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oh what's up guys Justin here with the CG essentials.com so in today's video we're going to talk about some of the top effects that you can add to post process your images using the compositor let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so first off if you've ever gone through and rendered an image and forgotten to check the box for denoise you know how frustrating that can be um and obviously this image renders really quickly but if you have a more complex image you can be waiting a long time and then you can end up with this noise data in your image right so this is just kind of noisy okay and so you can see how my rendered image has a bunch of noise in it however in order to fix that instead of going back and re-rendering your image you can use the render layers function inside of your uh compositing node tree you can do a shift a and you can add a denoise node and so I'm going to take that denoise node right here and I'm going to add it in the middle between my render layers and my composite and so notice how this comes in here and this will actually remove the noise from your rendered data now a more accurate way to do this would be to go over into your into your view layer properties and you want to make sure that you add the denoising data in here and so I think you're going to want to go back and re-render when you add new data to this node right here so let's go back and re-render our image and what you want to do is you want to make sure that you drag your denoising normal and your denoising Albedo in here as well and that's going to give you an even better denoised result without you having to re-render your image alright so next up we've got the ability to add glare to our image so in this case we're going to do a shift a and we're going to go down into the filter section and specifically we want to focus on the glare function so if I click on glare I can click into my scene and I can bring my image in my glare function right here and I can use this in order to create multiple different kinds of glare right so you can click on the drop down you can add ghosts you can add streaks you can add simple star so there's multiple different effects in here and so you can use this to adjust the threshold the fade so you can use this in order to make your glare show up in your scene now note that you can also go into your view layer properties and use the admission data so if I scroll down to light and I click on emission notice how that now shows up as an option on our first um on our render layers option over here so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to re-render this image so we can have that emission data but in this case what I could do is I've already got my image and I want that to go into my denoising node but I'm going to take my emission data and plug it into my glare right here and then I'm going to add a mix node so I'm going to type in mix click on this right here I'm going to drag image into my image like this and in this case I don't want mix I want add and so now what that's doing is that's allowing me to add the glare only where the emission is going on right so if I added these streaks notice how those streaks are only going to show up on the objects that are actually emitting light so you can use this to kind of combine together your image and your emission if you want your emission to just come off of individual objects that are emitting light and not off of the rest of your image all right so next up is a fairly common effect that you might apply in like a Photoshop or something like that and we're going to use the Barcelona Pavilion example model that comes with geoscatter in order to do this so if you look at this image right now if you wanted to you could adjust the brightness and contrast in here without adjusting your scene lighting and so we want to do a shift a and we want to go down into the color settings and you want to click on the option for brightness and contrast we're going to go ahead and we're going to add that to our node tree and so notice when we do that that gives us a little slider in here where you can adjust exactly what it sounds like the brightness and the contrast so notice how as I bring that brightness up this image is going to get brighter and brighter now you want to be a little bit careful with that because you can pretty easily make your image look kind of washed out though you could combine them with the contrast setting so say I was to bring this up I could also bring my contrast up as well or you could just adjust the contrast of your image using a slider as well so notice how the contrast is going to give you a very pronounced difference between your darks and your lights in your scene so you can also take both of these in a negative direction if you need to bring your brightness down for example notice how that's doing this so those are really good for making those quick adjustments in here without having to re-render with um different lighting settings so in addition to brightness and contrast we also have the ability to do color correction and there's a bunch of different nodes in here for this I'm not going to talk too much about them specifically but you can do a shift a and you can go into the color settings right here and you can adjust things like the RGB curves and so if I bring the RGB Curves in here notice what you can do is you can adjust the RGB curves for different color values in your scenes so for example say that you have too many greens in your scene foreign you can adjust this curve to kind of reduce the amount of green now um color grading itself is kind of its own science so um I I will definitely say that I'm not an expert in that field but notice how you can adjust this is significantly change the look of your image in your scene so you could use the RGB curves there's also a grade node in here for Hue saturation and value right so if you take Hue saturation and value and I'm just going to drag this