeological evidence inside that should have been preserved was instead destroyed this is one of only two amber Cups ever to have been found in the British Isles the other one having been discovered in Dorset the vastly different styles of the two cups suggest that there's no connection between them scientists have dated the HOV Amber cup to around 1,250 BCE and believe it to be a product of the Wessex culture it was placed with its owner inside a coffin made from a single tree trunk along with a camton style dagger an Axe and a wet stone experts think it's likely that the cup was made in Britain but the material made from is not British it came from the Baltic region and its presence in the UK during the Bronze Age suggests early trade connections between Britain and the rest of Europe The stoloff Horde was ironically discovered in HHA wand in lower Austria we say ironically because despite this part of the world being known as lower Austria The Horde was discovered at the height of around 2,500 ft in the mountains above the village of stoloff in 1864 it's one of the most significant copper age discoveries in Austrian history and includes the oldest gold artifacts ever found in the country testing has revealed the objects that make up the horde to be approximately 6,000 years old The Horde comprises nine spiral rolls six double spiral pendants a pair of flat axes a pair of spiral bracelets two gold discs and a single piece of decorative sheet metal all shaped like a bear's tooth the gold discs are the most fascinating items in the collection as they're both decorated with rapos ornamentation and appear to have been designed to be attached to clothing by a thread that could be run through the holes in their Center similarities between the objects in the sto Hoff horde and objects that have been found in Poland have been noted but no connection has been proven yet much of what we know about the gods rituals beliefs and culture of the ancient South American tribes is down to the discovery of the Codex boura this is arguably the most important pictorial manuscript ever to be found on the continent but it isn't on display inside a museum instead it's held in The Archives of the Vatican in Italy the manuscript is pre-colombian dating to the 16th century and takes its name from Stefano boura who was an Italian Cardinal of the 18th century the Cardinal didn't discover the Codex though he merely owned it before it was acquired by the Vatican Library following the cardinal's death in 1804 rather than being a single cohesive document the Codex boura is a collection of manuscripts covering topics like divination rituals iconography and even calendars it's one of the very few codices that weren't deliberately destroyed by the barbaric Spanish Invaders during their 16th century Conquest the authorship of the the manuscript is unknown it may have been created by the TX Caltech people but it could just have easily been produced by the mixtech or the Chola sadly we'll probably never know the king's grave is the intentionally vague name given to a noteworthy archaeological site in Scania Sweden it's one of the grandest Nordic Bronze Age burial sites ever found in Scandinavia and so there's every chance that it was was created for a king but we have no way of knowing whether it was or it wasn't what we do know is that the tomb was created for a double burial and is approximately 3,400 years old the grave is a circular site with a diameter of 250 ft and is different in style from most other significant European burials of the Bronze Age not least because the cysts at the site are covered in mysterious petroglyphs images etched into their surface include Birds fish animals people boats and a chariot drawn by two horses the first formal archaeological excavation of the king's grave was performed by Gustaf Holstrom in 1931 and lasted for 2 years during that time the remains of an entire Stone AG settlement were identified beneath the enormous K sadly hallstrom's excavation also confirmed that the tomb had been raided in the distant past it might once have been possible to identif ify who was buried here but it will likely never be possible now subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications and you will be the first to know when a new video comes out thank you for watching and see you soon
Channel: Amazing Stock
Views: 44,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 12 Most Amazing Archaeological Finds, archaeological finds, artifacts finds, ancient artifacts, amazing artifacts, archaeological discoveries, archaeological artifacts, 12 most, top 12, most amazing
Id: V632zMYVlRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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