11 Insane Details in Budokai Tenkaichi 4! (Sparking Zero Gameplay Breakdown)

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hello everyone Bandai has just dropped both a Gameplay trailer and a character reveal trailer let's talk about it what was previously called Blast stock is now known as kill count it functions roughly the same with your counter slowly building up over time during battle notice how he said roughly the same well it's because they've made a few interesting tweaks sparking zero has added a couple of new mechanics first up Revenge counter let's say your opponent has you trapped in a combo and you desperately want to get out previously you would only be able to break out of a combo if your character had either an explosive wave in their move set or if they had wild sense activated and that's where Revenge counter steps in by consuming two of your skill counts you'll be able to break out of an opponent's combo and send them flying with a Counterattack like I said before only characters who had explosive wave type moves would have the luxury of breaking out of a combo with ease and unfortunately Ely there weren't a lot of them Gohan Vegeta Trunks and the Androids are the only ones that come to mind with Revenge counter everyone will have access to a move that lets you break out of a combo for free well two counter Stacks but you get the point super perception marks another new addition not seen in previous T Kai Chi games this one is also dependent on your skill count when anticipating the opponent's attack you can activate super perception which allows you to deflect the attack at a cost of two skill points they say that we'll be able to deflect various types of attacks so I guess this means we'll be able to deflect more than just key wve type blasts not sure how that's going to work since they didn't show us any other examples but I'm definitely curious to find out in the future here's one of the bigger gameplay changes the short Dash they said that your normal movement speed will be as fast as the dash in previous games so instead of moving your analog stick and pressing X to get to this level of speed just by moving our analog sticks without pressing any buttons we'll be able to achieve the same speed and sparking zero and then if we want to move faster we would have to press the dash button which I'm assuming will be X by pressing X we would perform a short Dash which they describe as a quick lightning speed move I'm definitely curious to see how it'll feel once we actually play the game with new additions and changes there's always a risk of ruining or messing something up but I'll be open-minded the last feature they've highlighted is Vanishing assault at the cost of a single Key Bar you'll essentially be able to teleport to your opponent it appears to be quite an effective way to get behind and catch them off guard from what I understand you'll have to be somewhat close to your opponent in order to initiate the vanishing assault all of these new mechanics were added in hopes of making the battles feel more strategic and I'm definitely on board with that can't wait to see how everything will feel once we actually play it and with all those new mechanics out of the way let's see how our old ones look in the very first bit of game play Vegeta does a non homing dash at Goku which he counters by simply jumping this might sound like a stupid thing to break down but hear me out the fact that Goku was able to dodge that with a mirr jump means that this gameplay Quirk was something they ported from the tenang kaii series and not Raging Blast I mentioned this because there's a lot of people concerned about whether the game will play more like tankai Chi or RB I love this next scene so Goku does this Ki Cannon followed by a smash attack that is supposed to knock Vegeta to the ground unfortunately for Goku Vegeta does a vanish escaping the attack last minute this exact combo can be replicated in tenai G3 you press square two times and hold triangle to charge your kyi Cannon once your opponent is sent flying just press triangle again to finish the combo considerable attention was given to the character's hair throughout the entire Tri trailer you'll notice how Dynamic and fluid the hair feels especially in this scene where Goku is charging his key this feature was also present on the PS2 games though not to the same degree obviously now this particular combo caught my eye Goku does a typical charged punch to the gut followed by a leg kick that sends Vegeta flying this is something you can easily replicate in bt3 however those two Vanishing spin kicks that follow on the other hand well they're a whole different story technically you can replicate it but you would have to be in max power which sparking zero Goku is not and even if we do replicated while in max power it still doesn't feel the same it's way slower than the sparking Zero Combo most likely a new combo string that didn't exist in previous games although those two follow-up spinning kicks Goku does they feel oddly familiar not the kicks themselves no rather it's the way those two kicks were carried out lightning fast it kind of reminds me of this particular combo from bt3 ignoring the kyi cannon those two kicks Goku follows up with feel identical they're both equally as fast as those shown in sparking zero gameplay maybe it's just me but I feel that's the only thing that's even remotely comparable you'll also notice how both Goku and Vegeta are constantly teleporting mid combo this is something you could do both in bt3 and Raging Blast you start your combo head on in front of the enemy and finish it from behind either that or you can simply reset the combo and start all over it does appear to consume a small portion of your key gauge each time you do it just like it did in the previous games chargeable super attacks are back oh I just noticed that super attacks also consume three of your key bars in ten kai4 nice after being blasted by the Kamia Vegeta's outfit is completely destroyed the sandan armor is gone and half his outfit is complet completely torn it looks identical to the way it did in the Broly movie speaking of battle damaged outfits there's something really interesting I noticed in bt3 battle damage would only be visible if you got hit by a strong enough ultimate or if you lost the beam Clash whereas in bt2 you literally just have to beat him up like no joke no need for any fancy key blasts hard punches and kicks will