11 True Scary Field Trip Horror Stories (Vol. 1)

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[Music] when my biggest problems is that I attract the weirdest kinds of people there are a lot of people who say that but you have no idea until you've met some of the people that try to hang out with me there was one guy who took the cake though his name was Jonathan he lived down the road from my parents house this was years ago and thankfully I hadn't had anything to do with him in a very long time I was your average looking girl I was in high school at the time that was extremely naive I've had a couple of really bad experiences I've kind of been shown the true horror of the world firsthand not trying to turn this into a pity party or anything but you don't realize how cruel the world is until horrible things happen to you and if you were idealistic about people the way I was you just have to live through some bad experiences to find out but anyway back when I was a sophomore in high school and extremely naive about people and their intentions I was friends with Jonathan I thought that he was kind of a nerdy guy but that he was capable of being a friend bear in mind he was a thirty year old who lived with his grandmother who collected Social Security he didn't have a job didn't have a girlfriend and he thought it was a good idea to hang out with a girl in high school that lived down the street that's the kind of guy Jonathan was I wasn't really close with my parents so they didn't really know anything about who I hung out with I didn't hang out with Jonathan very much but I would say hi to him and have the occasional conversation from time to time looking back I knew that he had some kind of crush a romantic feeling for me but I knew that it would be against the rules for him to date me and I knew that he knew that too but I remember when I got my first boyfriend Jonathan was not exactly happy about it he kept warning me about being used by boys my age he told me that I should look for an older man who was more mature and could take care of me of course he was always hinting that I should have been with him he didn't want to come out and say it though but every single I ever talked about my boyfriend who had only been dating for two weeks or so Jonathan always had something bad to say or some kind of warning I remember in getting the whole possibly catching something from him talk from my parents only to get it again from Jonathan I specifically remember the way he phrased the conversation he talked as if though my boyfriend definitely had some sort of disease and by the way he didn't it was a very strange ordeal nonetheless but then came the day before our field trip that wasn't a big trip or anything my school was divided into certain sections and it was an annual event where the science department would take certain sections of students down to the park and help us scientifically observe nature for three days the scientific department would take 1/3 of the students down in this park it was pretty stupid everyone kind of agreed that it was just a nice way to get out of those horrible classrooms that we sit in all day outside science day that's what we called it I remember Jonathan asking about outside science day yes what day I was going to be in the park I told him and I was scheduled to go Wednesday I didn't think anything of it after all he did go to the same high school I went to and it was kind of a tradition I thought that he was just kind of curious sir reminiscing well was I wrong Wednesday came and I was really excited to be going down to the park I was hanging out with my best friend Rebecca we got down there and started observing nature the teachers made me bring notepads and pencils to make some scientific observations but after a few sentences they didn't care what we did after that the teachers sat by the picnic tables and drank lemonade and our students were pretty much free to do whatever we wanted me and Rebecca were having a deep conversation about life she said something about her stepfather and how it made her feel like marriage was a bad idea or something I don't really remember it was a very long time ago I just remember being 100% engaged in this conversation with Rebecca and all of a sudden I felt a hand touch my shoulder I thought it was when my friends playing a joke on me or something but I turned around and it was Jonathan things got extremely awkward really fast me and Rebecca were kinda in the middle of it and he was my awkward older neighbor showing up at my school class trip Jonathan asked me if I wanted to go back with him to hang out at his house for a little while I told them that I would get in trouble but he promised that the teachers would never find out by this point I knew exactly what he was doing and I wasn't about to play into that I told him that I couldn't leave my best friend Rebecca but then he offered to bring Rebecca too and that was even creepier I remember getting a look from Rebecca like why do you know this freak after Jonathan kept pleading with us me and Rebecca finally decided to just walk back to our teachers and hope that Jonathan would get the hint but when we started walking through jonathan grabbed me he grabbed me by the ankle and I fell to the ground we were standing on wood chips and I remember getting some in my mouth when I fell he started dragging me we were far enough from the teachers that they couldn't see us easily and our view was mostly obstructed from the rest of the students by a swingset so nobody noticed that this grown man was dragging me away I lucked out in the end Rebecca actually started fighting him she punched him in the nose and started screaming for the teachers right after she did that Jonathan started running it ran as fast as I've ever seen anyone run away in my life I didn't realize how quick he actually was the teachers asked about the incident and questioned me as to whether or not I knew this man I told them that I didn't it turned into a giant headache they call the police and everything I told the police that it was just a stranger and then I was as vague as I could be when I described him for some reason I felt like I would get in trouble if they knew it was Jonathan now I understood that I should have reported him to the police but I foolishly didn't at my naive age the experience turned into a good thing for Rebecca - she always bragged about punching a grown man in the face and him running away I was pretty sure that Jonathan was running because he didn't want the teachers to see him and not because Rebecca's punch necessarily hurt him that bad but I never told Rebecca that after that incident jonathan never showed his face anywhere near me ever again i think he was familiar enough with my schedule that he knew when i got on and off the bus and he just stayed away from me that was the first time in my life that i was faced with this sort of dark reality the sad reality that someone who claimed to be my friend actually had very dark and sinister intentions all along and anyone with two eyes could have seen if you like me do yourself a favor and be more cynical about people at least that way the only surprises will be good ones [Music] this happened a very long time ago to me and my best friend at the time we'll call him Stephen me and Stephen have been very rebellious kids growing up we both came from single mother homes and spent most of our time doing things that we knew we probably shouldn't be doing when we were in seventh or eighth grade I can't remember anymore we went on a field trip now we live in a small town and it was as boring as you might imagine for the field trip list in New York City this is going to be the trip of our lives or so we thought for a couple of days and leading up to the trip we talked about all the stuff that we were going to buy and it was going to be amazing nobody was more excited for this trip than we were when the day for the field trip finally came it was actually really bad weather the rain was pretty bad and was also a little foggy for some reason suffice to say the visibility was actually a lot lower than it usually