#10MinuteTalk - The .338 Win Mag (You Asked For it!)

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[Music] what's up everybody we have 10 ish minutes here with mr ryan muckenhearn of course to talk about a cartridge now just how we got to deciding which cartridge we talked today is actually thanks to you guys those of you who follow us on instagram mark explain what happened we did a poll jim we we did a a versus where the audience got to decide what cartridge they wanted to hear about it was the six arc a very popularly requested cartridges yes versus the 338 win meg also very popular we pitted them against each other you guys chose the 338 win meg that's right 57 percent of you chose 7 ryan did you vote i did okay and i believe i voted for 338 win meg very exciting yeah jim you're not supposed to ask people who they voted for well it's kind of like a cultural thing yeah well he's got a 338 win-make bumper sticker on his car so it's really obvious um 338 win meg is real sign in his yard too so um anyway ryan tell us about what this cartridge is and why it's uh why you voted for it i love this cartridge uh and i was telling jim before the podcast one i don't own i never have interestingly enough i was trying to find usually in very short order around here be like because sometimes we do these things in short order jim i don't know if you know that uh you say oh we need a six ark or we needed this or we needed that and just go i'm gonna go talk to so-and-so and like like someone has it at their desk someone in tech support has it we didn't have one here but like you said ryan it's a pretty i mean it's a popular long-standing effective cartridge and yet how come nobody has one it's a lot of gun is it i should say nobody here a lot of people have it yeah i mean i i'm unaware of anybody here who owns a 338 win mag my dad had one growing up and maybe there's an answer for this maybe it's related to what we've like perceive as a good cartridge versus what actually is perception versus reality okay okay so 338 it's every time i hear the term 338 i expect somebody to be saying lapua on the end of it yeah and somebody a couple people dissed us on our pronunciation of you know it's it's lap or it's or lap and wah or something but anyway uh i always expect to hear that at the end of it but there's other 338s it's like a common diameter yeah but what makes this one so special uh it's very early 338. um it's probably the first commercial 338 there were some other 33s that had predated it and and ultimately led to its um conception and development as a budding young beautiful cartridge uh but it's like the first it's the og 1958 winchester in a rifle called the model 70 which a lot of folks know about specifically the alaskan introduced this cartridge along with the 300 win mag and the 264 win mag and the 458 win mag all based off of the same case which found its roots with the 375 and 300 h we were talking about that on a previous podcast about what like what cartridge is the parent of all cartridges um with respect to like modern bottleneck cartridges and in the convention states like the ot6 in reality it's probably the 375 or 300 h how about that it's pretty neat that is very neat yeah belted magnum why why do you but like other than just specs and stuff like why do you like it so much why is it oh you're saying it's like it's you know it breaks conventional thought and wisdom and whatever modern day shooters i see like a a a big propensity towards the 6'5 and the 7. even the 30 seems to be getting a little dated although we've had some cartridges come on the scene here in the past couple of years like the 300 prc and 30 nosler and 300 rum that are really injecting a lot of fuel back into 30 but a lot of shooters are finding that these you know slightly smaller bullet diameters offer them something that that maybe they didn't think they could get in a big one and it is a big cartridge it's got a lot of recoil i mean it's a 225 grain bullet at like 2 800 feet per second out of the box um so it's a lot of guns a lot to hold on to they do have kind of a ferocious recoil to them i'd rather shoot a 375 h and a 338 win meg um but the 338 win meg probably going to give you a little bit more versatility so on the on the down size of the bullet spectrum you could on whitetails and pronghorn and mule deer on the high side you could hunt anything in north america and you know arguably anything on the african continent if your country allows 33 caliber as a you know sufficient diameter for hunting big things which most countries don't but um it's its numbers its energy numbers and velocity numbers probably should get it into that camp going off going off my notes here jim which you'll see i brought my laptop today for my notes yeah you did is that a new laptop it is yeah the other one broke so but uh damn shame and actually uh you know the printer actually wasn't working as well otherwise i would have printed this but so i haven't made any i haven't made any big life changes here but it's uh saying like when it was offered pushing