do the job just right now the reason they brought up battle damage in bt2 is because it seems to function similarly in sparking zero we already saw Vegeta's armor getting blown up by the Kamehameha but even before that during the initial exchanges of blows with Goku his suit was already showing signs of damage this implies that for the first time ever in a ten Kai Chi game we will have two stages of battle damage for a character's outfit shortly after Vegeta goes into max power and dashes straight at Goku it's here where Vegeta does a 12 hit combo topped off by a flying kick the flying kick combo is no stranger to the tankai chi series depending on your character it will either be square plus triangle or square square triangle or even square square square triangle the flying kick is all good but the 12-hit combo caught me off guard until I realized Vegeta was in max power in Just spamming the punch button and tankai chi3 this move is called violent rush I don't know if you can call it a move considering you just spam the punch button over and over until your max power gauge is drained nonetheless I'm glad to see it back I was so hung up on the combos that I didn't even notice the weather changing looks like the weather will change whenever you transform or charge key Dave directly stated that ultimate tankai Chi was one of the games they took heavy inspiration from when it came to presentation and ultimate tank kaii did have weather changes although it worked a bit differently there and now for the most insane part of the Gameplay trailer Vegeta launches a mean looking Final Flash that catches Goku off guard it is here that we witnessed the return of one of the stable mechanics of the ten kaii games the lock on and what's more it functions the same way it did in the older games if you got hit by a strong enough ultimate blinded by a solar flare or heck even if you got smacked by that one combo from bt2 your character would lose focus and begin to frantically scan the area in an attempt to locate the opponent all the while the enemy has you in their sights waiting for the perfect moment to strike which is exactly what Vegeta does in the trailer Goku's view is obscured by some spectacular looking smoke clouds when suddenly a hole starts to form and the hole gradually expands with each of Vegeta's key blasts passing through now this this is some Next Level attention to detail I also like how we can see Vegeta's silhouette through the smoke so we're not completely blind after transforming into blue Goku does this specific combo which kind of looks like one of the aerial combos from bt3 it's not exactly one to one as blue Goku doesn't even exist in bt3 but the combo pattern seems to be quite similar Vegeta finally gets the upper hand but as soon as he attempts to smack Goku with a Vanishing attack that's right folks the infamous Z counter this move has to be one of the most hard to master techniques of all time it's a timing based move essentially all you have to do is press up plus Square before a rush attack hits or circle before a Vanishing attack it sounds simple in theory but it's just so difficult to actually pull off the vanishing Z counter is somewhat doable but the rush attack Z counter is just pain I never mastered it even though I've been playing the game basically ever since release granted I didn't spend much time trying to master it but still it's painful the window of our opportunity is way too short although considering ten kai4 is going to have online I think it's time we all start watching those YouTube tutorials the Gameplay trailer concludes with a huge Revelation ladies and gentlemen our analoges are safe beam clashes are no longer determined by who spins the fastest instead it'll be a game of focus the winner is the player who times their inputs more precisely kind of like that Min game we had in budai 3 all right that's everything covered in regard to the the Gameplay trailer now for the character reveal trailer buff trunks is back and his super explosive wave actually feels super this time around after trunks is sent flying by dispo he kind of stops himself from hitting the ground the same way Vegeta did in his fight against cell I'm not sure if this is a call back to it but the similarities are hard to deny kakun is also in the game I don't know what to say she's that fighter from the tournament of power that got eliminated by Android 17 I mean it's a t kaii game after all we have emperor Poff as a playable character freaking spopovich sure why not Kakuna also this one is a character reveal trailer so there isn't a lot to talk about in terms of actual gameplay still there are two more things I'd like to highlight first bder is back and he is still the fastest in the universe also the combo he does in the trailer is a onetoone recreation of his combo from ten kai3 now Broly's explosive wave kind of caught my eye it looks just like a typical explosive wave until you notice that green key wve that's directly coming out of his torso now this is just a guess but I have a theory on how this might work in the trailer is a super explosive wave connected with Jace but let's say it doesn't connect could that blast be one final attempt to do some chip damage in case the super explosive wave fails to land I mean it's just a theory but I find find it somewhat plausible so far things are looking good we have 11 characters and there's a lot more to come as for the release date I think we should still remain patient the game play seems to be heading in the direction of ten Kai chi3 which is always a good thing although I'm a bit anxious when it comes to the New Movement system but let's just wait and see who knows maybe it will be even better than threes a very lengthy episode of Secrets and Dragon Ball games is coming up this Thursday So yeah thank you for watching and I hope to see you there
Channel: KaDazee
Views: 367,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon ball games, budokai tekaichi 4, sparking zero, insane details in dbz games, tenkaichi 3, sparking zero trailer breakdown, tenkaichi 4 gameplay, secrets in dragon ball games, easter eggs, dbz games, tenkaici 4 dotodoya, budokai 3, raging blast 2, tenkaichi 3 vs spakring zero, comparison, sparing zero character roster, dbz games evolution, gameplay, trailer reaction, analysis, z counter, ultra instinct tenkaichi 4
Id: hNsVidrxUn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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