Losing $8k during the Live Day Trading Show $APVO +150%

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all right let's see what is going on here we've got let's see we'll give it a second i hope you guys all had a good weekend this morning is going to be pretty interesting we have news from pfizer that the um phase three was showing uh 90 percent effective for covin we've got some big moves after hours yesterday or friday i'm just restarting this one broadcast here we're half live we've got one other to go okay there we go and copy paste okay let's see if that works all right good morning everyone those you guys just getting logged in so as we sit here this morning with about a little over 40 minutes to the bell what you'll notice uh first is possibly one of the biggest gaps in the market that we've seen in a very long time this is uh really quite impressive so let's back it up here um we'll go back to last week when the market was bouncing off the 200 moving average and i said you know this is a good spot to be a buyer but this was on uh october 30th and i said i i just with the volatility of the elections i just don't feel confident buying um you know right now long into the market because there's just there's just there's a big variable not to be political it's just a fact that an election is volatility and this one was um and will probably continue to be especially um you know volatile so i did not jump into the s p on that bounce off the 200. we ended up squeezing right here over the last few days and then look at this pre-market so we're up at uh 365 right now let's just mark out all-time highs on the s p 358 just like that back to all-time highs so this is a big factor for today big gap in the market and a lot of stocks are going to be riding this sort of frenzy of momentum it is hurting some of the stay-at-home stocks like zoom and etsy these ones are getting beaten up a little bit and i was just thinking about etsy the other day i was thinking about how going into the holiday season this is going to be one uh you know that we'll probably want to keep an eye on and well just like that you know this covid uh vaccine candidate comes out 90 effective according to pfizer in the phase 3 trial and now these stocks are getting knocked down but we can all i think probably agree that a 90 effective rate in a phase three study trial that's still a ways away from being accessible to us uh and 90 is certainly good uh you know but then you know there's gonna be questions on whether or not it's been tested on children whether or not um you know do we still have to wear masks do we still have social distance you know it's it's just this kind of um and how many people actually decide to get it because some people might just say well i'm not i don't trust it it's too new i don't want to get it so i i think that zoom selloff is probably a little premature but the market you know how it is so apvo now this are you kidding me this went to 82.84 on friday what unbelievable this is parabolic fireworks momentum this is insane i mean seriously this is impressive so and and pre-market it's at 68 so anyone that is swing trading this is the short side i mean just think about if you have 10 000 shares if you sure 10 000 shares at you know 20 dollars it goes to 30 or down 100 grand goes to 40 you're down 200 goes to 50 or down 300 grand it goes to 60 you're down 400 grand it goes to 70 you're down half a million bucks that's just on 10 000 shares it goes to 100 you're gonna be down over a million dollars and i know that there's people out there that swing trade these to the short side because of course what we often see to be the case um you know with big momentum stocks is that you have this kind of fireworks move and here's lfin um down here at eight cents right so here's the day it went to 120 comes down to eight cents that's a big win if you're you know short but you know you get in too soon and it holds up and all of a sudden you know you've got a problem so apvo let's look at the levels a little bit um more here so we've got our after hour high right there 82 we've got a pre-market high right here of 76. another little pivot there we've got this little high right here of 68. no doubt about it um this is one that at this price is gonna have bigger spreads and that's going to create a little bit more risk we can see that the volume has been declining as it goes higher but that's also a factor that at higher prices most people won't be able to afford the ten thousand shares they were able to afford when it was at you know five six dollars so someone who trade ten thousand shares at six dollars maybe only be trading a thousand shares or 1500 shares up at this price so as the price goes up the volume will tend to decline a bit now we still have about 40 minutes to the bell 30 34 35 minutes 36 minutes high of this current candle is 64 12. it's a five minute candle high volume on this one though look at that from 50 all the way up to 68. so i think this is one definitely to be mindful of uh to keep an eye on whether it's worth watching in this area here you know that's the first one minute candle to make a new high it only has about 522 000 shares of volume at this very moment so the volume is still a little on the light side pre-market and we have right now actually a two and three point spread 61 by 63. but you can see how quickly it'll start to move back up so i think the game plan on this one is going to be it's going to have to be to focus on really really good setups because any trade you take has you at risk of losing potentially five dollars a share and so if you don't take i mean a perfect setup a perfect setup you're gonna have a high likelihood that it'll work you can overcome the spreads because it'll it'll work it'll probably go up but if you start taking risky setups like you know even the first one when you can't make a new high in this case because of how much it pulled back that's too a little too risky from 68 all the way down to 57 that's almost a nine point pullback right so we just have to wait for a little more volume the first five minute channel will make a new high right here over 64 12. that's a little tricky because the one minute is extended here so we would need to see i think at least uh an abcd pattern on the one minute and then through that abcd pattern you know perhaps we get resolution on the on the five um the higher this candle 6412 but yeah so you can see right here it pulled back to the 20 moving average we'll make this a little bigger down here this is our 10 second chart so you can see how hey hey hey sorry guys hang on one second come on hope everyone's awake so high of this is uh 63. so you know through this consolidation here you have a potential trade over 63 dollars your first target 68 and your second target would be 73 and 76 and then you'd say well is it going to go back up towards the high so i would watch this um probably put an order at like 60 64. and we'll just see you know again like i said this is higher risk it goes the wrong way and it's gonna not be fun so this is a one minute abcd pattern i'm watching the tape right now seeing a couple red orders going through you can see the first five minute candle to make a new high will be at what price 6412 but the one minute abcd pattern is at 63 even so those are the levels to keep an eye on a couple other stocks are active acb which we'll look at a little bit more altm which we can also take a look at so you know we've got we've got a few that are definitely worth watching a few that are interesting my sort of expectation on ap vo is that if we break through 75 76 then retesting 82 should be pretty quick and then we're looking at a move up towards i mean it's kind of crazy but 100 bucks so watching the tape 61 by 62 taking a starter right there so i'm accumulating a position right here and i'm going to add 368. so as it's starting to open up this is where i step up to the plate so let's watch this here through the high of 68. we're seeing that accumulation which is good this is a apex point on the abcd pattern high of this current candle is 63.45 watch over 65. we get the break of 65 68 and then we're going to be looking at a move up towards 70. this is a setup that is going to take a little time to accumulate we want to give it a chance but 68 is the obvious breakout spot so i want to add into 68 and then the target is 75. i don't have full size yet i'm going to keep adding as it moves higher watching over 60 high this level right here 68 so watching over 68 for my ad so we'll let it consolidate let it pull back the high there's 68 