was which is going to be important later in the story the teachers told us before we even set foot on the bus that we had to stick with the class they told us that we could walk with our friends if we wanted to but that we all had to kind of stay together me and Stephen thought this was lame and again we were those rebellious kinds of kids so I'm sure you know where this is headed we actually didn't want to break away from the group right away but the teachers refused to bring us to the store we wanted to go to literally a store for aspiring rappers oh and if you're wondering yes I'm out of that phase by now Stephen isn't but thankfully I am at least we were convinced that we needed to buy some equipment to launch our rap careers and looking back I don't know what we thought we were going to even buying there we both had about twenty or thirty dollars each and all the recording equipment and stereos and whatnot were easily in the hundreds of dollars but we weren't the brightest of kids I guess he could say about 15 minutes later we hashed our plans secretly we were going to just sneak off when no one was looking and sneak our way back into the group after we got what we wanted we figured that because there were so many students on the trip then we were going to be fine and nobody was going to notice and that's when we did it we waited until the entire class was crossing the street and we just kept walking on the sidewalk that we had been on it took us a very long time to actually find the rap store that we wanted to go to but we eventually found it and it was as disappointing as you might imagine walking into a store when you want to buy everything but you can only afford a pack of gum after making the walk of shame out of the store we realized that it was time to find her class again now it's improbably important to notes how obvious it was that we were young I said that we were in the seventh or eighth grade we looked even younger than seventh or eighth graders would probably look like we could have been the oldest kids in the elementary school Steven was really short maybe around five foot two and I was only a little bit taller than he was we were also carrying around backpacks which made us even more obvious that we were kids so that we were walking around the streets of New York City wandering aimlessly in hopes of finding our class this was probably our worst mistake because we eventually wandered off into one of the sketchier parts of the city have you ever gone from a nice part of the city where the tourism happens and then you find yourself in the run-down part of the city where you roll up your windows because you might get shot it's a really weird experience and to be so young and to go through it without a car made it especially memorable me and Steven had no idea what we were going to do and that was when a strange man started following us he was a lot older he had to have been at least 50 or so he was very overweight and just gave off one of the creepiest vibes you could imagine he started telling us that he lost his dog and then he needed help finding it surprisingly enough we did decline helping them because we were a little worried since he was so sketchy we just told him that we were too busy looking for our class again another stupid move on our parts that was when he started getting closer and closer to us me and Steven gave each other one good look and knew that we had to run especially because this is one of the parts of the city that not many people are around if this guy really wanted to get us and do something horrible he could have probably a brought us into an alleyway and done whatever he wanted and nobody would have known or seen it but by a stroke of luck we managed to sprint our way back to the populated part of the city there was a lot of people around and we look back around to see if he had followed us neither one of us had actually turned around while we were running we didn't see him but we still felt really uneasy we were leaning against the wall trying to catch our breath when we saw him again he grabs Stephen by the arm and started yanking on him I remember being so horrified and not knowing what to do thankfully Stephen started screaming at the top of his lungs and someone had intervened and told this creep to buzz off and let Stephen go he didn't put up much of a fight just kind of let Stephen go and started to walk off as if though nothing had happened we also lucked out because our class just happened to be within an earshot distance and heard Stephen screaming I guess one of the teachers had recognized his voice they got back over with us and the teachers were so angry as you might imagine we got in a lot of trouble for breaking away from the group especially because that really put us in harm's way I remember one of the male teachers going on this massive rant about the stupidity of our decision he told us that if we had been a little less lucky that day we both could have ended up dead this turned out to be a really big event in my personal life because that was when I kind of straightened out and stopped at acting so rebellious all the time it's a little sad that something so traumatic was what straightened me out but if it happened to you I'm sure you would feel the exact same way because now I have this really strong association with breaking the rules and possibly ending up dead or kidnapped I know it's not logical and doesn't actually make sense but I guess that's the impression something like this leaves on you but anyway that's the story of how me and my best friend's Stephen were nearly kidnapped by a creepy old man when we visited in New York City a long time ago I don't remember very much about the story it happened when I was very young but looking back it may have been one of the most horrifying of my life we were going to visit the panda bears in Washington DC they were going to be so cool I remember our entire class looking forward to the field trip for weeks before it actually happened the day of the field trip I was in awe I've never actually seen panda bears in person and I just remember being so mesmerized by everything the first half of the day went by in a way that you might imagine after about 40 minutes looking at the panda bears that guy kind of old and we moved on to something else we started looking at some of the other animals and I remember looking at all of them and wondering how these animals even existed without me knowing about it I remember just sitting there for a long time and just staring at these animals because I knew that it was going to be a long time before I ever got a chance to see them again I know I know i'ma was a pretty weird kid we got lunch and then moved on to some more animal observing we ended up breaking off into smaller groups there weren't very many of us so there was about five groups of three I was with one of my friends and his grandfather who is one of the nicest sold man I've ever met in my life he was so nice that he bought me cotton candy when I didn't have enough money myself but either way back to the story everyone was having a really good time but when we got into groups my friend's grandfather was a little bit slower and not as observant over us kids I'm not saying that he was negligent or anything definitely not but he wasn't staring at us the entire time like some of the teachers were and for that reason something pretty weird happened to me I remember standing over by the snakes and looking in and being amazed as much as they frightened me I knew that I wasn't in any real danger so it was pretty cool I believe remember there being this one really long snake that had a really colorful design to it I was staring at it when I noticed something that pulled my attention away it was a man a few feet away from me taking pictures now there weren't very many other people around and it was weird the way his camera was angled I assumed that he was trying to take pictures of the snake but for some reason he was standing in a position where I was between him and the snakes it was like I was getting in the way without really thinking about it I moved