a 200 green pill at 3 000 feet per second oh sure that's a big bullet going fast out of a very you know you're talking 1958 there's a hell of a lot of performance there jim and ryan or jay or jay i was gonna say i was gonna say jay then i kind of reeled it back in anybody like a tuner anybody who's watched the boston sunfish guy knows what we're talking about but uh you know and then yeah like so and then it was it was like a lengthened shortened blown out 375 h case is that what's going on there what length and shortened i mean a shortened short shortened see if i had these printed i could have highlighted it jim and the words would have come out correctly this is a shortened 375 h yeah correct with new body taper yeah yep sharp shoulder so you love this thing i do it's a phenomenal cartridge but you don't have one i don't because it's a lot of gun okay that's not a good excuse you have a super lightweight 308 that you know moves you around a little bit you've shot mark's 300 wisdom which by the way mark shoots way better than i shoot i just every time it would probably be the one gun that that happens there's other guns i know for a fact you've shot that buck pretty heavy yeah and i've shot 338 win bags i just don't hunt anything that warrants the ownership of such an arm if i was a die hard elk hunter or if i was an alaska resident or if i lived in bc and could hunt stone sheep every single year i would have a 338 win mag talk to us ryan about too much medicine too much well because a guy like mark over here it would argue he can't ever have too much medicine so backing up a little bit this is not a 300 or 338 win mag discussion it's a 300 weatherby discussion when i started hunting western states i thought i needed this giant cartridge for shooting pronghorn antelope and mule deer so i had a 300 weather be built and a lot more confidence in youth at that time in my life and the first shot i immediately realized i made a mistake like that's a lot of gun and the 338 win mag is you know as much gun probably a little more um so i i rode the recoil struggle bus for many years and then started getting away from that kind of thing because i wasn't hunting you know grizzly bears and moose and elk and things that i needed to push bullets through three feet of uh if need be and so i've gotten away from that but if i did that more i'd have a 338 win meg yeah i think so i think you hit the nail on the head when i was growing up ryan uh i i started to say this earlier my dad got i remember going to the store with him when he got that 338 and uh but that's at the time i was like oh man you're gonna hunt elk you better get yourself a 338. yeah and that was kind of like at least to me growing up like that was the big medicine yeah to put bull elk down yeah it's like the 502 motor you don't hear a lot about it but you're like what do you have in there 502. oh hello concealed into that thing allowed within a hundred yards of the skull that's right correct big medicine big yep what uh which one of these we have the nosler bible of munitions on our table in front of us um what which bullet would you choose in here they got a number of them you know if you are going let's say like moose bear something like that between the 225 and the 250 weight class somewhere in that ballpark okay you can go lighter they make down to 160 grain projectiles not necessarily nozzles but other bullet manufacturers go down to a 160 grain projectile but we're losing quite a bit of ballistic coefficient there we're losing quite a bit of weight we're getting a very fast flat trajectory at that point in time if you if you had one rifle it was a 330 windmag and you said i'm gonna hunt pronghorn you know something like a lightweight actually maybe they even do it they have a 180. got to turn back to a lesser 338. yeah 180 accubon's the lightest nozzler does well that thing cooks pretty good though yeah oh absolutely scorching um and that that would be a fine choice i think if you're and i think it would kill an elk there's no question about this yeah um but to kind of match what the cartridge is capable of from like a velocity and energy standpoint with most of these loadings at that 225 to 250 4 000 foot-pounds of energy is on the table um from the muzzle yeah it's a it's a stomper so i'd i'd pair with something like that personally right on yeah would you load it yourself or are you buying factory i'd probably load it myself yeah yeah i like loading if the factory option shot really well and the nozzler custom stuff generally always shoots well you know save myself some time and energy but i like loading i like seeing what the cartridge can do you can really actually turn it up quite a bit from the box posted stuff yeah it's very capable despite its age very capable cartridge what do you uh what do you reckon it's like in comparison to when we come out with a 338 [ __ ] cat so the bc which is still let's finish the 6'5 first yeah i know there's been a bit of a shortage in components and things yes yes we are still uh conceptually the 338bc is probably going