that's the spot that we've got kind of you know zoning in on we've got 60 on the bid so you see you know this is the typical sort of consolidation and range of this stock no surprise there 68 is our breakout spot high of that pop was 65 45 so 65 45 is the line in the sand that we need to see break obviously a little higher priced we've got 62 on the ask we want to see 64 and 65. this one as we get uh closer to the bell it'll be interesting interesting to see if we get an accumulation of volume i suspect that we will so right now we're still in range needs to break over 65 66 and then look for a move up towards 68 and 70. the volume through this area is still a little on the lighter side ten thousand share buyer right there sixty one fifty ten thousand share buyer on this stock that's six hundred grand so keep an eye out on the bid for those big buyers 61.66 on the ask we're up 159 percent so what i want to see here is through this the first one-minute candle to make a new high and then a breakthrough 65. watching the one-minute chart watching the 10-second chart you're up 162 with 600 000 shares of volume so as it curls here we want to see that break through 64 and 65. so high this last candle is 62 21. although the spread is 6210 by 63. let's watch here if it curls up over 60 63 50 64. i see acb but it's pulling back a little bit so i'm not going to focus on that one as much apvo is our leading gap in the market up 162 percent so leading gap is the one i usually like to focus on it's dipping down a little bit so i'm going to stop out i'm going to take my loss and then i can get back in the low right here is 57 i don't want if it doesn't if it drops too much it's better for me to get out and take the loss and then get back in so this one right here this abcb that was the apex point and it really should have gone right on that candle and it didn't so i was willing to give it a second but it had to hold this support line and when it failed i had to let it go so it took a loss on that one it's still going to be on watch and the pre-market levels are 68 73 94 76 and then 82-84 second leading gap or sndl let's see hang on one second [Music] so second leading gap or sndl let's check that out i think on that one floats a little too high i'd probably leave that one alone to be honest high is 85 cents too cheap anyways amc 84 million share flow so this is one of those ones zoom goes down amc goes up amc theaters i'm i'm not gonna i'm not gonna mess around with this one i'm not interested in it c-a-l-t what's this floats 24 million shares it's not too high i'm not sure aht so this one has a pre-market high of 219. it's a little cheaper does anyone see news on it hospitality trust aht floats 12 million shares pfizer i'm not really interested in day trading that it's a large cap stock and you can certainly see what mike and some of the other traders over in the large cap room think of it but for me i'm really not interested [Music] hmm about 23 minutes to the bell just going down the scans a little bit more see if there's anything else here phio [Music] free market high is 319. it's at 270 right now so it's pulled back a little bit acb from 1350 down 1190 back up to 1260 this one i would say a break in this pre-market pivot of 1350 starts to look more interesting and sure i mean you may see just ccl and carnival cruise lines i mean because of this catalyst there's going to be probably interest in a lot of different stocks across the board it's just a question of which ones are the obvious which ones are the cleanest which ones are the most likely to make big moves and at this point i'm i'm not sure carnival or airline stocks are really the ones for small cap traders this is a reverse split wy with news at 9 00 am presenting at a conference november 19th now i didn't import my trades from friday let me do that now or from thursday i didn't trade on fridays we took the day off uh let's see all right so look at our trader view metrics up so thursday i finished the day up right around seventy four thousand which was a pretty solid day okay however my biggest loss was on xpev and so that's one that i can tell you i'm not interested in trading and nioh was similarly although i had made some money on it i want to try to leave these ones alone because i find them to be a little choppier so nioh xpev not interested in not interested in ccl carnival norwegian cruise line holdings not really interested in airline stocks looking to focus mostly on small caps and i think the question for me will be does apvo um does it go parabolic does it do something you know really really impressive or you know what's the price action of it all right so let's see so these are my stats here um thursday 74 000. so through the fur through the last week of october and that first um you know week of november was kind of flatlining here and then now after the big day on thursday starting to move back up so sitting i don't know what this metric is this just last 30 days but last 30 days 1.1 million dollars so you know today even though i have a red trade to start the morning on apvo and it is pulling back a little bit right now maybe that one's not the one maybe that one you know i'll just have my loss on it and that's that maybe something else hits the scanners and gives us an opportunity on friday or thursday uh sorry what day was this um on thursday onct big move here from a dollar sixty four up to four dollars was not on my watch list pre-market wasn't even wasn't even looking at it friday it ended up continuing and after hours went all the way up to over eight dollars so all that is to say that the high day momo scanner right here will be what i'm watching closely uh when the bell rings and we'll see whether or not we get some good momentum on maybe a surprise stock that we weren't expecting i'm kind of thinking with this big gap in the market that we're probably gonna see some serious fomo today where stocks are just going crazy i could be wrong but that's kind of what i'm thinking so i'm gonna try to be aggressive when we see good opportunities and you know if today ends up being one of those days where apvo squeezes to a hundred or maybe that one fades but another stock pops up and makes a 100 150 200 move or something like that i'm going to be trying to position myself to be aggressive so that's the game plan we have about 15 minutes to the bell let's see those you guys tuning in for the uh free uh watch list here on um youtube or facebook make sure you hit the thumbs up if you haven't already i have to change the name of this um all right there we go i had to update the name of the video so my guess would be that at some point before the end of the day today there will be some surprise moves on apvo the question will just be whether or not i can capitalize on them whether or not they happen at a predictable place like the first five-minute campbell to make a new high which failed here or if they're kind of random like this um spike right here from 48 up to 68. you know where did that come from i don't know but i bought the first pull back here on the abc pattern and it didn't it didn't work so you know the place that i thought was logical did not end up being the right spot today wyy has no volume so that one it's unlikely you never know i suppose but it seems a little unlikely sndl with a 222 million share float is unlikely to break a dollar i don't see a whole lot in that one right now amc four dollar stock higher float at 84 million shares not a large cap but a higher float calt lower float but very light like volume only 68 000 shares capr so we've got the catalyst on cpr volumes light positive preclinical data for a vaccine for covet as well watching this one so i'll take a starter here of it 503 498. let's see if this gives us a bigger move that's a that type of catalyst is pretty strong so i'm going to scale in here over 520 for a move up to 550 watch capr over 520 adding right there 514 for the breakthrough 520 i want to see 5 30 5 40. again you know we're in a market right now where this catalyst a cova vaccine catalyst is a pretty big deal so let's see if we get the break over 520 watching here for a dip trade adding a 509 buying that dip so scaling in there and now looking for this to break through 20. and then i want to see 25. we've got 490 000 shares of volume i'm holding 8 000 shares of it i would have expected it would have held five so let's see what this does i'm still holding 8 000 shares high was 520 that candle dropped down to 481 i could do a dip trade here but let me just see this 10 second chart needs to get back over 5. watching