11 EASIEST Minecraft Traps That Everyone Should Know in Minecraft!

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hey sub we're back in the game we all know and love to check out some easy to make traps you know simple stuff things players at home should already be doing it's time for 11. easiest minecraft traps that everyone should know in minecraft the whole point of today is to show some of you more rocky players how to really get started started with trapping players in minecraft i want you to go over all of your basic redstone knowledge and make use of some easy to find blocks and items that can help so sub let's get into it number one the dark room sometimes disorientating players is as simple as turning out the light the problem is hiding a really dark space out in the open luckily minecraft is a game that allows us to dig underground and with plenty of dark and dingy caves to take inspiration from you can go crazy creating the most demonic dark room possible use black concrete to ensure that the walls are as dark as the night sky and don't add any torches whatsoever the room will be so confusing to be in that players may even rage quit for a while before you reveal the secret however the biggest secret comes from how you get them in there you see most players won't willingly walk into something like this instead you need to lure them into another handy trigger point for this one we'll use a button with an appetizing sign make sure to check out the link in the description to buy minecoins for minecraft bedrock edition from g2a number two the slow burner this one's a kicker as we all know fire is a destructive and disastrous entity that causes more harm than good we can use that to really strike some fear into players hearts steve's house is made completely out of wood for example any sign of a fire and he's sure to freak out so dig yourself a tunnel to his house and then plant a trail of wool block by block right back to where you came from then just grab a flint and tinder the best thing about this fire trail is that steve won't see it coming until it's right under his house smelling any smoke yet steve how well let's see if you're learning something from this video then make sure to give it a like it means a lot to the sweet minecrafters that play on sub server from steve to newbie to minecraft pro and of course we can't forget you sub we like you the most number three the water bucket pusher this one's easy hey see that afk minecraft pro with lots of armor see how you don't have any sup well never fear you can sacrifice three iron to craft a bucket right then grab water then just push pro off the edge nicely done number four dungeon crawler everyone loves finding a dungeon in the caves it's a huge treat and the first thing you do other than light up the spawner is to check those chests however what players won't be expecting is one of those chests to actually be booby-trapped using an item literally called trapped chests you can trigger some more redstone in an even more unexpecting way practically no different to an ordinary chest you'd be hard-pressed as an excited player to ever expect anything but as soon as they open it you could have anything happen like lava to send from the roof to burn them bye steve and hello to all you new subscribers in case you haven't heard the news we're on our way to hitting 2 million subscribers or at least that's what we're trying hard to do sub has been campaigning for more subs all year and hopefully with so many of you watching today we can make a dent in that big call we have so make sure to subscribe and enjoy the rest of the video number five the tnt bomb we've already used tnt but we made steve go to it now we're gonna make the tnt go to steve how well simple gravity of course wire up a huge set of tnt using the spiral blocks into the sky you could even just use a chain of redstone torches either way link it up to a trigger and steve won't know what's coming not from a head anyway maybe if he looks above though oh well too late i guess number six obsidian plating let's be honest no one likes mining obsidian black but if you have to go through the effort of mining enough of it you can wait for a player to go afk before completely encasing them in a room full of it hopefully they have a diamond pickaxe on them otherwise it's gonna be a long night sorry steve number seven the fake location another simple one some players on this server love coming to find you some most are looking for an autograph but some wanna prank and even fight you like this pro here the thing is he can only find you if he knows where you are so just direct him to a fake house or landmark that doesn't exist find the triple mountain range or go left until you see a giant tree house chances are this pro will be looking for a while well unless someone has built any of those things but i'm not too sure if we're gonna find them or them for however long it takes number eight doorbells and doorbells a cute feature that many minecraft builders add to their houses is a doorbell just a simple button that when played sounds a melodic tune letting you know that a guest has arrived sometimes players can abuse these doorbells however so let's get steve back you can wire up a doorbell to well anything but how about we keep the noteblocks and also add a whole bunch of other sound making objects and blocks now steve won't ever want to press the doorbell to make matters worse why not wire up some command blocks have a wither spawn in blow up everything okay maybe i'm getting a little bit of ahead of myself maybe you guys can let us know in the comments what you would attach to the other side of a doorbell number nine the epic lure and once again with players loving diamonds and epic loot so much why not entice them by promising a prize to the first person on the server to reach a certain point but before you even tell them this make sure to set up a trap there first like one we've discussed or even something like an anvil drop number 10 coordinate flipperoo hey what an easy prank it looks like steve is trying to find you he probably wants diamonds i know i know so instead of giving him your coordinates exactly maybe do a little switcheroo and flip the x and z coordinates this will cause steve to end up in a completely random place in the middle of nowhere and waste a whole chunk of time oopsy daisy steve i don't know what went wrong number 11 the casual killer [Music] and last but not least you can play it cool much like the popular game among us you can act like an imposter make your friends trust you earn their respect and just as they turn around be the one to kill them if they don't see then just apologize and say it was an accident a truly evil but totally easy way to finish the job awesome job sub 15 of the easiest minecraft traps that everyone should know in minecraft these ideas are of course all fairly simple but truth be told there are many far more complex traps and you'll need to learn them soon as your friends will eventually start getting suspicious and predicting your easier traps stay safe minecrafters and make sure to subscribe we'll see you next time sir bye bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Sub's World
Views: 765,273
Rating: 4.8402462 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, animation, funny, noob, pro, modern, house, fun, peminecraft, build, noob vs pro, ssundee, dantdm, WiederDude, DanOMG, GrianMC, Mumbo Jumbo, MagmaMusen, sub, 11 EASIEST Minecraft Traps That Everyone Should Know in Minecraft!, minecraft traps, minecraft easy traps
Id: KNovo7C_9Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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