across here whoops like this that's going to do exactly what it sounds like right you've probably done this in Photoshop if you do any kind of like post-processing or anything like that you can adjust the saturation of your image using a saturation slider so notice how as I bring this up those colors start getting more saturated looking now you do want to be a little bit careful with this obviously it's really easy to like over saturate your images in your scene but you can use this to make your colors more vibrant as well as adjusting the Hue of the scene if you want to do that so usually I don't do too much with the Hue usually I might do a little bit with the saturation just to get a little bit of emphasis on some of the colors that are in here but again you just want to be kind of careful because over saturating your image is going to make it look unrealistic so another interesting note in here is the Hue correct and so if you take the Hue correct what that's going to do is that's actually going to allow you to adjust the Hue of specific colors so for example if you want your Blues to be a little bit more blue notice I can take the blue in here and it's going to kind of correct that and make specifically the blue in here Bluer so notice how as I drag this up I'm getting more blue in here while it's not necessarily affecting the other colors that are in here so I could do the same things like the green of the grass right if I just want to adjust the Hue of the grass notice how I can use this in order to adjust this up or down in order to make that specific color more vibrant so if you do want to make like specific parts of your scenes pop like this notice how you can use this Hue correct value in order to do that all right so you can do color correction you can also if you want to convert your image to a black and white image and so you could do that just by doing a shift a and then adding an RGB to BW node and so from there you can take your render output right here and that's just going to give you a value but if you plug this value into your image like this notice how that's going to give you a grayscale black and white image so you can use this in order to really quickly convert your image into black and white and notice how that is going through your brightness and contrast node so you can use that to add additional contrast to your image if you want to giving you more ability to adjust the the grayscale values in your black and white image all right so next up we're going to use this sketchfab model the combat steampunk robot from Andre Malin and in this case we've got a nice little rendering right here and what we want to do is we want to add an image over it specific Ally something like a watermark and so the way that we might do that is we might do like a shift a and what we want to do is we want to add an image node so I'm going to do a shift a we're going to look for image right here and then there's options down at the bottom where you can open up an image so let's say that we wanted to open up just like the blender logo and so what I want to do is I want to bring this image in and I want to move it over this object right here but if I was to just drag this in here right that's not going to work because it's just going to replace our rendered image so we need to do is we need to use a node that allows us to put an object over top of another object like stacking these together and so in this case we want to do a shift a and we want to look for an alpha over node so if I bring the alpha over node what that's going to do is that's going to allow me to stack two objects on top of each other so I'm going to take this image I'm going to put it on the bottom right here and I'm going to take this image and put it on the top and then I'm going to drag this over here and so notice what that does is that's going to take this image and it's going to place it over top of the other image and then from there we can move it around using a transform node so I'm going to do a shift a I'm going to look for a transform right here and what we want to do is we want to adjust the scale to make it a little smaller so maybe like 0.5 notice how that makes it half as big and then you can adjust your X and Y values just by dragging or typing in values in here right so in this case I'm going to move this up about right here and we're going to move it over like this and so that's how you can use the alpha over node in order to add an image on top of an object okay so now let's say that we wanted to render this with a transparent background and then replace that background with a color well what we can do is we can go back into our layout View and we want to go into our render properties in our cycle settings and we want to toggle on the option for transparent which could be or should be under the film option and so I'm going to click on the option for transparent what you're going to notice is this background goes to a transparent material meaning that we can use that in the compositor in a minute now I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to take this floor and I'm just going to change it to a shadow catcher because all I want it to do is catch the Shadows not show up as this big like flat plane in here so we're actually going to go under the uh we're going to go under the visualize options and check the box for shadow catcher mask now we're going to jump over into the compositor and so the first thing we need to do in the compositors we need to re-render our image so now say that you wanted to add a color background to this scene but what we can do is we can go back into our compositor like this and notice how you may need to toggle backdrop on and off right here in order to get this to update but what I can do is I can take this image and I can add a mixed node and so when I do this I'm just going to do a shift a I'm going to look for mix when I do a mix we want our image to actually go in this bottom and I'm going to disconnect this node right here and so