long at 88 i'm doing a dip trade i'm gonna try to buy that dip for the pop back up over five see if it breaks five no i'm gonna have to cut the loss so the loss on that 700 bucks yikes that's kind of discouraging it for whatever reason couldn't break that 522 level and right back down i would have thought that would have held that level better so red on capr 700 bucks red on apvo so you know the indicator here first two trades red starting the day in the red and again pfizer i'm i'm not going to day trade this one so i think at this point we've got 10 minutes to the bell let's do our uh pre-trading uh checklist so did you eat well just sleep well do you have a couple stocks on watch that you like if you do what's the condition of the overall market i want to say the overall market is pretty hot we had a couple really good days last week and no doubt apvo up 136 is kind of mind-boggling the biggest problem with it is going to be the spreads we need to see more volume coming even in the last uh i don't know 20 minutes i mean the total volume is just really light so this might just be at a price where traders are just not interested in it as much because the price is too high but we'll see now acb on the other hand uh already has 23 million shares of volume so this has a lot of volume if it can hold back above the volume weight average price we may have another opportunity in it i know it was strong on friday gap up here to 16 but then it's pulled back a little the 200 moving average i have at 14 no 15 28 so we have we have a little ways to go before we run into that resistance level so i would say on this one maybe 1350 is the spot to watch but i think you know the game plan today since i have two red trades pre-market is to sit tight at the open and see whether or not we get any follow-through anywhere if everything goes red then you know all right it is what it is apbo at the open you know it could haul going up it could help going down there's just going to be it's going to be hard to predict which way it's going to go and it's right at the volume rate average price and any trade on it carries a significant amount of risk because of the spreads so that one's riskier capr although on that news headline there did pop up from 4 30 up to five i got in at 509 or five five 498 then added 509 for the break of 5 15 it failed came back down so you know kind of not the uh momentum i was looking for on that one and acb although i haven't traded it yet actually seems to be a little bit cleaner it's up a dollar a share off those lows and 13.50 is definitely a breakout spot so at the moment that one actually looks the best but i'll say that acp is not really it's 160 million share flow it's not a super low flow of stock it's it's a more thickly traded stock and it's not uncommon for it to be a little choppy and sort of not as predictable in its patterns and price action so that's a risk factor but we can see maybe back over 13 50. now because today is probably going to have a pretty significant amount of volume in the market be mindful that there's certainly risk that we could have some um we could have some issues with data hopefully we don't but you know we could uh yeah i mean again none of tlr tlry acb none of them look great again those you guys tuned in on youtube and facebook hit that thumbs up if you haven't already makes a huge difference for the channel i really appreciate it so sometimes when we have days where the overall market is gapping up and there's a lot of stocks that are moving up it can be a little harder to find the obvious one right we want the obvious one it's and sometimes some days there isn't an obvious one right some days there's five that look good and you know they all do so so none of them do really really well apvo i haven't really been looking at the level two um the last few minutes here but i see it's it's obviously coming back down a little bit capr right so if it got back above the volume weight average price maybe we have about two and a half minutes to the bell eric that's good feedback um i can can review that so high day moment scanners what we're going to focus on i think again at the at the bell letting things kind of shake out a little bit you know just kind of see where things land where the dust settles apvo is pulling back now so you know i'm glad i cut my loss on it wish it had gone higher but you know cut the loss so that's what it is it's fine uh acb uh maybe over 13.50 but it's a large cap stock i think the best chance for a really big win would be obviously if apvo you know has a couple candles like this where it rips up 20 a share breaks through friday's high after hours high but let's watch the high day moment scanner let's let the market tell us uh what's going to be hot today i'm starting uh the day in the red on apvo and capr so two red trades pre-market and you start moving back in the direction of being green and if that doesn't happen fairly you know if it doesn't happen by 10 a.m then i might just say all right so it's a red day but um let's give it a chance so we'll let things shake out a little bit and we'll see how things look now those on um facebook and youtube we're gonna shut off the live feed here typically if i've gotten either three thousand or four thousand thumbs up by the time the bell rings i'll stay live for 30 minutes and you know trade with you guys until 10 word only 2 300 thumbs up so you guys are dropping the ball if you want me to stay alive you gotta hit that thumbs up students in the room uh remember 11 a.m uh jess is going to be hosting a mentor session for you guys so you're welcome to uh stay tuned for that and let's see whether or not we get some uh decent trade so let's just see what let's just see what happens let's see how things shake here um i'm gonna put my disclaimer on youtube and facebook as a reminder day trading is risky if you didn't already know it you shouldn't blindly follow me or anyone else all right so right now just sitting tight i don't want to be buying into you know potential false pop and then a huge flush high day momo scanners right now not giving us anything so if there's nothing on there it means there's nothing hitting the scan look at acb look at that yikes right so that's what we didn't want to buy into that's why we want to sit tight we want to wait for a second let the market prove itself let these stocks prove themselves now apvo halt going up um is it 55 43 so there's a halt going up on apvo i have 412 shares into the hall going up i'm adding right here 55 on ap vo we'll see if we get that halt going up at 57.29 halt level's moved up just a smidge so if we get a halt going up on this that might be something we can work with still holding just small size right now give it a give it a second to shake out the high this level is 55.50 so apvo 5550 if this halt's going up that's where things are going to start to get exciting because we're going to i think if it halts going up we'll start seeing it gapping higher so that's why i want to buy into a hall if it looks like it's about to haul so we're looking at 55 50 on ap vo so i'm going to put an order at 50 56. so watch apvo here watching the ad adding right there on apvo into the hall going up halt up 57.86 watch for another ad we want to ride this momentum on this up to 60 dollars this one now that it's starting to open up i think it's going to get exciting watch it over 57.58 looking for another ad here there's 58 taking a little profit into the hall new order goes at 60 just to be safe see where did i get filled i got it filled at 58 19. all levels moved up to 606. so now we've kind of got to wait for a little bit of a pullback and oh my goodness acb whoa ecb 1280 up to 1440 my goodness ap vo tapping at 60 i'm all out of it though taking all my profit off the table on apbo hi is 60. i'm going to watch apvo for a dip and i'm going to put a new order at 60 think or swim works but it's lagging okay my goodness back to 1350 on acb so acb this one is a roller coaster good job for anyone that hit it and nailed it but boy that's a roller coaster a pvo a bit of a roller coaster but not as bad high is 60. etsy halted going down well so that's a covet play overall markets pulling back a smidge look at that gap in the market look at that guys that's that's insane you just you don't see that you never see that unbelievable you know what it is it's unprecedented altm uh the high is 35. man the scanners are just ripping altm uh volume's too light on that so we're gonna wait on that one prpl we gotta look for the right stocks to trade that one's going down vno oh my god unbelievable