11 EASY Survival Hacks Everyone Should Know!

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hello YouTube it is Chris urine in today's episode I'm going to teach you some amazing survival hacks using everyday household items so stick with me welcome back everybody and thank you for sticking with me now this will be an ongoing series where I'm going to be taking everyday household items things you're going to have in your car your bedroom your house and teach you some awesome life slash survival hacks that you can do to better equip yourself if an emergency ever arises well let's not wasting time and dive right into this now this hack is a pretty simple one using trick birthday candles or relight candles as some people call them two of the biggest factors that can mess you up in a survival situation when you're trying to get a fire started is water or a wind and being able to have a wind resistant candle such as this is extremely extremely useful in this next hack I'm going to show you how to use some black felt to ink create an insulating layer to your shoes and also create a higher level of comfort for walking we need a sole of your shoe and some black felt once you have your felt cut up to shape you can use double sided tape if you want to or just leave it open but you just slide it in underneath a sole and you very cheaply have added an insulating layer and a comfort layer to the bottom of your shoe now this shoe has the felt and that one doesn't so my wife has the shoes on which one goes by really good really yeah can't tell the difference nice for this next act all we need is some nail polish and q-tips a lot of people see petroleum jelly and cotton balls as an amazing firestarter but a lot of people overlook this little powerhouse you literally just take the nail polish and just paint right here on either end now what I like to do with these is since how you can see that I did both sides just take them once they're snipped you end up having six fire starters with three q-tips now just imagine just one bottle of nail polish and like a two dollar pack of q-tips you can end up with five 600 firestarters we all know how well petroleum jelly and cotton balls light we're going to take this and start fluffing it out and you have a nice little fire starter it doesn't burn really fast this is a seemingly unlikely hack however simple everyday guitar picks are made of a substance called celluloid and it is extremely flammable it starts fires really really easy however they are super thin adding two or three of these into your EDC device the sliding and material wallet you have a very ready fire starter at your fingertips and it takes absolutely no space water proofing your matches for this hack all we need are some matches and nail polish the sack is pretty simple you literally just take it and you dip it into the nail polish so now they're dry let's test them and see if they're waterproof we'll just dump them in some water let them kind of dry it a little bit now out though oh yeah that works really really well this hack is going to show you how to let your matches last longer typically when you light a match they burn really really really fast they don't last long at all especially in windy conditions this is actually a really easy trick you basically just feather stick using the med stick and it seems to burn just a whole lot slower it stays right in that area for several seconds before it starts going all the way down this next survival hack involves pantyhose being exposed to the elements in a survival situation can we be vulnerable to becoming sick getting hurt or cause you to become incapacitated or debilitated and not be able to do what you need to do normally in a winter situation you can actually wear these under everything under your boxers and everything and it creates an insulating layer to just give you more layers before you put on things like long johns that I know a lot of you guys are going to scream with that but these are extremely cheap also the thin mesh being underneath your clothing when you're out say somewhere like you're hunting can't prevent ticks from being able to latch onto your skin this particular hack will involve shoes you cut it to the length you need about the same length of the sock you will be wearing in your outdoor situation putting this on before you put your socks on can help you reduce friction and keep you from getting blisters and things like that this is a well-known hack involving recycled egg cartons some candle wax and the lint from your dryer now for anyone who doesn't know this hack you take some dryer lint start sticking it into all these little nooks and crannies then you milk your wax once your wax is fully melted and you go ahead and you pour the wax all over the place once the wax dries then you go out and cut these little individual cartons out once these are cut out now you have a very reliable fire starter that will stay lit for like 10 to 15 minutes did I mention they light really easily now we're already over the 5-minute mark and it's still burning really well so I don't think anyone can deny these are amazing cheap fire starters just using things that you already have in your house this next act has got to be one of my favorites and it involves household bleach you can fill a dropper bottle such as this with just normal household bleach and adding one or two drops of water in up to two litres of water can help you filter and clean without actually having to worry about boiling your water this next hack is pretty incredible it involves using your windshield Sun screen reflector almost every single person has one of these in their car and the thing I like about them is if you catch yourself in a survival situation and you don't have everything with you you only have a small bug out bag a little tiny get home bag maybe your EDC kit is all you got you can use your reflective windshields the reflector to actually they unfold really really really big you find a couple leaves on the ground a little pile of betta grass and you use this and you sleep on top of it as a makeshift dry place to sleep also if you're in a cold environment the greatest thing is so you don't lose a lot of body heat in that cold environment because it's reflective if you sleep close enough to the fire the reflective properties will bounce the heat back up into your body while you're laying down this last and final hack for today will involve ramen noodles and antifreeze first you grab the ramen open it up using ramen noodles as a improvised camp stove can give you up to 20 minutes of fuel to cook the food all you got to do is saturate the ramen in the antifreeze just for a little bit it doesn't take very long for that camp stuff ramen noodle camp stove to start boiling water and get you ready to actually cook real food that you most likely caught out in the survival situation it's been I don't know about 15 minutes it's still on and burning I mean at ramen camp stove is just legit I really hope you guys enjoyed all these survival hacks that I showcase for you guys today they're really simple to do and the absolute best part is with its with nothing but things you have lying around your house this will be an ongoing series that I'll be doing I'll be showcasing like you know 10 to 12 survival hacks of things that you've might have seen before and hopefully quite a few others that you haven't but um that just about does it for now I really hope you guys throw a big thumbs up to this video if these the kind of tips tricks and DIY projects you guys want to check out and definitely share this video out so other people if you enjoyed this video can see it in your other social media networks and subscribe for more awesome videos gear reviews and all the things like that but that just about does it I hope you guys have an absolutely wonderful day I'm out you
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 294,787
Rating: 4.8665895 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Spyderco, Camping, Flashlights, Emergency Packs, Everyday Day Carry, EDC, Outdoors, SHTF, Prepping, Self Reliance, Wilderness, Zombie Apocalypse, Survival Hack, Life Hack, Crazy Russian hacker, Sensible Prepper, Panythose, Nail Polish, Waterproof Matches, Water Catchment Sysem, Best Life Hacks
Id: GcgrK4cQWvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2016
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