then what I want to do is I want to adjust the color right here notice how it's not doing anything yet the first thing we want to do is drag our Alpha value into the factor right here then once we've done that now you can see that this is replacing that transparent background with a color right here so you can use that transparency in the background along with a color in order to replace your normal background with a colored background in your image okay and so what this is doing is this is giving us like a solid color in the background but let's say that we didn't want that what we want instead is we want more of a gradient background and so the way that you can do this is you can do this using masks and so let's say for example that we were to do a shift a we want to add a mask and in this case we're going to look for any lips mask right here and this is one place for that viewer node can be helpful so I'm just going to drag a value out of here we're just going to add a viewer node right here and we're going to toggle this background on just because we want to see what this is doing and so notice what this is doing is this is creating any lips in your 3D space and you can adjust the x value which is the location as well as some other things like the width and the height of this ellipse right so I can make this use this to make like an oval I can basically use this to create a shape and blender and so what we want to do is we want to use this ellipse mask to mask out the colors in some location all right and so now we've got the circle but we kind of want to blur the edges on this circle a little bit right so the way that we can do that is we can just do a shift a and just add a blur node like this I'm just going to add this blur node and we're going to go ahead and we're going to run these nodes just like this and so notice what that does is nothing right now but what we need to do is we need to adjust the X and the Y values and notice how when I adjust the X and the Y values like this notice how those edges start getting kind of fuzzy right and I'm going to go ahead and bring the size down on this for a minute just so we can see it a little better um but notice how we've got the fuzzy edges in here like this and so what we want to do is we want to use this as our uh we want to use this in order to create our colors in the background right and you can create a lot of different kinds of masks but in this case I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to drag this into my image over here I'll notice how all that does is it just gives you this kind of like black and white image in here which is not really what you want though we can use this to go ahead and come in here and make this a little bit bigger so that it fits with our image remember that you can like move this to the left and the right using the X and Y values like this but I'm going to go ahead I'm going to extend this out so we get even more of a blur in here note that there are different blurs in here like this fast gaussian probably gives you a little bit better result right but what we don't like about this is this isn't giving us colors in the background it's just giving us this kind of like black and white view right well we can change that by adding a mixed node right here so we're just going to do a shift a we're going to add a mix node so when I drop that in there notice how it's going to replace everything which isn't necessarily what we want we also want this going into the bottom not the top but what we want instead is we don't want this to mix two things together we want this to add them together so when I click on ADD notice how I get a different result here but you can't really tell what it's doing until you do something other than white so now if we look at this notice how I can adjust this to a different color right here and we can use this to add a color to this image so see how we can use this in order to create a gradient background in blender and then one other thing to know is if you wanted to and I'm gonna go ahead and toggle off this viewer node right here but if you wanted to you could invert this ellipse mask so what that would do is that would swap the blacks for the whites so we're going to do a shift a we're going to do an invert but in that mask that's going to swap this out so that where it was dark in The Mask now it's light and vice versa and so you can use this in order to add gradient colors to your backgrounds in the compositor all right so then also if you wanted to get like a vignette effect around the outside instead of using a color like this you could bring your color value down to something that's kind of black and white and so you can see how you can use this in order to kind of get that vignette effect and so one of the cool things about that is you could come in here and you could adjust this ellipse mask so that it's shorter right here so if you make that effect shorter like this then you can get this where it kind of goes all the way around your image right here so you can use this in order to really quickly do that you could also bring this width down a little bit more if you wanted to do that as well so you can use that to simulate kind of a vignette effect in blender all right so if you want to download some of the example files from my series on the compositor you can check those out at the CG essentials.com compositor leave a comment below let me know if you have any questions I will link to my beginner compositor playlist on this page as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this and I'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 7,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials, thecgessentials.com, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender 2.9, blender 2.91, blender compositor, blender denoising, blender denoise, blender compositor background, blender compositor effects
Id: 8x2qfWNHedM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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