market's insane today dow jones is up 1476 points right now i think the biggest move i saw i've seen in my career is a 3 000 point day and it was a down day i'm gonna resist the urge to jump on anything uh i have a green trade on apvo but i'm still red on it i didn't make back all my loss none of these um let's see let me just double check this none of these scanners right now are ones that would create a volume a um audio alert so that's that's to be expected of course scanners full access to the warrior pro students limited access to starter students let's review the first five minutes ap vo uh 1.1 million shares of volume big green candle but coming back down here halt level going down is it 49.96 it did not halt going up it's not halton coming down yet either capr it's pulled back too much i can't can't do that um we've got a lot of halts here but most of these are large cap stocks so i'm going to leave them alone for right now just got to be patient when we get the moves we'll see them and we will be on top of them real quick we just need to wait for the right setups to come to us acb if you were staring at it could have given you a a quick red to green move like right back back here but you would have to be really quick on it carnival cruise lines i know that obviously there's opportunities on some of these but it's it's you know any stock you focus on it means you're taking away your attention from something else and um i i want to try to focus on the ones i think offer the best opportunity the cleanest opportunities i see hst hotels and resorts my brokers uh no problem um no problem with light speed i hear some of you guys with tv are having some issues but no problem here apvo looking like a halt going down right here paul going downs at 49.43 so you know it went from 52 to 60 that's eight points up it's not bad but it's now rolling over a little bit halton going down apvo on the halt scanner we're still only eight minutes into the day let's take a breath the fomo and momo are both high today not gonna trade something with less than a hundred thousand shares of volume so if you're throwing a name out that has volume that light it's not going to be interesting for me overall market pulling back a little bit moderate pullback nothing too severe 401ks are going to be looking pretty this morning for anyone that has one acb i don't like the red uh topping tail candle so i'm probably not going to take another trade on that or any i haven't traded the doctor i won't take any trades on that i'm impressed that e-signal is holding up so far etsy back down to 117. i mean this is this is dropping how much does that see down right now 19 right now zoom is down 15 so there's etsy there's zoom acb is is up 30 still holding up well so etsy dropped because it's a um it's a it's been a covid play so it's been going up with covet uh cases and so with this vaccine from pfizer it's going to come back down it's an online marketplace obviously for that a lot of people are probably thinking i'll do all my shopping this christmas on etsy because i don't want to go out i don't want to get sick now the reality is that's still going to be the case you think you're going to have a vaccine by christmas for all of americans even if you just you know i know we've got a lot of international folks but this is the u.s market no come on but you know the market price is in what's what's you know what's coming and and so people are gonna think oh etsy's gonna not perform as well because you know now you've got this you know eventually things are gonna kind of cool back off and so it's about what's coming even though they probably will have a great q4 earnings but you know tesla it's about what's the future these are still very optimistic about the future acb pulling back a little bit so uh regarding light speed uh light speed is two dollars per trade it's a discounted commission now that warrior pro students are paying and yeah i mean you know is it more than td ameritrade yeah but you get what you pay for td ameritrade is free you're getting what you pay for it's if it's offline today or you're having issues with it well you know that's going to happen sometimes but the problem is it might mean you end up missing you know one or two of the best possible days in the market and that's you just don't want to miss those days because of your broker all right so apvo now here's the thing where's support on this resumption is going to be in about uh let's see 38 so 43 about 10 seconds i think resumption support may be at the 200 moving average of 43.43 maybe but only 1.2 million shares of volume so you know as something sells off like this so i'm i'm taking along on ap vo here i'm going to try to do a dip trade on it off of the support level for a move back up towards 50. now you know it's a little risky but i'm taking smaller size to start and i want to see if it bounces off this level and goes green so we want to see it pop back up towards 46 47 48 look at the 10 second chart right here 10 second chart starting to curl watch for that snap and then see that green candle coming in we want to see that pop right back up to 47 48 and then we want to see 50 so let's give this this thing a second so there you go see that curling that's we want now i want to see it pop over 48 i'd like to see the break of 50. so let's see whether or not this goes a little higher so we've got 46 on the ask this is a dip trade that's the setup it's a dip trade setup trying to scale in and then catch that first candle make a new high which in this case could give us a move back up towards 50. so my starter was around 45 i want to see if we get that break of 48 but no it looks like i'm gonna have to stop out so stopped out from 45 stopped out at 43. so with that i gave back the profit and i'm back to where i was pre-market on it i think it was worth a stab i don't know starting to curl there you've got the 200 moving average right there it's all probably better just to trade things that are stronger weight on this acb so i'm waiting you know for what's going to be really strong now so there's look at that look at how how rapidly right like that it's back to 47. man all right well i'm right on two out of three trades on this one so let me switch to something else acb hmm yeah if apvo goes back to 5560 i don't mind getting back in it high if it can prove its strength maybe i'll regret not buying it lower but you know if it moves up it gives us opportunities then fine right now it's not really giving me what i need acb if it breaks through the volume weight average price that could be a a setup but you have the 200 on the one minute and you have the uh today's open kind of i think in the way a little bit all right let me get my horseman hat and see if this brings some good good luck so i want to remind myself not to buy under volume weight average price right now don't buy interview app wait for more strength ride the waves of momentum don't get in too early don't be buying when it's the tide is still going out apbo could have probably saved myself a loss there on that last one if i had not tried to do a dip trade dip trades are good once i'm already green when i'm in the red dip trades can be very risky tesla well this one although i see what you're saying it's moving up the risk on it is fairly high and it's an expensive stock really expensive so acb the high of that last candle 72 volume weight average prices at 84. so if acb can break through 83.84 up through 13 i think there could be a trade on it we'll see it's not my absolute favorite the floats a little higher pk 130 million share float though so you can see how this is consolidating underneath the volume weight average price and it needs to break through that i see onct i'm uh i'm just not sure because it has such a crazy big move i mean it's down from over eight dollars you know what i mean so it's kind of like i don't know i think it's pulled back too much i don't see a halt on tlry pk i don't know you know these ones these resorts and stuff like that um you know some of them may give some opportunities but i just don't know if they're the easiest to trade apvo trying to go into a halt again hasn't al it's halted going down it hasn't halted going up the volume weight average price is 52.30 so i want to see if it can break through that level so you've got a halt going up on it now very volatile today some of these have been a little tricky acb coming back down i don't know again 68 million share flow it's a nice move there could you short it off 14 maybe there could be opportunities up there capr way below the volume