10GbE and 2.5GbE Switch for $65 - HOW??? What Is The Catch?

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do you know what one of the things I love about being in 2024 is that if I want my network to have a huge amount of bandwidth then indeed I want my network switch to give me a huge amount of bandwidth I don't need to buy something like this anymore this big chunky noisy nit gear switch that costs about a grand I can go ahead if I wish and get one of these this is the Seda six Port network switch with four 2.5 GB e ports and two 10 GB e ports and this thing knocking around for just 65 nicker is absolutely mindblowing and in today's video we're going to review it we're going to figure out if this is too good to be true if this can actually do half the things it says it can do and ultimately even if it can't which frankly in a couple of things it can't do is that still okay to compromise on on 65 nicker I hate SE girls let's crack on with the [Music] review that is right this time tiny little box measuring 9 cm by 14 cm by Less Than 3 cm has got the potential for an internal switching capacity of up to 60 gbits per second apparently the 65 quid price tag on this what do you get for that money where you get the switch itself you get an external PSU you get yourself a box and you get yourself some terrible instructions that is your lot so again for 65 nickel we're not going to be too hard on the presentation for something like this this but I will say the build quality is surprisingly nice there with no fans inside this system was completely silent during our initial testing of this device also as mentioned we've got those four 2.5 GB ethernet port again they do support Auto negotiation we did connect both 1GB and 2.5gb devices to this during our testing and the LED lights did respond accordingly with the green and ERS there also with the SFP ports there this isn't a combo situation this isn't a a case where you can only utilize one or the other you can go ahead if you choose and use a couple of SFP fiber based connectors there for those aren't aware when it comes to fiber you have to go for your big long pre-existing fiber with different transceivers on the end or you can go ahead and get what's known as DAC cables like this one that have got the transceivers already connected and pop them inside it doesn't stop there of course because there are going to be those of you watching this that are going well you know 65 nicker sounds good but I don't use Fiber I use copper like a normal person and I get you you probably run an RJ45 setup and your 10gb connections are 10g base T and for that I'm pleased to say that you can still these days get hold of 10gb copper to fiber adapters knocking around and again Seda themselves have them but you don't have to buy their you can pick these up these days for about 25 to 30 nicker and these allow you to install inside a fiber connected device and have yourself an RJ45 copper output there meaning that if you wish you can go ahead slot this inside and boom you've now got yourself a copper base switch and you can go ahead with a couple of those although sidola do highlight if you use two of these something I did later in the videos things get hot now in terms of power consumption I will say on this device power consumption on it there is a matter for debate there when I only had a single 2.5 gpe Network connected Nas inside this device power consumption went down as low as 1.7 to 1.9 watts in active use but I will say that when I fully populate this device more on that later on with a combination of 2.5 and 1 GB ethernet connected Nas devices and connecting a 10gb NZ and connecting a 10gbe Sonic solo Thunderbolt adapter full population full saturation I will say the power consumption did go up but it didn't go nuts it only went to about 10.1 to 10.2 wats which in terms of a switch is high but in terms of two 10gbe ports and 4 2.5 gig that's actually pretty darn respectable and again all the while with this metal enclosure having no fan meaning pure silence taking advantage of passive ventilation all the way around much like sedo said when I did have the transceiver inside things got hot so much so that once I powered this down I couldn't even touch this for a good few minutes let alone trying to get the thing out so on top of that you've also got the little screws at the base there for wall mounting this apparently they're not great when you look at the Amazon reviews people have complained about the angle of these um I don't think it's terrible but I do think you know those that need this W deploy if they found an issue with it and they've taken the time to review it online I didn't do it but I'm willing to bet that it is something of a bummer um apart from that you've got that DC jack there on the rear you could run this incredibly efficient efficiently you could probably pop this and use a USB adapter on this as well very very easily something I'd probably recommend there and overall I got to say the build quality does leave me impressed now you mentioned that large amount of switching capacity there in the back end cuz remember just because this has got those ports there's actually going to be more too the overall bandwidth potential than just the 4 * 2.5g or 10g um if you lagged them Mor on that a bit or if you went ahead with those two TS and tried to do something with that that still combined to 30 gbits but you've still got to manage internally whether it is you're going to be utilizing vlans whether it is you're going to be utilizing mirroring or