to lick the winmag by a margin not huge but it'll probably beat it for a few reasons um but they'll be very close similar application long-range big game yeah yeah okay what do you uh what do you reckon long-range i mean capability i like it's always such a weird question to ask somebody if you actually really like dig into it you know and somebody's like how far can you shoot that thing it's like i don't i mean pretty far yeah i mean and with some level of accuracy and something that is it's a thousand yard cartridge is it you know you put it in the right gun and the right setup and right low oh yeah 1500 yen whatever so i mean there's nothing stating it's not a thousand yard cartridges nothing stating it's not a one mile cartridge right yeah and possibly beyond i wonder if they have load data for their 300 grain custom competition bullet which is a very high bc projectile that we usually see in things like the 330 lapua or lepwa um yeah probably wouldn't be ideal in there we're eating into a lot of the case capacity we're getting just below 2400 feet per second on the top end where in comparison something like the 33 nozzler which is a little bit more efficient case design is putting that same projectile out at drumroll upper 24's low 25s so you know hunting i'm going to still draw my line in the sand at 600 yards and say like that's the farthest i'll ever shoot something right because of you yeah i mean realistically with the right projectile you could exceed that distance and still have an ethical unethical combination especially when paired with a really good bullet like a partition like an accubond something like that it's it's a hell of a cartridge so we need to find ourselves in a situation where we need a 338 win mag yes it was so popular popularly requested people i think people are interested in it do you think it's a regional thing like when we talked about the 35 welland whalen yep uh there's a ton of people i i believe this guy you didn't you mentioned like south south south southeast they were like oh yeah and michigan and then vermont okay yeah noted yep is this one does this have any regionality oh yeah i absolutely bet pacific northwest and alaska and again thinking about the cartridge the winchester model 70 alaskan like that was the cartridge right that was chambered for like this to to me like if i was if i wasn't a multi-rifle person and i was going to alaska and i was like i have to have a cartridge and i it would be on something i i could bet on finding ammo had i left mine at home or it was confiscated at the airport and something if i was doing a like a caribou hunt it happened upon a grizzly the cartridge i would want would be a 338 would make yeah well we talk about oftentimes like okay sometimes you're in bare country but you're not hunting bears but you want to have enough gas to handle a situation should it arise that's a great cartridge for you know you know whether you're hunting a smaller big game like sitka blacktails or caribou or something like that that maybe wouldn't require that but you still have like a good long range or immediate range performance but enough enough to take care of other things should that need come be a great choice my buddy matt's dad hunts black bears every year with the 338 win mag because it puts them down i i bet it does yep it's starting to make me think this could be a great home defense cartridge too not wrong one one cartridge to do it all the 338 that's what we'll title this one definitely some uh a contrast between this and the six the other popularly requested yeah when thinking about smaller more thin skinned big game like antelope i was thinking that would be a cute little cartridge for something like that though ryan that that's exactly what we didn't talk about i kind of want we will probably get to it in its own 10-minute talk we'll have to just didn't get first do we just if we do more of these uh cartridge battles right do we just do we just talk about the six arc or do we actually just keep pitting it against our other cartridge to see when it finally wins i like that like a consolation losers bracket yeah something like until it wins yeah yeah maybe we'll try that all right all right well who knows if you want to hear about the six arc make sure to follow us on instagram because if you were requesting it you weren't following us on instagram you didn't get to vote and then that's why your cartridge didn't get picked and your vote counts yes that's right does count does count there's none of that overnight last minute random that would never happen paper ballots who knows what showed up in a cooler [Laughter] [Music] surprise yeah we don't have that around here um okay before we go to we did have that around here that one time channel actually yeah we are uh we're just outside of the state of dane uh county um okay this this is gonna go down a bad rabbit hole anyway um thanks everybody for listening if you have any questions about the 338 windmag mostly for ryan let's be honest hit us up in the comments below if you're watching on youtube