weight average price so the medium float scanners will scan up to 100 million shares so that one's looking for slightly higher floats uh that have really high volume which on a day like today there's a lot that are meeting that criteria o nct so it hit a high there 510 which is the looks like 200 on the one minute some resistance there apvo uh the halt time was 9 51 and 33 seconds so resumption should be 9 56 and 33 seconds the big question is does it run into resistance are there sellers stacked up right at the volume weight average price or you know does it rip through that level your first candle of the day is green but it does have a little bit of a topping tail so if you want to find a safe entry it's going to be waiting for the first pullback i see onct you know perked up a little bit more there up to 25 but gotta i think wait for a cleaner setup on it at least in my opinion so apvo uh resumption is going to be in about a minute if it's a five minute long haul i'm showing 53 27 and 52.70 so i'm not sure exactly where it's going to resume but it looks like it may gap up a little bit from 51.28 halt price i'm showing 53.44 so if it did gap up a couple points that's impressive but it doesn't change the fact that the best entries on resumption will be waiting for a pullback even if it's a micro pullback just to help reestablish lower risk we know 60 is our high of regular trading and that is a level that needs to break now if that does break then we're looking back up towards the pre-market high 75 and then 82. so that's what we're working with here on this one so i'm waiting for a pullback i don't want to jump in and then have it drop five points on me again so waiting waiting waiting there's 52 20. so see how it's going it's pulling back a little bit waiting long right there micro pullback so that was a micro pullback right there it dipped then popped right up so now we're looking for the breakthrough 53 54 and then 55 into potentially another hall watch over 55 for ads and the target's going to be going to be sixty dollars watch here over 55 adding right there for the break of 55. now we're seeing some momentum come into this are we going to get that test of 60. here we go new order at sixty dollars my average is 53.32 i'm holding and now i can afford to hold through this entire pullback right here and 57.50 is my next trade watch the one minute pull back right up here high is 5742 i'm going to hold through this dip bring my order down to 57. hello there's 51. i'm still holding come on really let's give this a second the volume weight average price is 52.56 is it really gonna halt going down man let's see if it falls false there's 48 boy hmm well i'm still holding let's see what it does this doesn't look great though because you've got a red candle here and it hit a high of 57 42 looked great and then rejected so i'm i'm still holding and we'll see if it pops back up so what do we have here we've got a high of 60 there we've got a high of 57.42 i didn't mind holding through a little dip but that became a much bigger dip all right well i'll just it'll be what it is be a another loss but let me see if there's anything else onct this one i don't know high is 40 there's 46. it is opening up here so i suppose onct micro pullbacks may be valid let's look for the breakthrough 50 50. putting my order here at 47. see if adding at 47 on onct halt level 60 is 73. let's see if it goes into a halt watching for an ad over 58 on onct just to try to scale in as it's moving higher high right there is 57. so let's look for the pop back up over the half dollar we've got 40 by 40. uh 37 33 by 37 high there was 57 which is not bad but i was looking for the breakthrough 60. all right let's see come on really now two in a row back down to twenty we'll see if it pops back up and gets back over the half dollar high there is 57. so the low of that last dip is 22. i'm gonna add there at 23. so i'll buy the dip that gives me a dip entry and then we'll see if it curls on the one minute back up over 34.35 we'll see if we get a break back over 40. usually i don't like to panic out of stocks when they dip usually if we get a dip i'm more in the mindset of adding so right now back over 540 would be my next ad and we'll see if we get a curl back up over the half dollar so watch the first one minute candle make a new high on onct no i got to cut the loss i got to let it go at 20. bummer man so onct a red trade apvo i'm still holding the resumption is going to be let's see it's 58 so resumption will be 1003 in 42 seconds i'm just having a hard time finding momentum i mean we're seeing stocks moving but then they're not holding so you know they pop up and then they come right back down very choppy today apvo so we'll see what this one does on the resumption the halt was 48 58. acb i'm not interested in that it's about 10 am so this is going to be kind of bouncing right off support if it bounces off this yellow line so let's see if it holds this level so watching added right there so i'm going to try to bounce off this descending or ascending support line so now we want to see it back over 48 low of day is 43 what is it the 200 moving average so we're looking for the break back over 48. i mean you can tell today is pretty choppy we'll see if this pops back up through the hall level 48 50 and then a retest of 50 dollars we've got a break over 48.50 acb still no interest in that one there's 48.39 let's see if we get the break back over 50 bucks okay i am uh that's a real estate one also i don't think so i don't think i want to trade those nice bounce there on acb from 11 to 11 50. it's not too bad stopped out on um ap vo so red again on that one probably not going to be able to get green on it i'm down 11 000 on apv so you know kind of gave me a spot where it's 10 a.m i'm red i'm not seeing a lot of momentum i'm down let's see sixteen thousand right now so red on c a p r o n c t and a p v o having a hard time catching momentum red on three out of three stocks so my daily max loss is 20 grand you know i was up 74 000 on thursday giving back a little off the top all right you know it's gonna happen i don't want to give back too much so i really probably only have a couple more trades before i hit max loss and there's no reason just to hit 20 000 red you know if there's nothing that looks good so let me just sit tight here for a few minutes and we'll see if things turn around good reminder the risk of day trading easy come easy go the biggest challenge with apvo is the spreads you know buying on the ask and then selling on the bid immediately you can be down two dollars a share so that's where i'm sitting right now i'll just put this here for a second but of course on uh thursday you know i finished the morning up 48 000 at about 10 30 11 and then all of a sudden we got some great momentum between 11 and 12 11 and 1 and finishing up 74 000. so things momentum can shift zoom and etsy coming off the lows but not interested in trading those ones and i oh man i don't know if i don't think i can trust that one you know the problem is this is one that i've gone to on other days where i was in the red to try to hit a hail mary and get back into the green i'm not gonna disagree that it's moving i obviously can see that it's you know it's up a bit but you've got a pre-market high up here at 43.80 so it's really close to that level so to be honest i would kind of think maybe on a day like today we're going to start seeing some shorting into this level and then a reversal off that double top i'm not really interested in trading that one right now lnct yeah so i'm down 4800 on that one uh which is not you know it's not terrible but it needs to do a five minute abcd pattern to be worth trading again when the momentum is hot and you guys know this when the momentum is hot it's amazing how uh how much different it feels to trade how quickly you get in you're up 30 40 50 cents you can take profit off the table but when it's cold it just feels like everything you try to trade just goes the wrong way so that feel if it feels strong or it feels weak you know today right now it feels weak um as far as the trades that i've taken this maybe it's the stocks i've chosen but as far as it's been for me it's felt kind of weak today even the moments where we did have apvo starting to open up it was short-lived and the liquidity wasn't great so an abcd pattern is a we of course discussed that in the pro classes we're looking for that consolidation here through this area it's a consolidation pattern the low 487 the high 557 so let this pop up let it pull back and if it continues to