12 Amazing Potato Recipes!! Collections ! Delicious and Easy ! Potato Snack , French Fries

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12 amazing potato recipes potatoes 600g Country Dry the water Fry the potatoes Fry 15 minutes Cheese powder Video 2 French fries Potatoes 1kg 1/2tsp pepper, 1/2tsp chili powder, 1/2tsp salt, 2tbsp cooking oil, 2tbsp potato powder Mix Put the potatoes in the tray Bake at 230°C for 1 hour Leave in the fridge for 3 hours Cut into small pieces Fry the potatoes Fry 15 minutes Video 3 4 Potatoes Salt 1tsp Put the potatoes in and soak for 15 minutes Fried dough Cooking oil Fry the potatoes Fry for 10 minutes Chili Sauce 2tbsp, Water 50ml, Sugar 1tbsp Cook for 2 minutes Coriander Video 4 Potatoes 450g Sliced ​​potatoes Put in water to wash Pepper 1/5tsp, Chilli Powder 1/5tsp, Salt 1/2tsp, Wheat Flour 60g Cooking oil Fry the potatoes Fry for 10 minutes Video 5 Potatoes 450g Steam for 20 minutes All-purpose flour 230g, Salt 1/2tsp Mix Put in boiling water and boil for 3 minutes Take it out and put it in cold water Cooking oil 1tbsp, garlic 1tbsp Tomato sauce 2tbsp 1tbsp Soy Sauce, 1tbsp Chili Sauce, 1/3tsp Salt, Mix Onion 5g Video 6 Potatoes 500g Sliced ​​potatoes Boil 5 minutes Pepper 1/4tsp, Garlic Powder 1/4tsp, Chilli Powder 1/2tsp, Salt 1/2tsp, Potato Powder 50g Mix Mozzarella Cheese 50g Cooking oil Fry the potatoes Fry 4 minutes Video 7 Potatoes 500g Sliced ​​potatoes More water Boil 15 minutes Chilli Powder 1/4tsp, Pepper 1/4tsp, Salt 1/2tsp, Garlic Powder 1/4tsp, Wheat Flour 50g, Corn Flour 60g Mix Cooking oil Put the potato stick in the fry Fry 8 minutes Cheddar cheese 5 slices , Garlic powder 1/4tsp , Chilli powder 1/4tsp , Video 8 Onions 350g Potato 160g Add water to clean Green onions 10g Chilli powder 1/4tsp , Pepper 1/4tsp , Turmeric powder 1/4tsp , Salt 1/2tsp , Cooking oil 1tbsp , Wheat flour 100g , 1 egg Mix diving member Put in the fry Fry 8 minutes Video 9 Potatoes 500g More water Boil 15 minutes Pepper 1/5tsp, Salt 1/2tsp, Potato Flour 80g, Wheat Flour 40g Mix Boil 3 minutes Put in cold water Sugar 1tbsp, Chili Powder 1tbsp, Soy Sauce 1tbsp, Chili Sauce 1tbsp, Water 45ml Stirred Cooking oil 1tbsp, Garlic 1tbsp, Onion 20g Mozzarella Cheese 100g Video 10 Potatoes 300g More water Boil 15 minutes Salt 1/2tsp, chili powder 1/3tsp, Pepper 1/4tsp, All-purpose flour 100g Mix Boil 3 minutes Put in cold water Mozzarella Cheese 80g Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes Video 11 Potatoes 350g Diced Wash red chili 40g Sliced ​​into yarn green chili 40g Onion 15g Cooking oil, onions Potato Salt 1/3tsp , Oyster Sauce 1tbsp , Soy Sauce 1tbsp , Chili Sauce 1tbsp Mix red chili, green chili Stir-fry 8 minutes Video 12 Milk 100ml, Sugar 20g, yeast 3g, Potatoes 200g All-purpose flour 250g, salt 1/2tsp Mix Butter 25g Wait 2 hours Green onions 25g After 2 hours Fry 5 minutes Thank you for watching the video! Click to subscribe to the channel to help the channel grow quickly.
Channel: Cooking Kun
Views: 2,256,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking kun, street food, recipes, easy recipes, yt:cc=on, Potato Recipes, potato chips, french fries, french fries recipe, thousand layer potatoes, potato, how to make french fries, crispy french fries recipe
Id: yb0WMfvESCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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