out of the way like the polite little kid I was I didn't want to ruin his pictures but that's when he followed me he kept taking pictures of me and it was hands-down one of the creepiest things that have ever had happen to me keep in mind this guy literally had sunglasses on in the mustache I don't even know how he managed to get into the zoo looking like that but they did and he was following me around for a good while taking pictures of me and being a naive little kid I didn't think anything nefarious of it at the time the whole concept of child predators was very foreign to me I never really heard anything about that due to my parents kind of sheltering me for most of my life he set in this really really creepy voice take a pose and that's exactly what I did I started acting like a model for him again I didn't really think anything bad of him at this point in fact I was under the impression that I was going to be a supermodel I mean if you rule out the predator aspect why else would some random stranger be taking pictures of me that was my childlike mindset I remember hearing my friend's grandfather whistle for us to get back over by him and I did I looked at the man who had been taking pictures of me really quickly before I left though I told him that my name was Jen and I told him that I wanted my supermodel name to be Jenny fabulous I ran back over to my friend's grandfather and we started making our way to the next exhibit I don't think he had noticed the man who had been taking pictures of me and a couple of more hours went by and we were wrapping it up for the day we were going to see the very last thing which was gonna be the Lions we had gotten back into our class group so all of the teachers and students were together this is when that creepy photographer man started noticing me again he began taking pictures of me in front of the lion exhibit just like he had earlier again I started striking some more poses as you might expect that was when one of the teachers started getting involved she motioned for one of the teachers to take me away well she said something in a very stern tone of voice to that man they were really good teachers and we're looking out for my well-being so I don't actually know what was said to that man all I know was that we didn't spend very much time looking at the Lions it was only a few minutes later that we got back on the bus and got back home it was only years later that I was telling a friend of mine about it's when I was in high school and then it dawned on me that creepy old man was a child predator and he was taking pictures of me in hopes of finding me again or possibly doing something horrible to me maybe even selling those photos again I don't know what exactly my teachers had said or done but my parents found out about the situation I don't know what happened to that man but thankfully I never heard from him again [Music] the weird thing about dating someone with mental illness is that they can seem like an otherwise normal person at least until they snap in whatever way they do this happened to me with the girl I dated back in high school we didn't go to the same school though she went to our neighbor rival school there was something of a friendly competition between our two schools believe it or not we actually met at a football game anyway I ended up dating this girl it was sad because she was actually a really nice person but her mental illness made her extremely unbearable she wouldn't get into this extremely depressive and anxious mood and then would act really strange and would come about from the most random stuff I had previously been dating a girl for about two years even before I was in high school and I totally had a crush on her for a long time before that things ended when I found out that she had tried sleeping with one of my friends and thankfully my friend put bros before hoes and let me know about it immediately but yeah I had just stopped with that relationship so I was in need of a good rebound and that's where this girl comes in we'll call her Erica it was a few weeks after I had been single I was at this football game just trying to pass the time that was when I looked over and saw the perfect goth girl she wasn't overly goth or anything she didn't even have any piercings or tattoos that I knew of but she gave off that vibe if that makes any sense I had always been interested in girls like that so I made eye contact with her got her phone number and texted her that night the thing that really made me like her was that she played xbox how many times do you ever get a cute girls number and she also plays video games I wasn't sure if I was going to ask her out until that point but and she told me her gamertag was bad chick X 42 and I knew I had to go for it I was normally more careful about vetting girls that I planned on dating but I figured it would make for a good time worst case scenario I broke up with her because I didn't like her and then I never saw her again I tell you all this backstory so you can get a good picture of what me and Erica had going on it was very relaxed it wasn't serious and I never once got the idea from her that things were a big deal she also told me that she had really bad anxiety when she told me I didn't think much of it I figured that everyone gets anxious once in a while and I had no idea how bad her anxiety actually got I remember there being this one day when I had a field trip in my school it was as lame as you can imagine but it beats sitting in class so I signed up and was looking forward to the day when it came the night before the field trip I didn't text Erica which was unusual because we normally text each other every night sometimes into the early hours of the morning I just wasn't feeling it that night I was kind of sad and I just wanted to be alone and eat pizza rolls while I watched that 70s show the next day came around and I forgot that it was the day of the field trip I wasn't quite dressed to walk around I had my jeans on but it wasn't the end of the world me and two of my best friends sat together in the bus and waited to get there I think there were about three or four buses from our school that left it was a pretty big field trip and I think just about everyone in my school went no on to the interesting part I saw my ex-girlfriend on the field trip she went to my school by the way it was around lunchtime and she approached me she tried apologizing for being a bad girlfriend back in the day and tried to actually get back together with me I wasn't a jerk toward her but I did tell her no I told her that I would never be able to trust her again about a day or two later she reached out to me again but this time she asked me if I knew someone a gothic looking girl I guess this goth looking girl had approached my ex-girlfriend and asked for a whole bunch of questions I immediately knew it was Erica I told my ex not to worry about it and then she wouldn't be hearing from this goth girl again at this point I felt uneasy about the whole situation it just seemed like a really strange thing to do again what me and Erica had was not very serious in the fact that she was kind of stalking me made me feel really anxious I only knew her for a couple of weeks at this point and if this was what she was going to do and where's this possibly going to lead I talked to her about it she straight-up admitted to stalking me while it was on the field trip she said that she felt anxious about me cheating on her because I didn't text her the night before then she told me that she took a couple of pictures of me talking to my ex-girlfriend she told me that she had somehow found her and confronted her I felt really anxious at this point and try not to act shocked the entire time I couldn't help but think about how much I regretted asking her for her cell phone number and this is where things seriously got out of hand I guess you could tell by my facial expression that I was really freaked out and that's when she decided to threaten me she looked me right in the eyes and said that she would kill me if I told anyone I know we were thinking it doesn't sound as bad as it