12 Bad Foods by Dr Peter Glidden, ND

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so here it is the list of the 12 bad foods that I don't want anyone to look at let alone eat are you ready by the way this is the last time that you will like me wheat barley rye oh that's right whole grains wheat barley rye and oats bad dog no biscuit oil in a bottle fried food meat cooked well done meat that has nitrates added as preservatives the skins of baked potatoes yams sweet potatoes a carbonated beverage with a meal carbonated beverages with a meal I don't care if it's Perrier sparkling water beer club soda or champagne if it has bubbles in it do not drink it with a meal soy and corn that's right soy and corn these foods are bad bad for the human body and if you eat these foods it's only a matter of time until the net negative effects that they generate in your body add up and something breaks very much like the straws that broke the camel's back if you unwittingly consume food that's hurting your body every single day it's only a matter of time until something goes wrong one of the biggest myths that's persistent in the popular culture of the 21st century is the myth of the whole grain wheat barley rye and oats contain a protein called gluten and gluten is bad for most human beings why because the gluten molecule is a protein a protein made of amino acids which are daisy chained together and amino acids are essential nutrients the body needs them makes them amino acids are essential for help it's the job of your stomach to break apart the amino acids inside the gluten protein liberating the amino acids giving your body access to the amino acids that make up gluten but the chemical bonds that hold the amino acids together inside of the gluten proteins are very difficult if not impossible for your stomach acid to digest now most people have weak stomach acid anyway and this just compounds exaggerate the factor so most people when they swallow we barley rye or oats the gluten protein becomes undigested and instead of individual amino acids entering into the small intestine to be absorbed into the bloodstream you get long chains of intact connected amino acids and when your small intestine attempts to absorb the undigested long chains of amino acids that causes a lot of problems the tissue in the intestinal tract which is responsible for absorbing nutrients becomes damaged it's kind of like if a vacuum cleaner with a bristle brush is trying to vacuum up a string of pearls the string of pearls is going to jam up the gears but if the bristle vacuum attempts to suck up individual pearls on the carpet it can do that no problem similar circumstance here in the small intestine which leads to life's one of life's greatest ironies consistent consumption of whole grains will hurt you not only does it hurt you directly by damaging tissue in the body but it hurts you indirectly because the tissue that it damages is responsible for absorbing nutrients the more whole grains you eat the less able your body is to absorb nutrients into the bloodstream and because all chronic diseases are directly related to nutrient deficiencies the more Whole Grains you eat the more likely you are to suffer with a chronic disease wheat barley rye and oats stop eating them now next on the list oil and fried food oil oxidizes if you look at an olive oil bottle a canola oil bottle of flaxseed bottle any type of oil in a bottle between the top of the oil and the top of the bottle there's an air gap air contains oxygen and as the oil sits in the bottle it is becoming oxidized the longer it's in the bottle the more oxidized it becomes and when you pour that oil onto a cooking surface a fry pan or a wok for instance you heat the oil it oxidizes within minutes when you introduce an oxidized substance into the human body you create inflammation inflammation low levels of low grade constant inflammation which again like the straws that broke the camel's back add up add insult to injury and it's only a matter of time until your system can't handle that anymore in something breaks when you fry food this process becomes accelerated remarkably oil heated in a frialator creates a molecule in the food which is fried called acrylamide so when you deep-fry a piece of chicken deep fry potato deep fry anything that has a protein in it acrylamide is formed what's wrong with acrylamide well I thought you might never ask its carcinogenic now when you look at a map in the of the United States county-by-county of life expectancies the people in the United States would have the shortest life expectancies live in the south the Old Confederate south they have the same doctors the same education the same water the same hospitals the same everything that everybody else in the United States has so why do they have the shortest life expectancies I'll tell you why because in the United States in the south below the mason-dixon line fried food is a religion fried foods rectoress fried food for lunch fried food for dinner it's just part of the cultural ethos the more fried food you eat the shorter your life will be because you're introducing cancer-causing substances inflammatory causing substances into your body all of the time and that's not a good idea I know that dr. oz told you to drink olive oil dr. oz is a medical doctor trained in cardiovascular surgery if you are attempting to understand the meat and potatoes of medical nutrition no oil in a bottle that means no salad dressing no