#10MinuteTalk - The FN 5.7

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[Music] what's up everybody we have ten minutes here with mr. Ryan Malkin turn to discuss the cartridge called the FN 5.7 it sounds a lot like a Star Wars stormtrooper name but in this case it's actually a real-life cartridge that you can see and touch and feel and hold and use in your firearms and it seemed as though for a while they're really all we were ever gonna see this cartridge chambered in or firearms chambered in this cartridge were ones from FN themselves but now there's a few out there oh there are a few others okay yep so Ruger just announced their their 5-7 chambered pistol as well I know that they've hit dealer shelves my local shop back home had a few in stock the other day and very intriguing it is a super neat cartridge and it's a super neat handgun and a super neat carbine and there's a couple other long guns chambered in this okay better oh there are yeah that's right I'm hearing about something like yeah almost even bolt action yeah so if you go over to ptg cific tool engaged they make a bolt kit that you can drop into a Remington 700 yam and chamber five seven by 28 because it's very small case head it's a diminutive cartridge when you hold it in your hand it's not much bigger than like a 22 Hornet shaped a little different a very small teeth cute little cartridge so it requires a special bolt face and you can get a drop in bulk from the MTG and you can shoot five seven but then there's like a our conversion kits now and stuff yep there's a AR v 7 upper which uses the very interesting but we call it like a helix magazine that the five-seven PDW is like the p90 run um and then there's one from CMM G that uses the five-seven pistol magazines and feeds like through the mag well yeah but really cool cartridge yeah what's the what's the story on this thing I didn't come out as part of like it was to be armor piercing or something yeah yep so he was in the mid 80s me like 1986 or 88 fabrique nationale out of Belgium set out to develop a ground up package for a PDW a personal defense weapon so think very compact very high rate of fire very controllable very concealable think executive protection inside of vehicles you know we'll get into the Secret Service aspect of it and kind of like the v12 BMW 750i kind of cloak and dagger thing and and if you look at an FN p90 I think they're actually packaging those two together now oh yes W with the protection package it goes with the p90 yeah so if you look at an FN p90 and understand that this weapon system came out in the late 80s it looks like something that's gonna come out in the late 2080s yes so it's very very unique there's nothing like it out there there's a couple of like you know now fun little upgrade kits that you can get for your AR and for your 1022 that give it some of the similar stylings but it is a remarkable system extraordinarily compact and the firepower on board on these things is really cool the standard setup is like a ten point three inch barrel in this bullpup design and you guys did a podcast on bolt pumps with mr. Maxwell and it was mentioned it's like this big it's like a $5 footlong it's got 50 rounds onboard fed through a double-stack helix FET magazine that actually feeds the rounds sideways and then reorients them to go forward yeah at the very last minute yeah right as they're about to go into the chamber just whoop up some 90 degrees and they run like a sewing machine so I've had the opportunity to shoot quite a few of these full auto and they're cyclic rate is astronomical like it's it's like it's like one continuous stream of 40 green V maxes or 35 green V Max is spitting out of the thing at very high rate of fire and they eject out the bottom so it's it's a really cool really cool package they suppress very well they are designed for doing cool stuff yeah and so like you said executive work yeah correct and they are pretty wildly popular you know not as like a standard-issue military or police firearm they are issued to military units and police you know across the globe and including the US the Secret Service reportedly carries a lot of p9 in their Arsenal's for their compact miss there their extreme rate of fire and their capability to even deliver payload like at a couple hundred yards mm-hmm so if you know if you're shooting an mp5 something similar sized a nine-millimeter you're pretty limited I mean it's not that you couldn't hit a hundred and fifty yard target with it it's just not gonna be that fantastic yeah where's the five seven by twenty eight which fires a 22 caliber bullet just like we would shoot in a 223 year twenty two to fifty I'm just doing this out of this super small little compact sub gun and does so with a pretty respectable velocity out of a ten point three inch barrel when I was looking at I think it was looking at just the effing pistol and they were saying about 2,000 feet per second yep yeah and that's that's a credit to the fact that it can even feed or go through a pistol