was if you could see the look in her eyes when she said that to me you would have been anxious about it too I continued texting her and acting like nothing happened for a couple more days she apologized and said that she gets carried away sometimes and I gave it about a week before I just kind of straight-up blocked her she really freaked out I knew I was taking some kind of risk when I did so I wasn't sure if she was serious when she said that she was actually going to kill me or not I remember being really paranoid for a couple of days she didn't know where I live but she knew where I went to school and she had the ability to track down someone that she only had a picture of I have no idea how she tracked down my ex-girlfriend just from seeing her one time and having one picture of her the scary part of the story is that she told me that she would end my life and then end herself she sent it to me as a message and I read it through email so I'm not sure how serious she was about it all I know is that she is an extremely capable person again just think about how much when in defining my ex-girlfriend or even stalking me on the field trip in the beginning you couple that level of capability with someone who was seriously mentally unhinged and you throw a violence threat as icing on the cake and you got yourself a real recipe for disaster I really don't want to say anything to anyone because I noted that the word gets out my reputation could potentially be ruined people would think that I'd be the guy a person to run and hide and start crying at the first instance of a small goth girl threatening me I know that's not how the situation is but I know that's how people would react to it if they heard it's been a while since I've had in his form of communication with Erica I blocked her email phone number and every social media account you can imagine I'm just hoping that she can let sleeping dogs lie and let me live my life and as word as I am about it I still feel bad for her I really hope she gets the help that she so desperately needs [Music] this story happened when I was just a little girl I think it was in the third grade and I remember the day like it was yesterday in fact I don't really remember very much else about that time period anyway I was your pretty average Catholic schoolgirl I was nice to everyone and came from a pretty good home the data that it happened was on a field trip we went to one of those old historic home kinds of places it was used as some kind of base during the Revolutionary War or something like that I don't exactly remember once but I vividly remember making some corn bread the old-fashioned way that was a really fun experience makes me kind of sad that one of the most traumatic experiences in my life happened on the same day what I want you to understand though is that the school itself was very small I was one of 12 students in this class it was a fairly expensive school and that's how I was able to operate that way all things considered I actually got a really good education there the thing about coming from a small school is that you have a very tight-knit community of students parents and teachers there were very few security checks or anything like that especially when it came to something like one of these field trips well I guess one of the boys in the class had an uncle he just happened to tag along on a field trip along with his nephew and nobody batted an eye like I said it was a very trusting community of people at least until the day this happened because I'm pretty sure the rules changed after this the kids uncle was very strange he had a really weird mustache and had these creepy sunglasses that covered his eyes in a way they you couldn't tell where he was looking he may have been looking in a completely different direction or he may have been looking right in your eye he never really knew and that became a problem for me early on in the day I remember when we were lined up outside of the buses and there he was just standing there it seemed like he was looking right at me and I remember thinking to myself that it would have been really weird if he was I immediately looked around to see if I was doing something wrong being an innocent kid and all I assumed that I must have dropped something out of my book bag or something I didn't though and I continued standing there feeling the weight of his gaze of my body I kept glancing in his direction every couple of seconds to see if he was still looking at me I really couldn't tell but I felt like he was my first impression that he was going to be one of those overbearing and overprotective helicopter parents that comes along and ruins the trip for everyone like he was watching out for one of us to make a mistake so he could call us out on it and first impression was dead wrong when we got to the house we split everyone up into groups there was maybe 50 or 60 people there all together and we thought the best way to go about it was to have everyone get into groups of five that way and there would be one adult with four kids it worked out perfectly that way of course I ended up with this guy's creepy uncle and his menacing sunglasses he barely said a word the entire time I remember looking over at the other groups who had a fun parent with them and this guy was just weird he seemed like his mind was somewhere else and it's only after everything happened that's I knew exactly where his mind was it wasn't very long before he did something that crossed many lines as we were waiting in line to see one of the older historic exhibits he started to pet my hair I remember being so weirded out and when we were looking back at him and giving him one of those the heck are you doing kinds of facial expressions he just smiled at me he did that and a couple other extremely odd things to me I don't think any of it crossed the line din to assault but he did some pretty strange touching little things like petting my hair adjusting my shirt and other stuff that just made me extremely uncomfortable and was so obvious that he was more interested in me than any of the other kids he practically ignored his nephew and he paid no mind to the other kids in the thankfully for my sake that was the extent of my day with him one of the teachers caught on to this very strange behavior and pulled this guy aside he then claimed that there was an emergency at the mechanic shop that he worked in and had to leave immediately of course I know in retrospect that he was probably threatened with some kind of legal action it's been years since all of this went down and I found something out very recently that truly shocked me well I still keep in touch with that one friend of mine I was talking to him on Facebook and we were reminiscing about our days in Catholic school I asked him about his uncle because I randomly remembered it and he said that his uncle was in jail for a few more months and was actually about to be released that week I asked him what he was in for and what he proceeded to tell me chilled me to the bone I guess his uncle had been caught with illicit pictures of children on his computer it was truly disturbing I don't think he ever acted on his desires in the real world I'm I'm pretty sure they would have locked him up for good and thrown away the key if he did but just the thought that someone who was a confirmed predator had touched me like that as a child makes me feel sick to my stomach so yeah the moral the story is no matter how small or close your little community is there is always the potential for bad actors to enter the scene and forever change the trust amongst everyone else this is hands-down one of the worst things that's ever happened to me and yet ruined a day that could have otherwise been one of the happiest of my life I was friends with someone named Jack and middle school in high school it was a strange guy they always seem to get along much better with girls and he did guys but it wasn't like he was flirting with the girls he was just better at being friends with them I now know in retrospect that he was gay and it explains everything perfectly but at the time I just thought