cooking oil certainly no fried food I don't even want you to be downwind of fried food eliminate them completely on salads you can use vinegar you can use lemon juice you can use salt and pepper and now at health food stores you can find salad dressing which is oil free and if you'd like to cook something in a fry pan no harm no foul use butter or lard not Crisco lard is rendered animal fat rendered goose fat rendered duck fat rendered pork fat rendered beef fat like the French cook with lard cook with butter use salt live long and prosper next on the list red meat cooked well done you will read research every once in a while that relates directly the consumption of red meat to higher incidences of cancer especially colon cancer well our argument is it's not the meat it's what's in the meat or how the meat is cooked when you cook red meat well-done you cook it and through chemical is created called a heterocyclic amine heterocyclic amines cause inflammation and cancer if you cook red meat rare or medium rare there are less heterocyclic amines so cancer-causing substances it only makes sense our smart things to stay away from if you are a meat lover a meat eater then cook your meat rare or medium rare and if you use a grill wrap it in aluminum foil because the grill marks on the steaks are not only carbon but they're heterocyclic amines so avoid that noise and optimize the structure and function of your body moving forward it's not the meat it's how it's cooked or what's in it which leads us to the next thing on the list meat that has nitrates added as preservatives deli ham deli turkey bacon pepperoni sausage there are a lot of meats which the butcher injects nitrates into to keep the meat looking nice and red in the deli case only problem with nitrates when they're heated they turn into a chemical called a nitrosamine which is carcinogenic so our recommendation avoid meat that's been injected with nitrates this is easier than you think if you shop at Whole Foods all the meat that's available in a Whole Foods Market Place is nitrate free if you have a local butcher tell your butcher that you have an allergy to nitrates you don't but if your butcher thinks you're allergic to it and he will make sure the meat that he or she sells you will be nitrate free no nitrates no cancer no inflammation get it got it good next on the list the skins of baked potatoes yams or sweet potatoes you know when the skins get nice and crispy because they're twice baked or thrice baked right well the skin of the potato when it gets crunchy and crispy like that is loaded by virtue of the heating process with heterocyclic amines heterocyclic amines now you know cause cancer and inflammation so if you want to eat a potato a baked yam or sweet potato that has a crispy crust crispy skin don't eat the skin you can eat the potato part but not the skin if you'd like to eat the skin then you can boil the potato yam or sweet potato or put them in a crock pot when the skin is crunchy and crispy you must not eat it I mean if you breathed in asbestos every day it's only a matter of time until you get mesothelioma right if you work in a coal mine without a mask it's only a matter of time until you get black lung so stop eating food that's gumming up the works stop eating food that's hurting you and you're going to go a long way towards supporting and promoting your body's ability to fix itself carbonated beverage with a meal why is that dr. Clinton well the bubbles in your carbonated beverage by the way I don't care if it's beer champagne soda water Perrier sparkling water a ginger ale soda pop anything at all that has bubbles in it the bubbles of carbon dioxide carbon dioxide has an interesting property it reduces acidity it neutralizes acids carbon dioxide neutralizes acids so when you drink something with bubbles in it during a meal you're neutralizing the stomach acid in your stomach this is not a good idea in a healthy stomach your stomach acid should be so strong that if you chopped off a finger and swallowed it your stomach would digest it down to the bone your stomach is a bag of acid the stronger the acid the better but when you drink a carbonated beverage before immediately before or during a meal you impede the digestive process of the stomach by neutralizing the stomach acid most people have weak stomach acid anyway because in order to have strong stomach acid you must be salting your food liberally your body needs the chloride that's in the salt to make strong hydrochloric acid and you also need calcium in order to have the acid squirted into the stomach from the chief cells in the stomach t-cells make the hydrochloric acid and they squirt them out into the stomach if your calcium deprived deficient in the trace mineral calcium the introduction of hydrochloric acid into the stomach will be compromised now most people have been told by their medical doctor to be on a salt restricted diet and most people are deficient in calcium so most people stomach acid is weak to begin with and then when you pour a carbonated beverage into the stomach on top of weak acid its super weak and you're not going to digest hardly anything out of your food soy and corn that's right soy and corn these are recent additions to the list previous to October 2015 we considered 10 bad foods we have recently added corn and soy to the list and here is why corn and soy are amongst the most genetically modified genetically engineered foods available on planet earth and they are