consolidate in this area then maybe it'll base out for you know another trade or another attempt through 550. overall market a little profit taking below the volume weight average price but we may see that curl later in the morning or into the afternoon yep there's nio pulling back 50 cents off the high fsr fisker um yeah so this is electric vehicle company as well and it's daily chart it needs to break over 12 45 to be really in a daily breakout territory that's a nice curl right there i'm not sure really why it's curling as much as it is right there but that is nice to see onct coming back up again but at this point it's too extended for an entry on the five minute i mean if you were doing the five minute your entry was 5 10. so now it's to extend it needs to pull back however while it pulls back for the next 10-15 minutes it may if it holds up above 5 15 or so it may provide an opportunity you know for an attempt to break through the high here 57 but we have to remember that the high previously was rejected pretty hard on uh that red volume candle which was right here so this is the beginning of the abcd pattern the five-minute bull flag failed to resolve to make new highs so now you're starting to see consolidation sideways this market isn't hot enough for me to want to be buying aggressively right here on this dip i could easily see this just fading or going sideways for a while fsr again a little squeeze there higher but notice the topping tail so the topping tail there up to 47 shows that it squeezed but then it rejected that level pre-market high is 1260 on fsr so it's good that you're seeing increasing volume but that topping tail is what we would typically consider a indicator of a possible reversal so it wouldn't surprise me if people took shorts with a stop at the high so your high is 47 your only setup would be that if 1247 breaks you get a short squeeze oh nct is not ready yet in my opinion this is premature premature breakouts have a higher likelihood of failing fsr sellers up here but again if it did break through 1250 and 1260 then you could look for a move up towards 13. i am red on the morning i'm sitting down 16 000 on apvo onct and capr so i've been having a little bit of a hard time dialing in the momentum today my max loss is 20 000 so i don't have a lot more room before i have to stop because of max loss you know these stocks like um fisker and i o these are much larger floats these are ones that are very very risky look at that false break out break out see it's premature false break flush down you've got um for what it's worth there i guess they just pulled it and there was a big big seller on fsr it's like 100 000 shares so you see five minute candle here on onct red and red needs to pull back fsr dropping back to 12 no trades on that one atnf i didn't haven't noticed that one is it on the halt scan it's not on the whole skin either what's the total volume 100 000 shares so yeah i'm not really familiar with this stock but you can see very light volume so that makes it challenging and there you've got that break on onct so even though it's premature it's going and what's the high here 75 so i'd put an order at 75 and if it continues then we may get momentum up through six watching along at 62 and adding at 70. i'm going to try to scale in on this one minute pullback for a breakthrough 575 on onct and then look for a move over and we'll see if we got to move up to six there's 74. new order goes at 80. watching this one minute pullback here adding at 68 buying that dip for the breakthrough 75. as this consolidates this is a one minute pullback watch 75 added there 75 trying to scale in i'll try to do the best i can on this taking a little profit at 78. the high there so that ended up being a false breakout up to 79. let's see what it does if it gets back to 75. we've got 69 on the ask i wasn't expecting that breakout where it broke out so i kind of you know chased it but i did get some profit on it i still have a position i'm holding i want to see if it gets back up over 70. they're 68 they're 70. take the profit out so i guess i made about a thousand on that 1300 so still read on the day but you know hey that's a green trade a couple more like that and i'll be moving back in the right direction so let's see it's high volume on this breakout candle with a high of 79 but you can see this red candle pulled back down to 50. see if it can break back over 70. i'll keep an order at 81. so it's ready to go back into 66 we've got green on the tape so now let's see if we can get that break through 80. yep nice not bad another thousand bucks on that one so you've got a high now of 83 new order goes at 85. so now i start watching these little dips for entries adding an 83 right there now looking for the test of six dollars so over 90 adding right there for the break of 90 and i want to see if we get a test of six dollars so we've got 89 on the ask watching can i add for a break over nine oh sorry over 90 and over six there's 87 on the ask you can see how this is a little dip on the 10 second chart adding at 85 scaling in right there trying to scale in for the break through 95. we've got 87.88 i'd like to see it in the 90s now hit the bed at 80 um but sitting down uh you know down 2300 so made back another 1200 on that trade so two green trades there back to back here at 10 30. so the high is 91 a double top right there realistically i'm not going to be able to get to green uh on the day or on this one unless we have a you know pretty serious move up towards like seven that was a nice one-minute setup i will agree there but i wouldn't have been comfortable taking probably the share size to really make a good amount of money on that it's only 30 cent move uh 10 000 shares to 15 000 on onct which is starting to do another five minute pullback we'll see as long as it can hold over this previous breakout there could be another opportunity yeah a couple of these lighter volume stocks atnf uh was halted and is going a little higher cogt hard to know uh you know whether or not these ones are worth trying to take stabs on cogt has less volume although it's gotten is this news from today when was the hall 27 i'd say see if more volume comes into it apvo i wouldn't go back for probably unless it gets over like 55 or 60 dollars i'm just not going to trade it down in this area i've already lost too much on it so onct was the last one on the momo scanner high on onct is 91. this five minute candle is getting ready to close low is 55. i'm taking a starter on onct right here i'm looking for this to break through on the first five minute candle 91 the high right there is 90. watch this 10 second pullback on omct for breakthrough 90. and then a breakthrough six first five minute candle will make a new high is a strong setup watching looking to add over 90. this is a 10 second micro pullback and then we want to see if onct will break through six watching watching looking to add adding right there for the break through the highs there's 90 there's 93 are we gonna get the breakthrough six let's look for 98 no stopping out but with profit i'll come back to it the high was 95 so a little false breakout there on that one but a green trade and high volume on the candle and the high is 95 my new order will go at six dollars and i uh yeah see this is the thing with nioh um it it's easy to start to chase these when they start to go higher and higher you just next thing you're like you know what it's up a dollar a share i'm just going to buy it right here and the next thing you know you're down 50 cents a share but i agree it's definitely moving at the moment your five minute setup was the best entry 43.50 so you're up 80 cents how much would you have been comfortable buying in terms of share size that i don't know fsr back at the half dollar you know could there be a dip trade here again yes but how much are we really talking about making on it we need to take pretty decent share size to make good money onct i'm keeping my order at six dollars so i'm sitting down right now uh twelve thousand so i have made back about well three thousand four thousand off the top off the low it's not bad see if i can get the red day under 10k just you know kind of chip away at it but nio is not the one because for me to make good money on that and have to take too much size then i really feel comfortable taking have to wait maybe nio if we get another good pullback set up but by that point it's going to be probably close to 11 a.m i see fsr as well but an entry here at 1250 would have been very extended on the one minute so i can couldn't take that entry