he was really good at talking to girls I first became close with him when I had a study hall class with him the teacher was extremely rude for absolutely no reason there was this one time when she told me and Jack to stop talking because other students were trying to work and not ten minutes later she called one of her friends to gossip about something that happen on Facebook she didn't even leave the rumor talk quietly or anything she just blabbered on about her cousin's horrible Facebook post that was when me and Jack knew that we had to make our mission to troll this teacher and make her life horrible and that's how me and Jack became close we would leave a whoopee cushion on her chair throw out some of the papers inside of her desk and other little things like that it never amounted to malice on our part but it just felt kind of like revenge at least in our eyes and this was one of the first times that I really noticed something about Jack he loved doing stuff like this I'm not sure you could call it a streak of rebellion or what but he definitely loved to make people feel bad maybe you could call him something of a sadist not to an extreme degree or anything like that bad enough that it's not an accurate description anyway he came out of the closet some time in high school during her sophomore year I was still friends with him though not as close as we had been when we trolled that teacher we kind of fell out of contact and stopped hanging out as much after that study hall ended I was really supportive when he came out of the closet though I always had a lot of sympathy for that community I never quite understood the whole of the hate that they got but I just knew it was a really difficult thing to be open the gay we were in New York State so people were more accepting than they otherwise would have been Jack wasn't rejected or denounced by anyone as far as I knew there were definitely a few guys who were jerks about it it was still high school after all but all in all we live in a fairly progressive town toward the end of our sophomore year there was going to be one big field trip and everyone looked forward to it it was going to be a trip to Disney World and we stayed for a couple of days like the entire class or whoever went at least those kinds of theme parks always seemed kind of lame otherwise because you can only go with your family I known that might be bad to say but I always thought those family trips were boring no matter where we went I always just wanted to go with my friends I thought that was the best time and I knew that this was probably going to be the only chance I had to do that the trip didn't go at all as I had planned most of my friends couldn't even go because they were failing a class I ended up only being able to hang out with Jack he was pretty much the only person I knew who went on the trip so I just kind of stuck with them unless I wanted to be alone the entire time which would have been horrible but something I didn't really expect happened when I started hanging out with Jack he wanted us to ditch his friends he just wanted it to be me and him which I thought was pretty weird because I didn't think much of it the rest of the day went by pretty good we started pulling innocent pranks on people it was actually a really fun time I remember him saying something about it being like how we had done back in study hall it honestly brought me back to those days too when all it was a great day but then the time came to go back to the hotel this was when things got weird because I noticed that when we started winding down for the day Jack and his moods seemed a lot different than they had been throughout the day I don't exactly know how to explain it but it made me pretty uncomfortable to say the least and I don't mean like I was in danger kind of uncomfortable but it was more awkward than anything after all outside of that day me and Jack really weren't that close and seeing him in such a different way made things a little awkward for me at least but the night went on me and Jack ended up rooming together the teacher said that we had to be in doubles and once we had an accountability partner we were going to be sharing a hotel room in the back of my mind I got nervous that Jack was gonna try something but I chalked it up to me just being randomly paranoid everything went as you might expect and we went to sleep in our separate beds but there was some point throughout the night that he woke me up I don't know what came over him but he came to my bed and started doing things of a certain intimate nature I don't really want to go into too many details and quite frankly I think they're pretty disturbing on top of that I don't really want to think about it too much it was kind of traumatic for me and suffice to say I was assaulted by him while I was still half asleep took me a while to understand what was even going on I'm a really deep sleeper so it was really weird I didn't want to tell anyone because I was worried that people were going to think that I was gay I know that's probably a horrible thing to think that I was more worried about my own reputation than my own well-being but but I guess that's how it is with high schoolers and how they think at the end of the day the rest of the trip was horribly awkward between the two of us I tried changing our partners but the teachers wouldn't allow it so I was stuck hanging out with Jack the rest of the time I didn't really say all that much to him on the second half of the last day he just straight-up ditched me and I was left by myself at the snack bar I just ate food we haven't really had any contact since I moved away to go to college and I don't have any plans and going back to my hometown my parents retired in Florida anyway so I don't really have a reason to go back especially not if Jack is there [Music] when I was much younger I was considered one of the popular girls you would think that this would be an amazing privilege for everyone to look at you and think that you were the best looking person in the room most of the time to get all the attention from the guys that you could ever want and sometimes even making other girls jealous felt kind of good but let me tell you the truth about it it really sucks more often than not I felt kind of bad for the girls who weren't as pretty as me and I also felt bad for having to constantly reject a bunch of guys who were trying to date me this was especially bad in high school I got hit on all the time it honestly became very distracting I hadn't had a boyfriend up until that point and it really went out of my way to be a good girl I always thought that if I just stated any guy that tried to pick me up I wouldn't get the best guy that I could so I just waited until I found a guy that I thought was worthwhile I spent most of my time with my best friend destiny me and her were really close but I remember she almost got kind of jealous when I finally got something of a boyfriend me and this boy Jake never actually dated but we were talking for lack of a better term it was one of those situations where people kind of knew that we were somewhat romantically involved like we would talk on the phone at night and sometimes bringing each other gifts to school things like that people always blew it out of proportion but it was what it was I remember destiny being very disapproving of Jake she said that it was a loser and that I could do way better than him he definitely would have not seemed like the first guy to have gone after at first he isn't the best-looking guy in the world but I think he's really cute or at least I did at the time I thought his real redeeming quality was that he was the most compassionate guy I'd ever met unlike most guys he actually listened to me when I spoke I felt like he really heard me and that was a bihac a lot more than could be said of any other guy that ever tried to date me before and if I'm gonna be honest I felt more heard by him than anyone I ever met up until that point the sad part was that Jake had quite a few issues he wasn't just something of a loner he also had this dark and mysterious side that I didn't