abundantly copiously profusely sprayed with an herbicide called Roundup scientific name kur witches glyphosate recent data released by the World Health Organization of all places the World Health Organization classifies roundup as a carcinogen a cancer-causing agent and research also links directly the use of genetically engineered food the consumption of genetically engineered corn and genetically engineered soy with four different types of cancer and deaths from high blood pressure deaths from stroke let's look at the numbers this first chart here shows the incidence of liver and bile duct cancer liver and bile duct cancer the red line which you'll see going across the chart is incidence of these types of cancer when roundup has been applied to corn or soy whether it was genetically engineered or not the blue line shows rates of cancer when people have consumed genetically engineered corn and soy so you can have naturally-occurring corn and soy that's had roundup sprayed on it and or you can have genetically engineered corn and soy that hazard has not had Roundup applied to it that's what the red and the blue line signifies the yellow bars the vertical bars on this chart are the incidence of the different types of cancer now interestingly on this chart you'll see a green bar going across at about a 35 degree angle that green bar represents the incidence of in this case liver and bile duct cancer that we would expect to be happening from historical trends what we would expect to see happening from historical trends and this of course is juxtaposed to the increased incidence of these types of cancer when people are eating genetically modified corn and soy and/or corn and soy that have been sprayed with the herbicide roundup you can see in this case liver and bile duct cancer up remarkable correlation between the two next on the list kidney cancer it's a similar list it's harder to see the trend here but the trend exists the incidence of kidney cancer has increased since the introduction here of genetically engineered corn and soy and or the consumption of corn and soy that has been applied sprayed with Roundup bladder cancer this is an easier trend to see bladder cancer here skyrocketing bladder cancer that's not good so so so far we have liver cancer kidney cancer bladder cancer that can't be good sigh royde cancer as well this is interesting because you see the green bar here is the trend the trend it's a vertical trend there wasn't really any increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer but then we start eating genetically modified corn and soy and/or corn and soy that has roundup sprayed on it boom a dramatic rise in thyroid cancer deaths from high blood pressure deaths from high blood pressure another dramatic correlation here you can see the green bar going across which is what we would expect from past historical trends since genetically engineered corn and soy and roundup have been applied to these products a startling increase and last but not least deaths from stroke you can see again a remarkable increase now any one of these increased incidences would be enough to stay away from this stuff right but when you put them all together it makes genetically engineered corn and soy and/or corn and soy that's been sprayed with Roundup the biggest baddest voodoo daddy of them all now in the United States believe it or not it's not that easy to discover whether or not your corn or your soy which is labeled organic is actually organic so you have to do your homework Whole Foods interestingly enough has a very good labeling system through which they help you the consumer determine whether or not or the extent to which the food that you think is organic actually is organic unless you grow your vegetables and fruits yourself in the United States it is virtually impossible to tell whether or not it has in fact been genetically engineered moral to this story is just avoid corn and soy unless you know for sure it's not genetically engineered it's heirloom corn and soy and absolutely positively it's not been sprayed with the pesticide roundup interestingly enough this should also extrapolate into corn syrup which food industry is putting in just about everything these days so I'm making the assumption here that if pesticides roundup applied to corn and soy does this I would also assume that the pesticide applied to tomatoes and avocados and oranges and grapefruits and spinach and every other vegetable in fruit would have similar results that's an extrapolation I haven't seen the science but remember it looks like a duck flies like a duck quacks like an MD you should stay away from for goodness sakes go organic ladies and gentlemen educate yourself about what really is organic and what is suspect and for goodness sakes my recommendation stay the heck away from corn and soy in addition to the other 10 bad foods nutrify your body every day with a 90 essential nutrients live long and prosper thanks for your attention and your time I'll see you around campus
Channel: Young4 Life
Views: 1,389,611
Rating: 4.7250218 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Glidden, Dr Joel Wallach, Dr Wallach, Dr Peter Glidden, tangy tangerine, healthy body pack, 90 for life, beyond tangy tangerine, nutritional supplements, Youngevity products, Dr Wallach minerals, Youngevity Australia, Youngevity USA
Id: Jm71w3LzhQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2017
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