lagging them together on that subject of lagging I'm pleased to say that you can combine individual 2.5g ports there so you can give yourself 5G there and given up the majority of pro human n solution from um qap terramaster AC store not anology um arrived with 2.5 GB on multiple ports these days it's a small investment to get yourself a 5G connected network switch now I had the devices mentioned earlier on connected to multiple systems I had the device connected to uh one Nas VI link agregation and two other nazes individually on 2.5g and 1G respectively and I also had uh a sonology there the DS 923 plus connected with a 10gb adapter directly into this and I had the final Port there connected to a 10g Windows PC and obviously when I'm trying to measure the switch capacity in that setup I can't exceed 10g cuz the only device I'm going into is that 10g Port so everything I was doing pushing as much performance uh via 10gp thanks to Aja on the system via the network I couldn't exceed 10g easily but that said with Aja testing over SMB uh mapped drives across all of those different Nas systems it did still hold up very very well and of course with the nasda I was utilizing on 10g being hard drive based it was never going to be able to fully saturate the 10g connection anyway overall when I had this running non-stop for half an hour I saw no problems I saw no shortfall yes the temperatures went up part of that to do with me utilizing two of these adapters on the rear but the temps were high but it did still hold up I didn't see any issues there but I'm not going to lie to you the software with this is pretty bland if I had to say where the saving is on this I'm going to say it to that software the UI or the ux or whatever you want to call the software the user experience from the design via the browser it looks dated as all held there was no company logos presumably because you end up with a hardware like this was rebranding from different companies anyway it was literally just the word switch in the corner no real logos there there was model IDs and stuff like that but that was your lot you had things like quality of service and Port priority queuing you had loot detection you had VLAN creation there you could adapt the jumbo frames up to 16k on top of that you had Port mirroring you had a spanning protocol you had bandwidth control there and of course link aggregation as mentioned earlier on but my God it was basic even on the Amazon Pages themselves when you look at the marketing materials that Sido have put out on this device they have made no bones even they describe it as basic for 65 nicker at least it's a managed switch when you would think the majority of established you know globally known network switch Brands if they were rocking out 4 2.5 gig ports and two 10g ports at this price tag you better believe it would have been unmanaged so I'm kind of surprised that this brand have managed to make this and still give you at least a modicum of that managed software I'm not going to say it's great because it damn well isn't there but I will say for the price tag it is Leaps and Bounds ahead of what I expected it to arrive with it's incredibly hard to critique something like this on the subject of value and on the subject of build quality I actually think it's pretty darn good I can't really speak speak for the warranty and the support I will say if I was going to buy personally a 65 quid switch of this caliber on your Amazon your AliExpress or your whatever and something went wrong after 6 months I don't really think I'm going to get much in the way of a warranty on something like this and I don't think you should I don't think it's right that you know a lot of Chinese Brands can turn around and go no no you're all right not all of them just some of them but I will say looking at the reviews I'm not going to be wholly confident that if this thing died on its ass in 6 to8 months that I think I would get a warranty replacement but then at 65 nicker with those margins of error and those margins of profit being as skinny as they are you know we've got to be realistic as well ultimately do I like it yes am I going to keep using it I think I will I think I am going to deploy this very switch here in the studio in our test area because I think it did did a very good job of managing some quite heavy loads in its time there but apart from that I'm not going to call this a high in quality and is it going to be a suitable alternative to a bus business that was looking at a net gear Chen gig switch like the one I threw over my shoulder absolutely not then this is for the hobbyist the home labber and for those of you that understand that 65 nicker isn't just a price tag to be appealing it's a price tag out of necessity thank you so much for watching I hope you've enjoyed this there's a link in the description to this uh we got a follow up on this very switch and another one coming very very soon from a different brand so do stay tuned for that but apart from that thank you so much for watching hopefully there's a written review link below too and if you need any more systems the comment section the free advice section the Discord The Forum or head over to Kofi and patreon for a consultation with us but apart from that thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: NASCompares
Views: 29,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xV5EEQP674I
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Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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