really know anything about even to this day I don't really know what was wrong with him I just know that there is something about him that isn't quite right and looking back I was extremely naive to not have seen the signs before he was disliked by so many people when it wasn't like your standard reaction where people think he's awkward or something he totally was but there was something else that was completely off about him even my dog had a bad reaction when I brought him to my house one time and as anyone should know if the dog doesn't like you then there is really something wrong with you anyway nothing bad really happened between us until we had a field trip one day our entire grade was going to a theme park about 30 minutes away it was supposed to be a really fun thing as long as we stayed in small groups of at least three we could pretty much go where I've heard do whatever we wanted the idea of not having to be followed around by a teacher all day was extremely enticing on the day of the field trip it ended up being me and Jake and destiny and a group of three he really wanted us to ditch destiny so we could go and have some fun but I wasn't about to do that to my best friend nor did I really want to do anything like that with him on this field trip most of the day went by and it was actually pretty fun there was one point when I had walked by a waterslide some of the kids who were riding on had splashed some of the water and got me completely soaked I had a spare shirt in my book bag and I went to the girls locker room to change but this is where things got weird there was no one in the girls locker room I went in there and started the change and then I heard someone else walk in I just assumed it was another girl or a woman it was pretty crowded day after all but no it was Jake he started touching me very inappropriately I told him that I really wanted to do stuff with him but just not under these kind of circumstances but he wasn't getting the hint and it really started to freak me out I could feel it in his pants rubbing against my leg his breath got heavier and heavier and he got himself really worked up finally I just had to yell at him to stop I told him that he was really freaking me out and I just got the rest of my clothes and I walked out but he didn't follow me he just let me leave I stood outside of the girls room for a few minutes waiting for him to come out but it was a little while before he did probably close to five minutes as you might imagine dai was not excited to go back in there and get him destiny also gave me a look when I came out I told her that Jake was in there but I didn't tell her what he was doing she just asked why he was in the girls locker room at all I couldn't think of a good excuse I didn't want to tell her that he was being a complete and total creep with me that day destiny was fed up because she wanted to go buy a pretzel she knocked on the girls locker room door and told Jake that he needed to come out right now we stood there for a few seconds and we all heard some strange grunting noises it was honestly really awkward and me and destiny just stood there and looked at each other Jake finally made out one last grunting noise and a few seconds later walked outside he didn't say a word he was kind of out of breath and it was one of the most awkward moments in my life we told him that we were going to get a pretzel and he just shook his head he slowly followed behind us as we made her way to the snack bar at the time I don't think I consciously knew it but now that I'm a little older I think I have a pretty good idea of what he was doing in there as he might imagined that was the end of mine and Jake's little romance that was the creepiest thing I've ever seen anyone do and it was so shocking coming from him I felt like I'd spent so much time getting to know him only find out that he was even creepier than all the other guys [Music] so the second back in sixth grade and I think it's the closest I've ever come to dying at the school I went to we always used to have some big end-of-the-year field trip we'd usually go to some city and look at all the important or historic buildings have lunch learned some things and leave that year we were going in New York and me and a couple of friends planned what we wanted to do we wanted to go do our own thing go shopping it's a new clothes that kind of thing only when we got to school the next day the teachers made it really clear we had to stick with the group but since we were all stupid rebellious sixth graders we decided we just have to work around that on the ride to New York me my friend Olivia and my friend Devin decided we were going to leave the group and do whatever we wanted our class was pretty big almost 60 of us because they put fifth sixth and seventh graders together so we thought if we weren't gone too long nobody would notice we had brought money and we had planned on buying tons of stuff because even though we were a big class we live in a small town with only a couple of stores Olivia loves shopping and she had actually researched the area we were going to be around and picked out all the good stores she even made us a little map she was good at that kind of stuff anyways when we got to New York Devin chickened out because his parents were pretty strict and he didn't want to get his phone taken away again Olivia and I just decided that he could just give us some money and we buy his stuff for him so he did that and after they herded everyone off the bus we kind of lingered back we were right about them being distracted by everyone else because we got away no problem Olivia's map worked out pretty good and we were gone probably around 10 or 20 minutes before things started getting crazy we had just left the store and Olivia was carrying her shopping bags when this guy noticed us it probably wasn't hard to pick us out two little sixth-graders walking around alone carrying a ton of clothes he started calling out to us saying how he could buy us more clothes all the jewelry we wanted and if only we would just come with him we didn't believe him of course we just kept walking heading on to the next store only this guy wouldn't stop talking he started following us now and getting kind of angry that we wouldn't answer him I told him to buzz off because I thought that he would take a hint there were tons of people around and we figured he couldn't really kidnap us in front of 200 people but he kept following us and he started getting a lot closer he had probably been 30 or 40 yards back where we could barely see him over the people but now he was only 15 or 20 feet that's when we started panicking because God is a potential kidnapper after us and we had no idea where the group was we decided to split off from the sidewalk and head down into some alley because we figured people would call out the guy if he started following us but of course it was New York and everybody else was wrapped up in their own little problems so now we're walking down this dark alley and this guy is still after us he fell a little back probably back to about 30 feet now but now he's not pretending to be a good guy he's talking about how he's gonna kill us and how they're never gonna find her bodies and how much fun he's gonna have with us and he's smiling this deranged grin the whole time we're both on the verge of tears now because we figured this sociopath is about to have his away with us Olivia just decides to drop her stuff and yells run so we both start booking it when we're probably around halfway through this alley but then she turns around and she screams so I turn around and I see this psychopath is now running after us too and he has a knife we're both screaming now and I'm running faster than I ever have before and we just run out of the alley back into this crowd of people and as we try to get into this group of people to make sure this guy can't stab us to death I turn around and he's just standing back in the alley smiling and I turned back around and this random lady is asking us what's wrong because we're both sobbing and Olivia's dress is ripped I'm bleeding because