so we'll see if it goes higher so fsr high is 67 we wait for a clean pullback same with nio we wait for a clean pullback cogt huge spreads easy to borrow i don't trust it apvo we need to break over volume weight average price it's well below it right now nio going higher and i o just same with fsr both of them would need to pull back to establish a lower risk entry nio is right under 45 dollars which may be psychological resistance fsr up to 84. it's moving but again need to make sure you have a good entry so i have to wait for those pull backs if they don't pull back then you never got a good entry so and i o pulling back there onct keep on watch the problem with omct is you know did a false breakout on this five minute setup right here but it's now done a double bottom off of 54. so that's good support down there let this candle close and see how it looks i'm waiting on onct for a moment i have an order at six okay i'm long at 93. i'm gonna do a quick trade up over six dollars 605 would be my ad spot adding a 603 right there now looking for a squeeze up to 615. so now that we're starting to open up again there are 610 are we going to go a little higher watching over 608 so i try to watch these for a second to give it a chance to see if we get a bigger move still holding 4000 shares on it looking for 605 over 605 to start to add for a move up to 625 maybe higher watch here adding there at six buying that little dip taking some profit 608 hi is 6 10. i'm out for right now new order is 6 10. notice the 30 000 share buyers down there adding a 601 buying the dip now looking for the break through 6 15 watch this because now we're seeing some big bits coming out adding there for the rip through 10 there's 12. now i want to see the squeeze up to 6 15. now this is where it starts to get interesting watch year 612 adding 612 there's 13 look for 15. let's see if we get that squeeze up to 625 over 15 is an ad watching 615 adding a 15 there's 20. see now things start to open up faster over 20 and add to ride the momentum up to 650 the half dollar adding at 20 right there starting to scale in getting a little more aggressive scaled up to 30 000 shares on that trade taking a little profit at 18. now i'm gonna let it pull back for a second the high of this one is 624. i'm going to watch a dip off of six so green now on o nct high this current candle is 20 let's see if it holds six dollars adding back at 14. add again over 20. i'm starting to scale back in for a move to 650 watch over 620 i want to see 18 19 first one minute candle to make a new high adding right there let's look for the breakthrough 625 and then we're going to look for a squeeze up to 6 30 watching adding there 25 so i'm scaling in here a break of 25 and then we're looking at 30 40 first one minute candle to make a new high is the setup orders at 26. there we go adding nice we want to see this go a little higher we want to see 30s there's 18 on the ask i'm looking back over 25 watching if it holds six for a dip off of six dollars can we get a dip off of six dollars there's nineteen i want to see if i can get a dip entry off of six i'm going to put an order of 605. fsr just needs a cleaner pullback you could have done that trade over 13 though i do see that but it's a larger float stock it's a different type of stock to trade so high volume on that breakout which is good high with 628 looking for that dip entry first one minute candle to make a new highest move back over 620 adding a 615 there first one minute candle to make a new high looking for the break through 6 19 20 watch over 21. i'm going to start scaling in here again on onct i'll see if i can get up to 30 000 shares look for the breakthrough 20. and then add over 25 and 28 for a move back up to 30. adding there little choppy is it going to break over 25 now took my trade off the table and look for a dip entry sitting um down 8 700 now so i've made back half my losses i'm under 10 000 which is good we'll see if onct keeps up there may be more opportunities in it so onct is going to be on watch nioh the five minute pattern is the one to watch we know that it's a riskier one to trade but 66 is the spot starter there of nio looking for the break through 75 watch over 70. adding on nioh 74 i want to see if we get a retest of 45 dollars watch over 78 adding there 74 and i o looking for the break of 78 [Music] i'm i'm out of it with 192 of profit better just to cut that quickly hi the last five minute is 75 hi this candle 75 so 75 is where i'd possibly get back in but i'm just gonna be really quick on this one because it's not really my favorite stock and that's a reminder of why acb needs to break back over the volume weight average price but i do see that it's moving in the right direction oh nct i'm going to let it form a five-minute pullback so i'm still red um i'm down 8 500 at the moment i'm on the defense a little bit trying to cautiously make back some losses without uh hopefully catching another big red trade nioh 4406 was the recent low i don't think i really want to do a dip trade off of it you could i see the idea even though this is like kind of a double bottom here at 4406 and still kind of extended on the five minute chart low on onct 590 hi this current five minute candle 614 but still with two minutes left hang on one second [Music] uh so onct is currently up 55 which is good we're waiting for the five minutes candles to close so the highest current candle is five nine six nineteen and we know the high day six twenty eight nioh fsr i'm not as interested in those ones starter on onct uh i'll look to add over five uh silver over 619 620 620 is the first five minute candle to make a new high adding there at 18 for the breakthrough 20. high of 28 is my target so let's look for a breakthrough 625 then 628 on onct watch over 619. so we want to see that quick trade through 620 25 28 and then we'll see if we get to move up to 30. holding watching over 619 for an ad find the dip right there at 18. scaling in here for the breakthrough 19 a trade over 20 and then i want to see 25 28 and 30. holding through the consolidation the first one minute candle making new highs over 620 so 620 is the breakout spot you've got 10 000 share bids so look for the break through 6 20. buying a dip at 13. looking for that first 1 minute candle to make a new high over through 620 25 and then 6 30. stopped out at six cut the lost so i think i'm going to call it a day there back to down 11 000 which all things considered isn't bad but if it doesn't work i gotta cut the loss so we're coming up to 11 a.m i was down 16 000. made back some of the losses was down then uh only about eight thousand peck former momentum stock we've traded this one a couple times uh we're just in definitely an environment where we're not seeing really good follow-through and i'd say it's definitely a time to be more cautious acb again like i said on acb that one needs to break through and notice fsr kind of flushed at that same moment there sometimes you notice um in the market you kind of get these bursts of momentum and then fear sort of at the same time on multiple stocks and i oh yeah i see that coming off the lows but again it's kind of a funny pattern here it's coming up to its descending resistance line i think this is just kind of one of those days where it's like you know you look at the pnl i'm green on two stocks both by less than 200 bucks 700 loser on capr and then 11 000 loss on apvo i just haven't gotten the momentum today you know if i went back for that break of volume weight average price i'd probably be down on that one although i got you know a nice trade um on onct i gave back 3 000 on that drop right there going in for the breakthrough 20 and then it failing it's okay it just doesn't seem like it's a good day to try to get aggressive here at 11 a.m the high of this is 44.96 so if that can hold above its descending resistance line ecb if we get back above the volume weight average price but look at that perfect tap of the 200. it's not gonna i don't think it's going to be able to recover that level and you're right apvo this afternoon it's totally possible i could definitely see it doing a big move and i look back at it later and you know it at some point just ripped through the volume weight average price and just went straight up because that's what this one kind of does it's just all of a sudden it goes just goes crazy uh the challenge is timing those trades because they happen sort of by surprise so sure if you sit around and keep watching it for the rest of the day i think there's definitely a possibility there'll be something