because it looks like a miniature rifle right instance most of the time you see pistol ammunition the bullets are round nosed but in this particular case they're like they're pointy nosed yeah it's so and what what grain bullet then you said 22 cow like generally like what type of weight are we talking like twenty one twenty three twenty nine thirty thirty-five okay and you can load heavier - I've actually loaded for the cartridge it's kind of a hard cartridge to load for I remember you telling yeah I learned that the brass is not can like conventional I heard that it was turned so that you took stock like brass stock and you turned it instead of the conventional way that brass is formed using a brass cup or a punch to make the shape of the case they start with a brass rod they they pile it in and then they turn the exterior dimensions so I was able to get like two loadings and then I'd get case neck splitting with that even with modest loads and it's but the ammunition is not very expensive and it's not like something you go out and shoot a whole ton of anyway so if you're looking to get into a five seven just go buy some some ammo for yeah it's pretty inexpensive they come in these super cute little boxes that look like tiny little treasure chests I just won because of that experience there's there's 50 of them stacked in there and it's a very very petite cartridge like I said so it's this cute little like three inch by two inch box below has dispenser yeah oh let's go shoot full auto yeah the heck now there's there's a story out there that I remember I was of course looking into people know me around here sometimes we were guns gem I was of course looking into getting at p90 and I don't know why I don't have one yet I think I don't know either part of the reason was the classic and I got to go back and listen or suppressor episode it was like I don't want to wait around to have it because I would have to get it an SBR yeah the the 16-inch barrel is just I just can't I couldn't live with it so and then I was like well I don't want to wait around for the tag stamp you know and but by now I could have had probably for SBR p90s yeah the time I started looking anyway I just got to do it but I remember that people were saying the commercial-grade ammunition that you can buy is different from yes stuff that the guys and you know yep the high speed executive protection guys are using they're using a special oh it or is a special low special bullet the the spirit of the cartridge was to defeat soft armor and some hard armor and still work on the soft stuff behind the armor sure if that's a good way to put it so that the Spirit is armor-piercing for those loads let's not get confused and if there's folks listening you don't go down to the store you don't go buy a PMO because it doesn't really work that way for this one most of the loadings that you get are like the 29 green LED free which is gonna be its I wouldn't really classify it as a frangible load but it's gonna act very much like a Barnes varmint grenade or that kind of thing it's you know fairly fragile bullet design for mmm-hmm you know deconstruction on impact or the v-max loadings I don't from FN yeah so the other loadings are designed to get through armor it's so crazy they would go with such a small little bullet yeah usually when I think of armor you know it's big and tough sturdy so you'd want to punch it you know but this is like a little pinprick almost just to just go right through and right I mean but and when I think about it as well this isn't even you talk about how tiny it is this isn't even the smallest cartridge out there this is another product as I'm sure that we got to get into we got to just talk about sub guns sometime you know itself but there's also the HK that shoots a four point something four point six yep the mp7 that's a cool gun same concept though we wanted something very portable very compact high rate of fire and can defeat an armored target if need be whether that's a vehicle door or whether that's you know a vaster ally or whatever no well that sounds like it's pretty easy to control there as well so when you're talking well a just I don't know I shoot better when I can control the firearm there's not a lot of recoil but then if you're talking about full auto stuff mm-hmm I would think that would be a benefit there as well yeah you just press the go switch on the p9 he's pretty cool the way their trigger works you the harder you pull it the faster it goes so you can all you can single-shot it by kind of feathering it then if you mash it it goes full ATO nice yeah what's the point then of say somebody getting one with the commercially available ammunition that is more frangible is it more just as a really cool target gun I mean like is it any kind of a self-defense I think so I think if I think that the v-max excuse me the v-max loading available right now from FN is an extraordinarily viable self-defense cartridge small game cartridge varmint cartridge late friend of mine used to use it for coyote