or on instagram which again you should follow us over there and look for more of these thanks guys thanks everybody see you bye bye that's a good cartridge 3 30 yeah didn't you at one point weren't you caught saying it's not your favorite but it's like one of your favorites yeah probably i've always had an endearment towards it that in the 340 weatherby it's one i really can't pick between it's too hard i'm leaning 338 win mag because the prolificness of ammunition but 340 weather be due to just raw performance this cartridge just got more stones in the old 338 lapua what's the pairing this is the parent case of this 340. so 238 win bag is a 375 h or 300 length and shortened we covered that yeah both two and a half inches cropped 303 340 weatherby um 375 weatherby which is an obscure cartridge that nobody talks about um that is a full-length 375 case no cutting no cropping no cropping just full power just a little necking yep 2.825 that's 0.325 inches difference makes a big difference more capacity yes add more power 300 grain match projectile out of this one in the low 27s now is that the same is same projectile yeah so they were like oh we don't want to have 338 when we call it 340. yep see i hate it when they do that that's it's all these different numbers you got something projectile they've got a 378 weatherby which is completely not a 378 to 375. they also have a 375 weatherby which is different so they just always would add two or three or something a couple toss it in there that is three on the on the three 78 they added two on the 340. so they were that kid when you're like evil roy i'm good at basketball times infinity and then somebody said i'm good at basketball times infinity plus one that was weatherby pretty much no thanks abl 265 out of the 340 weather be 2900 feet per second contrast 338 win mag 265 at 2750 i don't mind some recoil but that one sounds delicious pleasant hellacious like just detach your retina it's got a lot of thrust it's a doozy with a 338 it's got bow snappy yeah it's just very thrusty it's a good word i'll use where's the 375 h i kind of wish you'd quit using that thrusty i like it you're rocking it [Laughter] 375 is like a nice push 338 is a swift 375 is so surprisingly gentle yeah she's like uh yeah you kind of really rocked me back well it's an old cartridge you know it's it's just kind of like it's kind of like yeah you want to do this again all right fine it's like old man strength i was in the showroom with a customer last week we were looking at tripods somebody twisted the the lock knob on the center column lock on one of the tripods i could not break it loose like i was like good it hurt my thumb and he goes here he goes let me help you and you stink he goes milking hands 73 years old i was like well see there you have it and he's like oh you're fine i'm sure you loosened it ryan yeah i'm sure i didn't but he just he just like this like turning the key on a 97 silverado just right over it makes you feel bad for those cows i know that's his milk in hand to be fair he was like this big his hands were like this big oh okay yeah but the bones were regular sized it's just a just muscle yeah meat it's like my father my father's got hands that are i really don't know how to describe him like the hamburger helper gloves yeah just that's his hands my grandfather was a mechanic and he had mechanic i mean it's just his and his yeah his grip which is which he loved when you shook his hand to show you yeah these creamy lotiony desk keyboard hands oh i am just as reuben says my ichabod crane fingers um yeah thank you for your time today ryan yes thank you thank you very much for for hopefully hopefully we gave it its due i wonder if tikka still makes the t3x in 338 one man because that was the closest i ever came to buying one it was a tikka you should get the snot kicked out of you and then enjoy that buttery yup yup i was going to do a tikka build where i pulled off the factory barrel and put a proof barrel on it then i did a weight analysis first and actually the super lights which you have over there beat the proof barrels out handily for weight you mean oh yeah yeah and if i drop it into an ag composite stock i can turn that gun into a five and a half pound three hundred win bag signed sealed delivered doing it damn it i like it i like a lot of what you just said i'm gonna do a wisdom though as you should i have a 300 wood mag i hate you i have a 300 win bag it shoots very good that's just long and unwieldy so the same length in both 300 which is you got mad at him for saying thrusting now you're over here with unwieldy it's completely different is it wheeled lee or wheel d i always thought it was wheelie i feel too now i feel like an idiot no you're probably right no no we'll do internet [Music] you
Channel: Vortex Nation
Views: 66,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vortex Optics, Vortex, Vortex Nation, Vortex Nation Podcast, Podcast, Optics
Id: VgDwaFLpBsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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