my arms scraped the wall and we're crying so hard we can barely talk as soon as we can actually manage to talk we tell her about our school and she looks it up and calls them and we somehow managed find our group again we're both forced to stay right next to the teacher because they don't trust us anymore and I honestly don't blame them we didn't even tell them about the man though and as soon as I get home I'm grounded and my phone is taken away but still nobody but me and Olivia knows about that man school ends a couple of days later and I get my phone back so I text Olivia and she sends me a picture of our class in front of some important building and says look in the bottom left corner and that man is in it mostly hidden behind some wall but you can still see his face smiling that deranged grin for the camera we never really talked about the man again I didn't want to bring it up and Olivia didn't either I'm terrified of cities now I'd like to stick to a couple of towns near me and that's it and there's a much lower chance of running into any Psychopaths [Music] I'm a 15 year old male I live in Germany but I come from a small European country this event had happened before I moved to Germany in my country we have field trips usually at the end of eighth grade that lasts for a week or so now I've had my fair share of stalkers but nothing like this it was September in 2014 and I went to a field trip on an island with my class I was 14 at the time there was this girl Jane and Jane used to be a normal girl up until that point she was always kind of shy and really kept to herself but everyone liked her she was never bullied or anything just a normal shy girl we used to chat on Facebook a little bit but nothing serious I never really harbored any feelings towards her neither in her favor nor against her now back to the field trip I've smoked a couple of cigarettes with my mates in our hotel room and then we met outside the teacher wanted to show us some plants that were specific for that area now I've noticed that Jane was talking to me more often than before and that she had walked very near to me but I thought that that was merely a coincidence I didn't make a fuss about it but as time went by things had started to get worse she started touching me hugging me and following me respectively on the third day we went on a cruise to a nearby island and during the cruise she was sitting next to me she had a camera and was taking pictures of me I had zero sense of restraint at that point since I was young and didn't think much of it I've noticed that she was taking a suspicious amount of photos mostly of me and I told her to calm down and she talked to me for an hour but she didn't say anything interesting she was mimicking the Irish and British accents to me and basically blabbering stuff for approximately an hour and I was just smiling and replying with that's nice in the following days she had started to hug me and make me feel uncomfortable so one day I came to her and told her that we needed to talk in private we went to the woods and I asked her if she was in love with me or something like that she denied it and kept saying that there had been a misunderstanding but I knew that there was something off about her and she told me her life story she said that our mother is asked to phrenic and that she's severely depressed about it I felt sorry for her but still her and that touching was incredibly inappropriate during our conversation my mates wondered where I am and organised a search party for me they found us eventually but she had decided to stay behind and let me go I have no idea what she was doing after I left on one occasion I'm a little fuzzy about the details she came into our hotel room asking for water as if there wasn't any water in her own room however when she got the requested water she refused to leave the room we got rid of her by telling her that we were going out to have some fun the next day the harassing got even worse she would follow me around and hug me the peak of her abnormal behavior happened in the evening I took a walk with a friend of mine and turned around briefly only to see her behind us she was following us a kidney not I have never felt this kind of dread in my whole life we have made our way down the shore and I hid behind a big rock next to a police station she go inside and tell the police we have a stalker my friend joked anyway she couldn't find us and gave up finally my best friend heard the story and went to her room to tell her to screw off I was infuriated with him because it was rude of him regardless of her actions I'm usually not meek but I thought that was horrible now I see that no matter how cruel that was it was the right thing to do I went to a room and apologize for my friend's actions she was in her bed sobbing uncontrollably and I calmed her down and went outside a female friend of mine Sara had invited me to come to her room so we could discuss something I made my way to her room and saw two other girls there we sat in the chairs in her balcony and she had told me that Jane is a very depressed person who had done some self harming in the past I was shocked when I had heard that so amidst our conversation I winced but it raised my look and saw Jane maybe 50 metres or a hundred and sixty feet away just sitting on a rock listening to music and staring at me she had a solemn look in her eyes I suddenly felt dismay and told my friends that we have a spectator they winced - and we decided to pry on her a little bit before backing out to the bedroom to stay away from her it was the last thing Sara told me before I left to my luck it was the end of our field trip and I finally got some rest weird encounters with her became fewer and fewer because she was often absent from school later I found out that she had overdosed on sleeping pills a couple of times but survived all of those occurrences there was even a rumor that she had ended up in a psychiatric institution but I have no proof of that and I can't tell you in confidence the point of the story is that sometimes you have to be rude so you can prevent something like this from happening to you it may seem cruel or it might even hurt the other person but in the end it's your life and you have to stand up for yourself and make sure that you're happy first [Music] this happened to me some time ago back when I was 10 on a field trip to a group of cabins some 70 kilometers or so from the city I lived in the point of the trip was basically just to have fun we weren't being taught much other than how to make shelters and light a fire in the rain for the most part we were supposed to spend the majority of the time just fooling around playing tag and swimming in the nearby lake and maybe playing board games inside the cabins when it was pouring outside things turned out to be less fun at least during the first two days at first the trip seemed great we got to choose her own roommates there were four rooms in each of the four cabins and my group of friends and I obviously chose one together there were four of us in total myself an Indian guy a Canadian this happened in Canada and a Chinese guy neither of us had ever been on a trip like this before so far from home and in the middle of a mountainous forest when we got there and we took a tour which was led by the camps coordinator this 20-something year old with shoulder-length blond hair he showed us the cabins the lakes the trails in the kitchen and lunch rooms and then stressed us that it was important that we not wander off far from the cabins since being in a forest at the base of a mountain the chances of getting lost were relatively high so we finished the tour ate dinner and then we were guided to bed as we had arrived somewhat late my friends and I were extremely excited what with this being our first time sleeping away from home and everything the Canadian friend had the at the time seemingly brilliant idea to share ghost stories while we got ready for bed we each came up with a fictional character that would creep out kids or murder people or something I came up with this idea of someone called psycho who