on apvo but that requires sitting around and waiting and in any case you know you've got just the factor of still that the price is a lot higher than it was before i would say you might have a little descending a steep descending resistance line here that it tapped against so if it was able to break through that that would certainly look better so all right well i'm gonna step back here at least for a little bit um i'm uh yeah well i was up seventy four thousand on frat on thursday uh that money i kept so that one is that that money's locked up i'm down 11 500 today so that puts me up 64 000 between the last two days or 63 000. so 74 was thursday i didn't trade on friday down 11 000 today not bad daily max loss i usually keep it around 20 000 so i didn't hit the max loss which is good um you know maybe if i see something that looks really good later i'll come back and take some more trades but i i just would need to see some serious momentum i don't know maybe we will apvo is that wild card stock that you just never know maybe we do get another big move um i'm looking for that headline of a 64. price target i'm not seeing it but in any case it the chart right now is kind of a little bit funny um pack is not halted it just popped up but it's not halted so yeah i would say the longer apvo continues to kind of hold up above these levels the better it looks at some point for that kind of big move but at this price it's going to be a little tricky so from benzinga shares relatively quiet as traders circulate word roth capital uh raise price target to 64. wow that's quite something yeah those price targets um you know they're kind of interesting because what they i mean it's like okay wow so there's there's someone else out there that is looking at this thinking it's got you know more potential in it but you need to see the volume volume was highest on the false break the tap of the volume weight average price which is 48 85 and then the drop back down so where do you see that 52 spot trying to see what you guys are looking at there oh from pre-market i see 51.67 i'm not sure i see the 52 spot so the high back there look at that so now the halt level so let's see uh the high there is 51 17. so let's see what this does 5183 is the hall high is 51. it was a high right there 5117 so let's watch this to see this might this might be let's just see does it haul going up does it go into a hall 51.83 let's just kind of start to stock this and see whether or not this starts to make a move back up towards this level because what it's done here is it's breaking over the volume weight average price right you can see it's over the v app it's over this descending resistance line aht i'm not sure about that one that one's a maybe i want to watch to see what apvo does up in this area high is 5117 i want to see if it starts to curl up a little bit more in earnest so it's back through right here is a one minute pullback right at the volume weight average price is current one minutes 49.99 see what it does uh aht the high is 238 what's the float on that the float on that might be a little higher you can see this 10 second chart consolidation pop-up consolidation so let's see if it curls if it breaks back over 50 that would be that curling back up right first one minute candle will make a new highway back over 50. so i could put an order maybe a 50 or i could just put an order at the high here 51 17 and then it's ready to go this is kind of a pivotal spot here because it's holding the volume weight average price right fifty dollars is the important uh first candle to make a new high i don't know is this the spot where we see that resolution look at that look at that order is it 5117 watch this watch this watch this okay hold on um moving my order up a little bit 50 i'm moving up to 52. this now that we've held v this might be the moment watch this here moving my order up to 52 oh my gosh here we go halt levels 5417 first dip maybe first dip we'll give an opportunity here for a long first dip let's watch over 53 54. that's a quick squeeze there micro pullback what's the high high is 5268 i'm putting my order at 52.68 so watching right through here i want to see if we get a quick trade watching long right there starting to scale in looking for that squeeze up to 54. i want to see 54 55 halt level is 55. are we going to get that bigger move on this so i'm just starting to scale in smaller size let's see a break over 53 54 55. holding 500 shares hi that candle what is it look at that man let's see let me give it a chance to pop back up back over 50. this one's so volatile 4962 4865 on the bed watching hi that candle 5363 so this on the five minute ended up being high volume green but then in this candle here what was the oh man we were 40 seconds after that candle so this just needs to hold through this area i'm going to put my new order at the high here of 53.63 what is still significant is that it's broken that descending line right here the highs 5363 those drops though are so hard highest volume of the day was on that green candle it's a good indicator i'm going to watch through this area to see if there's a new entry go nct no i don't like that one onct is pulled back too much let it curl up okay we're coming back up here hi the last candle we know the high was 5363 my orders at the high to add because if it breaks the high it's going to squeeze out short sellers another red doji but the five minute is still green hi that last candle was 52 45. huh 20 seconds left on the current five minute candle 53.93 is the sorry 5363 is the high 53 52 45 is the current one minute pivot that candle closed green high the last one minute is 51.35 so it's holding above the volume weight average price right here sell orders going through on the tape at 50 i see some red then some buy orders there's more red is it going to get right back above this level volume weight average price is 48.74 if i sat down right now and looked at this chart fresh i would say it's consolidating above the volume weight average price high green candle on the candle that broke although it's a topping tail with a big one minute whip i would say over 42 42.50 i still like see that one minute candle there where it broke to 51.69 that was kind of tempting i was almost like oh i think it's gonna go right there and then it didn't it's a top of the volume weight average price this is the first time that it's held over volume weight average price for this long today that's why i'm trying to see is this going to give an opportunity for an ad and a move up through the highs you know is this the moment where this is the turning point maybe it's not but but maybe it is it's holding above the volume average price right there it dipped down to it and then back you know still above it i mean we know that if it breaks over well the height here 53 63 and then 57 and then 60 these are sort of the levels we're looking at but um so i want to see what it does right around this level we're very close to the volume weight average price and i o i see it but i'm not sure again that i really want to go for that one this candle is about 10 seconds left on it no 4884 my exit my last exit and let me see if i don't know so now it's back below you can see these trend lines here but it's back below the volume weight average price so all right well i'm gonna call it here and let's see i i might come back later today but we'll just we'll see how things look i'm not totally sure so i don't know feels like we're just not seeing really really good follow-through on these ones i was really wanting to see that consolidate and then make a move higher and just couldn't do it i guess today is not the day but that's okay it's a red day but i'll live to trade another day and i'm not at my max loss and who knows maybe we'll see another um another opportunity later this afternoon so i'm going to leave it at that for right now and i'll be back perhaps this afternoon but certainly first thing tomorrow morning all right i'll see you guys all in the morning
Channel: Warrior Trading
Views: 214,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day trading, day trading strategies, trading strategies, how to day trade, beginner trading strategies, momentum day trading, stocks, trading, how to trade, stock trading, penny stocks, pdt rule, shares, float, volume, candles, profits, Wall St, finance, brokers, Ross Cameron, warrior trading, day trade warrior
Id: SPI9-iN74zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 2sec (9002 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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