hunting oh yeah he thought it was fantastic cuz it was so small so portable you could throw the backpack and go out and it works I know people that have taken p90 he's you that's cool yep I know people have wanted deer with him there's always those people out there yeah there's always the old light right you can kill anything with a 22 well and you know out of the 16-inch carbine the ps90 I should say it generates a pretty decent numbers I mean it's I've heard a lot of people say oh it's a 22 in Winchester Magnum on paper and no that's not really true I'm completely different bullet completely different bullet construction characteristics and of course velocity yeah you know it's it's not a 223 it was never designed to be but it is a pretty impressive little round so yes if you were looking for a bedside gun or a house gun or a vehicle gun or a backpack it would be great I think it'd be fantastic I love one I don't know why I don't own one wait we all need one yeah I mean that certainly it's gonna be from the sounds of it a lighter weight pistol higher capacity easier to control yep like I mean I'm not saying it's gonna replace the nine cuz it's not no sir but like you said Wesley sounds like a viable option I guess for me it might speak to the pistol hero quick cuz I think we were talking about a mixture of like we're talking we're going back for it's putting the p90 like a sub gun and then also the pistol cuz when you go with the pistol obviously you're getting a shorter barrel all that stuff it was the point of coming out with the pistol I know we're over ten minutes to it is what it is folks because I think this card is really interesting what was the point of the pistol like hey I can use the same ammunition as a little sub gun or is there actually like a reason why that might even be better than a nine of course there'll always be everybody's I've got their preferences yep whatever but so same I guess speaking to the law enforcement military standpoint of the same principles apply with the pistols loaded with the special ammo oh okay yeah okay and then when we look at the gun and I'm gonna speak specifically to the FN five-seven and not the Ruger only because I haven't used handled or fired the Ruger the five-seven pistol is light years ahead of its time again this is this is a gun that is relatively old considering what it is and so when you like look at its introduction date and it's used you're like wow that thing has been around longer than some handgun companies have been around Wow and and it's done very well it's almost all polymer the frame is polymer the exterior of the slide components of it are polymer of course there's metal work inside so it's not like it passes through metal detectors or need that ghosty stuff it's it's not like that it's extremely lightweight it has very very intuitive controls they made such a nice package on this it's very interesting when you hold the pistol in your hand you can toggle the safety switch with your trigger finger like you would a rifle at almost like that oh the controls feel more like a rifle though they do a pistol so it's got a safety switch forward of the trigger interest yeah and so of course equipped with all the accoutrements got an accessory rail for a light they suppress very easily they come with Paul sites that can see over a suppressor and they hold twenty rounds in the magazine twenty rounds yeah and how big is the pistol in relation to like 19 not much well it'd be closer to the size of a 17 like a full-frame gun it's it's like a full-size service pistol yes yep and the frame is not remarkably longer or wider than a Glock so if you have small hands it's not like you it's not like holding a Desert Eagle that's a very large pistol you you can tell that it's a little bit bigger than a Glock but it's not huge it's very controllable it's very shootable the recoil on them is negligible it has right far less felt recoil than a clock in nine-millimeter like even with my powder puff three gun loads that I shoot out of my nines the five-seven is far more controllable so what about competition with this pistol I think the cost of ammo and okay yeah the parachuter 9 of course the 9 is gonna be more economical to shoot usually the ammo that I found for it for like 50 rounds of the inexpensive stuff is generally around 20 22 bucks okay so it's not it's not super expensive but 9 is around 10 bucks right you're not gonna yeah aren't through it maybe you not want I mean depends on I guess your budget but right but really cool pistol great companion gun of course to the carbine and then if you've got an AR and you want you don't want to buy a p90 but you want an upper you can get an upper for it or you can buy a complete gun from yea you know seem mg or whoever so quick quick question for a before we're done with this one the sideways magazine that rotates the ammo 90 degrees before it goes into the chamber and all that you said when we were talking about this right before we started you were like you never know why you don't