would hide behind the shower curtains and then stab you when you stepped inside for the record no one showered during the four days we were there the Indian guy came up with this typical under the bed monster who would grab your legs as you got close to the bed frame and drag you under as the hours passed and lights out drew closer we started to get the creeps by the time the lights out hit two hours later we were so high-strung with a combination of excitement and nerves that everyone excluding me decided to share one bed even though there were two of them in the Indian guy's story about the grabbing your ankles and being dragged under the bed monster unnerved us to the point that we jumped onto the beds from nearby pieces of furniture rather than have to walk near the bottoms as I mentioned previously I decided to sleep on my own because three people in one bed even ten years old was awkward and this being summer it was hot we talked for a bit before turning off the lights and falling asleep but I was awoken some hours later by what sounded like whispering I didn't move at first since the stories we had shared while getting ready for bed were still in my mind and then I recognized the voices and realized my friends were the ones whispering from over on the other side of the room in their bed so I relaxed for a moment and I was about to call out and asked what they were discussing when the Indian guy apparently unaware that I had woken up hissed what's it doing immediately the thought of some monster looming over my bed took to my mind and I froze eyes darting around in the darkness I didn't see anything as the room was empty and it was too dark to make out the distinctive forms of my friends in the other bed it's looking at him said the Chinese guy and then added do you think he'll break the window and then I looked at the window it was one of those floor-to-ceiling ones with a latch that opened up to a balcony standing in the balcony pressed up against the glass was the silhouette of a person the curtains were drawn but there were white and thin and we could still see the warp shadow of the person illuminated from behind by the dim light of the moon the man it was almost certainly a man was holding a long pole with a wide end similar to a sledgehammer or even an axe I whispered guys the man outside didn't move but the Chinese guy did I didn't know how he even worked up the courage to do this but he crawled out of bed and slowly worked his way to the side of the window duck low all commando-style he reached forwards grabbing the curtains and was about to peak between the fabric when the outside knocked on the glass the poor Chinese friend jumped so badly that he pulled hard on the curtain causing the entire thing to rip off the railing letting us see the person outside he was dressed in black aside from a pair of orange shorts and a ski mask on what he held in his hands was actually a shovel rather than hammer or axe nevertheless the four of us were terrified the Chinese guy screamed and bolted for the door and in less than a second the four of us were scrambling and a bed and hightailing it for the exit screaming all the while my Indian friend tripped along the way and the Chinese friend was in such a rush that he slammed into the door causing the lock to nearly snap and seconds we were in the cabins lobby and everyone else was rushing out of their rooms to see what had happened teacher included she had her own room we told the teacher and terrified gasp what had happened and she went to investigate but found nothing the person had disappeared after that it took about an hour before we were convinced to even step back into our room I clambered in the bed with my friends despite their protests and we stayed awake for the remaining four hours or so hands clutched around our flashlights the curtains remained open the next day passed normally and though we talked about the event we soon forgot ourselves and the blur of activities that the camp council is set for us we ate lunch fooled around ate dinner and then with no small amount of dread walked back to the cabins and got ready for bed the same guy actually came back but to a different cabin this time when we woke up and headed for breakfast hall a group of girls were talking about the man with the shovel and after talking with them for a bit we realized that they had experienced the same thing as us we were just about to go to the teacher and explain that there was someone out there trying to murder us little kids when the camp's coordinator the twenty-something with blonde hair walked into the breakfast hall wearing the exact same orange shorts the man outside of her balcony had been wearing he denied everything when our group questioned him and we didn't dare take the matter to the other camp counselors or even our teachers the rest of the trip was uneventful but judging by the shorts it was almost definitely him at the time it freaked me out to think that one of the camps counselors was doing this sort of thing we suspected him for murder and a whole host of other things but looking back at the trip he was probably just a bored young adult trying to make an otherwise repetitive job as a counselor more exciting still I hate to think about how depraved he must have been to scare ten year olds in that way possibly leaving them with trauma or emotional scarring this happened to me when I was in first grade so about six or seven years old I am now in my mid-20s every year the first graders take a trip to the zoo about an hour away from her town I was a shy little girl so I spent most of the bus ride staring out the window while the other kids were busy conversing with each other a jeep pulls up where I have a clearer look into the vehicle and at the driver we were on the interstate I'm seeing him playing with something under his shirt all the while looking at me and then back at the road back at me and so forth one hand on the wheel and the other fiddling with whatever was under his shirt I couldn't keep my eyes off of him fascinated about what he was hiding and then they lifted his shirt and yep I got a good look at what he was playing with the whole time he freaking waved at me granted I was a little girl and had never seen one before nor did I understand why he was doing what he was doing a girl that was near me asked what I was looking at and then she got to see for herself she started hollering and I swear to God all the kids on the bus ran to the window to see what was going on the Jeep gunned off and I'm sure it got off the next exit I remember telling my mom about it when I got home but then I just sort of blocked it out of my mind it was only several years later when I had two daughters of my own that I recalled this event and just last night I was talking to my mom about it wishing that I had been more mature and had thought to get his license-plate number or something Allah remembers that it was a jeep or SUV of some type and some middle-aged white guy I just hope and pray to God that I nor any other child in their life ever has to go through or see something like that again hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification bell to be alerted of all future narrations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear your story featured on the next video and join my discord to interact with me and other listeners directly 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Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 340,501
Rating: 4.8757739 out of 5
Keywords: field trip stories, scary field trip stories, field trip horror stories, true field trip stories, true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, true stories, stories from reddit, asmr reading, lets not meet, true creepy stories, scary horror stories, reddit, true scary stories from reddit, true horror stories from reddit, subscriber submissions, reddit scary true stories, lets read, asmr sleep, ASMR, creepy stories
Id: PP_MnjjWaFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 41sec (4061 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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