know why FN never made one in nine mil yeah the p90 in nine mil and I was like well the bullets have to do the weird thing didn't they make the bullets just so that they could do the weird spinny thing but actually you bought you could maybe but I think you could so the five-seven would have almost no body taper and so when you look at the magazine when it's loaded the cartridges are oriented like perfectly perpendicular excuse me hey some beef jerky before this yeah perfectly perpendicular to each other in the magazine and a double stack so as they come through the magazine with the fetus in that parallel I'm sorry yeah parallel excuse me GM no that is completely a fact parallel to each other they lay very flat on top of each other and as the follower is pushing them through they're not like young or canting and when they get to the like the helical portion of the magazine what we would call I guess the feed lip or the feed feature on the magazine because it's very unconventional when you load them as you're pushing the the cartridge into the magazine it does like a 360 in there as it's going to see goofy ax sting maybe a tapered case like a nine-millimeter would would possibly have an issue with that I'd have to like put them in there and see what would happen but yeah who knows maybe if they're listening like hey come on with a p90 in nine-millimeter because that would be cool cuz everybody likes 9-millimeter just call it the P 99 I like that well Walter had a pistol call the P 99 never mind then don't call it that FN yeah how far does that horizontal Meg stick out then so it doesn't stick out and that's that doesn't know there's a room you see none no I have you seen what's that movie White House down or whatever I don't you ever just I don't actually think they have one in that what have you just seen p90 I don't mark I I'd know it if I saw it I'm gonna describe the features to you real quick not just like an infinity symbol with a rectangle on the end yep so on top of the arm is where the magazine is placed not underneath so consider it's a bullpup you can ignore it right I'm am jim it's a bolt it's a bullpup design so the all the reciprocating components are behind the fire control right ejection goes out the bottom right so it actually feeds from the top down and then it checks out the bottom the magazine is a long rectangle with this round feature on the end where that this this helical feeding occurs it goes on top of the gun forward of the shooter's face and then rides this way this is this is a novelty in the feed direction so we're not trying to feed up like a conventional magazine like write a K or they are or even a bolt-action rifle we're feeding horizontal reorienting the cartridge chambering fine now I can hear it as that MMC right yeah I'll see that yeah so this this is the loaded magazine here and so they feed this nice in yeah you you put it in forward and then just pop it down in the back what that thing is really went through King awesome you want the coolest gun ever I agree I I wholeheartedly so far attendants whatever when you look at it you think there is no way that that would be comfortable to hold but then you hold one and you're like oh my gosh I would I would surmise that's the ladies and gentlemen at FN when they design this took input from about any kind of ergonomic thing you could imagine yeah because you you're exactly right when you hold it it becomes an extension of your hand nothing conventional about it I was gonna say this thing is completely unconventional when you hold the grip which is here instead of your hand being oriented like such when we're holding a pistol or an ar-15 even the pistol grip on a shotgun or a rifle sure your hand is almost almost laying direction we we orient our knuckles downward when we grab it and then up here we wrap our thumb through this this way we don't end up removing fingers inadvertently hmm we wrap our thumb through here and it's just a very comfortable very compact little package I mean it's like a built-in hand stop it's more ergonomic and it's like a thumb hole it's like a style for grip and stop finger safety so cool yep all right I like everything about it I do too I gotta go get one an SP alright okay that's that's how we're gonna end this thing FN five-seven everybody sweet characters thanks everybody for listening as always keep suggesting cartridges you want to hear about this one was a suggestion from a listener in our direct messages at vortex nation podcast on Instagram they saw that Neuberger pistol and wonder here has chat about the old 5 7 with mr. monk and urn so we'll catch you guys next time thanks again to you by bite [Music] you
Channel: Vortex Nation Podcast
Views: 4,040
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Keywords: Vortex Optics, Vortex, Vortex Nation, Vortex Nation Podcast, Podcast, Optics
Id: dlGndajuRy4
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Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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